Seven World Martial God Chapter 1621: Ambush

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“Ah…our army of wild beasts will level the universe sooner or later.”

In a scream, Mattie was finally beheaded by Ye Tian, ​​and the fiery knife of hope slashed through its body, destroying its only remaining supreme source.

In the void, Ye Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally killed this wild beast supreme.

Fortunately, there is the help of the ghost body in space, otherwise it would be difficult to kill Mattico even if his strength is enhanced and he understands the laws of time and space.

Furthermore, even so, it took Ye Tian several epochs to exhaust Mattico’s supreme source.

In addition to the dozen or so epochs that were spent before, Ye Tian calculated it, and it took him 20 epochs to kill this desolate beast supreme.

This looks very shocking, twenty epochs, how long should it be?

A battle lasted for more than twenty epochs, which is simply unimaginable.

However, this is the case in the supreme world.

Otherwise, Wang Feng and the seven pinnacles of the seven gods would not fight for so many years.

In the supreme state, it is difficult for each other to kill each other, unless they have too much strength.


“Really dead!”

“Ye Tian actually killed that Desolate Beast Supreme!”


At the moment when the wild beast supreme dies, the powerhouses of the entire universe know. After all, the fall of the supreme has created a vast and unparalleled vision of the universe. It is raining blood everywhere in the universe, and countless auras of heaven and earth are in the universe. Swept away.

The powerhouses of the Heavenly Demon God’s Domain, looking at the Golden Light Avenue running across the sky, were all scared to lie on the ground, one by one, as if they were facing enemies, they were very nervous.

Even such a powerful Desolate Beast Supreme was slaughtered by Ye Tian. Who else can stop Ye Tian’s dominance in this universe?

No more!

The two supreme beings, the colorful dragon and the female respect, have already hid.

Now, there is no need for Ye Tian to take action, and the powerhouses of the council can sweep the entire universe.

Slightly glanced at the Heavenly Demon God Realm, Ye Tian ignored them, but divided into two ways, the deity went to the spacecraft, and the space ghost body went to the Supreme Cemetery.

Although the Desolate Beast Supreme is dead, Ye Tian is still not ready to let the people from the council come out, after all, the greater crisis is still behind.

It’s just that Ye Tian’s strength is now greatly increased, and he has some confidence in the coming crisis of the soul world.

“Holy Lord, Master, I am going to lie in ambush outside the entrance of the soul world. Now my strength is soaring. Maybe with good luck, I can attack them severely.”

After Ye Tian came back, he said to the Supreme Lord and Lord Ouyang.

Now he is not only the space ghost body that has the power of the supreme late stage, but the deity has also increased its combat power, and it is estimated that it is almost approaching the peak of the supreme.

At least, as long as he is not a strong person who encounters the Supreme Peak, Ye Tian is now sure to fight it.

The Supreme Lord heard the words and said in deep thought: “According to the words of the remnant spirits of the spacecraft, even if the Demon Emperor and the God Emperor come out, they can only wield the fighting power of the Supreme Late. Moreover, they should have come out long ago. If they haven’t come out so far, it means that they already know that you have the power of the supreme late stage, and feel that they are not sure to deal with you, so they will not move for the time being.”

“More importantly!”

Sacred Lord Ouyang also took over and said: “If the **** emperor and the demon emperor can wield the power of the supreme peak, then they will have come out to unify the entire universe, so their strength is at most the supreme late stage, you now go to ambush the sneak attack , The success rate is very high.”

“But don’t be careless. Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if it doesn’t work, you will come back immediately. With your ability, it should be no problem to escape.” The Supreme Lord reminded.

With the analysis of these two old guys, Ye Tian also understood a lot. He said goodbye to them and headed to the heart of the bottomless well.

Then Ye Tian lay in ambush near the mysterious light gate, restraining his breath.

He has understood the law of time and space, and the law of time and space is definitely the most powerful in hiding breath. On the surface, Ye Tian is hiding near the mysterious light gate, but in fact, his body has long been ignorant of which space he is hiding in, and there is still the power of time to cover up his traces, almost without a trace.

Ye Tian felt that even if a powerhouse of the Supreme Pinnacle level came, he might not be able to show himself.

Furthermore, the mysterious light gate originally cut off a part of the atmosphere, so it is impossible for the Demon King at the other end of the mysterious light gate to spot him.

As soon as the Demon Sovereign and the others came out, Ye Tian would attack immediately. Even if the Demon Sovereign appeared at that time, it would be of no avail.

“The demon emperor and the **** emperor are too strong. If I attack them sneakily, I may be able to hurt them, but it is impossible to kill them, even serious injuries!”

Ye Tian thought in his heart.

He felt that during this sneak attack, it was mainly the devil’s subordinates.

You know, this time there is a colorful dragon, a female deity, and Dracula. These are the three supreme bodies.

At that time, both the **** emperor and the demon emperor will be able to come out, and the remaining body must be occupied by one of their men.

Ye Tian was not sure to kill the Demon Emperor and the God Emperor, but the subordinate who killed them was no problem.

At that time, Ye Tian’s deity and the spatial ghost body will be able to deal with the **** emperor and the devil emperor alone, and the pressure will also be much reduced.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian started to regain his combat power while waiting for the opportunity.

Know that he has been fighting non-stop in these twenty-odd epochs. Even if he killed Mattico, he consumed a lot of energy, and now he can just recover.

Furthermore, Ye Tian will continue to comprehend the Imprint of the Heavenly Emperor. After all, the ghost knows when the Demon Emperor will come out, and there is not much time until the arrival of the ancient demon army. Of course, he dare not waste any time.

Now that Ye Tian has understood the law of time and space, he no longer needs to understand the law of time and space separately. He can directly practice the law of time and space, and the improvement of his cultivation is much faster than before.

In addition to the tragic death of Mattie, a part of its supreme source was also absorbed and swallowed by Ye Tian, ​​which made Ye Tian’s cultivation level improved a lot, not far from the middle of the supreme.

After all, Marty is a strong man in the late supreme period, and the remaining supreme origin of it is very huge for Ye Tian.

These supreme origins, Ye Tian had no ability to swallow it, because Matike’s cultivation base was stronger than him, and the incomplete mind in this desolate beast was full of boundless killings, which was difficult for ordinary supreme Obliterate it.

But Ye Tian can do it. His law of time and space is the same supreme law as the law of destiny. Although the energy is not much, the level is high enough to allow him to swallow Matike’s supreme source.

Relying on this method, Ye Tian’s cultivation level improved even faster.

“It seems that what I expected was not bad. This imprint of the Emperor of Heaven is really a treasure. If I hadn’t realized the law of time and space, I wouldn’t be able to improve my cultivation so quickly.”

Ye Tian was secretly excited.

This way of devouring is just like when he rose up in Shenzhou University 6, when he practiced and devoured martial souls, he was also relying on the power of devouring enemies to achieve himself.

He knows very well that relying on this swallowing method to improve himself is definitely the fastest cultivation method.

It’s just that there are some drawbacks to this kind of cultivation method. After all, the energy is not his own, and it will take a lot of time for him to completely consume it.

However, Ye Tian can’t manage that much now. The ancient demon army is coming soon, and he must do everything possible to improve his cultivation.


Time flies, and the stars change.

The soul world.

Dracula is still cultivating. He has raised his cultivation to the mid-term peak of the supreme, and he is about to enter the state of the late supreme.

At the same time, the two sorrowful guys, the colorful dragon and the female statue, have also regained their spirits. They refined the evil supreme soul and stabilized their supreme cultivation. Excited.

Furthermore, because he wants to cooperate with the Seven Peak Supremes behind them, the Demon Emperor also specially gave them some soul world and evil souls as rewards.

As a result, the colorful dragon and the female honorable person no longer complain about losing their bodies.

Anyway, after waiting for them to go out, it will take up to 100 epochs to cultivate the supreme body.

Compared with the improvement in cultivation, this time is not worth mentioning for them.

“Devil Sovereign, when are you going to go out?” The female respect asked eagerly. As her cultivation level and strength increase, she even wants to find Ye Tian to avenge her.

However, the Demon Sovereign shook his head and said in a deep voice: “Ye Tian’s strength has reached the late supreme stage. Even if I go out, there is nothing to do with him. When Dracula breaks through to the late supreme stage, we will add Only with the power of unity can I have a chance to kill Ye Tian.”

“I’m worried about nights and dreams!”

The colorful dragon on the side frowned and said: “Devil Emperor, Ye Tian has practiced in the soul world, so you should be aware of him. Almost every period of time, his cultivation level can be improved a lot, I I’m afraid that when we go out, his cultivation will improve again.”

“This is impossible!”

The Demon Sovereign sneered: “I admit that Ye Tian’s talent is very powerful, but when you reach the Supreme Realm, if you want to improve a little bit, it needs the accumulation of tens of millions of epochs. This is not a talent that can make up. You are the supreme, can’t you feel it?”

“It’s correct, but I don’t know why. I have a bad feeling in my heart. After all, Ye Tian has been creating miracles all the way up to now.” Colorful Shenlong smiled bitterly.

The female respected aside also nodded.

They watched Ye Tian grow up all the way. Almost every once in a while, Ye Tian’s strength skyrocketed a lot, and that kind of growth was too fast.


At this moment, a powerful breath suddenly burst from Dracula.

The Demon King’s eyes lit up, and he smiled and said: “Well, it’s time for us to go out.”

The colorful dragon and the female supernatural dragon also knew that Dracula had broken through, and they couldn’t help smiling, but they were also a little envious and excited.

Because of this sudden Dracula, that has completely overtaken them.

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