Seven World Martial God Chapter 1598: Dive in

Dracula is very happy. Even in the upper three realms, the dead world is very rare and precious, because this special world is too difficult to form.

Because a world is about balance, four conditions must be met to form a world.

One is that the two sides of the battle must be the masters of the universe, otherwise the strength is too strong or too weak to form a dead world.

The second is that the strength of the two players in the battle is similar, so that not only can they die together, but also the energy and soul power of each other are similar.

The third is that the two parties to be confronted must have opposing forces in their bodies, and mutually reinforce each other.

Fourth is the need for a special environment and special circumstances. This one is the most difficult to achieve because no one knows what special circumstances and circumstances are needed.

It is very difficult to gather these four conditions, so even in the upper three realms, the dead realm is very rare.

Once it appears, it will be robbed by all major forces.

Dracula, as a person in the ancient demon world, of course knows the preciousness of the dead world.

“Generally speaking, if you want to become the lord of the universe, you can only rely on your own talent. Otherwise, even if you have too many resources and the strongest person in the universe helps you, it will be difficult for you to become the lord of the universe.”

“However, only in this dead realm can a flawless pure soul be born. As long as I can get it, then when I reach the Supreme Dzogchen realm, I can use it to impact the realm of the Lord of the universe. At least it can increase the success rate by 30%.”

“Furthermore, those soul crystals in the dead world are also the best treasures to quickly enhance my strength.”


Dracula said excitedly.

He knows the dead world very well, after all, this kind of adventure is too big, especially for their supreme.

In the upper three realms, every supreme who has been fortunate enough to have entered the dead world, without exception, became the master of the universe.

It’s no wonder that Dracula is so excited.

To become the master of the universe, the most important thing is talent, or understanding.

Because you have reached that critical step, if you don’t understand it, no matter how strong you are, no matter how many resources you have, it will be useless.

The Dao of the Lord of the Universe is the Dao of Heaven and his own. No matter how strong others are, they can’t point you to anything. You can only rely on yourself for everything.

And the ordinary Lord of the Universe, even if he is dead, his will is contained in his soul fragments. You, a supreme, don’t even want to refine it.

Even if someone helps you refining, it is not a pure soul. If you absorb it, you can only increase your strength, not your understanding.

Only when the dead world is formed, the soul fragments of the Lord of the Universe, after a series of transformations, become the purest soul, and after absorption, can you improve your understanding.

I think at the beginning, it was because Ye Tian absorbed a piece of pure soul that he had the savvy of the Lord of the Universe in a short time, and he became the third type of Tiandi Quan.

If Dracula knows about this matter, he will definitely scold Ye Tian as an idiot, because this precious pure soul is best used in the Supreme Dzogchen, and now it can only be used as a waste, and ordinary strength enhancement There is no difference between the treasures.

Think about it, when a supreme Dzogchen expert is stuck at the gate of the Lord of the Universe, and suddenly possesses the understanding of the Lord of the Universe, what will happen?

As long as you are not particularly idiot, you can basically succeed in being promoted to Lord of the Universe.

Because those who can reach the Supreme Dzogchen level, their talents are not too bad, as long as they have the understanding of the Lord of the Universe in a short time, they can definitely break through the most critical step.

“However, there will definitely be many supreme beings in the dead world, and even strong people of the supreme Dzogchen level. I can’t resist it for the time being.”

Dracula immediately frowned. This dead world has been born for so long, and it must have grown many supreme powerhouses, and he can’t fight it now.

“However, they took the initiative to contact me this time, and they definitely have a need.”

Dracula suddenly thought of Mark, and a sneer suddenly twitched at the corner of his mouth.

“I understand, these guys want to use the corpse to come out, but if the supreme wants to come out, they can only use the corpse of the supreme level. Of course, if it is the corpse of our ancient demons or ancient gods, and their souls If the power matches, a half-step supreme-level corpse should be fine.” Dracula is very smart, and soon thought of the supreme purpose of the dead world.

“This can be used, because it is impossible for Ye Tian to trade with them. After all, once the supremacy of the dead world comes out, the entire universe will be ruled by them.”

“However, this is nothing to me, and it is even beneficial to me.”

Dracula sneered.

He doesn’t care about the life and death of the creatures in the universe, as long as they are okay in the Blood Demon Realm, and this group of guys can even disrupt the situation of the universe and delay the birth of the universe, and the Lord of the universe will be born. He can wait until the ancient demon. The clan army has arrived.

This is still a big credit.

At the moment, Dracula found the Gorefiend Lord.

“Ancestor, are you looking for me?” The Gorefiend Lord rushed over and asked with some doubts.

“I’m going to a special place, but I can’t be known by Ye Tian, ​​so I need you to temporarily settle in my body, pretend to be me, and sit in the Heavenly Demon God’s Domain.” Dracula said slowly while looking at the Gorefiend Lord in front of him.

The Gorefiend Lord is his direct descendant. They come from the same line and are related by blood, so they can settle in and even control his supreme body.

Of course, the strength that can be exerted is also limited, at most a bit stronger than the average half-step supreme peak, and not as good as the original Pengzu.

After all, Dracula is only in the early days of supremacy, and his physical body is far inferior to Pengzu’s.

However, his physical body is a supreme physical body, and that powerful supreme aura will not change the slightest, and Ye Tian will not notice anything by then.


The Blood Demon Lord was shocked when he heard the words: “Ancestor, is this all right? What if Ye Tian calls?”

If Ye Tian called, then without Dracula, this supreme body would be destroyed.

At that time, if Dracula wants to condense a supreme physical body again, he will need to spend a lot of original power and need to sleep for countless epochs to recover. This is definitely not good.

“Don’t worry, Ye Tian is now eager to hit the Supreme Realm. As long as we don’t do it, he will not act first.” Dracula seemed very confident.

After all, Ye Tian is already on the verge of breaking through, and he must be busy getting promoted to the supreme at this time, so there is no way to control him.

“Okay, ancestor, be careful.” The Gorefiend Lord nodded. Although he didn’t know what Moral Kura was going to do, Dracula actually abandoned his body. This shows that this matter is very important, maybe Influencing the key to the outcome of Ye Tian.

“Just tell the undead and shadow demons about this matter. Others can’t tell them. Don’t be nervous. According to the past, Ye Tian won’t find it.”

After an explanation, Dracula left his body and let the Gorefiend Lord enter.

After that, Dracula’s soul took Mark and dived towards the realm of Zhenwu.

At this time, Ye Tian’s spatial ghost body is holding the knife of hope, and firmly locks the ‘Dracula’ inside the Sky Demon God’s Domain at the border of the Heaven Demon God’s Domain.

Dracula’s soul took Mark, spared a large circle, and entered the True Martial God Realm from the rear.

He is the supreme, as long as he is a little more cautious, it is easy to hide from Ye Tian.

Of course, Ye Tian possesses a supreme artifact, even a sub-cosmic magic weapon, it will naturally form a domain, even if the supreme is close, it will be discovered by Ye Tian.

However, the environment of the bottomless well is special, and Ye Tian’s domain can’t spread here, so he can’t find Dracula’s trace.

Furthermore, Ye Tian’s domain distance is also very limited. He usually only covers some important places in the True Martial God Realm. As for other places, he can only be handed over to the Supreme Holy Lord and Ouyang Holy Lord.

It’s just that although the Supreme Lord and Ouyang Lord are half-step Supreme, they can’t find Dracula, the true Supreme.

When Dracula’s soul took Mark into the bottomless well, no one found it.

Of course, in this bottomless well, there are also some strong men in the True Martial Realm guarding them. Whether it is on the periphery or inside, there are strong men from the True Martial Realm patrolling.

This is also the last move left by Ye Tian, ​​after all, he also wants to prevent the secrets from being discovered.

However, these people are not worth mentioning in front of Dracula, and it is difficult to find Dracula.

After reaching the core of the bottomless well, there is a supreme array barrier, except for Ye Tian and Dracula, no one can get in at all.

So, the core place is the safest, with no one.

According to Mark’s guidance, Dracula soon discovered the mysterious light gate leading to the soul world.

“Yes, this is the gate of life and death to the dead!” Dracula’s eyes lit up and he was suddenly excited.

Through this mysterious light gate, he finally determined that this was the road to the dead.

At the moment, Dracula entered the mysterious light gate without hesitation.

As soon as he entered the mysterious light gate, it didn’t take long for Dracula to see two aura figures, sitting cross-legged not far in front.

When he and Mark stepped out of the mysterious light gate, two powerful forces erupted together and blocked the mysterious light gate.

Now, Dracula has no retreat.

However, Dracula smiled There was no worry at all. Instead, he looked at the two people in front of him curiously, slightly surprised.

“Mark has seen His Majesty the God Emperor and His Majesty the Demon Emperor!” At this time, Mark, who was standing next to Dracula, quickly walked out and worshiped the two people in front of him.

These two people are God Emperor and Demon Emperor.

Since Ye Tian escaped, the **** emperor and the devil emperor are very angry and blame themselves, so they simply retreat here, as long as someone comes in, they can block it at any time.

In the beginning, they thought it was Ye Tian when they sensed a supreme-level aura coming in, but when they saw Dracula, they were puzzled.

Especially the Demon Sovereign, his eyes fixed on Dracula, and he was surprised: “The breath in you…”

“Your Majesty the Demon King? You should be the Lord of the Ancient Demon Race. The largest piece of soul fragment gave birth to spiritual wisdom, right? And I, Dracula, is a member of the Ancient Demon Race and also the Ancient Demon. A disciple of the Lord of the Clan Universe, so you and my breath are somewhat related.” Dracula said with a slight smile.

“Ancient Demon Race!” The **** emperor’s eyes lit up.

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