Seven Shows Chapter 144:, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Qixiu Yujie [Zong + Jian San]!

Jiang Li said indifferently: “I would like to learn from the “Sunflower Treasure”. 13792246810: 3w. し”

This was originally one of her goals, to experience various martial arts and various people in the arena,

As early as when a group of people from Yang Lianting came over, she and Huang Chang had a feeling. Those mobs are not in the eyes, but the master among them is worthy of attention. Because she was so far away and had never seen it before, she was not sure that it was the unbeaten of the East, but at least she was also a master in the world.

The visitors are not good, or they give up the place, they escape in the rain in advance, or they take the call.

Huang Chang said immediately that he is very old, just an ordinary old man, and he definitely doesn’t want to be contaminated with those feuds, why not run first. The shamelessness was immediately displayed to the fullest, which made people stunned. If this was said, no one would believe that the one who said this was the great master standing on the top of the rivers and lakes.

Jiang Li said: “Really?”

Then she did it.

The visitor can be said to be a master at the level of Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue. Jing Wuming is afraid that he will not be able to catch it.

Jiang Li said to Huang Chang that since Yan Shan Gong didn’t want to do it, don’t get in the way.

Huang Chang understood in a second, so he dragged Jing Wuming, and the two of them got into Mazu’s belly together with the bookcase. Although this statue of Mazu has collapsed, it is actually not small. The inside is hollow, so hiding a few people is not a problem. Hold your breath again, one is the great master, and the other is also a good hand at hiding your breath. Those Sun Moon God cultists will not be able to find it.

As soon as the unbeaten voice of the East fell, seeing Yang Lianting and others retreat into the ruined temple, they moved.

“The Book of Sunflowers” is known for its speed, his figure is extremely fast, in the night, I saw a red shadow, and then there was a sound of rustling breaking through the sky.

He threw out a few embroidery needles and left towards Jiang.

This martial arts has no hard requirements for weapons. Naturally, the sword of evil spirits is to use a sword. The Oriental Invincible can use either a sword or a needle. Jiang Li was half-floating in the air at this time, and he used this to test.

Jiang Li also moved.

She didn’t turn around, still with her back to Dongfang Undefeated. The two icy blue long swords on his back suddenly jumped out, a burst of fire light splashed, and the embroidery needle flew backwards towards its owner at a faster speed.

Return to his own body by his own way.

The speed of the fight is too fast, Yang Lianting can’t understand, he can only judge with ears, and subconsciously said: “The Murong family’s fight to turn stars? Or the Yihua palace’s Yihua to jade? The Murong family’s kung fu has always been a single pass. If you don’t pass on the woman, it’s more like moving flowers and picking jade. But this woman is not similar to the two palace masters, Yue Lian Xing, who is rumored…”

Unfortunately, no one answered him during the fierce fight.

“Good swordsmanship.” Dongfang Invincible sighed, and only waved his sleeves, the embroidery needle flew to the side, and he couldn’t even get close, saying: “I have lived in Heimuya for ten years. But it’s been a long time since I saw such a handsome swordsmanship. I don’t know when there are such talents in the arena.”

After finishing this sentence, Dongfang Invincible showed the color of thinking, and said: “But I am familiar with your swordsmanship. I think about it carefully, I am afraid it is not…this is born from Gongsun Jianwu? , I have seen the swordsmanship of Gongsun Auntie. Compared with you, it is far inferior to you. It is inferior to Gongsun Jianwu’s reputation.”

The Aunt Gongsun mentioned here, of course, refers to Gongsunlan.

Gongsunlan seems to be very famous in this world, and people everywhere know her.

Yang Lianting became impatient and urged: “Dongfang, what are you talking about with this enchantress? Don’t hesitate to clean up her!”

When I thought that I had lost my mind before, and the East was not defeated, I was watching. Yang Lianting was inexplicably guilty. I always felt that if my dirty thoughts were turned out, my heart would be extremely uncomfortable. When I became angry, I wanted to kill myself It’s up. As long as the woman in front of her is dead, the previous events can be revealed.

The Dongfang undefeated turned around and said: “Brother Lian, don’t worry, this girl is extremely skillful. For a while, I may not be able to win her.”

Jiang Li said quietly: “Are you finished?”

She finally brought a bit of chill between her eyebrows. When the Invincible Dongfang mentioned Gongsunlan, Jiang Li felt impatient. Gongsun Jianwu, such a prestigious name, can this scum like Gongsunlan be represented? Does she deserve to be called Aunt Gongsun? Even Jiang Li didn’t dare, let alone her?

The Invincible East waved his sleeves again, and saw a gentle force pushing Yang Lianting into the temple, just hitting the statue of Mazu.

Jing Wuming was hiding in it, and when he saw this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he naturally refused to let it go.

The next moment, I saw Huang Chang smiling, lightly pressing his arm, and said: “Young man, a sneak attack is definitely not the right thing to do.”

Jing Wuming glared at Huang Chang, and said in his heart: “When can I be considered the right way?”

There was Huang Chang’s aura enveloping him, he couldn’t do anything, so he sat back angrily.

Damn master.

Jiang Li was disdainful of the sneak attack, but the moment Yang Lianting settled down in the East, she also moved.

This sword, as if from above the firmament, poured down from the Milky Way, instantly lighting up the vast night sky.

The invincible sword of the East is extremely fast, but Jiang Li’s sword is not only fast, but also beautiful.

For an instant, the two of them staggered, and there was no end of the collision.

Jiang Li’s cold silence can be said to be the best weapon in the whole rivers and lakes. No matter who you are fighting against, the opponent’s weapon will often fall apart without a single move.

However, the invincible Dongfang uses special embroidery needles. His hands seem to be pierced with flowers and butterflies. As soon as he goes in and out, countless long needles are flying between his fingers. Not sure how many needles he used. If it weren’t for Han Ji to be extremely extraordinary, Extraordinary Iron can hurt, under the collision of this level, I am afraid that there is a danger of collapse.

The two played fast against each other, and they played heartily, and dozens of strokes passed in a blink of an eye.

I saw two red shadows flying around, and I couldn’t tell who was who.

Jiang Li didn’t use any skills. She wanted to try what kind of power she could burst out of her body’s potential. Skills are dead, people are alive, and the power of skills is always limited, and it can never be improved, but Jiang Li has room for improvement. After meeting Huang Chang, she really realized this.

If you always rely on skills, Jiang Li may have the power to rival the Grand Master, but she will never become a Grand Master.

After one hundred and thirty-seven strokes, Dongfang Invincible grasped a flaw, brushed his left arm with Han Ji, suddenly there was a long roar, and countless embroidery needles shot towards Jiang Li’s face.

With a little bit of light, Yang Lianting saw the peerless face that looked like a moon palace fairy descending to the earth, and even Mingyue was bleak. Seeing that little smile that was still throbbing, he regretted it for a while, regretting why Let the East undefeated as a killer, regret never seeing it again.

But his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn’t make a sound at this time.

Jiang Li wore an impenetrable smile on his face.

She is a human, and of course there will be flaws, but flaws can always be remedied, there are also deliberate, and indeed flaws.

In these hundred and thirty-seven strokes, she revealed five flaws in total. At the fifth time, Dongfang Unbeaten finally couldn’t help it.

Jiang Li didn’t insist on these embroidery needles, he just jumped gently, jumping for about twenty feet, and easily escaped from the invincible killing circle of the East.

She said: “Before fighting, the depth is known. One move determines the outcome. If it is the Eastern leader, if I take this move, I will count as a loser.” After communicating with Huang Chang, Jiang Li said The understanding of martial arts has gone a step further on the previous basis. Although she still has those skills, she has indeed become stronger again. It’s not bad to have someone try the trick.

The Dongfang undefeated said: “Let’s make a move.”

With his pride, he will never reject Jiang Li’s proposal. Under the world, there are still tricks that he can’t take down?

Yang Lianting heard the words and said: “It’s a big breath.”

Jing Wuming looked at the sword and said in his heart: “When the girl wins, you still want to live…”

The East is undefeated but dare not look down on Jiang Li, and waits for it. He was at least sure that the woman on the opposite side would not be inferior to him, and if he dared to say this, he was either a lunatic, or he was confident. In any case, it cannot be the former.

Jiang Li was on the ground and didn’t seem to be worried about a sneak attack. At this time, she once again, carrying everyone step by step, using the invisible air as a ladder, once again walked to the sky.

The dim moonlight gradually got closer and brighter, as if getting closer and closer to the person, it would drop to the ground at any time.

Jiang Li seemed to have become Chang’e in the Moon Palace, and her graceful figure appeared on the bright moon.

At this moment, Jiang Li suddenly turned around.

At this moment, Han Ji suddenly burst into an extremely strong blue light.

Feeling Jiang Li’s thoughts, Han Ji was excited and excited at the moment.

The light around it all gathered on it, so that it was pitch black.

Jiang Li has become the only source of light in this world.

She smiled at the corner of her mouth, holding Han Ji in her hand, making a sudden stroke.

In this stroke, it seems that even the Milky Way in the sky is trembling under the sword, and countless stars gather together, and then they shattered and turned into a dazzling meteor shower.

This sword is the shooting star. It is a move that does not belong to the mortal world. It is a sword that Jiang Li has seen countless swordsmanships, especially after Ye Gucheng’s flying immortals from the outside world, he is inclusive of all rivers, and he created a sword himself. law. Flying immortals outside the sky do not belong to the world, and this sword technique naturally does not belong to the world.

This shouldn’t be a swordsmanship that mortals can possess. This is not the beauty that mortals should exist.

It fell into the world from above the sky.

After the extreme darkness, the meteor suddenly exploded and turned into an extreme light.

This is dazzling and dazzling, which makes people have to look at it and worship its light. The whole world is in a trance, only this gleaming sword light is left.

Yang Lianting and others, under the dazzling light, only felt their eyes tingling, and when they touched it, it seemed that there was already a little bit of blood dripping. Just looking at this sword from a distance, they are already in danger of blindness. But this is the case, these people are reluctant to close their eyes, reluctant to miss even a moment.

#Watching onlookers is risky, watching the show needs to be cautious#

Perhaps, even in the entire rivers and lakes for a hundred years, it may not happen once, such a beautiful moment.

The invincible look of the East is dignified, this is no longer a sword technique that can be hard-wired, even if it can be seen, it is an honor.

Anyone who sees it will know that it is an unparalleled swordsmanship in the world, and those who use swordsmanship are also unparalleled in the world.

It’s really the Allure Sword.

The author has something to say:    Don’t ask for a title, there is no title. I just wrote the beginning of last month.

There are many such beginnings in my computer, except for the Beggars.

If you want to fall into the pit, one can last for more than half a month a day.

I suggest that you don’t drop it casually, I don’t necessarily know how to open it.

I have restrained my unicorn arm.

Ah, every time I write about a fight, I want to chop off the one who started martial arts.

Okay, I tried my best to satisfy my pretending soul, and I can be a sleeping beauty in peace.

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