Seven Evil Slips Chapter 93:

In the evening, Kiyo rummaged through boxes and cabinets, checked clothes and bags.

Uncle Zhang passed by her door and saw clothes piled all over the bed, Yan Hongsha seemed to be helping her as a reference, Uncle Zhang vaguely heard Kiyo say something, tomorrow I will go climbing the snow mountain with Luo Ren.

Before closing, Uncle Zhang deliberately passed by her door once more. Before she finished her work, she went to try the zipper of her backpack.

Uncle Zhang said: “Miss Boss, are you going to climb Jade Dragon Snow Mountain?”

Kiyo raised his head: “Yeah.”

Uncle Zhang was angry: “Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, you just buy a ticket and go up! What are you doing? The room is turned like this, it looks like you are going to climb Mount Everest!”

Kiyo said: “You don’t understand.”

Yan Hongsha also chimed in: “Uncle Zhang, he is in a relationship, you don’t understand.”

Two little kids who were not as old as he combined actually said that he “doesn’t understand”, and Uncle Zhang’s eyes almost rolled out in anger.


The next day, Mudai got up early, wanted to find Luo Ren, but felt that he was not reserved too early, so he took the time to teach Cao Yanhua a set of punches.

Cao Yanhua finally transitioned from the stage of running in circles and kicking to moves, his face was flushed with excitement, and he made every move with full energy, his face was full of desperate posture.

During breakfast, Ten Thousand didn’t arrive, neither did Yan Hongsa. ?

Cao Yanhua said: “My Sansan brother is probably doing it again. I said yesterday that he should be sad for a while. Don’t act like you have deep feelings for a savage. It’s hypocritical!”

Kiyo laughed out loud.

Uncle Zhang made fried scallion pancakes with eggs. The fragrant people felt numb in their hearts. , didn’t think much about it, but when he looked up, he saw Uncle Zhang looking at her with disgust on his face, and Kiyo blushed as if he had been caught raped in bed.

Uncle Zhang said: “Girls are extroverted. You are right. You have grown up in vain. You have to bring him an omelet. When you pass the door in the future, you must go back to your mother’s house every now and then to get rice and oil.” Take MSG!”

Kiyo stomped his feet angrily, grabbed the bag and ran away.

Cao Yanhua suppressed a smile, chewed onion pancakes, watched her through the window, and suddenly froze for a moment.

He saw a young woman standing opposite the bar, her body motionless, her head tilted slightly, she was always looking at Kiyo.

Cao Yanhua felt that the woman looked familiar, and suddenly remembered, isn’t this the Cang Yan Lian Shu.

Kiyo twisted the fresh-keeping bag in his hand, and quickly walked away. Lian Shu turned to watch her, still with the same air, his body still, his head tilted slightly, like a carved statue, being turned by someone direction.

What kind of trouble is this? Cao Yanhua swallowed the cake in his hand suspiciously.


The door was ajar, and he poked his head to see that Zheng Bo was playing with Pin Ting by the fish pond.

Kiyo came in with a smile, Zheng Bo saw her, and habitually motioned upstairs: “Luo Xiaodao is not up yet, you go and get him up.”

In order to prove that there is no silver three hundred taels here, she didn’t come here specially for Luo Ren, Mudai hesitated to go up, Pin Ting curiously pulled the plastic bag in her hand, opened it, smelled the fragrance, and Gu himself ate.

Kiyo poked her: “My name is Kiyo-sister, Kiyo-sister.”

Pin Ting thought she was annoying to poke her, so she turned around and gave her a back.

Zheng Bo said: “Don’t worry about Pin Ting, help me pick up Luo Xiaodao. Today I want to install the light box of the Phoenix Tower, but the other side said that the car is broken and will be delivered tomorrow. I want Luo Ren Let’s drive to get it.”

Kiyo froze for a moment: “Today?”

Zheng Bo was surprised: “Are you busy today?”

Ai Ai from Mudai Qiqi: “Luo Ren said, I’m going to climb a mountain today.”

Oh, mountain climbing.

Uncle Zheng was annoyed: “I knew a long time ago that you, one by one, can’t be counted on. As for the shareholders, you went to the mountains when you were renovating. Mountain climbing.”

“Open in these two days?”


Forgot about this important event, Kiyo quickly changed his words: “Then… we can go crawling after we open.”

Zheng Bo looked at her: “Voluntary? Don’t say I forced you.”

Kiyo quickly nodded: “Voluntary, I will tell Luo Ren.”

Zheng Bo said: “That’s right, my family is busy with my own affairs. I don’t feel embarrassed to ask Ms. Lian to help me.”

“Miss Lian? Lian Shu?”

Zheng Bo nodded: “Yes, that’s Miss Lian. She came here early today, and brought me a pattern of wallpaper to show me, and asked me to choose a pattern, and said she would get it for me.”

Uncle Zheng didn’t expect Lian Shu to come so early today. He went out to buy breakfast, and Pin Ting opened the door for him. Play.

She is obviously a very kind girl, but I really don’t know why Luo Ren is not used to seeing her.

Zheng Bo is a little embarrassed: “Or Mudai, look at Cao Yanhua, there are ten thousand and three others, whoever is free, let’s go. Don’t ask Miss Lian to help…”

He pouted his mouth and signaled upstairs: “Luo Ren, it seems that this Miss Lian is not quite right.”

Kiyo smiled: “Don’t you just bring money and buy the wallpaper you picked, I can do it.”

Zheng Bo looked at her: “This looks like a little boss lady.”

Kiyo giggled, paused and said, “Then I’ll go to her now, buy it sooner, and post it sooner.”

She turned to leave, touched Pin Ting’s head to say goodbye to her, Pin Ting said: “Sister, go upstairs.”

Even Pinting knew to let her go upstairs, Kiyo couldn’t laugh or cry, and said, “I won’t go.”

Ping Ting ignored her, put her finger on her lips, and said: “Hush.”

Muyo told Zheng Bo: “Then you tell Luo Ren, I have been here.”


Luo Ren got up very late.

I can’t tell if it’s because the climate is not acclimatized, or if he regards this place as a safe rear area, and when he lies down, he will fall into a dream and fly to Nanshan.

As a matter of habit, go to the room where the fierce slips are stored first. In the fish tank, the third fierce slips are becoming more and more blurred. If the first two look like golden hooks and iron bars, this one is like clear water. Smudged ink stains.

Luo Ren frowned.

He counted the days, today, he should wait for Zha Ma’s call.

Downstairs, Pin Ting was beating the water with a small bamboo branch, and the fish in it were scurrying around in fright. When she heard Luo Ren’s voice coming downstairs, she raised her head and said, “Sister, go upstairs.” .”

Luo Ren was puzzled, and turned his head to look upstairs.

Zheng Bo was carrying his breakfast into the living room, and told him that Muyo had come.

It’s a small pocket, Luo Ren laughed and asked casually: “What about her?”

Zheng Bo said: “My little pocket is better than you. I am worried about the Phoenix Tower. I went to buy wallpaper for the Phoenix Tower.”

Luo Ren was surprised: “She understands this?”

“Isn’t it good to follow the gourd? Besides, Miss Lian will explain it clearly.”

Wait, why is another person involved?

Bo Zheng also guessed that Luo Ren would ask more questions, so he took the initiative to tell the matter: “As for me, since you don’t like Miss Lian, I don’t want to ask her to help, so as not to entangle you. Miss, Kiyo probably went to get a sample.”

Luo Ren frowned, and was about to say something when the phone rang.

It is Zha Ma.

He answered the phone and talked to Zhama. Uncle Zheng went to the fish pond and greeted Pinting: “Come on, get up. Uncle and Brother Xiaodao are both busy later. I’ll take you to the bar to stay. You must be honest, do you understand?” ?”

Ping Ting gave a listless sigh, and said, “Sister, go upstairs.”

Zheng Bo said: “Your sister Kishiro is busy, and I will go upstairs next time.”

Pin Ting’s eyes widened, and she put her finger on her lips again, and said in a low voice: “Hush…”

At that time, Uncle Zheng went to buy breakfast, and she took Lian Shu to catch small fish in the water to play, and she was having fun with herself, and when she looked up again, Lian Shu disappeared.

Looking up, I saw Lian Shu on the second floor, walking towards the end very slowly.

She raised her head and said, “Sister, go upstairs!”

Lian Shu turned his head and looked down at her, with his finger on his lips, as if to say: “Hush…”


Lian Shu was very enthusiastic. He turned over the sample to Kiyo, wrote the color number and model on a sticky note, and gave her the seller’s address.

It’s quite far away, and Uncle Zheng needs a lot of it. By that time, even a taxi will not be able to load it all.

Just as Kiyo was thinking, Lian Shu said, “How about I go with you.”

She explained: “Earlier, when I was decorating my own shop, I used that shop. We became friends after going back and forth. If I go with you, the price he will quote you will be more reasonable, you know. Ah, the price for an acquaintance, and you can also ask him to deliver it by car, saving you the need to take a taxi.”

Indeed, Kiyo laughed, thinking that Lian Shuren was pretty good: “Won’t that delay the business of your store?”

“Don’t delay, I’ll get something, just wait for me.”


Zha Ma told Luo Ren what happened in the past two days.

In general, it is what it should be. There are still people from the village in the distance to see the savage, but it is much less than the previous two days; God; but it’s raining again, it’s very troublesome, they have to use tarpaulins to keep the rain away…

The odds and ends, the family’s faults, it’s all about that mountain valley.

Before he hung up the phone, he suddenly remembered something.

“This trip, there are many villages that have no friendship before, and people have also come. I heard a rare thing, and they are also savages. However, it was more than 20 years ago.”

There seemed to be some sparks in Luo Ren’s ears, crackling, the bottom of his throat was dry, and his back stood up slightly.

He intuitively felt that this was the truth he had been looking for.

“They said that there is also a stockade in the mountain. I heard that the location is similar to the place you went to, but that stockade is a Han Chinese stockade.”

“It is said that more than twenty years ago, there was a woman in the village who was raped by a savage when she went to the mountains to collect medicinal materials. , I was blocked on the mountain for several days, and finally got them to block them and shot them.”

“Tell me, that wild man is bigger than the one we caught this time…”

Luo Ren asked: “And then?”

Then? Then Zama is not very clear.

“I heard that after a few years, that stockade was evacuated. The Han people are different from us natives. They all have relatives in their hometown. Maybe they went to relatives. After all, it is hard in the mountains…”

Hung up the phone, Luo Ren’s temples twitched.

Twenty years ago…

The time was right. If I guessed correctly, the woman who was raped was the woman they saw in the mountains, and the wild man who was shot at that time was the father of the female wild man.

When Kiyo entered the cave, she saw a painting on the top of the cave, saying that the female savage had a little playmate when she was young, so she speculated that there was another savage in that mountain.

If the savage was killed by an angry husband gathering hunters soon after the incident, unless the woman gave birth to twins, otherwise, from the beginning to the end, the woman should have only given birth to a female savage.

Luo Ren suddenly thumped in his heart.

At that time, that woman was already married, so could she already have a child of her own?

Then, the female savage’s playmate is probably not a savage.

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