Seven Evil Slips Chapter 7:

Cao Yanhua sent a letter to his hometown, I knew about it a long time ago, and then I made up some new content in bits and pieces: For example, Cao Yanhua’s second cousin is getting married, so he sent this letter of congratulations In the letter, six hundred yuan was stuffed into it—it was originally five hundred, but considering the matter of marriage, even numbers are more festive, so another hundred was stuffed in just before delivery.

In the past few days, when Cao Yanhua was eagerly waiting for a reply, 13,000 hit him with various unexpected circumstances, such as the letter was lost, the money was torn apart, and so on.

However, the letter arrived safely.

This made Yi Wan a little upset, Cao Yanhua sat down with a victorious attitude, crossed Erlang’s legs, and started reading the letter.

The letter is not long, the handwriting is crooked, and the content is simple. First, I regret that he cannot come back to attend the wedding, and then I say that the letter and gift money have been received. Thank you, big cousin, for your kindness.

Add a sentence at the end: In addition, Jinhua’s family sent ten catties of pork.

He felt very uncomfortable when he read this sentence, his brows were wrinkled like Sichuan characters, at this moment, ten thousand three came over suddenly.

Cao Yanhua thought he was going to peep, so he clutched the letter vigilantly.

10,000 gave him a sideways glance: “Your little virtuous figure, I think there are words on the back of this, really.”

Have words? Cao Yanhua turned it over suspiciously, and there really was it. There were a few scrawled lines stuck to the corner of the letter, which were folded inside when the letter was folded, so he didn’t pay attention when he opened it.

But it was those few lines that made him dumbfounded.


When Luo Ren knew about this, it was the day after Cao Yanhua received the letter. In a quiet afternoon with few customers, soft light music filled the bar. Except for Yan Hongsha who hadn’t returned to Lijiang, everyone else was there.

Kiyo is grinding coffee beans. The coffee machine is hand-cranked. You have to hold the handle and grind it down.

13,000 made coffee for himself, and dipped a flower needle in chocolate sauce to write on the surface of the coffee, all of which were murderous words.

– Oppose! Shameless! Call the police! kill! kill! kill!

Cao Yanhua drooped his head, his face flushed, and handed the letter and envelope to Luo Ren.

The few lines read: Big Cousin, you are from the city, help me, I was kidnapped.

There is a mailing address on the envelope. Seeing Luo Ren take a closer look, Cao Yanhua quickly explained: “Strictly speaking, my hometown Caojiatun is at the junction of Chongqing and Shaanxi, along the Daba Mountain line, and even closer to Shaanxi.”

No wonder, Luo Ren has always felt that Cao Yanhua is not like a typical Chongqing person, he rarely even speaks the local slang dialect.

Luo Ren put the envelope and letter back on the bar counter: “How did you discuss it?”

13,000 turned the coffee cup the other way, and Cup Noodle Latte spoke for him silently.

“Is there anything to discuss here? Call the police.” He gave Cao Yanhua a hard look, “Get the girl out early, Fatty Cao, your second cousin is not guilty of doing such a thing.”

Luo Ren looked at Kiyo again.

She stopped what she was doing: “I also advocate calling the police, but I feel…”

Speaking of this, he pointed to the few lines on the letter paper: “No name, no specific information, just this sentence, can I call the police? Will the police be taken seriously?”

Luo Ren pondered.

It is really difficult to judge. This is different from the long distress letter written by the abducted woman. The long distress letter written by herself usually explains in detail her origin and distress situation. The police can check with her relatives and friends. Relatives and friends are in the local area. After reporting the case, the local police can contact the brother unit of the abducted place for assistance.

But in the current situation, there is only one sentence without beginning and end, and no one can guarantee that what they make up in their brains is the truth.

Cao Yanhua pursed his lips: “My second cousin is not such a person. Although he has not finished his studies, he is literate and understands the truth. He will not do…such illegal things.”

Speaking later, his voice became lower and lower, obviously he didn’t have much confidence in his second cousin, and his confidence was a little lacking.

Yan San still insisted on the original opinion: “If it is true, you can’t just stop doing it because of insufficient evidence. This is related to the girl’s life.”

Cao Yanhua sweated anxiously on his forehead: “Is this okay? I’ll go back, I’ll go back right away. If it’s true, I’ll definitely save that girl. I’ll criticize and educate my second cousin…”

He was incoherent.

One thousand three said: “If a girl is raped, it’s not something you can solve with criticism and education.”

Kido also asked him: “Cao Fatty, how are the folk customs in your hometown? If you fight against them, you may not be able to get out of it yourself.”

In movies and TV shows, in those remote and uncivilized villages, the villagers are unanimously open to the outside world. Sometimes even if the police go to rescue them, they have to keep a low profile.

Cao Yanhua cried anxiously: “The people in my village are pretty good, they are really not that kind of people, really not that kind of ignorant and backward village…”

Luo Ren thought for a while: “Well, Fatty Cao, you go back today. There are many direct flights from Lijiang to Chongqing, so you catch the first one…”

Cao Yanhua nodded quickly: “Tomorrow, tomorrow at the latest, I will definitely be home.”

“Can you call us when you get there?”

Cao Yanhua hesitated for a moment.

There seems to be no signal in the village. The second cousin mentioned to him on the phone that the base station was built with great difficulty two years ago, and a mudslide completely destroyed it. When I need to make a call, I have to walk several miles to the nearby Call from a landline installed.

Luo Ren asked again: “Can you go back alone?”

“Okay…well, I can climb the wall in three steps now.”


Without further delay, Cao Yanhua trotted back to his room to pack his luggage. Kiyo was in a very complicated mood. He always felt that he could not handle it alone, so he wanted to go with him, but firstly, he had just returned from Nantian, and secondly, this was Cao Yanhua As for the family affairs, it is a bit unknown for her to accompany her.

It is really worrying to be a master.

She looked at Luo Ren: “Aren’t you going to call the police?”

I always feel that calling the police is more at ease.

Luo Ren said: “If it’s really abduction, we have to call the police sooner or later. It’s just that in the current situation, we don’t know what’s going on. It’s hard to say whether the police will come out. Quick.”

Kiyo suddenly thought of something.

“Can I ask Wan Fenghuo?”

Wan Fenghuo has people in many small places. If you are really worried that the girl will be in danger, in terms of timeliness, Wan Fenghuo’s people must be the fastest to arrive.

Luo Ren thinks it is feasible.

Kiyo took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. Halfway through the dial, he suddenly thought of something, and pressed one by one to delete.

From the perspective of saving money, it seems that this call should… be made by a magic stick.


Three thousand and three went back to the room, originally to see how he could help – in his imagination, Cao Yanhua was busy packing his luggage, so he must have been turned on his back.

No, he was sitting on the lower bunk of the bunk bed, with luggage spread out by his feet, toothpaste and toothbrush in his hand, in a daze.

At this moment of racing against time, there is still too much time to wander, so Wansan kicked his leg angrily: “Fatty Cao, hurry up!”

Cao Yanhua looked up nervously: “Brother Sansan, do you think this is… a conspiracy?”

What? Thirteen did not understand.

Cao Yanhua said: “Could it be my family members who tried to trick me back?”

Where is this sung?

Fortunately, 13,000 has been around for many years, so he quickly realized it.

He frowned and looked at Cao Yanhua up and down: “Brother Cao, you…run away from home?”

In the early years, Wansan also came into contact with many gangsters who ran away from home. The reasons for running away were as follows: those who were kicked out of the house by their parents (for example, he himself was kicked out by the entire Wuzhu Village) Passively running away from home), those who offended people in the local area and dare not go back, or yearn for the outside world, thinking that the moon in big cities is relatively round.

Cao Yanhua’s face was chubby and red, and he hummed after a while.

Brother Cao is also a runaway, ten thousand three is a little surprised, I really can’t tell.

“How many years?”

“Seven or eight years.”

“Killed? Set fire? Beat people for life?”

Cao Yanhua hesitated for a long time: “Brother Sansan, I told you, don’t tell others.”

13,000 said: “Of course, you still can’t believe me.”

So Cao Yanhua spoke.

After listening, Wan San’s face was more serious, and he gave his opinion: “Brother Cao, we don’t rule out the suspicion that your family members deliberately tried to trick you back, but everything is just in case—in case the girl is killed Is the kidnapping and trafficking true? So you have to go back, and after you go back… just play by ear.”

Cao Yanhua let out a long sigh.

When he went out with his hastily stuffed luggage, he told Yisan: “Don’t tell anyone about me.”

Ten thousand and three vowed, and repeated the previous words.

“Of course, don’t you believe me?”


On that day, it was not completely dark yet, everyone, including Uncle Zhang, knew the following information.

——Cao Yanhua has not been home for eight years, and only writes letters and sends money to his family regularly.

——Only get along well with the second cousin, which can be regarded as a deep brotherly relationship, so the second cousin knows his mobile phone number, and occasionally calls him to inform him about the situation at home.

——When he was eight years old, Cao’s father made the decision and arranged a baby marriage for him. The girl was from Tongtun, also surnamed Cao, named Cao Jinhua, who was three years younger than him.

——That Miss Cao was taller than Cao Yanhua after she was twelve years old, and she has been a head ahead of him all the time since then, and she is also fatter than him.

——In order to resist the arranged marriage, Cao Yanhua once stood on the roof of his house and beat the gong to express that he would never marry this way. .

——Cao Yanhua finally made up his mind and left Caojiatun on a night of thunder and lightning. Bravely pursue your own happiness.

After that, there were many ups and downs in the middle. In the end, Cao Yanhua lived in Chongqing permanently, surrounded by a group of idle boys, who love to eat douhua fish, spicy hot pot, read books for nothing to improve their cultural literacy, and finally become… from Jiefangbei Master Cao.

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