Seven Evil Slips Chapter 22:

A message came from Aoki that the bounty hunter was contacted, but the call was not so fast, and the earliest would be the next afternoon.

Either way, it suits Yi Wan’s heart, after all, he also needs time to prepare for those weird scorpions and centipedes.

Early the next morning, he took Cao Yanhua to set off in high spirits, and stayed at the hotel to communicate with Yan Hongsha at any time, but Yan Hongsha’s boss was not happy.

“Why can’t you tell Luo Ren and Kiyo?”

Cao Yanhua said: “Sister Hongsha, don’t let the news out, we are going to give brother Luo and little master a big surprise!”

In his words, Little Luo is too “worshiping foreigners”, bounty hunters, American products, improved by the French, but they here are the methods left by the native elders and ancestors, which are national heritage and imported products. Peak duel.

“Sister Hongsha, do you have a national standpoint? Do you want to see my brother Luo suffer? Do you want to promote my national pride?”

Returning “national pride”, Yan Hongsha was really upset.

However, it is something that the broad masses of the people like to see people suffer, and to see people suffer, and Yan Hongsha is not exempt from it.

In the afternoon, she sent a message to Wansan, saying that Luo Ren had told her to leave at three o’clock, and that the bounty hunter had already arrived.

The improved version is really different. It is cooler than the one found on the Internet and is easy to carry. The LCD screen is said to be able to display the general outline of underground objects, which is comparable to a see-through eye, and it is not cheap. The price of the product itself is in the Five figures, the improved version is estimated to be doubled.

Out of national pride, she worriedly asked Ten Thousand: “What about you? Have you got everything?”

At that time, Yisan was making a final deal with elementary school students who skipped class.

——”Five yuan, centipede at most five yuan, not half dead.”

——”Ten yuan for the scorpion, kid, this price is okay, enough for you to eat an ice cream.”

——”One piece of earthworm, just one piece…”

Before, he analyzed it with Cao Yanhua, what he does is that there are more people and more power. To mobilize the power of the “mass” and find the right market segment – elementary school students are relatively short of money and love to tinker with this stuff. In addition, it is relatively simple and the most convenient for doing business.

But seeing the flowers of the motherland happily skipping classes, Cao Yanhua felt a little bit guilty.

Few people appreciated it. When a little boy left, he muttered: “Fat people are annoying.”

Cao Yanhua’s nose is almost crooked when his kindness is like a donkey’s liver and lungs.

Fortunately, everything went well, so I hurried to get on the bus at the entrance of the hotel at 3 pm.

Luo Ren was quite strange. When the car started, he asked the two of them, “What did you do all morning?”

Cao Yanhua smiled brilliantly, and what filled his heart was the pride of the peak duel, and said: “A little personal matter.”

Kiyo gave him a strange look, Cao Yanhua was afraid that she would see something, so he quickly looked away.

In the rear compartment, Cao Jiefang was lying on his stomach bored, probably it also felt strange, what did the three people in the back seat want to look at it every once in a while? Does it look good?

It turned around impatiently, with the **** facing them.

This time I was familiar with the road. I arrived at Fengziling at about five o’clock. Several people had their bags on their backs. When passing through the village, many villagers watched curiously. Ding Laojiu also came out, trotting worriedly Chasing up Luo Ren, he said: “I can see that you are carrying these, are you going to live in the mountains? It’s really hard to live in, and there are wild animals. It’s not a bluff.”

Luo Ren smiled, and instead handed him two pieces of money: “Master, please take care of my car.”

The denomination is not small, Ding Laojiu was overjoyed, he rubbed the real and the fake with his hand, and forgot to repeat it. When he looked up again, the group of people, including a chicken, had already gone far.

Entering the pass, Luo Ren packed up on the spot first, and put all the heavy supplies in the man’s bag. The red sand and Kiyo’s bags were relatively light. The plan was to search from the first mountain first. This night The search is expected to take 4 hours. Everyone is equipped with headlights, two bounty hunters are operating at the same time, and people are standing at high places, equipped with infrared night vision goggles and guns. This is a sentry post to guard against possible beasts.

The first round of guards was Kiyo, and Luo Ren assembled it, and explained to her how to use it: “This is to launch a live barb, with a wire, and the range is about 7 meters. After a person or animal is shot, it will temporarily lose Mobility, just in case, this is not a deep mountain, I guess there is little possibility of wild beasts.”

Kiyo has never seen □□ before, just find it novel: “Where did you buy it and how much is it?”

Luo Ren looked at her: “This is prohibited in China.”

Kiyo let out a sigh, with a look of comprehension, and his voice was low: “Don’t worry, I won’t report you.”

Luo Ren’s voice also lowered, quite appreciative: “You are really good…”

Before I finished talking, I suddenly frowned and asked, “What are you burning? Why does it smell like wine?”

Not far away, 10,000 is holding Cao Jiefang’s head to eat, furtively and eagerly coaxing and coaxing: “Jiefang, it’s delicious, I can’t usually eat it, hurry up…”

Cao Yanhua used Yan Hongsha’s cover to burn the paper with trembling, picked up the paper ashes, opened the wine bottle and wanted to pour it in, when asked by Luo Ren, the wine almost spilled.

He is also quick-witted, so he blurted out: “Brother Luo, bring wine, it will be cold in the mountains at night, drink some shochu to warm up, do you… want some?”

Fortunately, Luo Ren is not very interested in consumables such as cigarettes and alcohol that paralyze the nerves and instant response ability. If he really wants to drink, Cao Yanhua really doesn’t know how to end it – after all, it is mixed with talisman paper ashes the wine.

Cao Jiefang happily ate ants, earthworms, centipedes, scorpions, and rice without shells, but he refused to drink wine.

I’m not a fool, I know it’s not water when I smell it.

Luo Ren packed up, led Mudai to go inside, urged them to follow, Ten Wan agreed, let Yan Hongsha go first.

Cao Yanhua was in a hurry: “It won’t drink.”

13,000 is also anxious, and his heart is swaying: “Pinch its mouth, lift its neck, and pour it!”


10,000 shook the bottle, trying to shake the wine evenly, seeing that Cao Yanhua was not moving, he urged him angrily: “Have you ever seen a chicken drink water? After drinking water, the head will be turned upside down. Why? “

Cao Yanhua has never observed this: “Why?”

“The neck of a chicken is different from the neck of a human, and it cannot be swallowed, so you have to raise your neck, and the water will flow in naturally. Why do you use drunk rice to steal chickens? It is convenient, and you don’t need to drink alcohol.”

Brother Sansan is so proficient in speaking, thinking that when he was wandering around, he did harm to chickens a lot.

Cao Yanhua said in his heart: It’s all come to this point, it’s not enough to fall short, let’s go all out!

He grabbed Cao Jiefang’s two wings with one hand, and pinched the beak of the chicken with the other to lift up its neck. The little chicken feet were digging and digging on the ground.

Cao Yanhua speaks incoherently: “Liberation, it’s cold in the mountains, drink some wine, keep out the cold…”

Watching Cao Jiefang’s belly gradually bulging, I couldn’t help but feel a little scared: “Okay, Brother Sansan, don’t push Jiefang to death.”

It was over soon, with 13,000 trembling hands, less than one-fifth of a bottle of wine was poured, and the rest was spilled.

Cao Yanhua didn’t dare to breathe, and slowly let go of his hand.

Cao Jiefang didn’t respond.

Cao Yanhua’s heart was in a state of turmoil, and he stood with 13,000. At this time, he was afraid that the waves would be choppy.

Ask 13,000: “Will Liberation be drunk to death? I heard that drinking too much will kill you.”

13,000 has no idea: “Liberation is… a wild chicken, so the resistance will be stronger.”

“Why doesn’t it move, is it drunk? So drunk so soon?”

“I’m sure the symbol is working.”

Really? Cao Yanhua panicked a little, stretched out his hand cautiously, and touched Cao Jiefang’s head.

Cao Jiefang raised his head in a jerk, and Cao Yanhua was caught off guard and took two steps back, almost falling to the ground.

Kiyo’s voice came from a distance: “You two, why don’t you go and build a house on the spot?”

Strange too, as soon as the words fell, Cao Jiefang turned around, flapped his wings, and followed.


It’s like everyone else, so calm?

One thousand three hearts said: Our liberation is really massive.

Two people, with ghosts in their hearts and hopes, and their thoughts of confrontation are still alive. You look at me, and I look at you again, and follow anxiously.

The sun had already set behind the hilltop, and the last light was about to disperse in the twilight. Cao Jiefang walked ahead, the hair on his tail twitching.

Cao Yanhua stared at it intently.

——”Brother Sansan, why do I feel that Liberation is no longer going in a straight line?”

——”Brother Sansan, did you notice that Liberation started to drift when walking?”

——”Brother Sansan…”

The third chanting of “Brother San San” was not finished yet, Cao Jiefang, who was walking in front, suddenly tilted his head and fell to the ground with a thud.

There was a bang in Cao Yanhua’s head, and he said in his heart: It’s over, Liberation is dead.


The location is selected, and Kiyo has already climbed the tallest tree to keep watch. Putting on the infrared night vision goggles, he can see all kinds of vital signs from far and near.

It’s a really lonely place, only a few of them are the biggest, most conspicuous, and have great vitality.

Turning around, seeing these two people walking towards each other, hey, why is Ten Thousand and Thirteen holding Cao Jiefang all the time?

Kiyo took off the night vision device and shouted: “What’s wrong with Cao Jiefang?”

13,000 was dejected, and replied: “I drank too much.”

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