Seven Evil Slips Chapter 22:

It will be daylight but not yet.

At the corner of the stairs on the first floor of the Gathering and Floating Bar, a flashlight is secretly lit. It is Cao Jiefang’s mansion.

13,000, Yan Hongsha, and Cao Yanhua formed a circle. In the center of the circle was Cao Jiefang, who was forcibly woken up half an hour ago, but he saw two signs hanging on his neck, his eyes were dull, and his head occasionally nodded. Squeeze, it looks like you’re going to fall asleep in the next second.

Cao Yanhua earnestly said: “Liberation, did you listen to what I just said? It’s time to test your acting skills.”

13,000 is good at pointing at Cao Jiefang’s sign: “Jiefang, you have to be worthy of this brand. ‘A good chicken’, what is the standard of a good chicken? It is to know how to cooperate, do you understand?”

Yan Hongsha was angry and funny: “It doesn’t understand, it’s just a chicken, and it’s not mature. Can you think of a more reliable way? Huh?”

Luo Ren thinks that 13,000 may be right.

He and Aoki tried to investigate the landforms of the ancient city, with the help of the web map, and searched countless pictures, but there was no practical gain—they had limited power in China, and they couldn’t check every detail of the ground photo.

If Kiyo sent the news secretly, then they must not make a big fuss—there are cheetah eyeliners around, so they must check quietly and seemingly casually.

At first, Luo Ren wanted to use Wan Fenghuo, but Aoki objected. The reason was that Wan Fenghuo’s information business was open to everyone. It’s hard to say whether the Cheetah came here because of Wan Fenghuo’s help—ask him for some information. Innocuous things are fine, but when it comes to taking action, it’s better to do it yourself.

Thus ten thousand three said that he has a method that seems absurd, but is actually feasible.

The sun is getting higher, the flow of people is increasing, and shops of all sizes in the ancient city are opening one after another.

“Usually treat you so well! I just kicked you twice, what can I do?”

Accompanied by the loud “ha… duo… la”, the tourists suddenly found that a pheasant escaped from the door like an arrow flying from the string.

The panicked Cao Yanhua followed behind, shouting: “Help, help, stop it…”

Most people avoid them, and there are a few who try to stop them. Go up the wall of this house, suddenly enter the yard of that house, and then just disappear.

Cao Yanhua stamped his feet on the spot and got angry at the chasing 13,000: “Where is the chicken! It’s gone!”

10,000 quarreled with him with his neck stuck: “Isn’t it just a chicken? It’s a big deal, can I get it back for you?”

The two entered the bar with their eyebrows crossed. The crowd of spectators hadn’t dispersed yet. Through the glass window of the bar, one could see Yisan standing by the window, brushing something away.

A few minutes later, the two came out again, 13,000 wounds were not healed, one arm was hanging, and Cao Yanhua was holding a “Chicken Hunting Notice”.

With just a few strokes, the painting is vivid, and it is indeed the demeanor of the chicken just now.

The first line of words: Thanks to the return, I will thank you one hundred yuan.

The two pushed and shoved, cursed and went looking for chickens all the way.


At the same time, Pin Ting was painting in the courtyard.

Standing an easel, facing the wall, surrounded by a watercolor palette, but the picture shows a dusty wall, bare walls, and peeling wall spots.

Uncle Zheng came out and said to her: “Pin Ting, do you want to paint and dry outside, or come in.”

Bitting her lips, Pin Ting answered the wrong question: “Brother Xiaodao doesn’t come to see me either.”

Zheng Bo laughed: “Although the person didn’t come, he made a phone call. Didn’t Mr. Aoki explain clearly to us that Luo Xiaodao caused trouble outside, so he let us hide it because he was afraid of hurting us.”

Ping Ting raised her head and looked over the wall to see the high place next door. There was Luo Ren’s room. Every night, she could see the lights in the room. Luo Ren went in and out, and she didn’t know what she was busy with.

Just as he was thinking, a human head suddenly appeared on the top of the wall.

Ping Ting was so frightened that she said “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

A thief? Stealing chicken? Over the wall in broad daylight?

Looking closely, it was a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body and a gloomy face. The chicken’s mouth was tied with scotch tape, and its two calves were tied with a string, with an angry look on its face.

Fortunately, that man spoke first.

“Are you Luo Ren’s relatives?”

Responding, Zheng Bo quickly nodded, Zheng Mingshan pointed to Cao Jiefang on the ground: “Luo Renrang sent it here.”

It seems that there is no malicious intent, Zheng Bo breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the chicken and then at Zheng Mingshan: “Send it here…to eat?”

Luo Xiaodao is still quite humane. People can’t get through these two days, and I still miss them in my heart-no, it’s rare that someone sent a chicken, which is game.

Hearing the word “eat”, Cao Jiefang was terrified, and his whole body shivered instantly.

Zheng Mingshan frowned.

Luo Ren just asked him to cooperate in catching a chicken that Cao Yanhua was chasing after, and if he caught it, he sent it here to store, but he didn’t say whether to eat it or not.

Zheng Mingshan was vague and ambiguous: “Either ask him, or… whatever you want.”


In the afternoon, Yi Wan and Cao Yanhua, who had wandered around the entire ancient city, finally came back. posted.

The harvest was huge. I saw a total of three houses with bamboo. I remembered the names and directions of the alleys clearly.

Three places, the next step is to have a reliable face to investigate.

Luo Ren called Zheng Mingshan, and a quarter of an hour later, Zheng Mingshan, who was wearing a low-profile tourist hat, entered the bar and sat in the corner without talking to anyone, Yan Hongsha was holding the wine list Going to order, Zheng Mingshan opened the wine list, calmly took the drawing paper inside, after reading it, he muttered that it was too expensive, got up and left.

When I went out, I passed Luo Ren, but Luo Ren didn’t look at him, and said in a low voice, “Thank you.”

Zheng Mingshan didn’t look at him either, and said with a sneer, “It’s not for you.”

Luo Ren didn’t say a word, and entered the bar as usual. At the other end, Cao Yanhua rushed up to meet him, and asked him in a low voice: “Brother Luo, shall we liberate?”

He was really a little bit secretly happy. When he arranged the show in the morning, he insisted on Wansan singing a white face. His relationship will also be ruined by domestic violence, and it is a good time for him to take advantage of the emptiness and show his favor to Jiefang.

Luo Ren said: “Send it to Pin Ting and Zheng Bo.”

As soon as Cao Yanhua said this, Cao Yanhua was fine, and Yiwan, who was sitting on the side resting, suddenly raised his head subconsciously. At the same time, he seemed to realize that his actions were too much, and quickly turned his face away.

Yan Hongsha stared at the side, made a face at Luo Ren, and made a big effort with her mouth.

Luo Ren smiled, came over and sat next to Wan San, and said, “You can go if you want to see her. When she was sick, you took care of her a lot.”

13,000 is a little embarrassed: “This…isn’t suitable, it’s hard to hide it, don’t expose it.”

Before Luo Ren could speak, Yanhong poked his head over: “If you want to go, there is always a way.”

Five minutes later, Yan Hongsha answered two calls, raised his head, and the whole bar could hear: “Takeaway! The strange smell building on Cross Street, two glasses of Blue Mountain. There is also a silver shop across the street. Next to the store, cappuccino with cheesecake.”

Ten minutes later, Ten Thousand Thirteen was carrying a plastic packing bag in one hand, and when he went out, he put on a pose: “I’m already like this, let me deliver it!”

Yan Hongsha couldn’t help laughing, and asked Luo Ren: “Am I smart?”

Luo Ren was in a state of anxiety, knowing that Zheng Mingshan could not have news so soon, he still checked his phone from time to time, and replied perfunctorily: “Yes, smart.”

Yan Hongsha was proud, when she turned her face, she suddenly saw Aoki look up at her.

I don’t know why, my heart suddenly thumped violently, and I was a little annoyed, thinking: I shouldn’t have smiled so openly just now, and my teeth were all exposed.


13,000 reached out to knock on the door, his palms were wet, and when he yelled “takeaway”, he felt that the voice was very unnatural.

Uncle Zheng came to open the door, he hadn’t seen Ten Thousand for quite a while, at first sight, he couldn’t close his mouth when he saw him, he led him to see Pin Ting, and said to Pin Ting, “Do you still remember Xiao Jiang? When you were sick, he always played with you, and you couldn’t tell the difference at that time, and you called him ‘Brother Xiaodao’, Luo Xiaodao was jealous when he heard that.”

Ping Ting hurriedly stood up from the easel, nodded to 13000, and said, “Hello.”

As he spoke, he looked him up and down.

Thirteen became uncomfortable, his arm was in plaster, and he ran around the ancient city with Cao Yanhua, his clothes were wrinkled, his hair was messed up, and there was dirt on his trousers.

On the other hand, Pin Ting, sitting in front of the easel, is well dressed, her hair is not messed up, she is painting, and she is as beautiful as a painting.

When speaking, be polite and polite to him, no longer the Ping Ting who grabbed his arm and called “Brother Xiaodao, chasing Xiaoyu”.

Like people from two worlds.

Thirteen forced a smile and said, “Hello.”

He handed Zheng Bo the takeaway bag in his hand, and glanced at the yard by the way: “That…where is our chicken…”

It’s okay not to mention the chicken, but as soon as he mentioned it, Zheng Bo slapped his thigh: “Didn’t you buy that chicken to eat? It must be refined, right?”


We have to start from the beginning.

After Zheng Mingshan left, Uncle Zheng was thinking about how to eat the chicken. He had served both roosters and hens before, but the pheasant…was a first for him.

So he went back to the house to find out how to cook the pheasant.

Cao Jiefang began to take a walk in the yard.

Ordinarily, its two feet are tied by small ropes, like shackles, and it can’t walk in big strides—or Cao Jiefang is quite adaptable. According to Pin Ting, when painting He raised his head and saw Cao Jiefang taking small steps like a Japanese woman, twisting and turning into the kitchen.

Later, after Uncle Zheng entered the kitchen, he could no longer find a knife, and Cao Jiefang lay on the ground, as if hen was about to hatch an egg.

Zheng Bola entered the house at 13,000, pointing to a place near the stove: “Who knew that the knife was pressed under it, this little beast, I didn’t know it was because the rope was held loose by it. It happened to be sharpened by the knife, and I ran away in a hurry, I asked Pin Ting to stop her, but Pin Ting was so courageous, she didn’t dare, that little beast flapped its wings, flew up to the wall and disappeared!”

Thirteen’s heart sank, thinking: It’s broken, it’s broken.

How can Cao Jiefang really understand how to “play”, so when he came out in the morning, he was really aggressive and “chasing the chicken”. When he kicked it, Cao Jiefang’s little eyes were wronged.

Now that I have broken free from the shackles, of course I will not go back. The sky is high and the earth is wide. Yuan, it doesn’t seem attractive.


Zheng Mingshan found the first one.

The gate was closed and there was no movement. He walked around the house inadvertently. The back wall was close to a secluded alley with few people walking around, so it was the best place to enter.

Before he acted, he found a shop on a high ground, quickly checked the courtyard, and after confirming that there was no one there, he quickly climbed over the wall and entered.

The walls of the building here are not too high, so although he doesn’t know gecko swimming like Kiyo, getting in and out is not a problem.

After landing, I quickly searched for a bunker, and quickly looked around the courtyard: there is no breath of life, and it is not like drying clothes like other residential courtyards. Or short-term rental to tourists, or… there is a problem.

The back door of the house was ajar, Zheng Mingshan hurried over, and was about to reach out to push the door, when a voice of “Huh” suddenly came from behind.

His heart froze, he quickly rolled over on the ground, without looking at her, his hand was like lightning, he covered her mouth with one hand, and locked her neck with the other.

Soft skin and small stature, she is a six or seven-year-old foreign girl with blond curly hair and a doll in her arms, as if frightened by him, with tears rolling in her eyes change.

Oops, it’s a foreign tourist, why is she still a child? Zheng Mingshan was a little scared. He still covered her mouth with one hand, and put his finger on his lips with the other hand, signaling her to stop talking. This gesture is probably common all over the world. The little girl’s tears rolled down, but she still nodded. When Zheng Mingshan took his hand away, she pursed her lips and whispered something in English: “Uncle, don’t kill me.”

This situation was really unexpected, Zheng Mingshan felt that he should turn around and leave, but to be cautious, he asked her a few more questions.

“From where?”

“United States.”

“Who brought you here?”

“Mummy and Daddy, and Grandpa and Grandma.”

“Where are they?”

She timidly pointed to the door: “Some are asleep, some are watching a movie.”

Zheng Mingshan took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to touch her head, and said in a low voice: “Uncle went to the wrong door, goodbye.”

He looked at the little girl with a smile, and reached out his hand to salute her, and then quickly climbed up the wall and disappeared like when he came.

The little girl looked up at the empty wall, paused and lowered her head, stretched out her hand to hold the doll’s hand, and hummed a few words: “hey, diddle, diddle…”

Pause, then turned around suddenly, and shouted into the door: “Mommy!”

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