Seven Evil Slips Chapter 2:

Based on this trip, the magic stick lingered in Hangu Pass for quite a while.

He has never been here before. After all, this place does not conform to his usual “aesthetic” preferences. In his opinion, only haunted, supernatural, and scary places are worth visiting and studying.

Now that we have arrived at Hangu Pass, where should we start?

Unable to escape the common customs, I bought tickets to the scenic spot of Zhanglinggu Hanguguan Cultural Tourism Area, which cost 50 yuan.

Walking around, looking at the building, looking at the inscriptions and looking at the head, I was dismissed as a beggar several times, and was looked at by the staff of the scenic spot with suspicious eyes and asked to check the ticket several times.

No discovery, no gain. When I came out, I read the brief introduction carefully at the introduction at the gate. The words “Taichu Palace was rebuilt in 1987” and “Hangu Pass Building was rebuilt in 1992” turned out to be newly built historic sites. Where can I find the traces of Lao Tzu more than two thousand years ago?

The magic stick is very depressed.

While resting their chins and meditating, two foreign tourists passed by. They were probably also disappointed with the scenic spot, and they answered each other without saying a word.

——These scenic spots now look and look the same, which is really boring.

——Let me tell you, if you want to see the real thing, you must avoid these famous scenic spots and big developers.

It’s really a word that startled the person in the dream, remote, far, border, strange, isn’t it just my own guidelines and route all the time, how can I forget this?

The magic stick was in high spirits, turning the shuttle bus into a van, and the pickup truck into a tractor, following the imaginary route of Lao Tzu’s journey out of Hangu Pass, and he was not afraid of meeting robbers with ulterior motives. After hiding it, the looters will probably give him two dollars in charity.

Passing by a lot of xiaomenxiaohuxiaocun under the banner of Laozi’s tourism culture, they usually leave in good spirits and return in disappointment. Depressed, I sent a message in the group.

——Hangu Pass is not fun.

It’s not fun, but it’s also the number one fortress in the ages, “You can know me by looking at the breath, and the dust of the ages is in this sky”.

At dusk that day, I got off the tractor and came to a village. The village was small, with a dozen or so households scattered on the top of the hill. On the red brick wall at the entrance of the village, there was a line of large characters plastered on it.

——Laozi’s stop, cultural tourism village.

The magic stick estimates that it should be organized by the county’s propaganda department, and the villagers probably don’t even know who Lao Tzu is.

The magic stick climbed to the top of the mountain and looked at it for a while.

It should be far away from the Hangu Pass Scenic Area, and I don’t bother to check which province it belongs to. I just think that the location of this village is very good.

To be precise, it is a large piece of Hangu Pass, and the location is intriguing.

Adjoining the Qinling Mountains in the south, overlooking the Loess Slope in the north, you can faintly see the Yellow River. If you look at the large terrain, it is just at the junction of the Daxinganling-Taihang Mountains and the Qilian-Qinling Mountains. This area may not be there today. China’s political and economic center, but a long time ago, at the beginning of China, it was the place of origin, where the Yandi, Huangdi, and Jiuli clans competed for each other.

At that time, the middle section of the Yangtze River, which is now rich and prosperous, was just the three seedlings of the emperor’s family who had no time to look south.

The loess under your feet has a long history. When you look at it, there are countless stories mixed up and twisted. It’s a pity that no history museum bothers to dig it up for collection.

The **** stick clapped his hands and went down the mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, I met children playing marbles. The older ones were in their teens, and the younger ones were only wearing crotch pants. , all looked up at him curiously, probably very few outsiders came to this village.

God stick asked: “Baby, is there any scenic spot in your village?”

Since it is called “Cultural Tourism Village”, there must be one or two affordable scenic spots: For example, when passing by the previous village, the villagers showed him a big square bluestone, saying that Lao Tzu went out of Hangu Pass When I was young, I leaned against this stone to rest, and it has been warm in winter and cool in summer since then——I even let him touch it enthusiastically, and charged him five yuan after touching it.

After asking, I feel like I’m a little bit pedantic, this group of dolls don’t even know what “attraction” means, shouldn’t they explain it?

Unexpectedly, the older child understood it and said, “Yes, there is a gossip observatory in our village.”

The magic stick was shocked.

It’s not “Lao Tzu’s Resting Place”, “Lao Tzu’s Drinking Cow Place” or “Lao Tzu’s Wrestling Place”, but a cultural and temperamental name like “Bagua Xingtai”!

He couldn’t hold back the excitement in his heart: “Can you take me to see it?”

The dolls were very excited, and surrounded him to go in one direction, or tugging or pulling.

The next moment, when the Eight Diagrams Observatory appeared in front of Shenzhu, he felt as if he was hit by a broom. After the broom was taken away, dust was still falling on his face.

It is a stone, the lower half is buried in the soil, the exposed part is about the size of a basin, it is inclined, covered with moss, and the lower part of the inclination is concave, with muddy rainwater accumulated in it, and there are mosquito larvae Paddle happily on the water.

This is called Bagua Xingtai?

It’s too cramped for a person to stand on, and it’s too unstable to set up a grounded telescope crookedly. How dare you come up with such a majestic name?

Shen stick bade farewell to a group of dolls, the older boy named Shuanzi followed him and shouted, “You don’t have a car, the tractor won’t start until the sun goes down.”

It actually made the crow’s mouth hit the mark.

Shen stick waited at the intersection until the moon was in the sky. The only vehicle that passed by was a donkey, which was still free-range.

The magic stick had no choice but to turn up the mountain again. Coincidentally, the first house that was knocked open was Shuan Zi’s house.

Shuanzi’s parents work in the city, and he and his grandfather, Old Shuan, are the only ones at home. The country people are honest, and they charge him ten yuan, and they will arrange a berth for him and provide meals for him.

Dinner is pumpkin porridge and pancakes with green peppers.

A dark figure walked on the path outside the fenced courtyard, with a hunched waist, looking closer, it was an old man with gray hair, holding a brass cigarette pouch behind his back.

Old Shuan came out to fetch water, and greeted the man: “Yin Erma, are you going to sleep at the Eight Diagrams Observatory again?”

There is a bit of sarcasm in the tone.

Yin Erma didn’t seem to notice, and calmly replied: “Yes.”

Then take your time and walk away.

Shen stick’s heart moved: this Yin Erma doesn’t look like an uninformed rural farmer.

Old Shuan turned his head back and explained to Shenzhu: “That person also has a problem. He usually talks and does things normally, but he will get sick at night.”

When the magic stick is excited, getting sick means that things are strange and abnormal, which is just to his taste.

“How is it illegal?”

Old Shuantou sneered as he said: “Every night, around this time, he goes to that so-called Bagua Observatory, saying that he is looking at the stars. In fact, many people have bumped into him. He just goes to sleep and goes to the ground there. Lie down, lie down for a while, pat your **** and get up and go home, rain and snow, never stop.”

He sought a sense of recognition from the magic stick: “You said, what is this if it’s not a disease?”

This is not necessarily a disease. If it is scientific, it is called obsessive-compulsive disorder. If it is literary, it is called personal hobby. If it is perfunctory, it is self-willed.

The heart of the magic stick was itchy, and he said, “I’ll go and see.”


Tip to follow.

Illumination is not a problem, the moonlight in the mountains seems to be brighter than other places, shining on the ground, shining like silver.

Soon we arrived at the so-called Eight Diagrams Observatory.

Old Shuantou said exactly what he said, that Yin Erma put his cigarette pouch into the white cloth belt that tied his clothes, and then he lay down. Strictly speaking, he didn’t lie down, lying on his side, motionless, just like going to bed. No difference.

Is this called looking at the stars?

The **** stick not far away imitated his posture and turned his head in bewilderment: From this angle, you will never see the stars, right? The sight is blocked by the stone half buried in the soil…

Slow down…

The magic stick came to the fore, this Yin Erma was actually looking at the stone.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yin Erma was done with the other end. He got up and patted the mud on his buttocks, put his hands behind his back, and returned back the same way leisurely.

Watching him walk away, the magic stick trotted away, and then went to the Eight Diagrams Observatory, and lay down in a swish, following Yin Erma’s position in memory, moving around and twisting on his side.

The stone was dark, as if it had merged with the night, but there was another bright side on the stone surface, like a mirror placed at a low angle.

Thinking of it, this is the stagnant water in the low-lying places of the rocks.

The **** stick squinted his eyes to see.

Looking at it, I suddenly had a strange illusion: Although the surface of the water is small, if you think about it in the depths, maybe the whole sky is reflected in it.

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt that Yin Erma was a poetic person who was out of tune with the surrounding environment: he might really be looking at the stars, and he didn’t necessarily have to look up to look at the stars, he could just lower his head.

Suddenly, a little sparkle appeared on the water.

Either you lost your eye or the light reflected by the light, or it appeared out of thin air. The magic stick even subconsciously looked up at the sky: the moon is bright and the stars are sparse tonight, only a few faintly discernible ones, it is impossible to appear A big star that can be projected so clearly on the water.

The magic stick held his breath.

The second light appears immediately, a little distance from the first point.

It’s so bright, it really looks like stars with uncertain brightness hidden in the water, this Yin Erma may really be stargazing.

Shen stick felt that he had spied on some secret, and his heart was pounding nervously.

The third point, the fourth point… the seventh point.

Arranged in a wrong order, it is shaped like a… spoon.

The Big Dipper?

Yes, it is the Big Dipper.

How could the water accumulated in a rocky depression in this ordinary small village appear like a small dipper?

Shen stick was very surprised, excited and confused at the same time, he quickly took out his phone, switched to camera mode, and focused.

When I took the photo, my hands still trembled with excitement, the image was a bit blurry, but the seven bright spots were barely discernible.

Just after shooting, the images on the water surface changed again. From his position, the brightness of the bottom three and the upper point gradually faded and turned into a dark red color, and the remaining three points It seems brighter.

However, this scene only lasted a few seconds.

Before the surface of the water recovered, it was perfectly calm, but with the wind blowing, there were almost undetectable ripples.

Shen stick sat up from the ground, rubbed several grass clippings on his head in a comical way.

The excitement is beyond words, this Yin Erma is really looking at the stars.


It was already very late, and Shen stick went back to Lao Shuantou’s house first.

The **** stick asked him: “What is the origin of the gossip star observatory in your village?”

Old Shuantou said: “Who knows, it’s been called that since I was a child.”

He looked at the magic stick curiously: “You foreigners, do you think this name is elegant? The cadres in the village also said that the name is bright, but I listen, what is it with Baigoupo and Nanshan Aozi? The same.”

I have heard it since I was a child, and I listen to it every day, but I can’t tell the difference.

“No one knows the origin?”

“Yin Erma said that there is a cultural man named Lao Tzu, and that stone was left there by Lao Tzu.”

The magic stick didn’t ask any more questions. He felt that what Old Shuantou knew was limited, and more clues would probably come down to this Yin Erma.

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