Seven Evil Slips Chapter 157:

Based on their different experiences in Caojia Village, among the five people, Shisan was the only one who believed that the murderous letter was on Qingshan from the beginning to the end.

Because of the color on his head, he stayed in the car to rest for the time being, but he had three urgencies. I’m afraid that his stomach was cold from being buried in the soil a few days ago, and suddenly there were bursts of waves, and there were no decent sanitation measures around—— I had no choice but to tear off the paper and trot to the woods to release it.

Smoothness is heartiness, but after being a civilized person for a long time, I feel uneasy after all, and I keep looking around with my pants up, which is also heartbroken-what if someone comes? It’s fine if it’s seen by a countryman she doesn’t know, but if Yan Hongsha comes back suddenly, her image will be ruined for the rest of her life…

I was really afraid of something coming, just at the moment when I was frightened, I suddenly saw someone running all the way from the direction of Caojia Village.

Thirteen’s scalp was numb, so he hurriedly dealt with the aftermath. Just as he stood up with his pants on, the man had already rushed to the side of the Hummer, reached out and patted on the door, and looked in with his head against the window, as if he wanted to take a ride. Seeing that there was no one in the car, he looked around anxiously, and then quickly ran towards the road.

Just this pause, let Shi San recognize that it is Qingshan.

What do you mean? Ten thousand three’s mind turned rapidly.

Accordingly, today should be a wedding, why is Qingshan running away in panic? Did Yan Hongsha succeed? No way, the Erhuo girl has a limited IQ, so it’s hard to believe that she managed to turn the tide in such a short period of time.

Seeing Qingshan running farther and farther, Yiwan suddenly realized: no matter what, Qingshan must not be allowed to escape, the evil is on him.

Yan San immediately chased after him. At first, he only followed in the woods, not daring to be blatant. Later, Qingshan stopped a tractor at a fork in the road, and rolled into the back of the tractor in twos and threes—— It is impossible to catch up with the four wheels. At this time, the only way is to go deep behind the enemy lines.

He ran out of the woods yelling, begging for a ride too.

When the uncle driving the tractor saw him, he almost slid off his seat in fright: “Little brother, what’s wrong with you? Are you disfigured?”

Amitabha, I really want to thank Yan Hongsha for wrapping his face like a mummy.

Thirteen was very calm, facing the eyes of the tractor uncle and Qingshan, rolled into the truck.

When the tractor chugs up, Shisan also tells the story of himself to the two of them in a deliberately low and hoarse voice.

He is a cyclist, the kind who vowed to ride all over China. He signed a publishing agreement with a publishing house. Around here, when riding downhill, the brakes failed, and the whole person shoveled off the slope—on the ground on his face.

Uncle tractor got goosebumps all over his body when he heard it: “The face was shoveled off? Doesn’t it lose a layer of skin?”

13,000 touched the bandage on his face, and said seriously: “No, I was limping, and I pushed the cart to the county to pack it. Later, I lost a USB flash drive when I packed my luggage—— All the collection materials are in it, so I ran back to look for it.”

The tractor uncle is very sympathetic: “Have you found it?”

13,000 sighed: “No.”

The Qingshan in the car is a boring gourd, the tractor uncle prefers to chat with Yiwan, this is exactly what Wanwan wants to do – he began to let go of his riding experience, how to ride to Kangding Zheduo Mountain, how to ride Carrying a small flag signed by friends from many countries, how can a boss from Zhejiang sponsor him 13,000 yuan…

It sounds very fresh, the tractor uncle was startled, and even Qingshan couldn’t help asking several times.

Very good, ten thousand three praises himself in his heart, this kind of “professional experience” is shown, at least Qingshan will not be suspicious.

The next step is to stick to Qingshan, and then find a gap to contact Yan Hongsha and the others—if they can be contacted.

He began to get close to Qingshan, introducing the book publishing agreement he signed with the publishing house.

“In-depth collection of stories and pictures of ordinary people’s lives, so I have been interviewing people on the road, getting along with them for half a day, and I plan to interview a hundred people. The title of the book is “A Day of a Hundred People” “, this book will be published by the People’s Publishing House of China…”

Qingshan was stunned for a moment, a little unhappy, rubbing his hands together and said: “I am an ordinary person, I have nothing to interview.”

The tractor uncle is not enthusiastic: “Is it still possible to write a book? Me, me.”

Thirteen ruthlessly poured cold water on him: “I’ve already interviewed two tractor drivers, I can’t say more.”

Uncle Tractor is very disappointed. As for the People’s Publishing House of China, if his story can be published in the book, all Chinese people can read his story, so the opportunity is missed.

One thousand three continued to rub Qingshan’s cold **** with his hot face: “What’s your name, brother? What do you do?”

Qing Shan finds him annoying.

“I really have nothing to interview, I’m just a part-time worker…”

“Good part-time job! I just lack this theme!”

“I still have something to do, I have to hurry, I don’t have time for an interview…”

“It doesn’t matter, you don’t need to set aside special time, it’s deliberate, you are busy with your work, I will record from the side, do you know the documentary style, that’s the style…”

“Look, why don’t you find someone else…”

“It’s better to meet by chance than to invite each other. I think you are a very good subject…”

Qingshan still has basic social etiquette, and he can’t say anything serious to drive people away. He just thinks that the mummy is too uninteresting and annoying, so he put on a haughty face, neither saying good nor bad, Thinking about finding a cheap place, I dumped it.

The eyes of the uncle tractor beside him were red with jealousy.


In Qingshan’s heart, Shanhu was probably unlucky. No matter how he signaled, overtly or covertly, Shiwan would always greet him with a smile, pretending not to understand, and politely followed him to change cars and run away, like a piece of paper thrown away by him. Non-shedding brown sugar.

If it weren’t for the many people along the way, I really want to punch the whole thing—how can these cultural people who write books be so annoying.

When he arrived at the county seat, Qingshan took a bus to another town under the jurisdiction of the county. This town was in the other direction and relatively farther away. Naturally, 13,000 people followed him everywhere—on the bus, he tried to call Luo Ren and the others one by one. The phone, no, no, no.

Maybe he hasn’t come out of Caojia Village yet.

Or worse, even the red sand has been brought down.

Do you want to bring down Qingshan by yourself? Do you use your own blood vessels? In Nantian County, using blood to deal with people affected by the murderous letter seems to be effective, but the person who is really possessed by the murderous letter should be more difficult…

Extremely anxious, and had to put on an annoying interview posture, arrived at the station in the evening, and entered the restaurant at the entrance of the town with Qingshan, Qingshan asked the owner where to stay, and 13,000 walked to the door , Called several people one by one.

Luo Ren’s phone actually went through.

13,000 was so excited that she almost burst into tears, and it rained cats and dogs.

Urging Luo Ren: “Hurry up, fight for IQ, if you have to do it, you know it, that’s my shortcoming…”

Luo Ren didn’t talk nonsense: “Okay, you can text me your location later, and I’ll check.”

13,000 said: “You have to hurry up, I have suffered from him before, but if I turn my back on him, it will be a murderer…”

With a glance, he suddenly saw Qingshan coming towards this end, his heart skipped a beat, and his voice immediately raised an octave.

“I’m interviewing! Yes, my book must have an English version, what? The Japanese also want it? No, I don’t sign it to the Japanese. I resist Japan…”

On the other end, Luo Ren chuckled and hung up the phone.

Yan San put down the phone and sent a message to Luo Ren pretending to be okay. Qing Shan came over and said, “I have something to do at night. I have to go over the mountain road, so I can’t cooperate with your interview.”

In the evening, on the mountain road.

Last time, such a combination of situations almost killed him, and his scalp felt numb, but his face was still calm: “Okay, okay, thank you for today’s interview, I invite you for this meal, let’s eat. Eat.”


Thirteen racked their brains to delay the time.

Ordering less at the beginning, adding more dishes one by one, and dragging Qing Shan Hu to drink Hai Chui, during which time I did not forget to send a letter to urge Luo Ren: “Hurry up! Hurry up.”

He really couldn’t find any reason to cling to Qingshan anymore, and he wouldn’t dare to follow the dark mountain road any more.

And Luo Ren’s message back made him want to scold his mother: “I’m in a hurry, try to delay it.”

How can this delay, I’m so worried.

When pushing the cup over again, he caught a glimpse of the corner of the wallet exposed in Qingshan’s open inner pocket.

Suddenly remembered that Cao Yanhua often sang the gold and puzzled, 13,000 hearts pounded, and through the chance of touching the cup again, he pretended to be unstable under his feet, stubborning at the table, and hitting the mountains. When Qingshan helped him, he moved very quickly to pick up the wallet.

The plan was very good: after Qingshan left, he found that he didn’t bring his wallet with him halfway, so he might look for it when he came back, so as to delay it a little longer. Or after Qingshan left, he could catch up with him by returning the wallet.

It’s a pity that it’s not Cao Yanhua after all, and he doesn’t have the technology to draw and hide quickly: the draw is drawn out, but he didn’t catch it, and fell directly to the ground.

Qing Shan leaned over to pick it up, propped his hands on the table, and picked it up for a long time.

When she got up, Shi San smiled awkwardly: “I’m sorry.”

Qing Shan glanced at him and said, “It’s okay.”


Satisfied with wine and food, there is no reason to keep anyone, Wansan watched Qingshan leave along the path, jumped anxiously, and hurriedly called Luo Ren again.

Luo Ren replied: It’s almost here, even if you’re **** off, think of a way to delay it for a while.

Coming soon…

Three thousand and one heart, since it is almost here, then I… follow again!

He borrowed a flashlight from the store, and tremblingly, he followed the trail and called all the way.

If the flashlight is on, Qing Shan will definitely notice it, so Wan San thinks about what excuse he should make up: just say that he is out to see the stars?

After walking for a while, he stopped hesitantly and flicked the flashlight around.

This is the back mountain, not far away there is an abandoned courtyard, the roof has collapsed, and the big lala shines on it, and you can see the stone mill in the courtyard, as well as the well wheel.

There are bushes on the side, and the road ahead and behind is dark.

It is said that if Qingshan walks leisurely, he will definitely find him following behind. Why is there no movement at all now?

Thirteen turned on the flashlight, and looked at it again wondering.

This trip, when the lightning hit the courtyard, it suddenly shone on a person beside the stone mill. It was Qingshan, silent, standing upright, with hooked eyes, staring at him.

Thirteenth Scared flashlight almost dropped.

After calming down, he clenched the flashlight tightly. His palms were sweating, and his heart was beating violently. He always felt that something was wrong.

But on the surface, you still have to laugh and pretend that it was a chance encounter.

Said: “The owner of the hotel told me that you can climb the mountain from the back and watch the stars. What a coincidence, you are still here…”

Qingshan didn’t answer, he paused and lowered his head, staring at 13,000’s feet, and said, “You didn’t change your shoes.”

13,000 was taken aback for a moment.

Qingshan said: “When I was picking up my wallet just now, I saw your shoes. You had a bandage on your face and changed your clothes again, but you didn’t change your shoes. The shoes of people in the city are not the same as ours. Same, I remember your shoes.”

A chill rose from Shi San’s back.

Yes, after Yan Hongsha dug him out of the ground, because the clothes on his body were soaked in muddy water, he found spare clothes in Luo Ren’s car and changed into them, but the shoes were still wearing It turned out that pair.


Shen stick got on the kang early and sat cross-legged.

A few days ago, I squeezed with Yin Erma every day, and I always felt that I couldn’t move my body on the kang. Now, there are more than half of them suddenly, which is strange.

A white candle was lit in front of him, and a small mirror stood in front of the candle. He carefully poked a hole in the palm of his hand with the tip of a needle, forced out a little blood, and drew a perfect circle on the mirror.

Move the candle closer and call to the mirror: “Old Yin? Erma? Brother Yin?”

I learned this method from a good friend. When the girl performed it back then, she was not skilled enough and was raped. Thanks to the magic stick, she tried her best to help her return to normal.

Before Yin Erma died, he must have something to say – his last wish has not been fulfilled, so he can’t let go, and he will come out for a while.

“Brother Yin? Two horses? Everyone is so familiar, what can you say?”

It was so noisy that a candle burned out, and there was still a large puddle of candle oil on the kang—nothing strange about it.

Shen stick was angry, pulled the light rope, and fell headlong on the kang.

In the darkness, he stared at the roof of the house. Slowly, his eyes adapted to the darkness, and the outline of the roof and girders gradually emerged.

It’s really rare, the houses here still have big beams, and now the houses in big cities are not built like this, so the words “gentlemen on the beams” can only be understood.

When Yin Erma was dying, he muttered a lot, but he could only hear one word: “Mother.”

Isn’t it likely that he was thinking about his dead mother?


This mother has many combinations, girl, mother, stepmother, aunt…


Suddenly, Shen stick shuddered and sat up from the kang.

Yin Erma is a countryman, with dialect and local accent in his pronunciation, and there is a bit of indistinguishability between l and n. Could it be “Liang” and Daliang when he said “mother”?

Shen stick’s heart was pounding, he turned on the lamp again, moved a stool and put it on the kang, stood tremblingly on it, and clung to the beam.

There was a thick layer of dust on the beam. The hand of the magic stick touched the beam surface, and suddenly felt a groove. He pressed it down unintentionally, and there was a soft click, and a piece of cover popped up. Come on board.

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