Seven Evil Slips Chapter 146:

Yan Hongsha’s heart was filled with joy because of rescuing 13,000, but because of 13,000’s narration, it disappeared.

Burying ten thousand three alive is aimed at killing him. If such a hand is done to ten thousand three, what will happen to Kidai and the others?

The more you think about it, the more you panic: “Thirteen thousand, should we call the police?”

“I’ll talk about calling the police later. We have to determine the whereabouts of Mudai Luoren and the others first. If you are alive, you need to see people. When you die, you need to see the corpse.”

This sounds really unlucky, Yan Hongsha’s nose felt sore, she thought about it and asked him: “Just because you saw Qingshan digging a hole, and you couldn’t beat him, do you assume that the evil Jane is on Qingshan?” /

Thirteen shook his head: “No, there are many reasons.”

First, according to Cao Yanhua, Qingshan and him are brothers who have a good relationship. Qingshan, an honest villager, suddenly changed his temperament, and even his own brother was not spared. The reason behind it is very interesting.

Secondly, when I came to Caojia Village with Mudai, I talked about insurance with people before and after, and the real intention of coming was not revealed at all, so why were they dealt with?

He said: “This shows that, starting from that letter, it was a conscious situation that brought us here.”

Speaking of this, the conversation changed: “Do you still remember what happened in Nantian County?”

Yan Hongsha nodded, but what does this have to do with Nantian?

13,000 said: “I actually have a speculation, about the magic stick, whether the fierce Jane can pass information to each other.”

At that time in Nantian County, Ji Jian had a special nature, which Luo Ren called “memory implantation”. , Wu Yuping soon forgot about Kiyo.

At that time, the fourth evil sword dealt with them one by one, because they knew that they had the power of the phoenix clasp on them-the evil wind could not affect Kiyo, and Kiyo was the first to be exposed; The first was exposed; Cao Pangpang was recruited in the Tengma Diaotai, and the third was exposed.

The fourth fierce slip collected images of at least three of them.

13,000 lowered his voice: “It was dealt with before it knew that you and Luo Ren also had the power of the Phoenix Luan button.”

So what? Yan Hongsha still couldn’t figure out the connection.

“So I have a hypothesis that the fifth evil brief may only deal with Cao Yanhua, Mudai and me-that is to say, if there is such a thing as exchanging information, the fourth evil only sent me , Mudai and Cao Yanhua’s images, you and Luo Ren are invisible and safe.”

No, Yan Hongsha couldn’t help but retort: ​​”But, there is no news about Luo Ren.”

“If he is calm and doesn’t tell anyone why he came, I don’t think Ji Jian will take the initiative to deal with him-but if he exposes himself directly, Qingshan will definitely attack him.”

Yan Hongsha suddenly realized: “So now, it’s only me…”

13,000 nods: “If something happens to Luo Ren, you are the only one left who can sniff out the news under Ji Jian’s eyes.”

Speaking of this, he paused and looked around vigilantly.

It’s dark and quiet, only the raindrops connect the sky and the earth.

“Hongsha, tomorrow is the wedding day. After you enter the village, no one will suspect you if you don’t mention us. In this way, you can keep an eye on Qingshan secretly, and maybe you can follow some clues.”

It’s rare for Wan San to speak in such a solemn tone, Yan Hongsha’s heart tightened when he heard it: “But, I have to make up an identity, right? A stranger coming in and out suddenly is quite suspicious.”

Hmm… that’s definitely a problem.


Although there is no signal on Luo Ren’s mobile phone, the timekeeping is still normal. Seeing that it is almost eleven o’clock, he said: “Sleep.”

Kiyo said: “I don’t know if Ten Thousand and the others are dead or alive.”

The implication of the words is: the life and death of my friends are uncertain, but I am sleeping on my back, feeling uneasy.

Luo Ren lowered his head and pulled the rope: “If you can only go out after seven days, and you will know the news of Ten Thousand and the others after seven days-whether you will not eat, drink or sleep during these seven days? This will move God? “

Kiyo wanted to refute, but couldn’t find the words.

Luo Ren said: “When the time is right, learn to live with the situation. If you can’t do anything, take a rest on time to maintain your strength. In this way, if there is a fight in two days, you can at least contribute.”

After the rope was wound, he stood up and fired the flashlight around.

“How did you sleep these two days?”

“Sleeping on the ground.”

Luo Ren frowned: “On the ground?”

Kiyo tilted him: “What’s the matter? Can I still sleep in the sky?”

Luo Ren ignored her, and walked to the edge of the stone wall to look at the slanted calculus – the lower stone wall is not as smooth as the higher one, and there are many raised stone edges.

He tied the end of the rope around the stone edge.

Gradually, Kiyo understood. He took two confronting points that were relatively close to each other, and used that hanging rope to tie a rather simple rope bed. The hammock took shape.

No wonder she was picky about her sleeping on the floor, Kiyo insisted on finding fault with the egg: “This mesh is too big, bigger than my head, I will fall.”

Luo Ren continued to ignore her, first sat on the edge of the rope bed, tried the weight, and then slowly lay down on it, the rope bed swayed a few times, but it held on and was quite firm.

Kiyo looked at it for a long time and asked, “What about me?”

Luo Ren said: “Where can I find another rope for you?”

Signed to the side: “This.”

“Sleeping together?”

“What’s the matter? You still want me to give you the bed and sleep on the floor by yourself?”

Kiyo walked to the bed and looked down at him condescendingly: “Aunt Hong has taught me since I was a child, not to stay out at night, not to sleep with men, saying that is not good.”

Luo Ren was amused and wanted to choke her: This black light is blind and wet, and there is no way out, so she still pays attention to it?

Unexpectedly, Kiyo changed the subject: “But I think it’s nothing.”

She was thinking about how to climb up, the bed was really too simple, Luo Ren stretched out his hand to hold her arm, and put his other hand around her waist, first he hugged her to himself, and when the rope bed was stabilized, With one hand, he pushed the edge of the rope out and brought her to his side.

Kiyo has never slept in a rope bed hammock, how can he sleep in such a wobble?

He tilted his head back, and it was empty. That’s right, the mesh was bigger than her head.

She moved and moved, trying to go up, or down—I don’t know how many times she repeated, and then she lowered her head, and suddenly fell on Luo Ren’s arm.

He said: “Okay, stop making trouble.”

Kiyo stopped talking, and peeked to the side, Luo Ren’s hand holding the side of the rope, just added a fulcrum for her behind her head.

His arms were strong, and the pillow was hard, half of his body was next to hers, and Kiyo’s heart was beating violently.

How about sleeping like this all night…

Just thinking about it, my stomach suddenly growled.

Kiyo was embarrassed, always felt that Luo Ren was smiling.

She felt she should explain.

So I said, “I’m hungry.”

Luo Ren didn’t say a word, knowing that there was no hope, he still searched his pockets with small movements – unexpectedly touched the plastic paper.

Recalling that, when he was at the grocery store, he bought two pieces of chocolate, ate one and kept one.

What a surprise.

Just as he was about to take it out, the rope bed shook violently, and Kiyo was trying to shake something, and explained to him: “I want to tighten my belt so that I won’t be so hungry.”

Luo Ren couldn’t laugh or cry, he thought for a moment, he didn’t take it first, then retracted his hand again.

Kiyo himself sighed, as if he was muttering, but also as if he was discussing with him.

“I want to eat Xiaolongbao, fresh shrimp, add some crab powder, and fresh soup, thin skin, if you bite through it, take a sip of the soup, and then dip it in some vinegar.”

This is drawing a big cake for yourself, do you want to quench your thirst with plum blossoms? Luo Ren even told her that she was hungry.

“There is also roast duck, Luo Ren, have you ever eaten it? I haven’t eaten it. Aunt Hong has eaten it. She said that the meat is crispy and the duck skin is golden. The skin is sliced ​​into pieces and can be rolled. Eat it in lotus leaf cakes, add scallions and sweet bean sauce, wrap it up and bite…”

“My stomach is deflated…”

Luo Ren laughed loudly, couldn’t help stretching out his hand to cover her lower abdomen.

The tentacles were cold, and the delicate skin made Luo Ren stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he seemed to have seen it before, and the hem of the front of her clothes had been worn out a long time ago.

“Are you hurt?”

“It’s worn out a few times.”

Luo Ren became careful, and gently walked along the uninjured area with his fingertips.

A man is a man, and after just a few strokes, he already knew the curvature of her waistline, the texture of her lower abdomen, and the direction of those curves in his imagination.

Luo Ren’s throat was a little dry.

I heard Kiyo say: “The ancients still make sense.”

My heart was agitated, and my hands stopped suddenly. What did the ancients say? Are you saying that men are carnivores?

She said: “Sure enough, you can only think about **** when you are full and warm. I am so hungry now. You are like this… I don’t feel anything.”

So, she doesn’t feel anything when he’s like this, and it’s fine if he doesn’t feel like bumping into him. Let him be a big living person and ignore him, and his mind is still messing with the ancients who have been dead for thousands of years?

It was really hot and unknown, Luo Ren turned over and hugged her, one hand was still on the back of her head, and the other hand slid directly from the back of her waist to the vest, with **** slightly wrong, Kiyo In a daze, the restraint on her chest suddenly loosened, and then, his hand slid onto her chest.

Everything happened so fast, Kiyo tensed up, and subconsciously made a hissing sound of inhalation.

Luo Ren lowered his head, leaned close to her ear, and asked in a low voice, “Do you feel it now?”

There is no need for her to answer, I can feel her shortness of breath, close to her cheek, warm and hot, after the initial tightness, her body trembles under his hands.

The cave was very quiet, because of the action just now, the rope bed was shaking slightly, maybe it wasn’t raining outside, maybe the rain was very small, and after waiting for a long time, I heard the sound of dripping water.

Her eyes were wide open, and there was a clarity in them that was at a loss.

Luo Ren didn’t want to scare her. He always thought that Kiyo was a little girl, and everything between a man and a woman should be done slowly, from holding hands to gentle hugs and kisses.

But after thinking about it, I have already achieved this step anyway, and it seems unreasonable not to plunder.

He lowered his head and sealed her soft lips.

She was more sensitive than imagined, her chest, the back of her neck, her waist, and her shoulder blades. At the end of this kiss, her hand slipped to her back, and there was a layer of sticky sweat on her back.

Luo Ren stretched out his hand to brush away her slightly disheveled hair, and whispered, “Can I marry you home?”

She was panting badly, she didn’t say yes or no, she paused for a while and suddenly wanted to sit up, bit her lip and said, “I won’t sleep with you anymore.”

Aunt Hong’s words are still correct, don’t stay out at night, and don’t sleep in the same bed with a man, even if it’s not a square bed, something can always happen.

Luo Ren laughed, rubbed her hair and said, “Then I’ll go to sleep underground.”

He really went down, and when he landed on the rope bed, he swayed from side to side, making her dizzy.

Suddenly, he stabilized again.

Luo Ren stabilized the rope bed with one hand, leaned down*, stroked her lips, and said, “Come on, open your mouth.”

Put a small piece of chocolate into her mouth.

The author has something to say: If I am locked, I will hold a kitchen knife in my hand and fight to the death with the Sparrow Romance Party. Yes, it is you, it is you, who destroyed my noble image of Wannian Qingshuiyu!

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