Seven Evil Slips Chapter 14:

There was no one in Kishiro’s room, and similarly, there was no one in Meihua Jiuniang’s room. There was only an empty wheelchair in the room, with the brocade cover over the armrest.

Luo Ren’s throat was dry and his temples were throbbing. He tried hard to calm himself down, but his mind was still in a mess. Cao Yanhua was at a loss.

Hearing the movement, Zheng Mingshan rushed over with an ugly expression on his face.

The two people in front of me, although one is an apprentice who has just entered the school, and the other is Kiyo’s “boyfriend” whom the master nodded and approved, but they are all new outsiders, what qualifications and reasons do they have to break into Come in Master’s room?

Seeing that Luo Ren didn’t intend to speak, Cao Yanhua swallowed, and hurriedly wanted to explain to Zheng Mingshan.

“What my brother Luo means is that he has a rival who came here. This flower… the flower is the proof. The flower is in my little master’s room. Both the little master and the great master are gone.”

The advantage of smart people is that they can understand what they say after listening to it once. In addition to understanding, they also understand the complex relationship behind it.

Luo Ren has the right person – the symbol of that person is probably to carry a rose with him – that person has arrived and put the rose in Kiyo’s room – both Kiyo and the master are gone.

Zheng Mingshan took the rose, smelled it, sniffed it, and absently threw it aside.

Say: “Are you all right? Go out when you’re all right, Master doesn’t like outsiders entering her room.”

Luo Ren tried his best to calm himself down: “Brother, something may have happened to Kiyo and Master.”

Zheng Mingshan stared at him, and finally shrugged impatiently.

“I don’t know what character your opponent is, but let me remind you that my master Meihua Jiuniang is really a character. I can’t even pass thirty moves under her, let alone she is with Kiyo .”

Can someone in this world control Meihua Jiuniang and Kiyo at the same time? Zheng Mingshan didn’t think so.

Luo Ren stood still: “Muyo and Master may have an accident, senior brother, I need your help.”

This **** brain, how can it not make sense?

Zheng Mingshan had no choice but to point to the room.

“Look for yourself, are there signs of fighting?”

“But Master is not in a wheelchair.”

Zheng Mingshan laughed: “Who stipulated that she must use a wheelchair? Luo Ren, my master has been disabled for more than 60 years. Do you think she can learn to walk with crutches or similar prosthetic limbs after such a long time?”

Luo Ren was taken aback: Zheng Mingshan meant that Meihua Jiuniang went out by herself?

Zheng Mingshan was too lazy to talk to him, so he went straight to Meihua Jiuniang’s bed. The fine wooden planks were pulled apart with one force.

Say to Luo Ren: “Look for yourself.”

Luo Ren walked over.

Understood, this bed is placed against the wall, a large full-top bed, which is equivalent to making a wooden cabinet around the bed, but this one, a short and narrow road was opened where the original wooden cabinet was. , ending in a narrow door in the wall.

Plum Blossom Jiuniang’s room has doors at the front and back.

Zheng Mingshan closed the board again.

“Luo Ren, you also know that my master is an old-school figure. In the early years of martial arts, the process of changing the head of the martial arts was very complicated. It is not too much to say that he passed five levels and killed six generals. Of course, now that the population is declining, I can’t play so many Huahuadaozi, but Master doesn’t want us to know, so I took Kiyo to do some things in private——I think it’s reasonable.”

“The only surprise is that your enemy somehow came here.” Zheng Mingshan glanced at the flower he threw on the ground, “You solve your troubles.”

Zheng Mingshan may be justified in being so careless, but Luo Ren couldn’t calm down when he thought that it might be a cheetah.

“Where is Kiyo and Master most likely to go? I’m going to find it.”

It’s not easy to wander around in the town. This town embraces the mountains, and most of them have gone into the mountains.

Zheng Mingshan felt a headache, he guessed what Luo Ren was thinking, and gestured outside: “Look at the fog yourself.”

“Around early in the morning, it is the time when the fog in this town is the heaviest. There is fog in the town at the foot of the mountain, not to mention how thick the fog in the mountain is. I can guarantee that even if you go in with a strong flashlight, you will have the most visibility More than ten meters, not to mention, people in this town hardly go into the mountains.”


“There are two theories. The first is that the shape and direction of this mountain are very strange, like a maze with nine turns and eighteen turns. People who enter usually cannot get out.”

He paused, looked at Luo Ren: “This is true.”

At first, he was also curious. Relying on his professionalism, he brought his equipment and went in to explore.

“Secondly, it is said that before liberation, bandits were entrenched in this mountain, and they ruled the mountain as king. Although they were wiped out later, there are still traps that were set up earlier in the mountain, which is too dangerous. So there is fog The town is backed by mountains, but the people here never rely on mountains to eat mountains.”

He laughed twice: “Tourism can’t be developed, otherwise you think it’s such a good place – that’s because the early exploration was not successful, the instrument failed when it entered, the guide didn’t point, and there were many people there all year round. Fog, even if there are satellites on the top, it can’t draw the mystery inside.”

Luo Ren felt unreasonable: “Then why did Master and Kiyo go in?”

Zheng Mingshan glanced at him.

“How do I know, I am not the one who inherits the master’s mantle.”


This night, just after dinner, Kiyo went to knock on the door of Umeka Jiuniang’s room.

The door did not open, but Master’s voice came from inside: “The time has not come, just wait.”

How long will it take? Didn’t say anything, parting was imminent, and I wanted to find Luo Ren, but I was afraid that Master would just call her at that time.

I counted the time and knocked on the door a few more times. The last time, the master asked her: “Is the fog heavy?”

Looking back, she saw that the dense fog had almost covered the night, covering the sky and covering the sky, and she said in a joke on weekdays: Such a big bun skin will soon wrap the foggy town into a bun.

Master let her in.

I felt strange as soon as I entered the door. Although Meihua Jiuniang was still sitting in a wheelchair, the brocade cover was placed on the armrest, and prosthetic limbs were tied on each of the two broken legs.

This prosthesis is different from ordinary prosthetics. Kiyo heard from Zheng Mingshan that Meihua Jiuniang broke her leg for some reason before she was twenty years old. She was a young man, so she took a gamble. It took five or six years to practice crutches well. Rufei later disliked crutches and made a special prosthetic by referring to the prosthetics used by the disabled. The special material used looks like two concave golf clubs at first glance, thin and hard yet flexible. Elasticity – Kiyo has only heard of it, but has never seen Master use it.

I think this is it, I can’t help but look at it again and again.


She could hear Master’s solemn tone, so she quickly calmed down, stepped forward and knelt down on the yellow brocade futon, respectfully: “Yes.”

“Do you know that Master will inherit the mantle to you?”


“Small sect, there is actually nothing to talk about. But even if there is only one person left, there should be rules and rules, do you understand?”


“Giving you the mantle is equivalent to giving you a responsibility. You have to take a responsibility. Put away your daughter’s temper, self-willedness, and disregard. Even if you are close and dear, you still have to keep the secrets that should be kept, even if you have nothing to love, you have to live as usual for this responsibility, can you do it?”


Plum Blossom Jiuniang’s tone softened: “Muyo, think again about what Master said. It’s not that you are asked to answer well, but you are really asked to do it, can you?”

Kiyo thought about it carefully, then nodded: “Master, I can’t say it to death, but I promise, I will do my best to do what I promised you.”

Meihua Jiuniang laughed, and after a while, beckoned her to come closer.

“From now on, this Guansi archway will be yours.”

Kiyo nods: “Elder brother also said, that is…”

She hesitated to speak.

“What is it?”

“Why is this house called Guansi Pailou? We don’t even have a pailou in this house.”

Meihua Jiuniang said: “Because it is not Guansi Pailou, it is just named Guansi Pailou.”

Kiyo was confused.

Plum Blossom Jiuniang didn’t explain either: “Go, open the cabinet next to Master’s bed, there is a brocade cloth bag inside.”

Kiyo went over as he said, and the drawer of the hidden compartment was pulled out, and there was indeed a brocade bag, not big and not heavy to hold, but the shape seemed a bit strange.

When she got it in front of Meihua Jiuniang, she didn’t pick it up, but just ordered: “Open it and have a look.”

Kiyo carefully opened the cloth bag.

This is… a bat?

She picked up the bat wings, held them up, and looked closely at the lamp. It was a bat carved from wood. It was dark red, as if it had been painted. There are loose buttons, but they can’t be broken no matter what. What’s even more strange is that there is a blindfold on the eyes.

Good bat, what blinders? Batman? Kiyo wanted to laugh, and stretched out his hand to reveal it, but Meihua Jiuniang said calmly, “Don’t move.”

This is not allowed to be revealed, Kiyo sighed, and was about to put back the cloth bag, Meihua Jiuniang said: “Look again.”

Kiyo knew that he probably missed something.

Looking carefully again, I finally found that there is a miniature but lifelike wooden kite engraved on the bottom of the bat’s belly.

What do you mean?

Meihua Jiuniang said: “You should have heard that in history, there was a carpenter named Lu Ban, right? Legend has it that he once built a wooden kite, which could fly in the sky for three days and three nights without falling.”

So what? Kiyo held the bat in a daze, and when his eyes fell on the indented figure again, he suddenly realized: “Master, you don’t mean to say that this bat was made by Lu Ban?”

Plum Blossom Jiuniang didn’t speak, but that expression was clearly acquiescing.

Kiyo couldn’t help but laugh: “Then this bat can also fly into the sky?”


Kiyo stopped smiling.

Master, what’s the matter? It’s true, it can’t be… confused, right?

Meihua Jiuniang seems to know what she is thinking: “You take off the blindfold of the bat.”

Kiyo hesitated for a moment, but reached out and took off the blindfold. Unexpectedly, the two eyes of the bat were actually silver beads, and they seemed to be able to rotate in the eye sockets. It was just like a dead wing, and suddenly Ga Lala flapped it.

Caught off guard, Kiyo almost dropped the bat.

Plum Blossom Jiuniang said: “Mudai, Master can’t wait in this life, and Master can’t tell whether you can wait in this life.”

When she said this, her eyes were a little dazed, as if she had penetrated the wall and the layers of fog in the town, and suddenly returned to the past.

It was also that night, her master was fatally wounded by a knife, the bandage was almost soaked in blood, but Xu Xu explained to her with his last breath.

—Maybe one day, someone will send seven keys…

——This silver-eyed bat will take you to the real Guansi Archway…

Meihua Jiuniang slowly stood up from the wheelchair: “Come on, Kiyo, follow me.”

Muyo was ignorant, followed Meihua Jiuniang, walked through the passage full of beds, walked out of the house, and walked into the cold, foggy night, where you can hardly see your fingers when you look down.

Only the voice of Meihua Jiuniang rang in my ears.

——I heard that Lu Ban, the patriarch, is talented, but he is stingy. He is afraid that others will learn those ingenious mechanisms. Therefore, the silver-eyed bats he made can only fly at night, and they must be like this It’s a dark night where you can’t see anything in the fog.

Kiyo staggered and nearly tripped, the fog seemed to grow into her eyes, and she couldn’t see anything.

“Kiyo, use your blood to paint the eyes of the silver-eyed bat, and it will guide you.”

Blood? Kiyo groped, rubbed the pads of his fingers against the nearby side wall, scratched hard, and then slowly wiped the eyes of the silver-eyed bat with his bleeding finger pads.

Looking down, the bat in his hand was indistinctly pitch black at first, and then two spots of **** silver appeared, and at the end, there was a sudden light in the palm, accompanied by the sound of fluttering wings, The bat flew towards the front in the mist.

Meihua Jiuniang said in a low voice, “Follow me.”


Something hit the window hard, flapping, flapping.

Yan Hongsha woke up in a daze, first checked her phone, it was two o’clock in the morning.

Why do you wake up? Her mind was in turmoil.

What’s the sound outside?

The next second, she suddenly realized: Cao Jiefang!

The lights turned on downstairs, and Uncle Zhang’s scolding voice could be heard faintly, and the Yanhong sand panicked shoes were too late to wear, and they almost ran down barefoot.

It’s over, it’s over, Uncle Zhang said, if Cao Jiefang yells again tonight, he will boil him in the pot-this little beast, so noisy, his mouth was sealed with scotch tape, and he hit the window again New move, do you really want to live?

When I got downstairs, I first saw Uncle Zhang standing at the entrance of the yard holding a broom, and yelled angrily: “You’re too shameless, it’s fine to set the cat and the dog, now let’s set the chicken!”

Hey, why isn’t Uncle Zhang angry because Cao Jiefang disturbed his dream?

Looking into the yard again, ten thousand three also got up, squatting in the corner, pressing the phone to light up, the little dim light dazzled her eyes in the darkness.

Yan Hongsha walked over, the soles of her feet hurt, and then she remembered that she forgot to put on her shoes, and was too lazy to go up, so she simply endured the pain and walked over, squatting on the side of 13,000, and asked: “What’s wrong?”

Thirteen turned their phone screen to the ground: “Look.”

A dozen chicken feathers!

Yan Hongsha stuttered: “Who, who plucked our liberated hair?”

“It’s not for you to look at chicken feathers, look at this!”

Yan Hongsha took a closer look, it was rice, scattered in handfuls.


Dipping two grains between Yanhong sand, put it in front of the nose: “Wine?”

“This is called drunk rice, and it is used to catch birds and nest chickens.”

Yan Hongsha is strange: “How do you know?”

Thirteen snorted and ignored her.

How does he know? In his impoverished teenage years, he was able to occasionally eat grilled chicken wings because of these crooked wisdom.

He looked at Yan Hongsha: “Someone actually went to great lengths to trap Cao Jiefang, why? It’s not a rare species.”

Why? Yan Hongsha didn’t care to think about it anymore, she saw Cao Jiefang lying on the edge of the window sill of the bar, his feathers were trembling, and more than a dozen hairs fell off the ground, this is the rhythm of liberating them and balding them.

Yan Hongsha said: “You poor little…”

As soon as he took both hands, Cao Jiefang flew into her arms.

Yan San also stood up: “It’s so dangerous, it’s a good thing that Cao Jiefang didn’t eat these drunk rice, otherwise he would be kidnapped, and he would never find it again.”

Yan Hongsha patted Cao Jiefang’s little head and praised it: “Good chicken! It’s not a cheap food, it has integrity!”

Cao Jiefang raised his head angrily, and the transparent glue wrapped around the chicken’s beak became brighter and brighter against the light.

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