Seven Evil Slips Chapter 136:

Hurry up quickly, using all the airplanes, minibuses, tractors and motorcycles, Cao Yanhua finally arrived at the place where he could make landline calls before sunset the next afternoon.

This is not a village, just a few families along the road, one of which opened a small grocery store.

Cao Yanhua secretly went into the grocery store to make a phone call, with his collar pulled up to his chin, for fear of being recognized. In fact, this is purely unfounded worry. After all, when he left Caojiatun, he was still a weak and handsome brother— ——The fullness bestowed on him by the years basically dilutes everyone’s memory of him.

The owner of the store is an old man in his sixties, who is chatting with the neighbors who come to sit around.

——Caojiatun will set up wine in a few days…

—Are you going?

——Go, I heard that the chefs are all invited, and a three-day banquet will be set up. I went to the market yesterday, and I couldn’t buy any pork. I said that I asked Lao Cao to make a reservation…

Cao Yanhua turned his back to them, dialed Luo Ren’s number, told him his location in a low voice, and asked if there was any news from Wan Fenghuo.

Unfortunately, not yet.

After hanging up the phone, Cao Yanhua paid the money resentfully, the old shopkeeper felt strange looking at him, and asked, “Where are you going?”

Cao Yanhua raised his head and pointed in the direction of Caojiatun.

This actually made the owner very excited: “Are you a relative of the Cao family? Are you here to attend the wedding? Many people who have been working outside have come back these two days.”

Talking too much and making mistakes, Cao Yanhua didn’t want to make a fuss, so he hesitated and left.

The neighbor next to him looked at Cao Yanhua’s back and made a conclusion: “It must be a local. Listen, he speaks with an accent. It’s just because of his face!”

Before the shopkeeper had time to agree, a motorcycle stopped at the door of the shop with black exhaust, and put down the woman sitting sideways on the back seat.

The woman is tall, about 20** years old, slightly chubby, with a suit that looks like a small fragrance from the cottage, stretched tightly on her body, wearing a pair of wedge heels and high heels, carrying a small Kun bag, and a brand name on the bridge of her nose. Sunglasses called “Lu”.

Who is this, the owner frowned and squinted to recognize it.

Finally, she took off her sunglasses.

It is said that the three sharp weapons of beauty are masks, sunglasses, and back view, but this is not always the case – once the sunglasses are taken off, there is a pair of big red and phoenix eyes with slightly upturned corners, and the appearance is not bad.

The owner suddenly said: “You are that big girl of the Cao family…Cao Jinhua, right?”

Cao Jinhua had a smile on her face, but when she heard this, she broke down and said, “Master, I have changed my name. My name is Jenny, Cao Jianni.”


At around eight o’clock in the evening, news from Wan Fenghuo finally came.

It’s good news.

To put it simply, Wan Fenghuo’s colleagues from all over the country do not violate the law, but out of the need to grasp all kinds of well-informed information, they will “go through the secret door” from time to time, and they will not block or block all kinds of transactions under the water surface. Blended, but well-informed.

People have said that in Kaiyuan and its surrounding areas, people have basically never heard of human trafficking. If there is, it must be sporadic, done by people from other places, and very accidental.

Someone also went to see it at the other end of Caojiatun, saying that it was “a peaceful and festive scene”. Probably every family in this village is related to relatives, so the big red happy characters are not just posted by people who are doing marriages – every family cleans up The façade and the lintel were either hung with colorful lanterns or hung flowers, and the yard was not big enough, so we had to set up a canopy on the public drying ground in the village. Many people who worked outside in Caojiatun came back one after another.

The implication is: Which company have you ever seen abducting and selling a daughter-in-law that is so big?

I haven’t been able to meet the girl, but it is said that Cao Yanhua’s second cousin, Qingshan, is in a free relationship with the girl, and the two even went to the county to take wedding photos together a few days ago.

Cao Yanhua can’t be contacted for the time being, but Luo Ren feels that these news make things a bit complicated.

If it is said that trafficking does not exist, and everything that happened was just to trick Cao Yanhua to go home, why do you have to use this method of putting **** on the heads of the villagers?

There are many reasonable excuses. Parents are seriously ill, and the family has suffered a disaster.

13,000 also thinks this way, and, in his mind, the truth of the matter is even more terrifying.

The girl can move freely? Maybe in addition to being abducted, she was also forced to smile for some unavoidable reason, pretending to be happy and free in love.

Everyone around her is unbelievable, that’s why she took a huge risk to ask for help from Qingshan’s cousin who she has never met, but is a “city guy”.

Whether Cao Yanhua is also in cahoots with the village or not, she can no longer control it, which shows how desperate and helpless she is.

13,000 analysis so far, I am very embarrassed.

Luo Ren smiled bitterly, but he couldn’t find anything to refute, and he lost contact with Cao Yanhua, so he didn’t know what was going on there.

However, if Cao Yanhua can’t handle it alone, he will definitely find a way to contact them again.

So in the end, Luo Ren said: “Let’s wait and see.”


No news for one day, no news for two days, three days… still no news.

The first one who couldn’t bear it was Mudai. Although Cao Yanhua didn’t seriously recognize her as a master, she recognized her verbally. If something happened to him, theoretically, She can ask senior brother Zheng Mingshan and Master for help. In Master’s words, because they are from the same school, even if they are not related by blood, they should help each other.

She called the little grocery store.

The owner asked: “Who is Cao Yanhua? I have never heard of it.”

Kiyo jumped anxiously: “It’s the cousin of Aoyama who is going to get married. Back then, he didn’t want to marry Cao Jinhua, so he went to the room and beat the gong.”

This scene must have been passed down as a “good story” in ten miles and eight villages. The shopkeeper was stunned for a while, and suddenly became inexplicably excited: “You mean Daduner?”

Da Duner…

Did such a famous name really come from someone I know? This time, it was Kiyo’s turn to be speechless.

The owner of the store was very excited: “It’s Cao Tudun, that guy, a good guy, when he beat the gong on the roof, his father brought four people to the room to rush him…”

It is said that after this incident, the houses around Caojiatun were rebuilt, avoiding bungalows as much as possible, and tending to build slippery eaves and peaks-this is also a typical example of a small person who has changed the structural habits of local customs by himself.

Kiyo stammered: “Then Cao… Has Tudun returned home?”

No, definitely not, if Cao Tudun, who had been away for more than eight years, suddenly returned to Caojiatun openly, it must be a more sensational event than Qingshan’s marriage.

After inquiring again, Caojiatun is still filled with a festive atmosphere that the wedding is approaching.

Putting down the phone, Kiyo was worried.

Since the festive atmosphere is still continuing, it is unlikely that there will be a situation where “the bride was rescued by Cao Yanhua”. So where did Cao Yanhua go?

It rained heavily that night, there were not many people in the bar, and Kiyo occupied a table in the corner to himself. Knowing that Cao Yanhua was unlikely to send a message, he still swiped his phone page over and over again.

One thousand three was in a good mood, and he swaggered over with a tray and presented her with a cup of flowered latte.

It says “against arranged arrangements, support freedom of marriage and love”.

Kiyo was really upset, she lowered her head and sipped on the side of the coffee, the word “freedom” was sucked into her mouth in an instant, and the foam of coffee froth appeared on her lips.

Thirteen looked at her with disgust, some people should not talk about art, sentiment, artistic conception or delicacy with them by nature.

Kiyo said: “Tell me, what is Cao Pangpang’s situation now?”

It really fits the occasion, just after saying this, a flash of lightning outside tore apart the sky, and amidst the sound of dense rain, there was rumbling thunder.

13,000 said: “Maybe he was arrested.”

“I was locked up in the cellar of Cao Jinhua’s house, tortured and tortured, and finally had to bear the humiliation – don’t worry, little proprietress, he will come back a year later, with a simple and honest smile on his face, holding a baby in his arms , with a baby on her back, and another in her hand…”

Angrily, Kiyo waved him with the cushion on the seat.

The glass door of the bar was pushed open, and someone stopped at the door to close the umbrella.

It’s Luo Ren.

13,000 tsk tsk: “It’s raining or not.”

He was very witty, put the tray under his arm, and returned to the base of the bar.

Compared to Kiyo, Ten-Wan is not so worried about Cao Yanhua for the time being: It always takes time to do things, maybe Brother Cao is planning, thinking, laying out, and waiting for the opportunity. .

Luo Ren came over, and Kiyo moved into the seat. As before, Luo Ren usually didn’t sit opposite her, and liked to sit next to her.

There is still moisture from the wind and rain on his body.

Said: “If there is no definite news about Cao Yanhua in the past two days, we may have to go and have a look.”

Kiyo nodded, also, no matter whether he entrusted Wan Fenghuo or called the police, he always felt that he was not at ease in the past—and, in the current situation that was almost like singing and dancing, calling the police would not work at all.

Let’s talk about some common topics.

For the business of Phoenix Tower, should Uncle Zheng create a few home-cooked dishes, the recovery status of Pin Ting, the progress of the magic stick, and the tips of Fenghuang Luankou.

The hints of the Phoenix Luan button always appear randomly, and except for the time when the immortal showed the way, not everyone saw the signs afterwards—— Regarding this point, Luo Ren’s opinion is: the purpose of the hint is to Let people know, one person knows, and informs the rest, that’s all.

When will the prompt appear this time?

Kiyo asked Luo Ren: “Should I also learn from Cao Pangpang, stare at the wood when I catch it, and if I look at it, I can see the hallucination?”

She stared, learned a posture of not taking her eyes off, and stared firmly at the opposite wall.

That is the “Creative Wall” of the bar. There are many graffiti messages. The paragraph was written word for word, and everyone in the store gathered around to read it. When the customer wrote the last sentence, “This hatred will never end”, there was a burst of applause behind him.

She suddenly fell into meditation like an old monk, Luo Ren couldn’t help laughing, his eyes flicked across the wall inadvertently, and his body froze suddenly.

Then, he quickly got up and walked to the wall, half-bending his knees to look.

It was a cheetah, the red lines were minimal, but the muscles outlined were strong, its limbs soared into the air, and it was about to fly.

Luo Ren clenched his hanging hand tightly, the veins on the back of his hand bulged, and his Adam’s apple rolled slightly imperceptibly.

Kiyo didn’t know when he came over, and asked him: “What’s wrong?”

“Who drew this cheetah?”

Kiyo has no impression: “It should be a guest.”

There is a voice in Luo Ren’s heart, saying that he is definitely not a guest.

“When did you draw it?”

“I don’t remember, I drew it before.”

No, it must have been recently, yesterday, or just today – if this painting had been there before, he would definitely not miss it.

Kiyo looked at him worriedly: “What’s wrong?”

Luo Ren was silent for a long time, and said: “The painting is not bad.”


Before going to sleep, Kiyo kept thinking about Luo Ren’s strange reaction and that painting.

He fell into a drowsy sleep, and then woke up suddenly. When he woke up, his back felt cold, and he didn’t know where he was.

The gasping sound gradually subsided, and finally realized that it was a cold and cold cave, and his position was very strange, as if it was high on the cave wall.

The whole person was in a trance, surrounded by dampness, mildew and despair.

There are very small grains of sand, rustling down from the eyes.

And then, suddenly, someone fell straight down from the top of the cave, passed by her eyes at a very fast speed, and then fell heavily to the bottom of the cave with a muffled sound.

There was light in the hole, she lowered her head, and saw the man lying on his stomach in a pool of blood, she knew the attire, as well as the part of the jacket that was turned up, and the dagger stuck in the back waist.

She started to cry, the tears flowed more and more, and she called him hoarsely: “Luo Ren?”

Crying and crying, I woke up.

Opening her eyes, the room was pitch black. She touched her phone to look at it. It wasn’t long before she fell asleep. She just had a nightmare in a short period of time.

This dream was so realistic, it made her fearful of the bed, and she reached out to touch her cheek, which was really wet.

Kiyo turned over and got out of bed, groped the ground for a while, but couldn’t find any shoes, so he simply went barefoot, the soles of his feet touched the cold ground, and the coolness slowly moved up along the Yongquan acupoint.

She walked to the window and pushed it away.

From here, you can see Luo Ren’s room, in the direction surrounded by darkness, with lights on.

He wasn’t asleep either.

Subconsciously, Kiyo put his hands together, lowered his head, and touched his forehead with his fingertips.

Meditate in my heart: It’s just a nightmare, it’s just a dream.

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