Seven Evil Slips Chapter 12:

The man from the pergola came over and cleaned up the mess quickly with his hands and feet. The overturned small table was coming over to stabilize it, and even the roses were inserted as they were.

Luo Ren said: “I haven’t forgotten anything… When I was about to die, I remembered that you sent me back.”

Aoki remained silent, and after a while, he let out a long sigh.

The salmon and prawns were placed on the table again, and Aoki used chopsticks this time, picking up a slice, gentle and gentle.

Said: “You were shot at that time, your lungs were punctured, and you were unconscious. I thought you were going to die.”

Luo Ren smiled: “I don’t remember myself.”

Aoki also laughed: “I also knew at that time that you were also afraid of death, so you grabbed me and said a lot.”

“What did you say?”

“It is said that Chinese people will return to their roots, and they will die in the country. Let me send you back.”

Luo Ren remembered what happened next: “Then, you left me in a rented room in a small border town.”

“I hired someone to take care of your three meals a day.”

Speaking of this, Aoki paused, and his thin lips were tightly pressed, like a line carved by a knife: “What’s more, at that time, you can still breathe, but I have nine brothers, wait for me to go back to collect the corpse .”

As if a hard hammer hit the back of the head hard, his eyes suddenly became pungent, and Luo Ren clenched his right hand tightly.

Aoki’s eyes flicked from his clenched hands, and then quickly moved away, speaking calmly, telling him what happened after that.

“I went back to Cheetah’s house, which is like a haunted house. After so many days, outsiders still dare not enter.”

Yes, Cheetah’s mansion on an isolated island has always been a forbidden area. Even if the locals pass by, they have to go around a long way. Occasionally, when they hear gunshots from the house, they will think in their hearts: Oh, Cheetah kills again.

“No cheetah’s body was found, and the house was almost as it was during the fight that day. I collected the body for everyone, Juris soaked in the swimming pool for a long time, the body swelled, and Ivan was hung upside down on the two sides by a steel hook. On the stairs upstairs, the blood was almost drained…”

He glanced at Luo Ren, and skipped the rest: “I burned the house and asked someone to bury them in the jungle where we lived. In fact, I wanted to cremate them and send the ashes back. Their hometown, but… you know.”

Yes, I know, they come from all corners of the country, and none of them are Filipinos. They met in that hot land and talked about money, life, and women, but they rarely talked about their origins, and no one talked about a happy life—— If he had a happy life, he probably wouldn’t appear in that kind of place alone with his head tied to his belt.

“And then?”

“Then I kept asking about Cheetah.” Aoki stretched out his hand and patted himself on the shoulder heavily, “Nine lives, here, I can’t confirm that she is really dead, I can’t sleep.”

Luo Ren said: “I have been asking people to help me find out about you, and by the way, pay attention to the movement in Mindanao… But, I thought the cheetah was dead.”

He thought she was dead. In that fierce fight, fists, sharp blades, and guns, the eyes of both sides were bloodshot. In the end, he waved his hand, and the flying knife pierced the cheetah’s left eye. She screamed, I stumbled and fell upstairs…

He leaned over to look, but Cheetah’s subordinates suddenly swept a shuttle from nowhere, the bullets penetrated into the flesh, there was a puffing sound, he didn’t feel pain, he only saw blood, Aoki roared and rushed up, holding him back withdraw.

When he passed the swimming pool, he saw the little Ures floating on the surface of the water——Even though Ures had learned to swim, he still didn’t like water, but at the moment of his death, his soul would never die. Trapped in the water.

Aoki said: “I searched for a year, and I almost gave up. I thought she should be dead, but one day, two things happened.”

“Which two?”

“One, people on the road said that in a casino, there was a woman wearing sunglasses who asked people about Luo.”

“What about the other one?”

The corner of Aoki’s mouth twitched, and his eyes were threatening: “The graves of Uris and the others have been dug.”

Luo Ren closed his eyes, then opened them again: “So, you came to see me?”

Aoki supported the table with both hands, and leaned towards him, his voice was very low.

“Luo, I have made arrangements. We will go from Myanmar, take a boat, to Malay, Tawau, Sabah, and there will be a speedboat to pick us up and go to Medan.”


“Seven days later, we are still here, let’s meet.”

Luo Ren smiled, then nodded.

Aoki said: “I am a reasonable person, I do not do excessive things. I will give you time to say goodbye to your friends. Also go to your little lamb to make an end – let her go back to herding sheep Grazing on pastures guarded by dogs, Luo, that’s not your world.”

His voice was as soft as a whisper: “Your world is not here. In the place to the south surrounded by the sea, you are still alive, but you died there long ago, and I died too, and our brothers Together, there is your beautiful little daughter.”

Aoki stood up, dragging his heavy legs, step by step, turned and left.

Luo Ren sat without moving or looking back, until the guy in the arbor came over and handed him the bill.

Two rounds of meal fees, tableware damage fees, and service fees were left on paper without a single word, and they were not charged a penny.

There was the sound of a car engine starting in the distance, and it was only then that Luo Ren realized that they were leaving the field one after another.

1:45 am.

Luo Ren settled the money and returned to his car parked outside the village. When he was about to start the car, he knocked on the window outside.

Open it and see that it is the woman who gave him roses.

The voice was gentle and gentle, and said: “Sir, can I take a taxi, the fare is easy to pay in any form.”

Luo Ren said: “We are not on the way.”

The girl was surprised and pointed to the only lane outside the village: “There is only one way out.”

“I’m going to find my girlfriend.”

Oh, so that’s the case, she took two steps back in a well-mannered way to give way to the car.


Kiyo lay on the ground for a long time, then slowly got up, his left hand seemed to be anesthetized, every finger could not move, his leg seemed to have bumped into it, and it hurt like **** when he moved, but he stretched out his hand inch by inch, Make sure it’s not broken or dislocated.

She bowed her head, brought the lining of the clothes to her mouth, bit it hard, and grinded it with her teeth, and finally tore off a piece of cloth. Using her mouth and right hand together, she wrapped up the place where her nails were turned up.

She remembered that when she fell, the flashlight rolled nearby.

I limped and groped for a while, finally found it, and pushed it to the light.

Let’s look up first, and estimate the distance to the top. It’s higher than an ordinary six-story building, about 20 to 30 meters. It’s a hollow cave in the middle of the mountain.

Look around again.

There were several corpses, almost all of which were bones. The eyes of the skulls made her feel horrified. When she stepped back, she tripped over something with her heels.

It’s a dirty braid, lying across the broad skeleton – that shouldn’t be a woman’s braid, with long hair… a person from the Qing Dynasty?

There are also rotten panniers and rusty machetes.

Like an ordinary woodcutter.

The bones were all broken, some were directly broken from the spine, and some were caused by the opening of the skull. They should all be killed by the fall.

It’s so strange, standing among these piles of bones, in addition to being frightened, there is an aftertaste of rejoicing in my heart: she didn’t fall to her death.

It’s not something that can be dealt with with good kung fu and a clever mind. I have to thank her for practicing lightness kung fu since she was a child.

Suddenly thought of something, quickly lifted the coat to look at the abdomen, it was a **** mess, the light carefully illuminated it, it was very good, none of them penetrated deep into the flesh, and none of them were open.

This hole is not small in size, but it is not complicated. It can be seen at a glance. If you smell it carefully, although the air smells musty and damp, it is not foul-smelling. The air is circulated, so she won’t suffocate.

There is no obvious running water, but when you touch the stone wall with your hand, there are several places that are damp.

The lower the place, the colder it is. Looking at it, the terrain on the right side is higher, but there are several broken bones.

Kiyo stood for a while.

Said: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you, please bear with me if I offend you. Don’t scare me either.”

After finishing speaking, they stood for a while, and Tuantuan bowed before starting to clean up.

Gritting his teeth, he moved or dragged all the corpses to a far corner of the burrow. When moving one of them, a cloth bag suddenly fell from his body. I kicked it twice, revealing a silver light inside.

Looking closer, the traditional characters on the top read “Made in the Eighth Year of the Republic of China”.

I have saved so much money, I don’t know how much blood and sweat I have shed, and suddenly it fell out of nowhere, and the wasted money will be left to be lamented by future generations.

Kiyo thought, if he could get out safely, he would use the money to transport all these bones out, build a dojo, buy a cemetery, and bury them safely.

Master said, sometimes, you don’t really like being chivalrous, it’s just that at that time and that place, whether it’s not too late or not, you will meet, whether it’s fate or disaster, you have to do something.

After moving, I used a basket of stones or something to block the edge, and finally picked up the machete. This is a good self-defense tool.

The phone seems to have been broken, and I can’t turn it on or read the time, but midnight should have passed long ago.

At that time, we agreed to contact Luo Ren every day, and Luo Ren said: “The disappearance of Cao Yanhua is very strange, and the situation over there is also very uncertain-so I must know your progress regularly. I want to prepare as soon as possible.”

She nodded: “I know, I must call every day.”

The first call was missed.

In the darkness, she raised the knife, tied her wrists, chopped, chopped, cut across, paused to get up, walked to the dank stone, tried the direction, and began to sharpen the knife.

The monotonous but rigid sound of sharpening the knife echoed in the dark cave.

When Mudai thought of Cao Yanhua, his face was pale, his mouth was stuffed with a cloth ball, and his five flowers were tied up.

Thinking of the low, sharp female voice that came from behind her.

No matter who you are, you can’t hurt me, my apprentice, or my friend.

Yes, who is this person?

She and Wan San came to this village peacefully, without standing in line, showing their position, or showing any hostility towards anyone.

Why are you so ruthless as soon as you come up?


13,000 huddled under the blanket.

——I’m not as good as you, I run slowly, I’m timid, and I’m afraid of the dark!

The reason is stated, every word is sonorous, but based on the man’s self-esteem, I am still a little embarrassed.

So fighting back sleepiness, yawning, etc.

I can’t accompany you on the road, at least I can greet you when I come back——Thirteen doesn’t have high demands on myself.

After waiting for a long time, I finally heard the wooden door creak.

Ten thousand and three are relieved.

“Little lady boss, you are finally back.”

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