Seven Evil Slips Chapter 112:

Yan Hongsha waited in the room with Kiyo, the sun went down a little bit, no one came back and no one called, Yan Hongsha was a little restless, and kept looking at the phone screen.

Kiyo glanced at her.

Yan Hongsha immediately said: “It must be fine, don’t worry.”

Kiyo said: “If there is any good news, it would have come long ago.”

Yan Hongsha fell silent.

Everyone is willing to be the bird of good news that brings good news early, but for bad news, the later the better.

Yan Hongsha waited more and more anxiously. When the door rang, she almost flew over. Instead, Kiyo remained calm and sat there, raising her head slightly, as if because of the long wait, she was not too worried. Expect to be pleasantly surprised.

It was Luo Ren who came in, and Muyo heard him order Yan Hongsha to call Ten Thousand and the others at the door, urging them to come back quickly.

Then come in and meet her eyes.

The first thing I said to her was: “I have tried to send in the blood sample, and the result should come out in two days.”

Blood sample? It took Kiyo a while to realize that what he was talking about was the HIV antibody test, but it was strange, for her now, she didn’t care so much.

She thought almost comically, how to ignore a trouble, two ways, either solve it, or kill it with another bigger trouble.

Luo Ren didn’t want to hide from her: “Song Tie, I don’t think he lied.”


Although the incident happened in a hurry and he couldn’t prepare all kinds of sophisticated instruments for polygraph detection, before meeting Song Tie, Luo Ren still had a well-formed method in his mind to conduct a simple polygraph detection on him.

Micro-expressions, eyes, body movements, reaction time, splitting questions and deliberately repeating questions, he used these to deal with and press the old and cunning gangsters, but he used them on Song Tie as a sledgehammer.

Song Tie is an honest and ordinary person, in his forties, who has never seen much in the world, and is nervous from time to time.

He said: “I basically don’t play mahjong. Just that day, I was dragged away by a colleague and made trouble until midnight…”

There was an indescribable frustration in his tone, and he felt that if he had gone home honestly at that time, he would not have encountered such troubles.

That night, the game ended after two o’clock in the middle of the night. He lost a lot, feeling depressed, and went home along the river in a sullen mood.

The wind is blowing at night, there is almost no one on the main road, and the street lights are much darker. In the distance is the bridge across the river. There are bridge lights on the bridge every other section. If you are far away, at first glance, it looks like It is like large beads arranged in an orderly manner floating on the surface of the river out of thin air.

It was a coincidence that Song Tie looked up and saw something fell from the bridge, but it didn’t fall into the water, and hit the embankment below with a bang.

Song Tie’s heart skipped a beat, and a thought popped into his head: Could it be a person?

Try to open your eyes to see, there are shadows on the bridge, it seems that there are other people.

He didn’t understand the situation, so he stood there for a long time before he walked forward again. After walking a few steps, he heard the sound of footsteps in front of him. .

Song Tie shied away a little at the time, but he paid attention to the face of the flat-headed man. Subconsciously, he felt that if something really happened on the bridge, the person who ran away in such a panic might be the murderer.

So, the order of criminal investigation on the second day was actually: Someone reported the case—the police were investigating nearby—Song Tie provided clues, and the portrait he gave was of a flat-headed man.

This is also the reason why the police believed that the two witnesses did not collude: Ma Chao and Song Tie did not know each other, and when Song Tie talked about the “suspect”, he could only give a general appearance and clothes.

After Ma Chao was found and questioned, Kidai was brought out—and when the police mentioned this section to Song Tie, he immediately reacted: “Is that girl? I saw it too!”

He babbled to Luo Ren: “I didn’t tell the police in detail before, because I didn’t think it was that girl, because she…how should I put it…”

Song Tie continued to walk along the river, and when he was about to pass the bridge, Mudai came from the bridge, and Song Tie watched her attentively for a long time.

This girl, who looked like a quiet schoolgirl, had long hair and put her hands in her pockets, slowly passed in front of him.

Song Tie said: “She looks like the kind of good girl, a girl from a good family. How can she run around in the middle of the night? How dangerous. No, I paid close attention to her, and I was deeply impressed by her face.”

He also made various assumptions at the time: the flat-headed man ran over from the bridge, did he rob the girl? Or did something bad?

After thinking about it: No, this girl looks so calm, she doesn’t seem to have been frightened.

Just after thinking about it for a while, the two of them went their separate ways.


Kiyo didn’t interrupt, and he didn’t ask any questions after listening.

But Yan Hongsha couldn’t help it: “Then… that Song Tie, did you see Muyo walking over the bridge?”

“Song Tie went to the Public Security Bureau to identify the person, and he said it was the same person, and he would not make a mistake.”

Yan Hongsha murmured: “Then that would be terrible… Kiyo told the police that she was sleeping that night and never went out.”

While speaking, he looked at Kiyo worriedly.

Kiyo bit his lower lip: “I was sleeping, I never went out.”

The voice was a little fluttering, and I felt a little lack of confidence. The hand hanging by my side grabbed the leather surface of the sofa.

If she did appear on the bridge that night, it means that something beyond her personal control happened during her sound sleep.

It shows that her so-called personality is split to the point where she cannot perceive or control it, and it also shows that she did kill someone.

Kuyo’s knuckles turned blue, and he repeated stiffly: “I’m sleeping, I haven’t been out.”

Her voice was strange, Yan Hongsha was worried and at a loss, but fortunately, there was a knock on the door at the right time.

It is 13,000 and Cao Yanhua who are back.

Yan Hongsha hastily dragged the two of them in.

Facing everyone’s questioning eyes, Yiwan and Cao Yanhua looked at each other in embarrassment, paused, Cao Yanhua rubbed his hands: “This, I’m not very optimistic…”


In the middle of the night, Kiyo couldn’t sleep, she got up, groped in the dark, and sat on the sofa.

Hearing the movement, Yan Hongsha reached out and fumbled to turn on the light. With sleepy eyes, she saw Kiyo curled up in the corner of the sofa with his knees hugged.

Yan Hongsha called her softly: “Kiyo?”

Kiyo said: “I can’t sleep, I toss and turn, and disturb you to sleep. I’ll just sleep on the sofa.”

Yan Hongsha didn’t know what to say, so she had to lie down again, turned her body inside, her eyes were wide open, but her mind was a mess. Mobile phone, mute, find Luo Ren’s number in WeChat, send him a message.


I didn’t expect him to reply soon: “Yes.”

Looks like everyone couldn’t fall asleep, Yan Hongsha was stunned at the word “in”, but didn’t know what to reply.

After a while, Luo Ren sent another message: “Open the door.”

Yan Hongsha came to her senses all of a sudden, turned over and got out of bed, and trotted towards the door, when she passed the sofa, she glanced at Kiyo, with such a big movement, Kiyo didn’t look up at her.

What a poor boy, Yan Hongsha thought, what a poor boy.

She opened the door and saw Luo Ren.

He was full of words, he didn’t know how to say it, he probably understood, Yan Hongsha pointed to the room, and made a melancholy and helpless expression.

Luo Ren smiled and handed her the key: “Go and sleep in my room.”

Yan Hongsha didn’t hesitate, took the key and ran away.


Luo Ren sat next to Kiyo.

Said: “You don’t have to worry too much. Didn’t 13,000 and Cao Yanhua say that there is a third witness on the bridge? Let’s try to find her as soon as possible, and there is still a chance.”

Kiyo said: “The chance is not great. I have a feeling, as if before you come back today, I don’t think there will be any good news.”

Luo Ren smiled: “Foretell? When did you learn to be so obsessed, and was broken by the magic stick-by the way, he went to Hangu Pass, do you know?”

Kiyo didn’t care at all where Kagami went.

“Luo Ren, two to one.”

“Didn’t you know that there were two people testifying against you?”

Kiyo shook his head: “It feels different. After you go to forensics, you feel different.”

Her voice was very low: “Now, even I can’t help but wonder if I really went to the bridge that night. After all… Those two people have no grudges against me, Why do you want to kill me, right?”

“However, if I’m really on the bridge, after thinking about it, I can’t be any of the three personalities that Dr. He said.”

She made a gesture of four to Luo Ren: “That is to say, there is a fourth personality, which is very dangerous and will kill people for no reason.”

Luo Ren said: “Kiyo, don’t think about it.”

“It’s not random thinking, in fact, you also have doubts in your heart, Luo Ren, and Cao Yanhua, ten thousand three, you don’t say it, but I can see it.”

Luo Ren thought about his choice of words: “Kiyo, you have to understand that this is not a matter of trust.”

“Well, I understand.”

Luo Ren said: “I taught you that you will never die until you reach the Yellow River. Now the Yellow River is still dry – there is a third witness.”

Kiyo laughed.

“If, I mean, if, the third witness, also proves, I’m on the bridge.”

Luo Ren answered irrelevantly: “You can’t sleep tonight, can you?”

“I can’t sleep.”

“Then let’s go for a drive with me.”


Kiyo was wearing pajamas and slippers, Luo Ren said, “Is that what you wear?”

After a pause, he said: “It’s up to you, you are the biggest.”

Kiyo followed Luo Ren and went downstairs. In the front desk on the first floor, the brother on duty was sleeping in the dark. When he opened the glass door, the peculiar cold air hit in the middle of the night.

Luo Ren drove the car, but there were no cars or people on the road. The car passed through the streets and alleys, passed the bridge, bumped and roared on the dirt road outside the city. With a whimper, the silhouette was left behind.

Nantian County may also be left behind.

Maybe this place really shouldn’t be here.

Kiyo said: “When I came to Nantian, I actually wanted to get rid of the knot and start over. It’s like a dirty piece of clothing. I want to wash it, or turn it over and wear it again.”

“Who knows that it is full of holes now, no matter how you wash it or turn it over, it’s useless.”

Luo Ren asked: “Where do you want to stop?”

“Don’t stop, keep driving, or go around, just don’t stop.”

Understood, Luo Ren stopped talking and stepped on the accelerator.

Suddenly remembered the night when Xiaoshanghe went to the desert to watch the stars.

After all, there are many cities here, even if you leave the county, you still can’t use it.

Kiyo repeated the question again.

“What if, the third witness, also proves that I am on the bridge?”

Luo Ren was silent for a long time before saying: “Make your own decision, make a responsible decision.”

Kiyo tilted his head outward, looking at his blurred face on the car window.

“Got it.”

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