Seven Evil Slips:

The memory of the fishing line doll was like a haze, and it gathered above his head again. Kiyo’s heart was beating violently, and he subconsciously took two steps back, and suddenly bumped into a person.

She turned around like an electric shock.

It’s Luo Ren, who didn’t look at her, his eyes floated high, his expression was very calm: “You saw it too?”

It turned out that Luo Ren already knew, and Kiyo felt relieved, and suddenly thought of something: “Then Zheng Bo…”

“I sent it, but there is no one in the house.”

Pin Ting has entered the house, and Luo Ren already knew that the house cannot be just relying on padlocks, knowing the patchwork of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, and he cannot be completely at ease.

So he installed a simple infrared thermal imaging monitor in the house. Out of caution, he didn’t tell anyone, not even Kiyo and the others, and checking it every day has become a habit.

The temperature of the human body is relatively high. When the familiar but vague thermal imaging outline appeared on the screen, and when the person slowly opened the lid of the box, his eyes suddenly tightened.

What I was most worried about happened.

Could it be that, unless there is a real death, it is impossible for the fierce Jane to leave the body. After it senses the existence of Pin Ting, it is still Pin Ting who finds it again?

If this is the case, is it possible for Pin Ting to get rid of this bad luck? It’s just hopeless.

Luo Ren made a phone call to Shenzhu, and his voice could not keep calm: “I opened the box and checked, and the human skin is still there.”

Shenzhu’s answer was like a bucket of cold water: “Xiaoluobo, did you get it wrong? Violent simplicity does not mean that it is human skin.”

Yes, God stick said, it is just an ominous force.

It was Pin Ting who heard the call somewhere and led the devil back to her body.

And just like the old saying, if the mountains don’t come to you, you should walk towards the mountains. Even if you catch Pin Ting, Ji Jian will still at a certain inadvertent moment, a certain night when everyone is asleep, Find the one who hires Ting.

There is and only Phoenix Luan buckle that can trap the fierce Jane.

Luo Ren took out the wallet and threw it on the ground. It was dripping with water, soaked white, lifeless and motionless. It was just skin tissue that was about to rot.

In the air, there seemed to be an invisible ferocious face smiling at him and saying to him: How are you? Can you fool me? I am back again.

Kiyo is very worried about him: “Luo Ren?”

Luo Ren’s thoughts turned back to reality: “You go back, I will take care of it.”

Paused, and added: “It won’t be like last time, don’t worry.”


Kiyo returned to the bar in a daze.

Zheng Bo was also there, sitting at a side table, fiddling with a boxwood chessboard, and placed it on top of it quite lonely. Uncle Zhang was watching from the side with great interest. The brat drove me out, what to say, the sooner I go back, the better.”

Uncle Zhang originally wanted to decline, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Kiyo walking this way. Kiyo was in a bad mood tonight, so he tried to avoid talking to her, so he nodded: “Okay, I’m not very good at it, you teach me .”

Who knows that Muyo didn’t ask him: “Uncle Zheng, has Ping Ting always liked the hand rope?”

Zheng Bo was busy arranging the Chuhe-Han boundary, without raising his head: “That’s not true, I mentioned it suddenly today, I’m not clear-headed, of course I thought it was a ball of thread I bought temporarily.”

After finishing speaking, I remembered to ask her: “What’s the matter? Is there a problem?”

When he looked up, Kiyo had already left.


I don’t see Ten Thousand in the bar, replaced by Cao Yanhua, who is stupid and stupefied, Ten Thousand always does this, deserts whenever he has time, and grabs someone’s top bag at random.

Kiyo didn’t bother to care about what happened to Wan San, he leaned against the table tiredly, his forehead lightly tapped on the table, it was cold.

Cao Yanhua is very considerate: “Little master, do you want me to make you a drink?”

Of course he doesn’t know how to mix. He has only seen 13,000 bartenders, and he doesn’t think it’s difficult in his heart: adjust it casually, it tastes bad anyway, as long as it doesn’t kill you.

Kiyo shook his head and said, “Pin Ting may not be good again.”

Cao Yanhua’s first reaction was that the skin grafting operation was unsuccessful, but she realized what she was talking about in the next moment, and she couldn’t speak in horror: “The skin… that piece of skin went back?”


Cao Yanhua shivered, and for a moment, he felt that the tall bottles and short cups surrounded by him all gave off a cold light.

“Then…will she…will kill someone?”

Yes, Kiyo tapped his forehead against the bar counter a few times.

She heard Cao Yanhua screaming behind her: “Brother Sansan, did you hear that, Ping Ting is infected again, don’t go to see her again! It will be a disaster if she puts you in a rope!” “

Very well, I heard it too, so that I won’t have to repeat it, Kiyo turned to look at Isan.

He stood in the dark passage near the bar, his face turned pale, and asked her: “Then… what should I do?”

Kiyo smiled bitterly: “Maybe it’s because the five-element array made by Luo Ren doesn’t work, and it shouldn’t work. If it works, those people in ancient times have done it a long time ago, and they don’t have to wait so many years for Lao Tzu.”

Cao Yanhua nodded: “No, the only one who can seal the fierce letter should be the Phoenix Luan button. But the Phoenix Luan button is too weak, and the message is not clear. The ghost knows what that picture means. I have pity on Ping Ting Sister…”

The more he said, the more he felt sorry for him: “Poor, pitiful.”

Thirteen’s voice was uncontrollably irritated: “Then what now, what should we do now?”

“Luo Ren said he will handle it.”

13,000 froze on the spot for two seconds, and then, he suddenly strode towards the door, faster and faster, and when he stepped out, he was almost running.


13,000 smashed the door in the courtyard loudly, but no one answered the door. He was sweating all over, and turned to the door to try to climb over the wall. The wall was slippery. Unable to go up, feeling angry, picked up half a brick, yelled at Luo Ren, and threw it viciously to the second floor.

There was a shattering sound, and he didn’t know which room’s glass was smashed. After a while, he saw Luo Ren appearing next to the railing on the second floor.

13,000 shouted at him: “Open the door!”

He still didn’t move. Ten thousand three thousand was really angry, and he kicked the door several times, but the door stood still, and his feet were numb.

Thirteen cursed and kicked and kicked, and at the end, his legs suddenly gave way, and he sat down on the steps, with cold sweat on his forehead, and he couldn’t stop beating his body.

Could it be because of her deliberate concealment that something happened to Pin Ting? can you? Wouldn’t the current situation be better if the truth had been revealed at the time?

Kiyo who rushed over did not expect this scene, she looked up at Luo Ren, Luo Ren’s gaze fell on her, calm but contentless.

Kiyo hesitated for a moment, went straight up to the wall, jumped down from the inner courtyard and opened the door for Tenman, who heard the door rattle, jumped up with a bang, almost knocked her away and ran in.

After closing the door, Kiyo looked up at Luo Ren again, he was still in the same posture and didn’t even look at her anymore.

The heavy and anxious sound of going upstairs, and then the roar of Shi San: “What are you doing, Luo Ren? What are you doing, ah?”


The scene in front of him cannot be simply explained by what Luo Ren did.

Red wool, about a dozen pieces, tremblingly entangled a long bench, two stools touched the ground with empty feet, and the other two were vacant, reminding Kiyo of wild horses running for no reason.

Ping Ting was lying on the innermost bed, with a pale face and motionless, 13,000 rushed in, it was just wool, he probably thought he could get through it, but he didn’t expect that all of them were tightly knit, just rushed in at first glance , as if entangled in the spider spirit’s web formation, the more anxious you are, the more you can’t break free, but Kiyo, calmly, walked around the side, and reached the bedside without much effort.

Pin Ting’s hands were joined together on her lower abdomen, and plastic handcuffs with belts were tied on her wrists, as well as on her ankles.

There is an empty glass syringe next to the pillow, and there are two injection bottles with the glass openings broken off on the bedside table.

“Strong anesthetics, depress the central nervous system, continuous use can make people unconscious for a long time.”

Luo Ren came in at some point, and calmly seemed to be endorsing: “At the same time, it can make people’s limbs weak. Long-term use will cause local muscle atrophy. If it is excessive, it will damage the central nervous system and cause brain ischemia and hypoxia. The worst The result is that I can never wake up again.”

13,000 blue veins popped up on his forehead: “I **** your mother! Then you give it back to her!”

Luo Ren didn’t seem to hear what he said, and looked up and down the layout of the house: “This house is not strong enough, I will add infrared probes, and strengthen the windows and doors. If it is not possible, add a prison cage inside. Put a conveyor belt from the door to the side of the cage, and the food will be transported in, so as to minimize the contact between people and her, or to be on the safe side, keep her unconscious and give her nutritional injections.”

At present, it seems that Jijian is not strong enough to control people to fly over walls, it still needs to use the human body to walk and act. If Pin Ting continues to be in a coma but does not die, she may be able to continue to deceive and trap the fierce Jane.

Yes, he took a big risk. The fierce Jane did possess Pin Ting, but looking at it from another angle, he could also make Pin Ting a living container that could trap the fierce Jane.

Luo Ren’s voice was so quiet that it was almost cold, and Kiyo’s forearm trembled almost numbly.

Thirteen’s eyes are about to burst into flames: “Pin Ting is human!”

Luo Ren smiled: “Really, when she kills people like my uncle, do you still dare to say that? Well, after reading it, you two can go now? This is my Luo family’s place , I have the final say. Also, I don’t like people throwing stones at random, and I don’t like opening the door without the permission of the owner.”

Suddenly the distinction became clear, yes, this is someone else’s place, someone else’s family business.

Kiyo felt as if she had been slapped in the mouth, and it seemed that she and her bartender had no tutors.

Kiyo pushes 13, “Let’s go.”

When they passed each other, Kiyo hesitated for a while, and asked him: “Then what are you going to do, keep doing this… shut up Pinting?”

Her embarrassing and careful look made Luo Ren’s heart soften.

His tone was much softer: “I hope that during this period of time, I can progress smoothly and figure out the picture and the information of the immortal guiding the way. Maybe those are pointing to the Phoenix Luan button, and only the Phoenix Luan button can tell the truth.” It can truly restrain the fierce Jane.”

Thirteen suddenly stopped moving.

The room was silent for a moment, Kiyo sighed softly, and when he wanted to urge Wan San to leave again, he suddenly spoke.

“The fairy guides the way, I may know where that place is.”

Facing Luo Ren’s surprised gaze, he laughed at himself.

“I should not have misunderstood. In the ancestral hall in my hometown, the line on the eaves is the last monkey in the row. I knocked it off…”

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