Seven Evil Slips: 160|【Extra】

Exactly the same?

The water shadows of the previous few times were either drawn by 13,000 or blurred images-to be honest, in such scenes, only the male and female situations can be distinguished, and it is really difficult to recognize the same person, so They are more or less treated as independent frames, except that there is a dog throughout.

But it is different now, because Yan Hongsha’s dream and what she saw with her own eyes are relatively real. If she says that they are exactly the same, then it means that the characters on the picture also have continuity.

Luo Ren pondered for a while: “Generally speaking, after the fierce slip is subdued, there will always be two pictures for us. One is the water shadow, and the other is to remind us how to find the next fierce slip.”

Kiyo interjected: “Mizukage appears very quickly, but the prompt always delays for a while.”

That’s right, Luo Ren looked at her: “What do you think is the reason?”

Kiyo couldn’t answer for a while, but ten thousand three moved forward: “I think, it seems to be…”

Yan Hongsha urged him: “Tell me, what does it look like?”

“It feels like this water shadow was prepared by the Phoenix Luan button a long time ago, and it will appear as soon as the fierce slip is bound. But the next fierce slip, the Phoenix Luan button is still looking for it, so the prompt appears later , and relatively difficult.”

Luo Ren nodded: “I think so too. These water shadows may be a story that has been formed, and the timeline of this story is reversed – think carefully about the previous water shadows.”

The previous ones? The memory is a bit fuzzy, and Kiyo recalled carefully: a dog, buckled with the Phoenix Luan, a woman on fire, inside the bamboo curtain, a woman and a man embrace each other, the bride’s red wedding sedan chair…

Something had a flash of inspiration, and she gave a low “ah”, before she could speak, Cao Yanhua screamed: “I understand, big girl, get married, and then comb the woman’s head, this kind of timeline It’s right!”

Luo Ren laughed: “Yes, let’s push back from today’s picture.”

“Judging from her clothes and hairstyle, she is a girl who has not been out of court. She appeared in a private school, but everyone knows that women would not study in such a private school in the early days, so she may be Mr. Private School My daughter, who helps with housework at home, has a dog at the head of the house.”

“Then, at the age of marriage, sitting in the big red wedding sedan chair, you get married. You carefully recall the scene. At that time, the dog was far behind, staring in the direction of the big red wedding sedan chair. That is to say, she didn’t bring this dog with her, and she may have stayed at her natal home.”

Yan Hongsha is the one who is the most lazy to use his brain, so when listening to other people’s analysis, he is also the most engrossed. Hearing this, he muttered: “Who dowries with a dog.”

“Then came the third picture, the bamboo curtain covering the screen, the man and the woman hugging each other, and there was a dog in the shadow of the corner of the yard. I guessed that this small courtyard was the woman’s husband’s house. The dog appeared again , it is very likely that he followed the past.”

It makes sense, although there is no reason to marry the dog over there, but if the dog follows it by itself, it must be kept by the way. Anyway, dogs are needed for housekeeping and nursing homes, and food is not expensive.

13,000 followed Luo Ren’s words: “In the fourth picture, the woman’s house caught fire and the woman was burned to death. The dog should have witnessed the whole process—but it’s strange, under normal circumstances, the dog is the protector Yes, the dog didn’t say rushing into the fire to save the master, but squatted on the side without moving like a mountain.”

Yan Hongsha hummed: “Not every dog ​​is a loyal dog Hachiko, animals are animals.”

Luo Ren continued: “The fifth picture is the dog and the seven fierce slips sealed by the Phoenix Luan. So the water shadow is a story. If I guess correctly, it should be the seven water pictures. The film constitutes a complete story, but we only see five now, although the story is gradually becoming clear, but the cause and effect are still unknown.”

However, this story must have a great relationship with the seven evil slips, but what is the relationship, I can’t figure it out for the time being.

Seeing that a few people were somewhat less interested, Luo Ren cheered them up: “Take your time, things will always be clear–by accepting the fifth one, we at least won time, and restarted in forty-nine days …”

He stopped suddenly.

Yes, according to what Yafeng said, if you subdue the new fierce letter, you will win another forty-nine days, but the agreement between him and Aoki is only in one or two days.

If the trip to the Philippines does not go well, if something happens…

Luo Ren didn’t dare to think about it.

At this moment, Cao Yanhua said: “Brother Luo, what about Qingshan and Yafeng? We can’t carry them all the time, they are bound and tied, this…is against the law?”


As soon as these two people are mentioned, Luo Ren gets a headache.

On the day of the wedding, the bride and groom disappeared. The Cao Family Village must have exploded. As for Cao Jinhua, although I told her not to talk nonsense, but the people in the village for more than 20 years are biased, and she may not be for them. These outsiders are tight-lipped.

Two hot potatoes, unreasonable, unreasonable, and illegal, and they are really unwilling to let them go.

Luo Ren stood up and said, “I’ll go outside and make a call.”

During some interrogations in the Philippines, he did use stimulant drugs, which had an effect on and inhibited the activity of receptors in the brain and spinal cord, making people involuntarily relax and more inclined to tell the truth, but at this moment, Such controlled products are difficult to obtain.

He called Dr. He Ruihua, and wanted to ask him if there was any reliable colleague nearby who could do hypnosis for him.

Luo Ren intuitively felt that Yafeng’s behavior was indeed perverse, cruel-hearted, and hard-spoken, but after the fierce Jane left, she was just a difficult woman, not a person with strong spiritual strength.

He Ruihua answered the wrong question: “Is Kiyo with you?”


“She can.”

Luo Ren couldn’t digest the meaning of the three words “she can” for a long time. After realizing it, he couldn’t believe it: “Kiyo can hypnotize?”

“According to what you said, she can do something simple.”

Luo Ren felt that He Ruihua was joking: “How is it possible, Kiyo himself…is a bit confused.”

He Ruihua laughed: “Luo Ren, we should look at many things from another angle. If Kiyo has three personalities, and each of them can stand alone – it not only shows her own existence In addition to the disorder, it just shows that her spiritual power is also quite strong.”

“Kiyo has been treated by me. Don’t think that her time here is wasted. I have seriously discussed various recovery methods with her, including hypnosis. She may not be able to do well. , but simple hypnosis and self-hypnosis are still possible – I will not introduce my colleagues to help you achieve your private goals, which in itself violates professional ethics and industry standards.”

Luo Ren was speechless for a while, and in silence, he wanted to hang up the phone, but He Ruihua asked him to wait: “There is someone who wants to talk to you.”

Speak? who? Luo Ren didn’t think about it for a while, until a familiar voice came from the other end: “Brother Xiaodao?”

Employ Ting?


When Luo Ren came in, he still couldn’t recover. Kiyo looked at him curiously, and Luo Ren said, “Pin Ting is much better.”

Employ Ting? It’s been a while since I heard this name. Before Kiyo could speak, Luo Ren looked at Yiwan again: “I still asked about you.”

13,000 stammered: “She…does she remember me?”

“She doesn’t have amnesia, whoever has been with her, of course she remembers.”

After speaking, La Mudai: “Come, come out, talk to you.”

Muyo was pulled out by Luo Ren, and he still remembered Pin Ting: “She remembers 13,000, do you remember me?”

“Remember, ask me, who is that beautiful girl next to me.”

Kiyo was a little nervous: “What did you say?”

From Zheng Bo’s few words, she vaguely felt that Pin Ting had no feelings for Luo Ren—it was expected that Pin Ting would ask, but more importantly, how Luo Ren would answer.

Luo Ren said: “You can say what you want, isn’t it a girlfriend, and people don’t believe you when they say you are a nanny.”

Kiyo laughed, stepped forward after a pause, put his arms around his waist, buried his head in his chest, and rubbed and rubbed.

Luo Ren lowered his head and kissed her hair.

He understands both Muyo’s thoughts and Pin Ting’s thoughts. After answering Pin Ting, she was silent for a while, and he also understood what that silence meant.

It’s just that, for some things, you must only take care of one, and whoever is more nervous will take care of the other more. The two ends are not the same water, so there is no need to balance it.

Suddenly, Kiyo thought of something and looked up at him: “Just now, did you say that to Shisan on purpose?”

Luo Ren hummed and did not deny it.

“Ten thousand three stuttered, are you trying to match them up?”

Luo Ren said: “For things like feelings, let it take its course. I never match anyone up. If I talk about matching, I would rather match up with Shisan and Hongsha, that is…”

How should I put it, these two people are very good now, but they don’t spark that kind of spark with each other.

It’s like just outside the bathroom, she hugged ten thousand’s legs to save her life, and almost pulled ten thousand’s pants.

Kiyo nodded: “Me too, I just dragged the red sand to wash the clothes for Wansan, she took them all in a big bag, and asked Cao Yanhua if there were any clothes, anyway, I washed them together, and I washed them together. Not at all Don’t treat them differently, it’s a waste of my efforts, and I’m still using injuries as bait…”

She showed Luo Ren with her finger. When she was in the hospital, the injury on her hand was also treated. The doctor told her not to touch it as much as possible. Don’t mention how awkward it is to wash.

Luo Ren laughed. It’s really not that the whole family doesn’t come in. It turned out that those who were secretly rubbing their hands in private were fueling the flames in useless places. He hugged Kiyo and said softly: “There is something , I may ask you for help, if you can do it, you can’t, don’t force it.”

“What is it?”

“Try it, can you… hypnotize Yafeng.”


The lights went out and the room fell silent.

Yafeng was lying in the corner. Before, she heard the group of people chattering that it was time to sleep. Qingshan was taken to the bathroom by Cao Yanhua and locked up. Yan Hongsha came over and put sofa cushions behind her. Dai borrowed an alarm clock from downstairs, winded it up and said that everyone is tired, don’t oversleep, and turn on the alarm clock.

After the light was turned off, I realized that the dial of the alarm clock was actually luminous, facing her, and the bright green second hand kept moving in front of my eyes, round and round, rigid and regular, accompanied by the sound of ticking.

From the other side of the sofa, Luo Ren and Muyo were talking, one was deep, the other was soft, intermittent, like a lover’s night talk, but when he pricked up his ears to listen, it turned out to be her.

——If it really doesn’t work, let Yafeng and Qingshan go.

——I can only let it go, I don’t have the energy to carry them all the time. It’s also unreasonable to be locked up. Like Cao Yanhua said, it’s illegal detention, and we are in trouble.

—Actually, they may not know much.

——Yafeng just said that he was powerful, but in fact he was just a possessed person. Even if he had a high degree of compatibility with Ji Jian, how much would he know.

——It’s just a small role, we still try to find a way to find the next one to be serious.

Sure enough, in desperation, we still have to let them go. If we can guard them for a while, who will guard them for a lifetime? Yafeng felt relieved for a while, the sofa cushion behind her was soft and ironed, gradually, she also felt a little sleepy.

– Are you sleepy?

—so sleepy.

——If you want to fall asleep quickly, you can count sheep.

——You can also count the steps to go down the stairs…

——One level, two levels…

Delicate and innocent, with a lazy voice, Yafeng felt drowsy, and in a daze, following Kiyo’s voice, there really seemed to be a long, endless wooden staircase in front of him up.

Level 1, level 2, the steps are a bit drifting, in a trance, as if it will never reach the end. up.

Kiyo breathed a sigh of relief, sat up with Luo Ren lightly, and pressed on the room lamp.

Yafeng was leaning in the corner of the room, eyes slightly open, with a happy expression on his face and a smile, probably because he was slightly drunk from bouillon.

Kiyo walked over, sat cross-legged in front of her, and stretched out his hand to wave in front of her. Yafeng glanced at her, and looked away as if nothing had happened.

You should be right, Dr. He said that hypnosis is not sleep, but a “sleep-like” waking state.

Kiyo looked at her with a smile, and his voice was calm, like a conversation between friends: “Actually, you don’t know much.”

Yafeng’s eyes were blurred, his head tilted, and he stretched out his hand to pull a braid: “Not many.”

“It takes at least a year or two for fusion to possess the fierce Jane, but you haven’t known Qingshan for long, why is it so easy for the fierce Jane to possess him?”

Yafeng raised his head, and the corners of his lips curled slightly: “Because he is different from you, many people in Caojia Village are different.”

“How is it different?”

She lowered her head and touched the carpet with her fingertips, as if playing with flowers and water: “I was born different.”

Ask again, but there is nothing left to ask, Kiyo changed the way of asking: “What about you, are you different?”

“Me too.”

“How is it different?”

Yafeng giggled, like a child, and lowered her voice to Kiyo, as if sharing an ulterior secret with her: “I have a bad heart.”

“Where is the rest of the fierce Jane?”

“I don’t know, let’s hide it.”

“Why did you go to Caojia Village?”

“Because it has been there before.”

“Who is it?”


“You accomplice Jane to do things, what is your purpose? What do you want to do?”

Yafeng suddenly stopped moving.

The silence was a bit long, and then, Yafeng slowly raised her head, with a strange gleam in her eyes, which were both a little crazy and a little crazy.

Luo Ren felt that something was wrong, so he stretched out his hand to hold Kiyo’s arm, and when Yafeng suddenly rushed over, he quickly pulled Kiyo behind him.

Fortunately, Yafeng didn’t attack, but grabbed his collar tightly, rolled his eyes up, and smiled meaningfully.

Luo Ren frowned, and wanted to break away from Yafeng’s hand. At this moment, she said something slowly in a low voice.

“In the end, you will be the same as us, everyone is the same.”


The next day, drive back to the county seat.

The five people finally discussed and put Qingshan and Yafeng back. It was really impossible to keep them locked up—anyway, the two of them are gone, and they are still far away from being able to make waves, Luo Ren They are not afraid of being exposed. If the fierce Jane doesn’t come to them, they will also go to the fierce Jane. It will be a matter of time before they are exposed.

However, I was more careful, and contacted Wan Fenghuo through Ma Tuwen, and found someone nearby to help keep an eye on Caojia Village, especially the movements of Qingshan and Yafeng.

When Yafeng left, she was triumphant, and Qingshan was obsequious on the side, but she looked like a low-browed and pleasing little daughter-in-law, turning Cao Yanhua’s nostrils to the sky. Originally, she wanted to take this opportunity to go home and have a look, but now no matter what I don’t want to.

Suddenly it occurred to Yafeng to say that the people in Caojia Village are all different, why are they different? Cao Yanhua felt uneasy, and suddenly looked at himself with pity, and thought that this time, the third and third brothers had made great contributions, but he was the only one who had done nothing—feeling that Luo Ren and the others looked at him strangely, and a feeling of desolation and loneliness emerged spontaneously.

When she arrived in the county, Kiyo first went to the mobile business hall to buy a mobile phone. This time, her mobile phone fell again, and the frequency of scrapping and refurbishing is quite high. Yan Hongsha went to the supermarket to buy food, 13,000 continued to lie in the car with his arms stretched out, Cao Yanhua felt that he was not welcome, so he sat silently on the curb.

A countryman squatted next to him, and he sold two pheasants in the mountains. One of them seemed to know that the end was approaching, and it was flying around in search of death. Its wings lifted up the dust on the ground. The other one was relatively calm, just lying on the ground, staring at Cao Yanhua with small amber eyes, as if with a hint of warmth.

Cao Yanhua felt sad, and asked it silently: “Do you feel lonely like me?”

The pheasant’s head lowered for a moment, exaggerating the atmosphere of “we are both fallen in the end of the world, so why meet each other before”…

Cao Yanhua asked the countryman: “How much is this pheasant?”

Luo Ren was waiting for Kiyo outside the business hall. Seeing that there was still time, he dialed Shengun.

The voice of the magic stick is weak: “Hello…”

In Luo Ren’s mind, he roughly sketched a loose image of him with slumped shoulders and bowed head. He wanted to laugh, but he held back after thinking about it, and briefly told him about the situation of this trip.

The magic stick replied: “Oh…”

Luo Ren said: “Even if there is no progress on your side, you don’t have to be so low in morale.”

The voice of the magic stick finally got a little higher: “Why am I not making progress, I am making progress.”

Is there any progress? Still so half-dead with progress?

“Because I have been thinking about it, a very big… very deep… very broad topic.”

Luo Renqi’s teeth were itchy, but he knew that the **** stick has always been such a virtue, so he had to ask him patiently: “What did you find?”

“Little Carrot, do you believe that the wisdom of the ancients surpasses that of modern people?”

When he said this, Shenzhu lowered his head and picked up seven pieces of wood that were spread out on the kang in front of him.

Every piece of wood is round, black, and shiny. It seems to be the same size, but if you look closely, the threads and directions on the wood are different. Moreover, each piece is like countless fine wooden strips. Made of mortise and tenon.

If you look at it with a magnifying glass, you can see that at the bottom of each piece of wood, there is a miniature but lifelike… wooden kite, and there is a word on the side of the wooden kite.

I don’t know what Luo Ren replied, but the magic stick said: “Do you know… Lu Ban?”


At this end, Kiyo’s new mobile phone is set up, the old card is plugged in, and the incoming call record is called.

Unexpectedly, there are many missed calls, all within one or two days, and the caller is from the same person.

Eldest brother, Zheng Mingshan.

Kiyo became anxious, she bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and dialed back, her voice was urgent.

“Eldest brother, is it because Master…is ill?”

[End of the fifth volume]

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