Seoul Station’s Necromancer Chapter 163:

Chapter 163 – Bibi’s Castle (2) 


KH hotel .

Only the people invited could enter the assembly hall, but the content of what they would be discussing wasn’t a secret .

The main participant hosting this general assembly hadn’t appeared yet .

The assembly hall was decorated like a dinner party, and everyone was having a conversation as they gathered into various groups .  No one was paying attention to the food that was being laid out in a buffet style .

Everyone that had been invited were the best Roused that the world could offer .  Moreover, the main figures of the guilds were all here .

This was a gathering hosted by Kahng-woojin .  Some only needed this fact to move like migrating clouds to attend this meeting .  The medium-sized guilds weren’t even able to get a seat in this event .

They were dissatisfied, but they couldn’t do anything about it .

Jung-minchan caught sight of a man with drooping shoulders within the crowd .  Minchan smiled as he approached him .

“Aigo .  Is that you, president Park?”

Hammer guild’s president Park-sahngoh was about to drink his beverage, and it had gone down the wrong hole .  He let out a cough .

“Hmm .  Kmmm .  Should I call you Prime Minister Jung now?”

“Ha ha ha .  Yes, I am Alandal’s Prime Minister . ”

“…… . ”

At one time, he had been the president to this former team leader, who had been in charge of a lower end support team .  There was an awkward apprehension that was unfolding between them right now .

“I heard you had a hard time trying to set up this general assembly . ”

“It was ridiculous .  Various guilds threatened me for an invite, and there were also terrorists that forewarned me of attacks .  Then there was the requests for… . ”

It seemed Park-sahngoh had a difficult time .  There were dark circles under his eyes, and his skin looked dull .  He looked to have aged significantly .

“I guess we were unnecessarily demanding with our requests . ”

“No .  I fully understand why those requests were made . ”

It wasn’t as if Minchan couldn’t sympathize with Park-sahngoh’s troubles .

This wasn’t a birthday party .  One couldn’t just book a place, then send out the invitations .  

This meeting was being led by Kahng-woojin…

This general assembly was being done to disseminate more information about Alphen and the Dungeons .

Of course, the world’s attention couldn’t help, but be focused on this event .  Countless people sent requests or threats to obtain an invitation to this general assembly .  Park-sahngoh had to carefully plan out how they would be able to protect everyone .  First, he had to do an exhaustive search on finding a building, then the security personnel… .

As time continued to pass, the interest in this event grew proportionally .

There was so much factors to worry about that it had been hard to advance in his work .

Park-sahngoh had suffered under such conditions .

When the KH guild insisted on managing the general assembly, Park-sahngoh immediately shoved the responsibility to the KH guild as if he was attempting to blow away all the stress he was feeling .

The location of the general assembly was decided to be held at the KH hotel, and the new invitations were re-sent .  Funnily enough, the new invitation was sent by e-mail .

The effort and preparations paid attention to by Park-sahngoh was all for naught with the change in venue .  

The KH guild was relaxed in their preparation .

The complaints and threats reached a fevered pitch, but KH guild and Alandal ignored it all .

“Is this really going to be ok?”

“What do you mean?”

“Some guilds didn’t receive personal invitations, so they took it as Alandal ignoring them… . ”

“Our invitation was extended to every guild in this world . ”

“No .  You guys only put up a post regarding that issue on an SNS post… . ”

“That should be enough . ”

“…… . ”

They were dealing with the VIP Roused of this world .

One didn’t need to look too far .  Several large guilds in China had their pride hurt when they hadn’t received an official invite, so they weren’t attending this event .

Park-sahngoh thought about his past hardship, and these discontented guilds had caused a lot of friction .

“That’s their choice . ”

“Ah… . ”

Was this really the Jung-minchan he had known?

It was said the office makes the man .  When did he develop such large balls?

At that moment, a stocky man approached them .

“Ah-oh .  Prime minister Jung . ”

“President Baek . . ”

KH guild’s president Baek-jungdo approached as he massaged his shoulders .

“I roughed it for so long that any amount of sleep won’t recover my body . ”

“Haha .  You exaggerate too much .  I heard you measured your rank again, and you were determine to be Rank AA .  Congratulations . ”

“Huh? Did the news already spread that far?”

“There are article being poured out right now .  How could I not know?”

“Ooh-haha .  That is true . ”

When Baek-jungdo returned to his guild, he had remeasured his Rank .  He wanted to check the result of his training .  Unexpectedly, his Rank had turned out to have gone up to Rank AA .

If one didn’t count Kahng-woojin, he would officially be the first Rank AA of Korea .

“Well, Jaemin will probably be measured to be Rank AA .  Of course, the Holy Maiden is at least a Rank S .  Don’t you think Blanka and Haesol is also Rank AA?”

“We haven’t measured them yet, so it is all speculation at this point . ”

“Koo-kook .  Alandal is too humble .  We don’t even have to measure brother Sungggoo .  I’m sure he is at very least a Rank AA . ”

“…… . ”

Jung-minchan wordlessly smiled .  Hong-sunggoo’s growth speed was the best in this world .

“Of course, it is contingent on him coming back alive .  Hahaha . . ”

“…… . ”

Jung-minchan couldn’t just laugh at Baek-jungdo’s joke .

Park-sahngoh’s eyes widened in surprise as he listened to their conversation .

“All the Roused of Alandal is at such levels?”

“Huh? I guess president Park doesn’t know much about it .  Even the new recruits they just picked up looked pretty good . ”

“Huh… . ”

Was Alandal some kind of factory that churned out monsters?

How are they able to scout all these geniuses?

Park-ahngoh eyed Jung-minchan .  When he was with Hammer guild, team leader Jung-minchan had a knack for unearthing talented individuals .

Now he had moved guilds, and he had started out as the vice president .  However, he had risen to help found a nation, and he had become the Prime minister of this said nation .

‘Koo .  I shouldn’t have let him slip away . ’

He should have held onto him .

He should have listened and given full support to Minchan .  However, it was too late to regret it .

“Ah .  It seems the president has arrived . ”

The entrance became crowded, and the flashes caused by the cameras could be seen .  Jung-minchan headed towards that direction .  All the people in the hall focused their attention on the entrance .

Minchan saw Woo-soonghoon hanging around near the entrance, so he asked Soonghoon a question .

“Where did the president go?”

“I directed him to the ready room .  He said for you to hurry up, and prepare everything . ”

“Kmmm .  Have you prepared the data?”

“We’ve been thorough in our preparation . ”

“All right . Let’s hurry up and go . ”

There was still one hour left until the appointed time, so why did they have to be so urgent… .   The two headed towards the ready room .  Soon, an announcement was heard informing everyone about the start of the general assembly .


The room was reminiscent of a large lecture hall at a college .  People were packed into the seats .  Even if it was uncomfortable, no one complained .

Some of the guilds here were already aware of the information that was about to be discussed here .

The people, who knew this information, had kept it a secret .  However, Kahng-woojin would be revealing everything to the world .  There was no way to predict what kind of ripple it would cause .

The cameras were running, and it was being live broadcasted to the world .  Jung-minchan ascended the stage .

“My name is Jung-minchan .  I am the Prime Minister of Alandal . ”

He had put on a relaxed smile on his face, but he was shaking inside .

His mother could have never expected this .  She probably never expected him to rise to a position where the world would pay attention to him .

Jung-minchan had wanted to be successful, but his ambition hadn’t been this large .  However, things somehow turned out like this after he had met Kahng-woojin .

“Before the king gets up here, I’ll go over a summary of the information we were able to find out about the Dungeons . ”

Minchan put the power point he readied on the screen .

“Trahnet .  This word has entered our sphere of consciousness not too long ago .  It was first used by Alandal’s king .  It was introduced by Kahng-woojin-nim . ”

The word, “Trahnet” appeared on screen, then planets started to form around it .

“We look at it as a network between planets .  Roads are constantly being made . ”

The screen changed .

It was a picture of the monsters that appeared in the last worldwide Break .  It especially highlighted the Dragon that seemed to be wrapped around an enormous tree as if it was protecting it .

“The Dimensional lords use these roads to invade .  They are also called the Monster Lords .  The monsters are their troops . ”

Then the pictures of the subway stations appeared next .

“The Dimensional lords each have their own separate Dimensional Domain .  This is what we call the high rank Dungeons .  These Dungeons are like gateways . However, they cannot open all the doors to come to earth . ”

Afterwards, the screen changed, and the picture of a green gem appeared .

“If the Dungeon is a gateway, then the Return Stone is comparable to a key . ”

A successful clear created a Mine and a failure created a Break .

“Currently, thirty days are needed for synchronization .  If no one is able to take away this key, they are able to open this gateway .  This is called the Dungeon Break .  If one is able to steal the key, the monsters would haunt the Dungeon until the Energy is all used up .  It’ll turn into a Mine . ”

Someone quickly raised their hand high into the air .

“How do you explain the Dungeons that Broke even though the requisite 30 days hadn’t passed?”

“The information regarding that issue will come out right after this . ”

Jung-minchan moved onto the next slide .

“Basically, the owner of the house had opened the door .  A person from earth opened the door . Our king deterred the ex-Hwarang guild’s president Lee-sahngho .  He was the root cause . ”

The screen changed again .  It was footages of when Kahng-woojin had visited the US .  It showed the missile terrorist attack and the Iron Golem Dolsae fighting the monsters .

“This place had been a test site .  It was the first time a Dungeon was formed outside of a subway station .  These experiments had been conducted by the Rivers organization and Professor Riola .  As you can see, they had succeeded . ”

This had moved beyond just defending the subway stations now .

What could they do?  The sense of crisis pressed down heavily on the assembly hall .

“Now we will hear from Alandal’s king . ”

No one directed it, but everyone got up from their seat when Woojin appeared .  It felt as if he was getting up to give a lecture .  He didn’t show his pleasure or displeasure regarding this situation .

He had a nonchalant reaction as if he had expected such a reception .

“Everyone should sit .  Everyone should know who I am, so I won’t introduce myself again .  I’ll just deliver my message . ”

Woojin took out a purple colored gem from his possession .  It was letting out a bright light, and massive amount of energy was being emitted by it .

“In the recent fracas, didn’t some countries pick this up?  Britain also bought one from me . ”

Currently, research was going on in many quarters of the world .  Woojin had put this secret information out in the open .  He spoke about topics and Items that was potentially worth billions…no, trillions of dollars .

“If you can gather three of these, you’ll have the qualification to become a Dimensional lord . Moreover, you can gain a Dungeon if you use one of these . ”

Someone got impatient, and this person raised his hand as he spoke .

“Then Kahng-woojin-nim is also a Dimensional lord?”

“Of course . ”

“…… . ”

The assembly hall stirred .

Moreover, the general atmosphere indicated that they had come to an understanding .  They assumed Kahng-woojin’s inexplicable amount of personal power wasn’t all his own .

“Aren’t you being very shameless?  You sat on something that is so profitable?”

Woojin turned to look at him?


He grinned .

If seizing power was a form of profit, Woojin was enjoying the benefit of his actions .  However, it was also true that he had much more responsibility, because of it .

“Why don’t you go find one for yourself then?”

“…… . ”

It was a bit cheeky to say what Woojin had said, but it made the person sit back down .  Jung-minchan couldn’t help, but let out a laugh . It was a very Kahng-woojin-like answer .

“The important part is the fact that the road to earth is open now .  The invasion attempts will continue . This isn’t about profit for me .  Why would I be telling all of this to everyone if that was my aim?”

There was a hubbub .

Woojin continued to speak as a buzz was building amongst the crowd .

“I want to protect my family .  On a smaller note, I want to protect earth .  The fact that I protect the earth is secondary .  The safety of my family is my primary goal . ”

Ah .  Isn’t that supposed to be the other way around?

“Is there a way to do it?”

“There is . ”

Kahng-woojin spoke confidently .

“I bought an aircraft carrier .  I’ll put my family on it, and I’ll protect it . ”

At Woojin’s words, someone mumbled, ‘Noah’s Ark’, under their breath .

The atmosphere inside the assembly hall turned a little sharp .  The change in the general mood darkened Jung-minchan’s face .

It wasn’t evil for a man in power to be hypocritical .  Maybe Kahng-woojin was too honest… .

“Are you saying you’ll only save yourself?”

“No, this is a warning .  My enemies aren’t all located in different dimensions . ”

It was a warning .

Kahng-woojin, the greatest Roused of this world, revealed what was most important to him…  He said he would put his family above all else .  He was telling everyone not to mess with them .

“I don’t want to unnecessarily ramble on after calling all of you here .  This is what I what I wanted to tell all of you . ”

Kahng-woojin looked at his stirring audience, and he spoke .

“What can we do when the enemies are gathering here?”

Was there a solution?  No .  They weren’t all gathered here, because the solution was known .

“We can lessen the number of roads connecting to our place . Then we can all fight against the enemies together . ”

Currently, he was telling them the obvious .

This wasn’t anything ground breaking .  It was the stock answer .

Currently, they were doing all they could do decrease the links to the Dungeons .  The unavoidable Dungeon Breaks were blocked using a combined force .

The only thing different in this proposal was his plan to unite the world .

“You already have a method that’ll ensure your own survival .  Do you want us to act as meat shields for the bullets?”

Someone yelled out in anger .  Woojin smirked at those words .

“No way . ”

Woojin boldly let out a shout .

“I’ll be leading the vanguard . ”

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