Seoul Station’s Necromancer Chapter 155:

Chapter 155 – Alandal in Seoul (2)


[Hah .  He asked for an aircraft carrier?]

[Yes, that is what he said . The British Monarchy and the Parliament went over the decision .  They came to the conclusion that the Dimensional Fragment was a very important Item, but they decided the aircraft carrier as a payment was an unreasonable . Instead, we propose dispatching an aircraft carrier to the East Sea for 5 years .  It will shore up your defense…]

It was such an enormous offer that Soonghoon’s mouth dropped open .

He had never thought about this before . He couldn’t keep the surprise and confusion off of his face . He had lost the pace of the negotiations through his own fault .  He had basically gave up the upper hand in the negotiation .

[We can come to an agreement on the money it takes to operate the aircraft carrier . If we split the cost down the middle, we’ll agree to station it here for the next 5 years . ]

[This isn’t something I can make the call on . I’ll have to meet the king later on, then…]

As Soonghoon was speaking, the door suddenly opened, so he shut his mouth .  The person he had been waiting for had appeared .

“I guess everyone’s here . ”

“Welcome back . ”

Jung-minchan greeted Woojin in a welcoming manner .

An aircraft carrier wasn’t a child’s toy, yet he was asking for it so matter of factly .  He wondered how valuable this Dimensional Fragment was…

When Woojin saw the negotiation group from Britain, he immediately asked a question .

“Do you speak Korean?”

“I can . ”

Soonghoon had on a shocked expression when the blonde British man started to speak eloquently in Korean . Of course, the man knew how to speak English, but he never expected his counterpart to know how to speak Korean .

“If you give me what I want, I’ll give you this . ”

Woojin took out the Dimensional Fragment from his Inventory, and he held it out .  The gem was letting out a brilliant purple light, and it was emitting so much magical energy that normal people could feel something was off .

“Mmmm . It takes several thousand people to maintain and operate an aircraft carrier . To my knowledge, Alandal doesn’t have that many people . ”

“That’s my business . Just give me the boat and everything within it . I don’t need the people . ”


Did Alandal have enough people to pull this off? There weren’t that many people that knew how to operate an aircraft carrier amongst the entire population of Korea . This small country had never even owned a aircraft carrier before, so why was he coveting it so much…

“I’ll take care of it myself . Will you buy it or not?”

“…we want the Dimensional Fragment for the purpose of research, but we have no idea what it can do…”

“You can purchase a Dimensional Gate that leads to another planet .  Basically, with this one Item, you will be able to own a Dungeon . ”

“…… . ”

At Woojin’s words, the negotiation group and the people from the US and Japanese guild became surprised . It wasn’t known to outsiders, but each of them had also gained a Dimensional Fragment .  Currently, there were researches going on…

“Will you buy it or not .  If you don’t want it, I’ll sell it to someone else . ”

The negotiation group expressed their dismay at Woojin’s unreasonableness .

“I have to discuss it with my home country .  Do you mind if we give our final decision tomorrow?”

“I have to wait until tomorrow? Are you willing to purchase the time that I’ll waste?”

How much was a single day of Kahng-woojin’ life worth? He was able to clear a Dungeon in few hours .  How many Dungeons did he crush during his trip around the world?  Yet they dared to keep him waiting for a whole day?

“Can you handle that?”

“P…please give me thirty minutes . ”

Woojin turned his head .

“Kaneda and Bad Sector?  If this isn’t resolved within 30 minutes, I’ll sell it to you guys .  Ah, does Japan have any aircraft carriers?”

Woojin asked the question as he looked at the man from the Bad Sector guild .

When the man from the Bad Sector guild quickly took out his phone, the negotiator from Britain suddenly stood up .

“We’ll buy it!”

Woojin smirked .

In the end, they were going to buy it no matter what, yet they had acted as if they weren’t interested .

“Bring me the aircraft carrier . ”

Woojin placed the Dimensional Fragment on the negotiation table .

“…… . ”

The man didn’t know what to do as he looked at Woojin .  Woojin shrugged his shoulders .

“Take it . ”

“…just like this?”

What kind of a dealing was this?

The decision had just been made, and there were still uncertainties surrounding the deal . Was it really ok to just hand over something so valuable?

Woojin eradicated the negotiator’s worries .

“If you guys plan on reneging on the deal, I’ll erase Britain off the map . ”

“…… . ”

“All of you can all leave . No, you guys come with me to the president’s room . ”

Woojin spoke as he looked at Minchan and Soonghoon .  Then he exited the prime minister’s office .

“…… . ”

For a while, the office was silent as a grave . The air was heavy as it was sucked into Woo-soonghoon’s lungs .

‘What the **** just happened now?’

The aircraft carrier had been thrown back and forth in the negotiations… In a flash, an item worth billions of dollars had exchanged hands .

Is this how it feels to have the world at one’s beck and call? Soonghoon had stood at the center of the negotiations .  He felt afraid, and thrilled at the same time .

“Well, let’s conclude the negotiations with the Bad Sector guild tomorrow . ”

Minchan tidied up the situation as he sent away the other delegations .  

Afterwards, Soonghoon and Minchan walked the corridor together .

“Whew .  I wonder what the king wants to do with that aircraft carrier . ”

“Maybe he just wants one?”

“Mmm . ”

Soonghoon had just tossed that idea out there, but somehow there was a ring of truth to it .  Minchan let out a groan .

Well, they could just go ask him right now .

“Uh . You guys are finally here . ”

Woojin buried his body into sofa as he greeted them .

“The other party members didn’t come with you?”

“They are still rolling along . I thought we were going to do a Guild General Assembly?  Why is it being put off from day to day?”

“The size of assembly got too large . ”

“What do you mean?”

“All the guilds of the world showed interest in it . They are all hoping to attend . ”

“Tsk .  Is that so?”

“The Hammer guild is doing their best . It is scheduled to be in 15 days . ”

“That is way too late . ”

He had planned on going to Alphen after the general assembly ended .

“This is why you don’t outsource tasks like this . ”

Woojin looked at his dependable subordinate Jung-minchan .

Woojin didn’t want any constraints on his work .  This was why he had founded a country, and he chose Jung-minchan as the prime minister .

“We’ll have it in 6 days . I’ll talk to all of the guilds before I head towards Alphen .  If they can come, they’ll be there . The ones that can’t attend can watch it on the news . ”

“…if you suddenly propose such a tight schedule… . ”

“I’ve waited this long . That’s enough . Those people from Hammer are too slow . You take over . ”

“…… . ”

If he was told to do it, he would do it .  However, the thought about doing it made Minchan’s head hurt .

“So why do you need the aircraft carrier?”

“Ah . I have something I want to test . ”

“Are you trying to make a Golem?”

“Huh? I can give Dolsae scrap metals, so why would I buy an aircraft carrier for him?”

There was no good reason to buy such an expensive aircraft carrier for the purpose of using it as ingredients for his Golem .  

Minchan’s eyes turned round .

“What can we do with just the aircraft carrier?  We really need a lot of people to move that big thing… . ”

Woojin grinned .

“You’ll have to fill it up . ”

Woojin didn’t have to worry about the task, since he had someone else that would be doing the worrying for him .

“…… . ”

Minchan’s head was hurting already .

“Or I might fill it up in some other way . ”

“Perhaps? From the Dimensional Domain?”

“Yes .  It’ll be beyond our ability to fight the war with only people from earth . ”

“…… . ”

Woojin looked at Soonghoon .

“Do you know how to do the SNS? Sign me  up . ”

“What? You want me to register president’s SNS?”

Soonghoon was surprised .

“Bring me my hand phone . ”

“Yes, sir . ”

Songhoon fiddled with Woojin’s handphone, and he registered Woojin to the SNS . The country of Alandal wasn’t even available at registration .  As a dual citizen, Soonghoon registered Woojin as a Korean citizen .

“…so that is how you put up a post . ”

“Mmm .  All right . ”

“I’ll put up on the official Alandal account that president has joined the SNS . ”

Woo-soonghoon worked quickly, and suddenly, Woojin’s hand phone kept vibrating .

Ddi-ring, ddi-ring .

<TheLight-nim just followed you . >

<Asdf-nim just followed you . >

…… .

“What’s going on?”

“Ah . I’ll turn off the notification . ”

Woojin’s followers were increasing rapidly, and he was jumping the total followers ranking several dozen spots at a time .

‘He’ll pass me by in a flash . ’

Woo-soonghoon had a lot of followers . He had as many followers as famous actors .  However, it seemed Kahng-woojin was going to pass him by at any moment . .

“I’ll use this later .  Is there any Dungeons that are about to Break?  Do we have any requests that are already in?”

“Mmm . That’s… . ”

Minchan’s face darkened .

“There are several imminent Breaks, yet none of the governments are asking for help . ”

“So they want to take care of it through their own efforts . ”

“Yes . I don’t know the exact reason behind it, but I would hazard to guess it has something to do with the Dimensional Fragment you showed earlier . ”

“Mmm… . ”

Woojin tapped on his armrest .

Greed might burn them, but that was the natural consequence of thier deed .

“They’ll get a stomach ache . ”


“It’s nothing .  Just leave them be . ”

Anyways, Kahng-woojin couldn’t shut down all the Dungeons . The places that’ll Break will Break . The ones that are able to defend their Dungeons will defend them .

If they were desperate, they’ll ask for help . It wasn’t a bad idea to give them autonomy .

“How’s the recruitment of new Roused for the guild going?”

“The resumes for the recruitment are flooding in . In the end, president will have to make the choice .  Please tell me the time, so I can send out a notice . ”

Woojin didn’t care about resumes .  Their current ability to clear a Dungeon had nothing to do with their growth potential .  Who would have expected Hong-sunggoo to become one of the top Roused of this world?

Woojin will choose them based on what he saw .

“Then schedule it 3 days from now . I’ve said all I needed to say, so I’m heading out . ”

The future work would be done by the people left behind .

“Where are you going?”

“I’m heading to the Dimensional Domain . ”

“Before you do that, could you leave behind a photo?”


“It’s for verifying your identity . No one is posting on the president’s SNS bulletin board . ”

“All right .  Photograph me . ”

“Could you tilt your head a little bit this way?  Yes, like that . ”

Soonghoon put Woojin in the right pose, and he took a photo with the hand phone .

Click .

“You upload it .  I’m going . ”

“Yes .  Take care . ”

“Also, you should just give up being the minister of foreign affairs .  You should continue your work as my secretary .  It feels awkward seeing other people . ”

“…… . ”

“I saw your negotiation skills earlier .  You weren’t that great . I don’t think you have the aptitude for it . ”

My king… Didn’t you buy a hand phone from this hopeless negotiator?  What does that say about you?

“Well, I’m going for real now . ”

“Yes . ”

He didn’t have to go the Seoul station .  Woojin opened a portal that connected to his Dimensional Domain, and he disappeared .

“So did I just get promoted or demoted?”

“Mmm… . I think it is a promotion . ”

He was the chief secretary directly under the king of Alandal .

Woo-soonghoon uploaded the photo he took with Woojin’s hand phone up on the SNS .



– Alandal Guild is recruiting new Roused!

– The Noah’s Ark of the Modern Age . Your only chance to gain citizenship to Alandal .

– Kingdom of Alandal finalized a deal for an aircraft carrier… .

– Nationality doesn’t matter . Recruitment for Support Division . Preference given to those with experience aboard an aircraft carrier .

– Breaking News .  Kahng-woojin started his SNS!

…… .

There were several dozen…no, several hundred articles pouring out .  Moreover, the trending search words were all related to Kahng-woojin .

Cindy was holding up her phone as she sighed .

“Ha-ah . ”

She had received a big shock from what happened at the reunion . She had stopped working, and she was resting at her home as she received psychiatric treatment .

“Maybe I should apply?”

There was no meaning behind being an entertainer, or having money .

This was a world where one’s death could happen at any moment . It was an end to an era where money protected oneself from everything .


“Will I be able to see him more often?”

When she thought about Kahng-woojin, it pulled at her heartstrings .

Cindy scrolled down the address book in her hand phone, and she located Do-jiwon’s information . She was about to press the call button .  However, she just sighed as she lowered her head .

“Ha-ah .  I must have gone mad . ”

She was insanely jealous of Do-jiwon .

“Eh-whew . Get a hold of yourself . ”

What was the point of pining for a man that is taken?

She just couldn’t stop thinking about him .  However, it wasn’t as if she had fallen for him at first sight .  It wasn’t to the point where she loved him .


It was a feeling her fans felt when they looked at her .  This was the feeling Cindy felt when she looked at Woojin . She had never gave this level of interest and attention to a man before .

She wasn’t passionate enough to commit her life to something based on a brief flash of feeling she felt .  She was level headed enough to control herself .

“Uh whew .  I should start working again . ”

There was a limit to how much break she was willing to take . She couldn’t take time off for the rest of her life .

He threw her phone on her pillow as she got up .  She took out a cold bottle of water from the refrigerator, and she drank it .

“Kyahh . ”

Her head felt refreshed when she drank the cold water .

She was picking up her hand phone to call her manager when Cindy’s body stiffened .

[Hello? What’s up . Speak to me, Cindy . ]

Jiwon’s voice was heard through the phone, and Cindy had no idea what to do .

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