Seoul Station’s Necromancer Chapter 132:

Chapter 132 – Bloody Reunion (2)


The Chaos mountain was the tallest mountain on Planet Jaku .

It was the base of the biggest power on Planet Jaku .  They were the Yellow Lizards, and all the Dimensional lords affiliated with the organization was holding a meeting .  There were a total of eight of them .  They were all diverse in their appearance .

There was a road with large columns lining each side .  There were Dimensional lords present on top of each column, and they looked down at the human, who was walking down the road .

“Yo-ho-ho .  That human is the messenger sent by the Great lord Iello-nim?”

“He’s pathetic .  At a glance, he is a disposable item . ”

Lee-sahngho  could clearly hear their conversations, but he made no comments .  No, he didn’t dare to speak .

On top of the tall columns, there was a Titan, who was over 10 meters tall, and other grotesque beings of unknown races .

There were also those, who looked akin to humans, but the oppressive feeling they let out was no joke .

Lee-sahngho felt their attention on him .  His legs shook from the strain .

After passing the road lined with the giant columns, one came upon a tower .

This was the highest location on the peak of Chaos mountain .

Koo-roo-roo .

Rajakui, the Gold Dragon, took rough breaths as he appeared .

[What does a messenger of Iello-nim want with me?]

Iello’s messenger Lee-sahngho felt a bit faint when he heard the voice ring inside his head .

“If you destroy earth, he will allow you entrance into the Planet Iferin . ”

[Koo-koo-koo .  Iferin . ]

Rajakui’s body shook at the sentimental name . He alternated between being happy and angry .  The Dragon’s Fear raged forward .  The gathered Dimensional lords all got on their knees as they endured the Dragon’s Fear .

Lee-sahngho felt faint, and he felt like passing out .  He was barely able to resist, and his body was frozen in place .  If he was in a battle, he would have been cut down without being able to do anything .

[Do you have anything else to say to me?]

“Please send me to earth . ”

[That won’t be difficult . ]

Rajakui opened his wings wide .

The fully extended wings was over 50 meters long . The body between the wings was also incredibly large .  The Dimensional lords stretched their necks to look up at him .

[We’ll take over earth . ]

“Then what are we going to do about this planet?”

There were two other coalitions on the Planet Jaku other than the Yellow Lizard coalition .  There was the Black Hats and the Red Hammer .  If they lost the initiative on keeping this planet, their profits would suffer .  However, they had to expend a considerable amount of resources to be able to co-exist with the two other coalitions on this planet .

[We’ll move and make earth our main hunting ground . ]

This was a planet where they hadn’t even completed their links .

The risk was high, but the reward was as big as the risk . He had a goal where the sacrifice would be worth it .

A road that lead back to his home planet of Iferin was open to him now .


A van stopped in front of the Mokdong Station .

“We are here, president . ”

When he heard Soonghoon’s words, Woojin opened his eyes, and he pulled up his reclined seat .

“It’s at least a 6 star?”

“Yes . ”

Mokdong Station’s 4th exit .

The Dungeon had Reset 7 days ago, but no one had attempted to clear it yet .

KH guid had the priority to clear it, since they had found it first .  However, when they measured the Dungeon Energy, it was higher than the energy measured for the 6 star Dungeons .  They couldn’t readily send in their Rank A Roused team inside .

They could try to clear it with an Escape Return Portal in possession, but the Item was pricey .  They could gather their dream team, but they decided to grant Alandal’s request instead .

There was still a lot of time until the Dungeon Break, but Woojin was going to clear the Dungeon . Of course, the guilds would determine how they would split the profit .

Woojin just needed a place to hunt .

“I’ll be here all day .  Go eat in shifts . ”

“Yes, sir .  Don’t worry about us .  We’ll be on strict watch . ”

“All right . Thanks . ”

Woojin patted Soonghoon’s shoulder, then he headed towards the Dungeon .


<You’ve entered Mivich’s Meadow . >

<Please select a mode from ‘Duel’, ‘Dimensional Battle’, ‘Visit’, ‘Infiltration’ or ‘Clear’ . >


“As I thought, another Dimensional lord is here . ”

Most of the Dungeons that were 6 stars and below was owned by the Dungeon Owners .  Any Dungeons exceeded the amount of Energy held by the 6 star Dungeon were almost always owned by the Dimensional lords .

This was also the case here .

Since Dimensional lords were trying to link to earth worldwide, it was a matter of time before one of them connected .

Of course, he could clear the Dungeon to sever the link, but in the meantime, he was afraid the Dimensional lord’s vassals would cause crimes against humanity .

They were on a different level compared to the mediocre Roused or the monsters .  If Woojin hadn’t chased out Juliel and Rashmode, the demise of Earth would be much closer right now .

“What the hell?”

Woojin walked through the empty subway station, and he tilted his head in confusion .  Either there hadn’t been any Energy invested into the Dungeon or there weren’t any monsters available to be regenerated .  He didn’t even have to go downstairs to check the lower floors .

Zzeeeeeng, zzeeeeeeng .

The sound of resonance rang out as a portal emitting red light was formed .

“Does this mean he doesn’t need to use the scrubs?”

The dispatch of monsters inside the Dungeon acted as a first line of defense .  This mechanism allowed one to prove to a certain extent that one was qualified to step onto the Dimensional Domain .  

Of course, this all depended on the preference of the Dimensional lords .  Instead of dispatching monsters in the Dungeon, the Dimensional lord could have gathered all his forces into his Dimensional Domain .

When Woojin passed through the portal, he saw a green grassland .

There were gentle hills that made it hard to see far into the distance . He climbed the highest hill he could find to look around his surroundings .

“Why is this place so deserted?”

Woojin shook his head from side to side when he couldn’t’ find a single monster on the land .

Was this an owner, who preferred to have a small elite force?

The recorded Dungeon Energy was very high, and the total amount of fight power the lord would have wouldn’t change .

Either there would be a lot of monsters or there would be a few powerful monsters .

He might have gotten unlucky this time, and it was the latter situation .

As a Necromancer, it was much easier to face a lot of mediocre enemies rather than fighting an absolute power .

He wouldn’t be able to turn the corpses into allied forces, and he wouldn’t be able to use the corpses as medium for the Corpse Explosion .

However, it wasn’t as if he was helpless against strong foes .

“Rakto . ”

The black smoke coalesced, and the Death Knight named Rakto appeared .  Rakto was the one that used a ghost-like spear .

[My lord . ]

This particular Death Knight was almost equal to Kiba in terms of one-on-one battles .  He was also unparalleled in terms of fighting on a mount . There was a chance an intruder might infiltrate his Dimensional Domain of Alandal, so he wouldn’t be able to summon all of this Death Knights .

If a being from the Planet Jaku cleared Necia’s Pillar before he could sync it, he would lose his Dungeon .

If the hunt was difficult, he decided he would call up 20 Death Knights .

“Let’s go as a duo . ”

[As you command . ]

Woojin and Rakto summoned their Phantom Steeds .  Woojin summoned his Warrior’s Weapon, and he transformed it into a spear .  They raced across the grasslands .  Their destination was obvious .  It was the green colored pillar of light in the distance .  That was where the Return Stone was present .


In front of the Mokdong Station’s 4th exit .

“Ah-ooh .  It’s cold . ”

“Chief .  I think we picked up a reporter . ”

“What? Where?”

Woo-soonghoon looked around his surrounding, and he saw a parked car with a man holding up a camera with long lens . He grinned as he shook his head from side to side .

“Just let him be . This isn’t the first time that has happened . ”

“Yes .  Is it really ok to travel like this?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“We haven’t gained our independence yet .  Moreover, we are on Korean soil… . ”

Soonghoon put his arm around the employee’s shoulder .

“Hey .  Do you think we are North Korea?  Does a country always have to be in war with a neighboring country?”

“Ah . ”

“Moreover, the treaty hasn’t been signed yet .  We are still citizens of South Korea . . ”

As Soonghoon had said, they were still Koreans .  They would just gain an additional citizenship into Alandal .  Basically, they would be dual citizens . When the national vote changed the Constitution of South Korea, the details of the treaty would be finalized .

The fact that Alandal was a country sounded good, but it would basically be like how Rome operated alongside the Vatican city .

It would allow Korean citizens to enter the guild, and it would also given them the right to become the citizens of Alandal .

When one leaves the guild, it would strip the rights one would have in Alandal .

“Uh-whew .  My head hurts thinking about the legal ramifications .  Let’s rest a little bit . ”

“Yes . I’ll go buy something to eat . ”

“All right . ”

The employee ran across to the street to the convenience store .  

Soonghoon walked towards the people from the KH guild guarding the Dungeon .

“Uh-whew .  It seems I’ll be seeing you for all of today, so let’s greet each other . ”

“Ah, yes . ”

Soonghoon’s rank wasn’t low .  He was one of Alandal’s founding members, and he was the Chief Secretary working directly under Woojin . There was a rumor saying that he was going to be nominated as Alandal’s minister of foreign affairs .  To the rank and file employees, he was someone way above them .

The people from the KH guild awkwardly gave their greetings, and Soonghoon started chatting them up for a long time .  He was in the midst of talking, while eating the cup ramen and kimbab brought to him by an employee, when he suddenly had a thought .  He looked down at his watch .

“Uh? Why isn’t he so late in coming out?”

“I know .  If we consider president’s playing time, he is excessively late in coming out . ”

“Hmmm… . ”

Soonghoon furrowed his brows when he felt a weird sense of uneasiness .

This was a first clear of a Dungeon, but Woojin showed an almost miraculous ability to clear the Dungeons .  He should have already been out by now .  It had been 6 hours since he had entered the Dungeon .  A full day should have passed inside .

This had never happened before . Soonhoon looked at the firmly closed barrier with a little bit of concern .

“Uh? There’s a breaking news . ”

“Huh? Put up the volume . ”

An employee had been watching tv through his handphone .  At Soonghoon’s words, he unplugged the earphone, and he raised the volume .

-There is a simultaneous Dungeon Reset happening right now .  Currently, there are 11 locations in Seoul, four locations in Daegoo, and seven in Busan . In total, 20 new Dungeons have formed .  When the Energy was measured, eight of them exceeded what one would measure from a 6 star Dungeon… .


Soonghoon quickly took out his smartphone, and he accessed the internet .

The Dungeon Resets were happening at random .  Numerous Dungeons had reset in a short amount of time . He was taken aback, since something big might be going on right now .

“Huh . It isn’t only happening in Korea?”

The internet was in more of an uproar than the news .

US, Japan and China were all experiencing a simultaneous Dungeon Reset .

“Oh no . An additional three Dungeons were added in Seoul . ”

“What the hell? Is something big about to happen?”

The employees whispered to each other in unease .

The Guilds jockeyed to claim the Reset Dungeons, because the number of Dungeons that Reset was low . However, they were all Resetting at the same time… .

A weird sense of danger and worry washed over Soonghoon .

Since he was worried, Soonghoon looked for him .

“President… . ”

Why was Kahng-woojin taking so long to clear the Dungeon?  This was abnormal, and Soonghoon could only look on with a worried expression .


A pale looking man was hurriedly walking down the streets of Hongdae .

“Huh-uhk, huhk . ”

He looked to be hurt, and the man kept looking around his surrounding as if he was being chased by someone .  The light within his eyes shook .

‘Is this for real?’

The knowledge that was in his mind was too vivid to call it a delusion .

‘If you do as I say, Haeyun will live . ’

He was merely a Rank E Roused . This might be god’s mercy, and this was **** attempting to fix his ailing daughter .

He didn’t care if this was god’s grace or a devil’s temptation .  He just wanted his sick Haeyun to be healed .

‘I have to do it . ’

He didn’t have any alternatives .

The man slowly headed towards the entrance of the Hongdae station .

The 1st exit was just Reset, so the police was guarding it . The place was bustling as the Roused Bureau was measuring the Dungeon Energy .

“Uh uh? Please step back .  It’s dangerous here . ”

When the policeman took his eyes off the man, he rushed forward .

“Uh uh? Who is that? Detain him!”

Before the alerted policemen could give chase, the man had already entered the Dungeon .  It almost looked as if he had rolled down the stairs .

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