Seoul Station’s Necromancer Chapter 1:

Chapter 1 – Finally Seoul!

His body was surrounded by light that flowed out from the Dimensional Administrator .   His entire body was broken down into its cellular level then he felt the curious experience of his cells disperse as the darkness found him .

He was in a faraway place, where he almost forgot about time .   He tried hard, but he was barely able to hold onto his consciousness .

‘Gang-woojin!  Wake up . ’

He didn’t know how much time had passed, but light grew from the darkness .   The light approached him, and he was swallowed by it .   Then the world became bright, and the smell of trash filled him .

‘Oooh ooh . ’

He moaned, but he couldn’t make any other noises .   He was barely able to open his eyes, and all he could see was a battered slate roof .   After a long time, he felt sensation return to his fingertips .

He felt around his surrounding .   He was on top of a recyclable burlap sack .   The unidentified trash smell was emanating from there .

‘I’ve returned . ”

He thought he knew where this is . He remembered when he caught a glimpse of his memories, which had sank to the bottom .

‘The school’s incineration plant . ’

He had went over to ‘that place’ twenty years ago at this location .   Any ways, he had returned to the starting point .

‘It’s been twenty years, but everything looks the same . ’

It looked a little big more worn down, but the incineration plant looked the same .   As he slowly waited for his sense to return, he waited for his body to recover .

“Hey . Fuck .   Hurry up .   You son of a **** . ”

He was barely able to turn his head when he heard sudden noises .   Students wearing familiar uniforms descended upon the incineration plant .

‘The uniforms are the same . ’

It wouldn’t have surprised him if the uniform’s design had changed since twenty years had passed .   However, it still looked the same, so it was a welcoming sight .   When he saw the people, he knew he had really returned to earth, so he couldn’t control his emotions .

At a glance, three uniformed students were dragging along another student . He looked too normal to be the bullied .   Also, he was a handsome student .

“You son of a **** .   Let’s begin after I hit you . ”

“Why should I get hit?”

“What?  You son of a **** . ”

Their fists started to fly, and the two were entangled in a dog fight .   The bullies next to them started to join in, and the fight became a one-sided beating .

“You **** **** dare to challenge me?”

“You are really a **** eyesore .   Just attend school quietly . ”

He was having fun looking at the three of them step on the one student .   Somehow, it made him think of the past .   Maybe it was because he went through a wretched experience for 20 years, but the children’s antics were cute to him .

They beat the him until he thought the boy might die .   However, the group stopped as they gasped for breath .   The student had covered his head with his arms, and the twitching student had various scrapes and wounds .   However, his eyes were still giving off a fierce light .

The group’s leader, Lee-joonhyuk, didn’t like the light in Do-jaemin’s eyes .
All the students were afraid to look at him . They either avoided looking at him or they looked at him with envy in their eyes .   However, this son of a **** was looking at him with those eyes .

“Ha . Fuck .   Yo, Jaemin .   Does it hurt?  Does it hella hurt?  Didn’t I tell you to stop doing irritating things in front of me?  Just go to school quietly, all right?”

“Beat it .   Fuck . ”

Irritating things?  Jaemin had studied quietly, and he had done nothing wrong .   The problem was that he was too handsome .   He was being beaten, because a girl had a crush on Jaemin, and she was someone Lee-soonhyuk liked .

“Ha .   This son of a **** hasn’t come to his senses yet?  He needs a good beating .   Grab this bastard’s body, so he can’t move . ”

The bullies grabbed Jae-min in place, and they pushed him down . Soohyuk let out a dangerous kick into the air .   By the look of it, it seemed he was going to let out a soccer kick to the other’s head .

At that moment, all of Woojin’s senses returned to him .

“Ah, that’s enough . ”

At the sudden sound, the kids started to look around their surrounding in surprise .   They saw a man wearing strange clothes getting up from atop the recyclable burlap sack .

“Fuck .   What’s your deal?  How long have you been there?””

“Huh, fuck?  The only things these brats can say is **** when they meet a big senior that is like the heavens?”

Woojin  got off the burlap sack as if he had been riding it .   Ah . The Earth’s surface .   It has been 20 years since he had been able to step on it .

Even if they were delinquents, they were just kids in front of an adult .   They were taken aback, so they started looking around furtively .   Usually, the delinquents were more strict in respecting the school’s lineage… (TLN: Koreans are very respectful towards the alumni of their school)

“Fuck .   Who cares if you are our senior?”

…I guess not .

“Why don’t you stop paying attention to us, and go on on your way?  I don’t know why some beggar is **** butting in .   We, high-schoolers, aren’t afraid of anything these days, Uncle .   Just go on your way . ”

Soohyuk was very outspoken .   Soohyuk’s bluster chased away his companions uncertainty .   Soohyuk had somewhat thought through everything . The man was here at this time in their school when he wasn’t a teacher .   Moreover, he was at the incineration plant .   He was sure this guy was the neighborhood’s idiot .   He was also wearing very thread-bare clothes .

“Huh .   Why are kids these days so rude, especially in front of a big senior with twenty years on you?”

Now Sooyuk was sure after he heard Woojin mumbled to himself .   At the very least, this **** looked to be a college student, and he should still be in his 20s .   He was sure this guy had lost his mind .

“If you don’t want to be hit, then get lost .   You little **** . ”

He thought these nitwits would runaway if he scared them a little bit .   Instead of being afraid, they had expressions of disbelief at the threateningly raised hand .

“Huh .   This won’t do . ”

Woojin pushed his hand forward, and Soohyuk flinched .

“…… . ”
“…… . ”

Woojin was taken aback as he extended his arm again .   Why wasn’t the Binding Magic forming?  Soohyuk frowned towards the surprised Woojin .

“Shit .   What are you doing?”

“Uh? Why is it being like this?  Bind!”

Woojin, who was taken aback, continuously extended his hand as he shouted . However, the magic didn’t form .   Soohyuk spat out insults at him .

“Shit .   I got scared for nothing by this Otaku **** . ”

Soohyuk was sure .

He had been scared for a moment by the village idiot, so his pride was hurt .   He reflexively ran forward, and he swung his fist .

Before Soohyuk’s fist could land on Woojin’s head, Woojin tilted his head, and he stepped to the side .

Woosh .

“Huh .   You **** avoided it?”

Woosh .

“You son of a **** .   You want to die .   Fuck this guy up!”

At Soohyuk’s outburst, the lackeys ran in .

‘Huh .   I can’t feel the **** magic . ’

Woojin was taken aback when the magical energy, which had basically been his hands and feet for the past 20 years, didn’t respond to him .   However, even if he did lose his magic, he wasn’t weak enough to be hit by the fist of a mere high school boy .

Magicians were known to be physically weaker than the warriors, but this was only true in the other world .   In this place, his physical ability would blow the Special Forces out of the water .

If he wanted to survive in a place crawling with monsters, his fitness had to be at such levels .

Woojin evaded each of the annoying lackeys’ punches, then he lightly punched them in the solar plexus .

Puh-puh-puk .

“Ook . ”

The three precise attack made all three of them sprawl on the floor .   It happened so fast that Do-jaemin forgot about his hurting body, and he stared on dumbly .

“Aw . . awesome . ”

After Woojin defeated the annoying people, he pressed his hand on his temple .   When his thoughts became complicated, he had a habit of unintentionally doing this motion .

“Well, I guess it won’t matter?”

Maybe it was a side-effect of the dimensional travel .   He wasn’t sure if he had lost his magic or it had been sealed .   However, it might not matter .

This place was Seoul .

Monsters will no longer threaten him, and he didn’t need to fight to the death to survive .

Maybe… . ?

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