Self-cultivation of the Exorcist Chapter 95: Open the door to kill

During the heavy rain, the air temperature dropped a lot.

As a result, Du Wei’s face turned pale. He was carrying a bag and stared at Ryan’s corpse expressionlessly.

One eye was extremely calm, while the other was empty and dead silent.

If you don’t look at the eyes, the difference is basically the same.

Under the state of spiritual vision, Du Wei could clearly feel the malice on the corpse which gradually became deeper and deeper.

This thing looks like an evil spirit, but it doesn’t seem to be.

For an evil spirit to kill, the conditions that need to be met are firstly to trigger the medium, then fall into the rules, and finally when the person’s spirit breaks down and is completely affected by negative emotions, the evil spirit will choose to do it.

Of course, that black shadow is obviously no longer among the ordinary evil spirits. As long as the trigger conditions are met, it will directly strike at the door, basically staying overnight.

As for this kind of thing with entities, Du Wei has solved it once before and has related experience.

So, after looking at Ryan’s corpse for a few seconds, he took out his pistol and pointed it at the corpse’s head.

But just as he was about to pull the trigger, Du Wei thought about it and gave up the idea again.

Now, there may be more than one Ryan’s body in the entire psychiatric hospital. If something else is attracted by the shooting, it will make things more troublesome.

What Du Wei hates the most is trouble. Every time he shoots, he makes sure that it won’t have too much impact.

It was the same at Alex’s house. At that time, the antique clock was abnormal, which affected the whole room, and it was dead silent, and the sound could not be transmitted at all.

As for the shooting on the bus, um… everyone died…

Thinking of this, Du Wei put away his pistol and took out the silver cross dagger that he got from Andrew.


Draw the dagger.


Ten minutes later.

Du Wei wiped the dagger clean, put it back into the sheath and put it away, and the evil spirit’s right hand gradually returned to its original state.

“It’s been a long time since I dissected the corpse. I just removed the limbs. I didn’t expect it to take so long.”

His tone was a bit complicated. Dissecting a corpse is not a rough dismemberment, it requires some skills, otherwise the dagger will be stuck by the tough tendons and bone joints.

“If this dagger is thick and strong enough, it would be a good choice to take the head directly…”

Sighing somewhat complicatedly, Du Wei finally took a look at the corpse in the state of spiritual vision, and after confirming that there would be no more trouble, he turned and walked towards the clock tower.

In the same place, the limbs of Ryan’s body have been removed, and it is unknown where it was thrown.

Suddenly, the corpse’s head trembled.

But that’s all. Without limbs, it can’t move, it can’t even roll back and forth.

At this time.

The three of James have also entered the psychiatric hospital.

Their speed was not as fast as Du Wei thought, because they encountered several corpses along the way.

After solving some corpses, the three of them figured out the pattern.

The corpse is not an evil spirit, but more like a product of being affected by something extremely evil.

They are very aggressive and full of malice to the living.

Fortunately, after the heads of these corpses were cut off, they would not move again. Otherwise, James estimated that the three of them would definitely fall here if they did not escape.

“I don’t know how Mr. Du Wei is now. He has been in the hospital for a while, and he may have encountered these strange corpses head-on.”

James was a little worried. He couldn’t contact his new exorcist colleague at all when his mobile phone lost signal.

When Harry, who was following him, heard this, he said in a complicated tone: “There is no such thing as a simple evil spirit in his family. How could anyone who can live to this day die in the hands of these corpses.”

Hallmier on the side agreed: “Indeed, Mr. Du Wei feels very mysterious to me, he is much calmer than all of us, and to be honest, I am a little afraid of this man.”

James shook his head and said: “He is our companion, there is nothing to be afraid of, and after this matter is resolved, you and Harry will be stationed in New York, and a good relationship with him will help you. “



The torrential rain is still falling, and with the more intense rain, deep water has accumulated on the roads in the Hill Psychiatric Hospital.

Obviously, the drainage measures here are not good enough.

Du Wei stood under the bell tower building with an obvious church style, staring at the entrance gate expressionlessly.

This door is very high, about four meters in length, carved with patterns such as angels and crowns of thorns.

In the rainstorm, no matter how you look at this door, it feels weird.

In fact, he had been standing at the door for a few minutes, and the reason why he didn’t go in was because at this moment, under the state of spiritual vision, he saw his own death picture again.

Not quite the same as before.

What Du Wei saw this time was more like a warning.

He saw that the moment he pushed open the door and walked in, his head fell off, blood gushed out, and the expression on his face didn’t even react, it was calm and scary.

“Is there an evil spirit in the clock tower? As long as you open the door, you will die directly? There is no solution at all?”

Du Wei said something silently in his heart, and his thoughts began to turn.

In fact, until now, he didn’t know much about the ability to see the death scene in the future.

The only thing that is roughly clear is that this ability should be related to antique clocks.

It seems to be some kind of mutation of the spiritual vision state, but it is completely out of Du Wei’s control.

It’s just that every time this happens, it’s basically when Du Wei steps forward with one foot and dies.

“This is weird…”

Du Wei was a little puzzled. Although it seemed unsolvable that you would die if you opened the door and walked in, it was very simple to avoid it, just don’t go in.

But because of this, the death screen appeared, isn’t it a bit too extravagant…


He had seen death scenes three times before, both of which were related to himself, and once related to Alex.

But no matter what, every time I see it, it is an extremely dangerous picture, and I can even analyze some rules or information.

But this time, apart from the fact that the inside of the clock tower is very dangerous, and you will die if you open the door, you can’t see anything at all.

But at this moment, Du Wei frowned. He discovered something.

In the state of spiritual vision, the death scene I saw did not end.

In the picture, the door opened, his body lay on the ground, his head fell aside, and blood was everywhere.

But after a while, his body suddenly trembled.

The expression on the face of the head that fell to the side also became a little strange, showing a weird smile.

Suddenly. The corpse stood up, reached out and picked up the head, and calmly put it back to its original position.

Then, the demeanor of the whole person changed instantly, it was so cold and frightening, as if it was a completely different person.

Then, with a stiff body, he walked into the clock tower building step by step.

At the last moment of the death scene, Du Wei saw that his body came to a painting covered in cloth and lifted it away.

The appearance of the nun is vivid on the paper.


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