Self-cultivation of the Exorcist Chapter 585: Can you really see me?

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【Master, something is wrong with the master. The envelope found that the Vanity Sect is a bunch of youngsters, and all they have are traitors carved on their heads, so **** it! 】

【Master, can you hear the words of the envelope? 】

【Master, please give the envelope a little reply! 】

At this time, the envelope kept calling the evil spirit Du Wei.

In a sense, the envelope is indeed worthy of being the most loyal subordinate, and it is indeed very conscientious.

The next second.

A pale hand appeared out of nowhere, and the pattern of the mask on it flickered on and off. Once it appeared, it grabbed the envelope and disappeared.

The deepest part of the island in the lake.

The evil spirit Du Wei held the envelope in his hand, and said indifferently: “I didn’t ask you to read the memories of those people. Why are you arguing outside?”

The envelope was pinched tightly.

It can only tremble, expressing its thoughts.

The evil spirit Du Wei frowned, and let go of the envelope casually.

The envelope, which was supposed to be suspended, suddenly fell, and its suspension ability lost its effect here.

Falling directly into the water vein below.

Once it falls into it, it may be washed into the lake, or even trapped in a rock crevice forever.

【Ahhhhh! dying! Master save me. 】

The evil spirit Du Wei didn’t even bother to read the envelope.

In the darkness, there was a whoosh.

A demonic scalpel pierces the envelope, pulling it back.

Heiying tilted his head, and picked the envelope in front of Du Wei, the evil spirit.

[Brother Heiying, you are so kind! 】

The envelope was so moved that I licked it immediately, but it quickly returned to its original nature.

【Master, the idiot Sombra, you didn’t even say anything, yet it dared to attack rashly. five sons. 】

The evil spirit’s scalpel trembled slightly.

The bloodshot eyes in Heiying’s eyes became more bloodshot.

The evil spirit Du Wei said indifferently: “Let’s get to the point.”

The envelope immediately realized that its owner might not be in a good mood, and it immediately stopped talking.

【Master, the envelope found that you existed in the Victorian era, and you have been staying in the Vanity Sect, sitting on your favorite black throne. 】

【Besides it, there is the envelope of your most loyal and powerful subordinate, as well as the weak and idiotic black shadow. 】

【The people of the Vanity Sect are all your servants, and so is that Alphalia. 】

【However, his attitude towards you in the future is completely different. Judging from the experience of the envelope, this person is definitely a 25-year-old boy, with traitor words written all over his body. 】

【Oh, by the way, the envelope also saw many clocks that are exactly the same as Lamer’s clock. 】

【There seems to be something else, but the envelope cannot be seen clearly. 】

The evil spirit Du Wei nodded: “You still have some brains.”

The envelope immediately became excited: [Master, with your approval, the envelope is about to cry. 】

【Ever since I followed you, Envelope feels that I have become wiser, and Envelope can confirm that you were the one who made the mask in the past, Your Excellency the Duke. 】

【You are really the past and future, God who is everywhere! 】

【The envelope used to think that you were the king of evil spirits, but now the envelope thinks that the size of the envelope is too small. You should be the center of the world, and the sun, moon, and stars must revolve around you! 】

The evil spirit Du Wei said impatiently: “I already know all this, and you only read this information?”

The envelope froze.

[Aren’t these enough? 】

【And why you reacted this way, don’t you want to destroy the Vanity Sect? 】

The evil spirit Du Wei said coldly: “Why do you want to destroy them?”

【They betrayed you? 】

The evil spirit Du Wei said indifferently: “Killing is the crudest method. It is impossible for me in the past not to know their thoughts, but since they are kept, it is naturally meaningful.”

“And why do you understand it as betrayal?”

“Who can betray me?”

“Who dares to betray me?”

The envelope was completely questioned, how ridiculous it is to betray Du Wei, the evil spirit, and it is impossible to give anyone a chance.

At this moment, the envelope is even thinking.

Could it be that everything was acquiesced by the evil spirit Du Wei? The past master was planning something, and the betrayal that Alphalia thought was just a pre-determined ending.

【Master…you are so evil, you deserve to be you…】

Flipping over and over again, the envelope only suffocated this sentence.

But then, its doubts became more serious.

【Master, your power is so powerful, you want to read the memories of those people, it should be just a thought, why do you have to give the envelope to do it? 】

This time it was Du Wei’s turn to be silent.

According to its character, it is impossible to answer the envelope.

The envelope is also dumb…

【Master, don’t be angry, the envelope is just curious, you don’t need to explain to the envelope, because the envelope will always faithfully execute your orders. 】

The evil spirit Du Wei glanced at the coffin bound by chains under him, and said indifferently: “At the same point in time, it is impossible for two me to exist, no matter whether it is memory or what.”

“I looked around and saw only endless darkness.”

【You can’t see your past self? 】

【How is this possible, with your strength…】

The evil spirit Du Wei looked at the envelope and said slowly: “Because I am denying the past, and I don’t have much time.”

The envelope immediately trembled: [Impossible…]

The evil spirit Du Wei showed a sarcastic smile: “Nothing is Besides, can you really see me?”

[Of course I can see that you are right in front of the envelope. 】

“And now?”

As these words fell, Sombra’s eyes widened.

The envelope is even more frightening.

Because it really can’t see the evil spirit Du Wei.

Whether it is its ability to manifest what happened in the past ten minutes, or its sight, or its perception, it cannot see the evil spirit Du Wei.

Just like the concept of Du Wei, the evil spirit, was directly erased.

It can actually be.

The evil spirit Du Wei was still sitting on the coffin, looking indifferently into the deep darkness.

“My future is my past.”

“What time is it?”

“I admit time, time exists.”

“So, I can change the past and the future.”

“And now, the past me has planted the fruit, and all I have to do is reap it.”

“But before I do that, I need to figure out one thing.”

“Is what I entered the gate of hell?”

No one can hear Du Wei, the evil spirit.

Until it was willing to let Sombra and Envelope, its two most loyal lackeys, hear an order.

“Power will make people lose their minds. If you don’t have enough wisdom to control power, it’s like a child wielding a heavy hammer.”

“The five demon gods are about to be born and formed, but I feel that there is still one existence, spying on everything in the dark.”

“It’s going to be a game.”

“But it is not qualified to be my opponent, because I already know that Minette and others are its pawns, and then Minette and others will try to step into the island in the lake.”

“It’s okay to kill them, hold them back, or die in their hands.”

“No matter what you do, you will let me figure out the secret here.”

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