Self-cultivation of the Exorcist Chapter 120: I’m coming in…

After Du Wei bid farewell to Police Officer Tom, he downloaded a copy of the surveillance video in his mobile phone and asked the other party to delete the original video.

Evil spirits are contagious. In a sense, as long as the absolute conditions are met, anyone may be targeted and killed by them.

Although Du Wei felt that the evil spirit related to Vaderism seemed to only look like himself, he did not rule out the possibility of shifting his target.

Be prepared for anything, if not helpless.

While walking, he lit a cigarette for himself: “If the people from Vader come to the clinic again at night, I guess I won’t have to worry about these cultists for a long time.”

“Or you can get their current location. In this way, you can send them some couriers in advance.”

He was referring to Sombra’s photo.

But Du Wei knows that all he needs to do now is to wait quietly.

It is impossible for the Vader Cult to remain indifferent to the evil spirits. According to the behavior of these lunatics, they will definitely appear again.

The Vader Cult hides in the shadows, acting like hunter and prey.

It was Roy first, and then the four heads. It was not the first time that they had conflicts with Du Wei indirectly or directly.

It’s just that he has been solving the curse on his body before, and has no time to pay attention to these cultists.

Not now.

There is no need to worry about the curse on him for the time being, and it will take a while to solve the hidden danger of evil spirit transformation.

Hmmm… he’s got plenty of time and cooking up these cultists now.

And until then, it’s time for Du Wei to do it.

As for how to deal with the evil spirit, Du Wei has already thought about it.

Although its killing mechanism is not clear, it seems that it can be spread through video, but it is not known whether it is limited to itself.

Hmm… He plans to watch the surveillance video at home and tell the evil spirit his location over and over again.

As long as you enter the house, you can’t help it.

A coffee shop and a counseling clinic are on the same street.

A few minutes later, Du Wei came to the door with his bag on his back.

The storage cabinet is well placed, and there is no black car parked in the house next door.

Well… speaking of cars.

After the fire broke out in the psychiatric hospital, according to police officer Tom, his Subaru was burned by the fire because it was too close, leaving only the frame.

In other words, he still has to find time to buy another car.

Du Wei sighed. If he had known this was the case, he should have thrown the car keys to James and the others and asked them to drive the car away for him.

He is a little short of money now…

Looking back at the door, Du Wei habitually entered the state of spiritual vision and glanced, still the same as before, he could feel the faint sense of strangeness in the clinic.

But relatively speaking, it is much quieter. The evil spirits don’t like the daytime very much, and they only become active at night.

It’s just that the balance in the family has been re-established, so there shouldn’t be any problems for the time being.

Everything is normal, there are some letters in the storage cabinet at the door, there are replies from previous patients, and the house’s electricity and water bills.

Du Wei took out the letters and wiped the water stains on the slogan on the storage cabinet, which read – If you are not at home for a long time, please deliver the courier and letters, and do not stuff them into the crack of the door, so as not to cause trouble.

Then he took out the house key, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as you enter the door.

It smelled a faint musty smell, which was because the doors and windows had been closed and there was no ventilation.

However, there was an inaudible smell of blood mixed with it.

Seems like it’s been around for a while, but it’s pretty much gone.

At that time in the psychiatric hospital, he showed Dean Taylor a photo of Sombra, who had already been wrung out of a towel and could not die anymore, and according to Sombra’s habit, it should have brought his head back.


With a bang, the door behind you slammed shut.

In the corner where the light cannot reach, a shadow slowly spread.

In the state of spiritual vision, Du Wei clearly saw the existence of the black shadow. It stared at him firmly, and its undisguised malice filled the whole room.

In the framed cabinet hanging on the wall, Annabelle also trembled and turned her head to look over.

The antique clock is still the same, the hands are overlapping, rotating mechanically and regularly.

Du Wei glanced at the black shadow, ignored it, and walked directly towards the stairs.

The smell of blood came from the second floor.

From behind, the black shadow stared at Du Wei’s back and trembled, but still didn’t choose to make a move.

Annabelle also regained her composure, but the deformed doll’s body, which was forced back by the evil spirit Du Wei, suddenly stretched out and lay quietly inside.

It seems that Du Wei’s return has restored some of its strength.

As for the woman’s face, it has died in the face-changing mechanism of the evil spirit Du Wei.

It’s still the same sentence, it’s too weak…

Da da da…

Footsteps sounded.

Du Wei walked up the stairs, and at the corner of the second floor, facing the bathroom, there was a blood-stained head quietly.

At this moment, the bloodstains had completely solidified, but the appearance of Mrs. Taylor, the dean, could still be vaguely seen.

“I have to find a time to get rid of these heads…”

Du Wei’s tone was a bit strange, and he suddenly had the illusion that he seemed to be passively labeled as a collector.

From evil spirits to heads, there are more and more strange things in my home. If this continues, maybe I have to prepare a separate empty room to hold the medium of these evil spirits.

In the evening.

Officer Tom drove to the red light district.

His subordinates have already deployed, and they will start to act after he arrives.

It is worth mentioning that the red light district is in the street behind his house.

When passing by the door of the house, he subconsciously slowed down the speed of the car, and looked up at the window on the third floor of the neighbor’s house. The beautiful neighbor was standing by the window as usual.

He stepped on the brakes involuntarily, pressed the car window and smiled at the other party.

In the past few days, whenever he came home from get off work, he would see that beautiful neighbor standing at the window on the third floor, looking at him affectionately.

Although he didn’t know that neighbor, he had met him a few times before, and the figure and appearance of the neighbor were very suitable for his taste.

So Tom felt that the other party must have ideas about him.

But at this moment, the female neighbor standing by the window on the third floor suddenly seemed to lose her strength. She leaned forward, knocked her head on the window, and then fell heavily backwards.

The smile on Tom’s face froze…

“What the fuck?”

At this time, night has quietly fallen.

Inside the psychological counseling clinic.

Du Wei just cleaned up the blood left by the head and walked into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the mirror has been completely broken, and there are debris everywhere on the floor.

Frowning, he turned on the faucet, and the clear water slowly accumulated.

After Du Wei washed up, he let out a long breath.

The game with the evil spirit Du Wei happened two days ago, but for him, only one day has passed.

It’s just that there is no mirror now, so he can’t see his own appearance, but he should be very energetic.

“It’s time to start…”

The expression on his face gradually disappeared, and he returned to that incomparably calm look.

Whenever he comes into contact with evil spirits, he must be cautious, always maintain a calm and rational state, and control his emotions., all negative emotions will become nourishment for evil spirits.


The first floor of the clinic.

Du Wei was sitting on the sofa, what was reflected in his eyes was the surveillance video on the screen of his mobile phone.

He has watched it more than ten times, and every time he watched it, the last eye in the video was removed, and his bony face became more gloomy.

As the progress bar jumped to the end again, Du Wei clearly saw that a strange smile suddenly appeared on that face.

The black and white video screen flickered for a while, and the background turned into snowflakes, as if the phone had broken down, making that face even more terrifying.

The evil spirit in the video opened its mouth to Du Wei, and as soon as it opened and closed, a penetrating voice came from the phone.

“I’m coming in…”

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