Seeking the Flying Sword Path Chapter 57: Guangling vibration

bsp;”Dad, Mr. Qin and Miss Yi want to see you.” A voice came from outside the study.

The county governor was slightly startled. Are you coming to see him at this time?

I stood up and opened the door, and saw Qin Yun and Yi Xiao outside. There were even blood stains on Yi Xiao’s robe. The county guard was shocked when he saw this: “Yi Xiao, what’s going on with you?”

“Uncle Wen.” Yi Xiao continued, “My injury is just a minor matter. There is a big thing I want to tell Uncle Wen. Just three hours ago, Qin Yun and I went to deal with the great water **** demon. We had already defeated the great water **** demon. Get rid of the demon, this is the personal magic weapon of the great water **** – the black buffalo horn!” As he spoke, Yi Xiao took the Qiankun bag from his waist, took out the black buffalo horn and threw it on the ground with a clang. .

Looking at the evil spirit emitted by the black buffalo horns that are about 10 feet long.

The two personal guards, Master Wen Chong and the county guard were all stunned and looked at Yi Xiao and Qin Yun blankly.

“You, you…”

The county guard took a while before saying, “You said that you and Qin Yun joined forces to kill the water god? Is this the black buffalo horn?”

Black buffalo horns are very famous! But the county governor has only heard about it, never seen it.

“Lord Sheriff.” Qin Yun also said, “The Water God Demon is dead, there is no doubt about it. This is another magic weapon of his, the Suoyun Chain.” He waved his hand, and with his wrist The chain on his body quickly flew out in circles, getting longer and longer, and whizzed around for dozens of feet, making the guards, Young Master Wen Chong, and the county governor all feel their throats go dry.

Yi Xiaogeng said: “Uncle Wen, I sent you a message saying that I was coming to Guangling County. In fact, the original purpose of my coming to Guangling County was to take over the sect’s mission and come here to get rid of the Water God. Demon! Qin Yun also cooperated with me and finally succeeded in killing the water **** demon with the treasure given by my Shenxiao Sect.”

The Sheriff was extremely excited: “It turns out to be the plan made by Shenxiao Sect.”

As he spoke, he squatted down and stroked the black buffalo horn. He was still knowledgeable. The evil spirit and charm emitted by the black buffalo horn made him understand that this was no ordinary magic weapon: “It is really a powerful magic weapon. Good, good, good kill! ”

“I have seen a file with a black buffalo horn painted on it. It is indeed exactly the same, and it is such a powerful magic weapon. It must be genuine.” Young Master Wen Chong also said.

“How could Yi Xiao and Qin Yun lie about such a big matter?” The county guard was so excited that his blood boiled all over his body.

More than two hundred years!

The entire Guangling County has been shrouded in the fierce power of the Water God Demon for more than two hundred years. The court tried every means but could not kill him because the water **** was too cautious. Practitioners of the Xiantian Void Core Realm and the Great Water God Demon are cautious enough to escape into the river at any time. How to kill?

Send an army to attack the little demon and get rid of its minions? But the great water demon has the blood of an ancient water ape, and can cause huge floods, and the army can’t do anything about it.

“Finally killed, killed.” The county guard looked up at the sky and laughed, “The sky has eyes, the sky has eyes.”

“The Water God is dead? The Water God is dead?” The two guards on the side also trembled with excitement. They were both locals of Guangling County and grew up listening to the legend of the Water God. Who among the people in Guangling County doesn’t hate the Water God for having itchy teeth? Afraid to the core again?

The county guard immediately ordered: “Wen Chong, beat the drum for me, and the whole army will assemble.”

“Yes.” Wen Chong responded excitedly.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The low drum beat was very fast, and the big drums of the county governor’s house sounded. Soon, drums were heard in eight places in the county.

Rapid drum beats resounded throughout the city!

The whole city is under martial law! Yamen officers assemble! The troops assemble!

Qin Mansion.

Yinzhang, who had already fallen asleep, captured Qin Liehu, but was awakened by the sound of drums. And there are servants outside the house shouting: “Master, Master.”

“What’s wrong?” Madam Chang Lan also stood up, “What big thing happened? Is there a monster causing trouble in the county?”

“It must be a big deal.” Qin Liehu didn’t dare to hesitate, put on his clothes and went out quickly, dressing up while running. The servants also immediately prepared their horses and rode towards the county governor’s house.

This moment.

All the government officials rushed to the governor’s house immediately when they heard the sound of drums! Army soldiers are also gathering! The officials rushed to the county governor’s mansion as quickly as possible.

“What’s going on?”

“What’s going on?”

“Are there monsters causing trouble in the city?”

In the evening, most people in Guangling County began to rest at home, while a small number of people were still enjoying themselves in restaurants and fireworks places. Everyone was startled when they heard the rapid beating of drums that echoed throughout the city. Those who were on the road hurried home, and those who were in restaurants and other places did not dare to go out.

Everyone knows that something big is going on!


In the Sheriff’s Mansion, the Sheriff quickly entered the study and took out a golden scroll and a writing brush from a box.

After the golden scroll is unfolded, the brush is only dipped in water and can be written directly.

On the scroll, words appeared one by one.

Report to Shenxiao Sect’s disciple ‘Yi Xiao’ that he came to Guangling County to get rid of the Water God Demon! He also talked about Qin Yun’s cooperation with Yi Xiao.

After all the words were written, the Sheriff took out the seal from his arms and stamped it on it.


On the scroll, all the words glowed golden.

The writing then disappeared.

“I’ve already reported it to the court, and I’m just waiting for the court’s order.” The county guard said softly to himself.

After waiting for a full cup of tea, words appeared on the scroll – “Control the whole county and destroy the demons! The patrol angel will come to Guangling before dawn.”

“Okay.” The Sheriff looked happy.

The imperial court has always been straightforward in dealing with the demon clan. Especially this time after the death of the Water God, the imperial court also wanted to take the opportunity to regain control outside the city, so of course it had to be fast!

I immediately put away the scroll and put it back into the box, and walked out of the house. Most of the officials had gathered outside. These officials were originally a little commotion and talking among themselves. Apparently they didn’t know why they gathered. When the Sheriff left the study, they all calmed down. .

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao also stood aside and watched. Yi Xiao also went back to his residence and simply changed into clean clothes.

“Everyone,” the county guard said solemnly, “Just today, a cultivator has killed the water **** demon!”


“The Water God is dead?”

There was an uproar, and some people like Qin Liehu and others who had a blood feud with the Water God Demon were even more shocked and confused.

“I have reported to the court. The court has an order to quickly control the entire county and kill the demons.” The county guard shouted, and all the officials did not dare to say a word when they heard the report to the court.

“Everyone, listen to the order!” the county guard shouted solemnly.

Everyone was respectful and solemn.

Follow the Lord Sheriff’s orders one by one.

Suddenly people and horses were mobilized, and groups of people and horses left the city overnight and were distributed to various places.

There are even more flying eagles soaring into the sky and flying to all directions.


There are nearly twenty county towns in Guangling County, covering a vast area, with many villages, and many inspection departments in important pass areas.

A flying eagle landed in an inspection department, and the inspector received the order.


The inspection officer was very excited when he saw it. He swallowed his throat and ordered the surrounding men: “Quickly inform all villages that the water **** demon has been killed by practitioners. From now on, I will spread the word Millions of people in Ling County will no longer have to suffer from the great water demon.”

“What? Sir Inspector, is it true or false?”

“Water God Demon is dead?”

All of his soldiers still couldn’t believe it.

“The flying eagle sent a message from above, and the three major seals are printed on it. Is there still a fake message?” The patrol inspector shouted, “I will stay here while the other eight teams quickly go to inform the villages.”


“Yes, let’s leave now.”

“The water **** is dead, haha, the water **** is dead.”

These soldiers were wildly excited. The captain and deputy were riding horses, and the other soldiers were also trotting along. Eight teams of people rushed to each village to deliver the message.

Inspection offices in various places in Guangling County received letters from Feiying one after another. Some of the inspectors in various places were in disbelief, and some even looked up to the sky and laughed. Each one of them quickly passed on the order, and one team after another left to inspect each place. Division, rushed to each village within their jurisdiction. Before noon the next day, the news will spread to every village in Guangling County.

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