Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World Chapter 1170: The common people are determined from now on (the finale), the fastest update to ask the latest chapters of Hongchen!

For today’s realm, as long as the world exists, it is too easy to go back to the point when you left.

While Zhenren Jade was still staring at You Ming Beiyuan, the battleship had arrived in the Heavenly Palace silently.

The elimination of Luo Hu is not the end of everything.

A Luohu was destroyed. God knows if there are other cosmic creatures coming to invade?

The sequence of the Three Realms that Liu Su Yaoguang once disputed is the key.

The creation of the world before, can only be regarded as an initial creation, everyone is not supreme at all, nor can it be defined too finely. For the most part, Qin Yi only provided the “intention”, which evolved from the universe of the painting world and was matured by the years.

It’s actually quite reluctant to say that he is the Father God, so half of it. Ju Yunxiu may be closer to the meaning of creation **** than him…

In short, the order of the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth and Human has not been stipulated. This was originally a rule of order formulated by the Lord of the Three Realms after the creatures in this realm themselves “struggle for hegemony”.

That is called the unification of the three realms. The solidity of the realm is not trivial. No one can invade, but the inner self can go out at any time.

At that time, it was completely settled.

Looking at the fringed tassels and Yaoguang, Qin Yi made a gentle move.

The aura was not returned to the lower realm, but it was not for self-use, and it had a meaning. And the doors of all wonders hang in the heavens, and the magical methods of all kinds are no longer obscure, this is the key.

“Huh…” Xu Busu and others on the ground raised their heads in surprise: “This Tao is enlightened…”

In Heaven, Tassel’s eyebrows are open and smiling, Yao Guang keeps her mouth flat and does not speak.

Apparently, Qin Yi is in favor of tassels. In this kind of world, seeking knowledge and seeking Tao are one. He does not want to be a dragon to cut off others’ ways of seeking knowledge and ascendant channels, he does not want to monopolize anything, and he does not fear who will grow up to his disadvantage.

Not even this kind of self-confidence, nothing good?

But the words are divided into two ends. Once the world is restored to its original state and the monks and demons are rampant, what should mortals do? All Chinese food?

Qin Yi made a rule more ruthless than Yaoguang Jiuying: “Anyone who breaks through Huiyang through the realm of rising clouds will ascend to heaven as a fairy and shall not stay in the world.”

The words are spoken and the law is followed, and the ascension rules are directly formed.

“Swish swish!” Countless Hongqiao flew into the sky of Kunlun, and all human monsters that surpassed Tengyun reached Kunlun Mountain.

A large group of Xu Fusu who is obsessed with chess and Mo Wuzi: “…”

Ba Xia Yingli and a group of demons: “…”

Qin Yi smiled and said: “Don’t look at me like that, tens of thousands of years of disputes must come to an end, right?”

Everyone didn’t say anything, just said: “What do you think?”

Qin Yi said: “Ascension is not a loss, the above is the place full of aura. Is it uncomfortable for the seeker to travel in the upper realm? And the world is not inseparable. If you want to go down, you can go down to play, as long as you are within the rules. …If you violate the rules, you will violate the rules of heaven. I, Qin Yi, has never been an official, and I don’t know how to make regulations, but I have a wife…”

Yao Guang’s eyebrows opened and smiled: “I’ll decide! I know what to order for Tiantiao, I’ve been thinking about it for many years!”

Everyone: “…”

This is the order that Yaoguang has considered for a long, long time. Combining with Li Wuxian’s human emperor experience, it can set the rules of heaven and earth to be finer than anyone else.

As long as the two are combined together…Qin Yi always thinks so, and does the same. Everyone’s cultivation experience at this time no longer needs anyone to marty and become a spirit, and can directly imprint the laws of the sky in the heavens.

Also reset the line. The previous Qianyuan Feisheng was obviously still too high. Now that the clouds are flying up to the sky, please come up and stop making trouble below.

Everything is done in the world, so I want to ascend on my own and continue to practice. If you want to follow the rules of the world, the immortal can impose fewer constraints, perhaps just like Liu Bowen’s cutting the dragon veins, and there is only this that can be done.

As long as the emperor has the world in mind, why should he be afraid of immortals? If the emperor is chaotic, his own hero draws his sword.

The fairy can go home and save her relatives. It’s okay if you want to feel Hong Chen, just go down and keep the rules.

The rule of the sky is established, the reincarnation of the earth, once the order of the three realms is established, then the three realms are one, no gap.

As long as he doesn’t change Qin Yi, he will never be chaotic.

What happened that day became a housework, which is actually that simple.


The Three Realms are set, Qin Yi returned to the world, planning to take Qingjun to travel to the universe, to make up for the regret that she did not go before.

In the spring of the seventh year of the Great Li Yuanshi, everything began.

The “new emperor of the heavens” spread the word to the world. A few days after the preface of the Three Realms was established, the emperor and husband Qin Yi did not know where to return to Longyuan City.

The king will not reign early the next day.

Courier: “MMP.”

I feel that leaving Qing Jun alone in this world, Qin Yi, who is ashamed, will go to accompany Qing Jun when he comes back. Of course, no one will object.

Everyone has the supreme sentiment, Qing Jun is too bad…

Only Yaoguang swaggered to dominate the will with Li Wuxian, and then slipped into the bedroom where the master and aunt complained.

Jie Fei Gou jumped for a while, but in the end all came, and didn’t go out until dawn.

In a temple in the distance, a group of tassels looked at a brand new girl dumbfounded.

A black girl with a wheat complexion was wearing a sailor skirt and carrying a snow-white rabbit ear girl sitting side by side, proudly telling everyone: “This dog…No, this gluttonous person controls the divinity. Only dead rabbits don’t lie, her last sentence is the truth.”

Tassel asked: “Which sentence?”

Sister Rabbit Ears said timidly: “Your Majesty should have heirs.”



The rabbit ear girl backed back in sweat, not knowing what happened.

With a “bang”, two big holes appeared on the roof of the temple, and the black and white girls turned into dogs and rabbits, and were thrown into the sky by a group of people.

The dog screamed: “Why lost us?”

“Be a pet honestly, don’t become a woman at all times, or I’ll beat you up!”

Tassels yelled to the sky, turned to look at the dumbfounded expressions of a group of sisters, rolled their eyes: “What expressions are all, you really think how much you really think. The person who really misses the most is Qingjun, how Not what you wanted?”

Everyone was startled and all laughed: “Yes. It should be considered a perfect circle.”

In the emperor’s bedroom, looking at the two extremely similar faces on the left and right shoulders, Qin Yi didn’t know what it felt like. Apart from this feeling of serving together, there was a wonderful sense of karma.

When Bang Bang was just a “grandfather”, Qing Jun was his first love and the first woman.

And Wuxian is Yaoguang, the last woman that must be dealt with before the final battle in this world.

Now these two similar faces are leaning against the shoulders with red glow, and they seem to have become a delicate circle.

At one time, I was entangled with Wuxian’s identity. Now I think that if there is no Wuxian’s affection, these three realms will not be so easy to settle, at least not so easy to settle as a family affair.

It’s all destiny.

“Li Wuxian, you are still willing to come back…” The aunts and nephews have got up, Li Qingjun lazily said to his niece while dressing, “Don’t forget that you are the emperor, don’t be irresponsible, your ambitions Where did it go?”

Li Wuxian was also lazy to dress: “I didn’t forget, but I am also the Emperor of Heaven. We also need to maintain the Tian Tiao. At least we need to observe the operation for a period of time to check for missing leaks before letting the Tiandao rotate…”

“What pretend to be, I don’t know if you can do another physical separation? I said, did you awaken some strange habit?”

“No, no, in fact, the light is almost supreme now. She can directly clone and separate me without rebuilding her body.”

“…In other words, you are really reluctant to split up with her, still keeping the basis of unity, and saying that you have awakened a strange hobby?”

Li Wuxian put his arm around his aunt’s shoulders, whispering in his ears: “The main reason is that this has a small advantage, which can make Master a little more interested. Aunt, haven’t you thought about this?”

Li Qingjun was shocked and responded in a low voice: “You are so smart, give me an idea?”

“Isn’t the idea ready, you and I look so similar, look at him last night…”

Li Qingjun: “Oh…”

“Don’t worry about this, aunt, when is this…”

“No.” Li Qingjun’s face was a little pale: “I, I really want to vomit…”

Qin Yi, who had been pretending not to hear them, was taken aback, suddenly jumped up and hugged Li Qingjun in ecstasy: “You, do you say it again?”

Li Wuxian stared at his aunt’s stomach dumbfounded for a long while, then hung his head like a dog: “I lost.”

I have practiced to the level of Li Qingjun, how can I get sick and want to vomit?

Except for joy, there is no other reason.

Li Qingjun also reacted, his face instantly became ashamed.

I really want to get what I want, and I must reward the rabbit with the pill before…Well, give the rabbit to Qin Yi to play!

“That…” Li Wuxian was a little jealous, a little envious, and a little relaxed: “When my aunt’s baby is born, regardless of male or female, he will be the prince. From then on, I have decided to leave the country. I will manage the country well, and when my child grows up, I will pass the throne to him, so I will take off the burden and travel the galaxy with my master and aunt.”

The East China Sea at this time.

The Penglai sword pavilion people are returning to the sword pavilion, confessing the funeral according to the rules of the sky, packing up their bags, and preparing to move to the heaven to build a heaven sword pavilion.

Li Duanxuan has no long objects, and he didn’t organize anything, but he suddenly felt in his heart, it seemed that a predestined method started from the end of the world.

He moved in his heart and went straight to Tianya Island.

There are fishermen on the island who are fishing. Li Duanxuan’s gaze is on a child, who is holding a wooden stick and is learning the appearance of a general riding a horse to rush and kill, “Hula la ha la la!”

Li Duanxuan felt that the child seemed to have something to do with him, so he carefully checked it and he also had a sword bone. He thought for a while, and felt that the only female apprentice he had received was abducted. Maybe this is a new inheritance guided by God?

As soon as I thought of this, I pressed the cloud head and asked the child: “Little baby, would you like to practice with me?”

The fishermen were very envious of seeing him coming with his sword. After many times of “Emperor’s Voice Transmission”, everyone knows that there is fairy fate in the world, but she didn’t expect fairy fate to fall on this child, nor did he see any wonder about him…

People are envious of the explosion.

But the kid said: “Does grandpa teach me swordsmanship?”

Li Duanxuan said: “Why do you ask about swordsmanship and not about fairy skills?”

The child said: “I have no interest in Xiuxian. I heard that Xiuxian is lonely and avoids the immortal mountains without seeing the world. What’s the point? May Grandpa teach me swordsmanship. !”

Li Duanxuan looked at him in a daze, suddenly laughed, and then laughed louder and louder, Haitian heard.

Qin Yi’s family is spinning around Li Qingjun at this moment, suddenly seeming to feel something, they all turn to look south.

Li Qingjun muttered: “Is that him?”

“Maybe…” Qin Yi was silent for a moment and then laughed: “I don’t have the face to see him… Our story starts from here and ends at this time. It’s pretty good…”

“The world in the future will be their story.”

[End of Book]

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