Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 98: Tracking

Perhaps sensing Meng Zhang’s thoughts, Jueying took the initiative and said, “I can follow that caravan, you just need to follow the marks I left along the way and follow from a distance. ”

Meng Zhang glanced at Jueying a little warily, thinking that she would put forward new conditions.

Jueying understood Meng Zhang’s eyes and took the initiative to explain: “I’m doing it for free this time, just as a temporary increase in conditional compensation for the previous one.”

“I just hope that when you help in the future, you can do your best.”

After hearing Jueying’s words, Meng Zhang’s impression of her became much better.

After thinking about it carefully, I decided to do what Jueying said.

After the two parties discussed how to contact each other, Jueying left voluntarily.

According to Jueying, the caravan will set off before dawn, and he needs to prepare early.

After Jueying left, Li Xuan asked: “Master, is there really no problem with this? Is this woman worthy of trust?”

Meng Zhang’s decision was certainly not impulsive, but after careful consideration.

According to the analysis of Li Shengqi’s actions, both Li Nu’s approach and Li Shengqi’s own approach were just a cover-up to distract outsiders.

The main purpose of Meng Zhang’s intervention in this matter was to destroy the Zhao family’s plot against Li Shengqi. Finding out Li Shengqi’s secret was the most critical step. Only then will we be able to move forward and retreat freely.

According to Jueying’s information, Li Shengqi’s secret is probably related to the caravan at Feihong Tower.

As for whether Jueying is trustworthy, Meng Zhang believes that with the black market as a middleman, Jueying cannot harm his employer.

The black market is powerful and has a good reputation. Meng Zhang believed not in Jueying, but in the black market as a middleman.

Early the next morning, Meng Zhang and Li Xuan left Mingshafang City.

According to the prior agreement with Jueying, she secretly left various marks along the way.

Meng Zhang found these marks and followed Li Xuan from a distance.

Meng Zhang and Li Xuan rode the wind-chasing horse and were not moving very fast. They deliberately controlled their speed so as not to get too close to the caravan.

This journey took two full days. The two of them have been heading north without encountering any accidents on the way.

On the morning of the third day, a messenger talisman flew from the sky and fell into Meng Zhang’s hands.

The message on the messenger talisman is to ask Meng Zhang and the others to meet at the front.

Meng Zhang and the two men spurred the wind-chasing horse on their crotches and galloped all the way. Not long after, he saw Jueying standing there quietly under a sand dune in front of him.

Meng Zhang and the others stopped next to Jueying. Before Meng Zhang could speak, Jueying poured beans into a bamboo tube and told everything.

It turns out that Jueying followed the caravan all the way and secretly monitored its every move.

Last night, after the caravan set up camp, the caravan steward left the caravan, met a stranger at the foot of a barren mountain, and then handed the man a storage bag.

After the chamber of commerce steward returned to the caravan, the person who received the storage bag also left in the other direction.

Jueying gave up tracking the caravan and followed this person.

Following him secretly all night, this man entered a cave in front of him before dawn.

Jueying then left there and sent a message to Meng Zhang and the others at this place.

After listening to Jueying’s story, Meng Zhang finally understood Li Shengqi’s plan.

This old guy used blinding techniques to distract the monitors, but he hired the caravan from Feihong Tower to help him deliver the items.

No one in this area dares to take advantage of the Feihonglou caravan.

Even if the monitor manages to find out the information, the person who received the item has already left long ago and cannot be traced at all.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhang was very satisfied with Jueying.

Jueying found out the news in time and did not miss the caravan.

After the caravan manager handed over the items, he gave up tracking the caravan and caught up with the real target in time.

Jueying, although she is a female, is really very capable.

The current Taiyi Sect is lacking such talents.

With the intention of recruiting in his heart, Meng Zhang’s original grudge against Jueying disappeared.

However, Meng Zhang did not rashly recruit Jueying. The time is not yet ripe and the recruitment will definitely fail.

Putting aside the matter of recruiting Jueying for the time being, Meng Zhang said: “You lead the way and take us to the cave you mentioned.”

Jueying nodded and walked ahead, leading Meng Zhang and Li Xuan to the foot of a hill.

There are countless hills like this in the surrounding area, and they are unremarkable. If Jueying hadn’t led the way, Meng and Zhang would never have imagined that there would be another mystery in this hill.

Jueying pointed forward, “There is a secret entrance and exit covered by the yellow sand.”

“The entrance and exit are extremely hidden, and no spells are used to restrict it. It is purely constructed by mortal construction techniques.”

Meng Zhang nodded and looked for Shuyuan If he didn’t use spell restrictions, there would be no fluctuations in mana, let alone leakage of spiritual energy. This is really a good way to keep it secret.

Meng Zhang used his Dharma Eyes to look at the place pointed by Jueying.

Under the yellow sand, there is indeed a stone portal. Behind the portal is a deep passage, bottomless.

After confirming that there were no traps behind the portal, Meng Zhang walked over directly, released his flying sword, and slashed through the stone portal with one strike, revealing the deep passage inside.

Meng Zhang took the lead and walked into the passage. Li Xuan followed closely and went in.

Jueying, who had completed the task and was supposed to leave, followed him into the passage without knowing what he was thinking.

The passage was pitch black, without any light. Moreover, this passage goes deep into the ground, and we don’t know how long it is.

Cultivators all have some night vision ability, but the three of them are not affected by the environment.

Every time he advances a certain distance, Meng Zhang will first use his Dharma Eyes to observe the front to avoid running into ambushes and traps.

We walked in circles and twists and turns for a long time without encountering any accidents. I don’t know how deep this passage is or when it will reach the end.

A painful groan came from the front. Meng Zhang took a closer look and saw a man fell in the passage ahead, lying motionless on the ground.

This person seemed to be breathing weakly. Apart from moaning once or twice from time to time, he could no longer move at all.

After confirming that it was not a trap, the three of them walked up to the man.

Li Xuan always felt that this person was familiar, but he couldn’t see clearly in the dark.

He cast the light spell, and a bright light lit up in his palm. When I raised it to the top of this person’s head and looked at it, I almost couldn’t help but scream.

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