Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 961: Guess

Before Meng Zhang left, Granny Liansi might have felt that she would not be able to help her at all, and she felt sorry for herself.

She told Meng Zhang that as long as Yang Xueyi and Xu Mengying no longer provoke Jiuxuan Pavilion, they don’t have to worry about Jiuxuan Pavilion’s further actions.

She is also capable of returning to the void, so Jiuxuan Pavilion should give her some face.

Taiyimen and Huanglianjiao have completed her mission many times, and their close relationship with her is no secret.

Grandma Qiansi’s words were the only good news Meng Zhang heard.

After Meng Zhang left Granny Liansi’s residence, he returned to the small courtyard at Taiyi Gate.

He greeted Yang Xueyi and returned to his room.

Meng Zhang kept thinking about Granny Liansi’s words in his heart.

Those monks who were sent to the Six Yang Realm did not die in vain, their deaths were valuable.

What is the value of having Jiuxuan Pavilion keep sending monks to death?

In the world of cultivation, in the eyes of high-level monks, low-level monks are like leeks in the ground, and they will continue to grow after being cut.

Except for people related to their own families, few high-level monks care about the life and death of low-level monks.

But no matter what, Jiuxuan Pavilion still has to pay a lot for sending monks to the Six Yang Realm to die over the years.

Not to mention, although most of these monks come from other cultivation forces, there are also a small number of direct monks from Jiuxuan Pavilion.

No matter inside or outside the sect, Jiuxuan Pavilion should have a certain amount of pressure.

A sect like Jiuxuan Pavilion has always been unprofitable and would not pay in vain without asking for anything in return. Unless there is some great interest involved.

Suddenly, an idea passed through Meng Zhang’s mind.

He thought of the situation in the Junchen Realm from the Liuyang Realm.

For thousands of years, foreign invaders have continuously invaded the Junchen Realm.

However, no matter whether they are monsters, barbarians, spirits or other races from outside the territory, they are unable to subvert Junchen Realm.

The more he understood the upper-level forces of Junchen Realm, the more Meng Zhang understood that these extraterrestrial invaders were doing useless work.

Not to mention those holy land sects, nor the high-altitude Heavenly Palace, the Yuanshen sects in various places alone have the ability to destroy these extraterritorial invaders.

In the past, Meng Zhang thought that this was because there was collusion between some cultivation forces in the Junchen Realm and these extraterritorial invaders, and they deliberately encouraged the invaders to respect themselves.

Judging from the situation around Jiuqu Province, both Yuantu Prairie and Yunwu Daze have collusion with the Dali Dynasty.

Now that I think about it, this is not just the reason for leaving the dynasty.

The senior officials of Junchen Realm are actually condoning the invasion of these extraterritorial invaders and deliberately letting them into Junchen Realm.

These high-level officials may have power beyond that of the Holy Land sects, and may be the powerful ones in the Heavenly Palace.

Meng Zhang was shocked by his guess.

Why do these great powers put extraterrestrial invaders into Junchen Realm? I’m afraid this is no longer as simple as fighting for power or supporting bandits to respect themselves.

In addition, those extraterritorial intruders are not fools. Why do they keep pouring into Junchen Realm even though they know they are going to die?

Over the years, how many of the extraterrestrial invaders who invaded Junchen Realm had a good ending?

The vast majority of extraterritorial invaders will inevitably be completely wiped out.

However, extraterritorial invaders continue to enter Junchen Realm, paying a huge price for this.

Reminiscent of the fact that Jiuxuan Pavilion also continuously sends cultivators from the Junchen Realm into the Liuyang Realm, letting them die. Meng Zhang felt that he had caught something. But the most critical information is missing, and the mystery between it is still unclear.

Meng Zhang thought for a long time and knew that he might have come into contact with one of the most core secrets in the Junchen world.

But I still can’t figure out the most crucial point, and I can’t connect all these things together.

After all the hard thinking came to nothing, even though Meng Zhang was unwilling to give in, he could only let go of these speculations for the time being. I just keep it in my heart and wait until I have more relevant information in the future.

For now, let’s focus on what’s in front of us.

After experiencing this incident, Yang Xueyi will definitely become more cautious.

Having learned her lesson, she is now more comfortable handling affairs in Tiangong.

Over at Jiuxuan Pavilion, as long as Taiyi Sect and Huanglian Sect no longer continue to entangle, they should not make any moves.

Over the years, not only one family but two sects have been harmed by Jiuxuan Pavilion.

As a victim, as long as you keep your mouth shut, no matter how tyrannical Jiuxuan Pavilion is, it is impossible to eliminate all the victims.

What’s more, Taiyi Sect and Huanglian Sect have been serving Granny Liansi in these years.

Of course Meng Zhang hates Jiuxuan Pavilion in his heart, but hatred cannot solve the problem.

When you are not strong enough, you can only remain patient.

Even Meng Zhang, who has always had enough confidence in himself, doesn’t know if he will ever be able to defeat the Holy Land Sect.

Meng Zhang did not let his low mood affect him for too long and quickly returned to normal.

It was a rare visit to Tiangong, so he decided to go out for a walk and collect more information.

Taiyimen is located in a remote place like Jiuqu Province, and Meng Zhang has never even been to the mainland of the Dali Dynasty.

Being far away from the mainstream of the cultivation world left him ignorant of many situations.

In its heyday, the Taiyi Sect was a powerful force that dominated the entire Middle-earth continent.

Since Meng Zhang has taken the revitalization of Taiyi Sect as his own mission and looked for Shuyuan to pursue the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, he should broaden his horizons and learn more about other places, especially Central Earth. The situation on the mainland is not a bad thing.

The Heavenly Palace is located above the Junchen Realm, where the most outstanding monks in the entire Junchen Realm are gathered.

In the Heavenly Palace, there is no geographical distinction. Monks from any corner of the Junchen Realm can all gather here.

Monks appear in the Celestial Palace from all over the world and in the wilderness overseas.

In this place, as long as you put some thought into it, you can get some information about various areas of the cultivation world.

The information that Meng Zhang wants to know most now has two aspects.

One aspect is about the mainland of the Dali Dynasty.

Although it has been delayed for a long time, the trip to the mainland of the Dali Dynasty cannot be canceled.

Taiyimen and Datong Merchant Alliance and other large foreign merchants confront each other.

The headquarters of these big merchants are in the mainland of Dali Dynasty, and they have great power.

Although they did not dare to publicly surround and kill themselves in the Dali Dynasty, it was very possible to frame themselves secretly.

Meng Zhang must know more about the mainland of the Dali Dynasty.

At critical moments, you can have defensive strategies.

This time he went to the homeland of the Dali Dynasty to expand his contacts and create a better external environment for Taiyi Sect.

The best thing is to find a reliable backer in the imperial court as an aid.

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