Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 913: Effectiveness

Meng Zhang thought about it carefully and wondered if there were any special products in the Taiyi Sect territory that could be sold in the Heavenly Palace.

After thinking for a long time and having no clue, Meng Zhang had no choice but to put the matter aside for the time being.

He wandered around the market for a long time, and the first item he bought was a stack of teleportation talismans.

This is the official teleportation talisman specially made by Tiangong.

As long as the Yuanshen stage monks enter the Nine Heavens and activate the talisman, they can be teleported into the Heavenly Palace.

When leaving, activate the talisman to teleport back to the original place.

The Taiyi Sect token held by Meng Zhang can be reused multiple times. There is a limit to the number of times these talismans can be used, and they will become useless after just a few uses.

Furthermore, because Meng Zhang holds the Taiyi Sect token, after arriving in the Heavenly Palace, he can be easily recognized when he appears in a specific place and can come and go freely.

Monks who hold these talismans when traveling to and from the Heavenly Palace must undergo special inspection every time they enter or leave the Heavenly Palace.

In fact, in Middle-earth, the specific location of the Heavenly Palace is not a big secret, and it is spread in many places.

But even if the monk knows the location of the Heavenly Palace, if he does not use the teleportation talisman, but enters Nine Heavens and slowly rushes to the Heavenly Palace, he may not be able to successfully reach the destination in a year or two.

Using the teleportation talisman can be said to save a lot of effort.

These teleportation talismans cannot be purchased at will, and there are many purchase restrictions.

Monks who purchase these talismans are limited in purchase quantity and need to register.

Every talisman is recorded.

If Meng Zhang hadn’t been the head of the Taiyi Sect, he really wouldn’t have been able to buy such a stack in one go.

These teleportation talismans were not prepared by Meng Zhang for himself, but were given to the Yuanshen monks who were friends with him, so that they could have a chance to enter the Heavenly Palace.

The next thing that Meng Zhang is most concerned about is how to serve Tiangong.

He came to the General Affairs Hall. On the walls surrounding the General Affairs Hall, there were ever-changing images.

Among these images are tasks that foreign monks can accept.

Only those with the power to return to the void can directly obtain a formal position in the Heavenly Palace.

Monks in the Yuan Shen stage who can establish a relationship with these void-returning powers can find temporary jobs.

In fact, most of the affairs of the Tiangong are now handled by these temporary workers in the Yuanshen stage.

Without their existence, the entire Heavenly Palace may not be able to function.

If other monks want to serve the Tiangong, they must come to the General Affairs Hall to accept tasks.

By completing tasks, you can obtain varying amounts of merit points.

Merit points are very useful and can be exchanged for various items from the Tiangong official website.

As the supreme being in the entire Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang could not even imagine the wealth of treasures in the Heavenly Palace.

Not to mention fourth-level items, even fifth-level items are definitely not lacking. As for whether there are legendary immortal weapons and treasures, Meng Zhang is not sure.

In fact, redeeming items is just the basic function of merit points.

Merit points have many functions and are very important.

Merit points can increase your authority in the Heavenly Palace and obtain many privileges.

The status of those Yuanshen stage monks who have a large number of merit points is hardly lower than that of ordinary Void Return stage powers.

In the Heavenly Palace, authority is a very important existence.

The higher the authority, the higher the level and the greater the number of tasks that can be accepted.

Having high enough authority, you can move freely in many places in Tiangong with few restrictions.

Meng Zhang relied on the legacy left by his ancestors from the Taiyi Sect to enter the Heavenly Palace and had very high authority.

In its heyday, the Taiyi Sect paid a lot of price in order to obtain such high authority.

When Meng Zhang was still a young monk, the feeling was not very obvious. Now that my family is at a higher level, I know that there is a group of powerful ancestors. Even if they are gone, they can still leave many benefits to future generations.

With Meng Zhang’s current authority, he is qualified to take on most of the tasks displayed in the General Affairs Hall.

Of course, taking on the mission is easy. However, if the task cannot be completed, the permissions will be gradually reduced.

Failing multiple missions may even cause him to completely lose the authority to accept missions.

Therefore, Meng Zhang would never dare to be careless, let alone accept the task casually.

After some observation, Meng Zhang divided these tasks into several levels.

Only those with the highest level are qualified to participate in the Void Returning Power.

Like attacking a certain big world, intercepting and killing a certain powerful person in the void, resisting the fifth-level powerful person invading Junchen Realm, etc.

Meng Zhang looked at this kind of task for a few times and then immediately put it aside.

The lower level is more suitable for those sects with multiple Yuanshen True Lords, preferably those with late-stage Yuanshen masters.

Cooperate with the Void Returning Power to fight in the void, explore the void, collect resources, etc.

If Taiyi Sect develops smoothly, in a few hundred years, it may be qualified to participate in such tasks.

The lowest level tasks are the tasks of reconnaissance, infiltration and attack on some small worlds.

The level of these small worlds is too low, and monks who are too powerful cannot enter them directly.

At this time, it is necessary to mobilize a large number of low-level monks to sneak into it. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Although the origin of the small world is limited, every time you conquer a small world and bring it into the control of Junchen Realm, you can enhance the foundation of Junchen Realm and gain the heavenly merits of Junchen Realm.

Of course the senior officials of Tiangong know the benefits of Tiangong’s merits.

In order to obtain the merits of heaven, they would rather pay other prices.

In fact, these small worlds are indeed not strong and their levels are not high.

But to forcibly suppress the original power of the small world and send a large number of low-level monks on a mission of conquest into the small world, a high price must be paid.

Not to mention anything else, just finding a valuable small world in the vast void and locking it firmly is not something that ordinary Void Return powers can do.

Essentially speaking, this kind of task is for the powerful to hire low-level monks to work for them.

Those sects or families with many disciples are most suitable to take on such tasks.

What Meng Zhang is planning to receive is also a task of this type.

Of course, you must be well prepared in advance and not act rashly.

If the disciples in the sect fail to act and ruin these powerful good deeds, the consequences will not be easy to bear.

If these powerful men are unhappy and just move their fingers, they can make sects like Taiyi Sect miserable and even suffer disaster.

Another point is that these superior powers will not take the lives of low-level monks seriously.

In order to achieve their goal, no matter how many low-level monks suffered casualties, they would not blink an eye.

But Meng Zhang himself attaches great importance to the lives of Taiyi Sect disciples.

Not to mention the Taiyi Sect, even the monks from the vassal forces, he was not willing to sacrifice at will.

Therefore, for this type of task, Meng Zhang must choose carefully and consider it carefully.

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