Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 902: Aftermath

After killing True Lord You Hongzhi, the matter is not over yet.

The demon cultivator is cunning and good at escaping. Zhang Weineng and the others had no intention of capturing each other alive, and directly killed him on the spot, leaving his bones and ashes.

Zhang Weineng was unwilling to be too involved for the sake of his own reputation and interests.

Among the True Lord Yuanshen of this small group, there are many people who have close contacts with True Lord You Hongzhi.

Did they know that True Lord You Hongzhi was a demon cultivator? Did they collude with him? Zhang Weineng didn’t know, nor did he want to know.

As long as they themselves are not demonic cultivators and have not been demonized, then nothing else matters.

In the world of cultivation, there are many sanctimonious and righteous monks, including many highly respected figures, who secretly collude with demon cultivators.

As long as they hold on to the bottom line, are not obsessed with themselves, and are not caught by others, they can still get through.

Zhang Wei was unwilling to pursue other people more, but Sihai Trading Company could not let it go.

As the founder of Sihai Trading Company, True Lord You Hongzhi, who knows how many devils and descendants are hidden in Sihai Trading Company.

Taking advantage of the fact that You Hongzhi had just been executed and the news should not have been leaked, Zhang Weineng immediately dispatched the army to Zhenbei. With the cooperation of the Yuanshen Lords present, he seized all the strongholds and properties of Sihai Trading Company and captured all a member of.

Qing Gu Zhenjun returned to the big city of Datong Merchant Alliance and expelled the demon seeds from the bodies of the two Zhenjuns Liao Yuan and Liao Xing.

The demon cultivator who planted the demon seeds has died, and he has mastered a special method. It is not difficult to get rid of the demon seeds, and it will not leave any consequences.

After experiencing the turmoil of that year, the Dali Dynasty was still very experienced in dealing with demonic cultivators.

Chunyu Zhongda, the national preceptor, and the royal family’s masters, together created many secret methods for eliminating demons. They also mobilized various weapon-refining experts and talisman-making masters to refine many magic weapons and talismans to restrain the evil ways.

The Zhenbei army of Jiuqu Province is far beyond what Sihai Commercial Bank can resist. Moreover, in order to show off and prove that they had nothing to do with demonic cultivators, the local cultivators were all personally led by Yuanshen Zhenjun.

Sihai Trading Company, which had lost its only two True Lords of Soul, had little resistance and was easily captured.

Next, experts from the Dali Dynasty who are good at exterminating demons will use special magic weapons and talismans to identify all the members of the Sihai Trading Company to see if there are any remaining demon cultivators.

This work was very arduous. Despite the deployment of many manpower and the active cooperation of the major cultivation forces in Jiuqu Province, it took several months to complete it.

There are no other demonic cultivators in the Sihai Commercial Bank, and there are no demonized monks.

Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that the demon cultivators in Sihai Trading Company were quick to see the opportunity and escaped long ago.

As a Yuan Shen stage demon cultivator, True Lord You Hongzhi is also considered a big shot among the demon cultivators. He actually has no accomplices or subordinates, nor does he wantonly demonize other cultivators. This really surprises everyone.

Perhaps it’s because rabbits don’t want to eat grass near their nests, or maybe it’s because they care about their friendship with the same family. Anyway, among all the trading houses in the world, he is the only one who is confirmed to be a demon cultivator.

The Yuanshen stage demon cultivator was hidden in Jiuqu Province and was easily killed without causing any major damage. This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Especially Commander Zhang Weineng, as the governor of the province, finally does not need to bear the blame for negligence, but can actually eliminate evil spirits.

The Dali Dynasty had strict laws and clear rewards and punishments. Killing demon cultivators is also counted as military merit.

Zhang Weineng did not take credit for Mo Mengzhang.

This time, Meng Zhang should be the first to discover the true identity of Lord You Hongzhi in time and kill him completely.

In the memorial sent back to the court, he explained the matter in detail and asked for credit for Meng Zhang.

Chaozhong’s reply came quickly, and the corresponding rewards were distributed in a timely manner.

Meng Zhang was awarded six hundred military merits and a huge stone tablet.

This stone tablet is placed on the third-order spiritual vein, so it can communicate directly with the mainland of the Dali Dynasty.

The other end of the connection between the stone tablets is the General Affairs Department of the Dali Dynasty.

Every time you communicate, in addition to extracting spiritual veins and spiritual energy, a large amount of spiritual stones are also consumed.

With this stone tablet, Meng Zhang can directly report it to the court.

Through this stone tablet, Meng Zhang can also directly receive some news from the mainland of the Dali Dynasty.

Of course, don’t expect it to be any top-secret news, it’s all popular news recorded in Di Bao.

This is still very valuable to Meng Zhang.

Not only can you understand all aspects of the Dali Dynasty, but you can also broaden your horizons and avoid being a frog in a well.

In addition, the list of materials in the Dali Dynasty’s treasury will also be updated regularly on this stone tablet.

As long as Meng Zhang consumes enough spirit stones, he can read as much as he wants.

Any items you like can be exchanged for military merit.

Of course, in addition to door-to-door pickup, there is an additional charge for home delivery.

After all, the mainland of Dali Dynasty is very far away from Jiuqu Province, and transportation is not that convenient.

Meng Zhang had heard from Zhenjun Wendong before that the Dali Dynasty had begun planning to choose a place to build a long-distance teleportation array in Jiuqu Province.

Meng Zhang had never thought before that the Dali Dynasty, like the top sects in Middle-earth, had the ability to build long-distance teleportation circles.

The Dali Dynasty is indeed powerful, worthy of being a being that dares to compete with the Holy Land sects. Find Shuyuan

Of course, a plan is just a plan, and when it will be implemented depends on the specific situation.

Meng Zhang is looking forward to the completion of the long-distance teleportation circle.

By then, the connection between Jiuqu Province and the mainland of the Dali Dynasty would be strengthened, and transportation would become more convenient.

He will definitely take time to go to the mainland of Dali Dynasty to see the scenery there.

In addition to exchanging military merits for various items in the Dali Dynasty’s treasury, some of them were also sold to external parties or accepted in barter.

Meng Zhang also discovered another way to gain military merit from the Dali Dynasty.

Every once in a while, the stone tablet will display various materials that the Dali Dynasty officially needs to purchase.

If you take the initiative to provide these officially needed materials, you can also exchange them for military merit.

Although the military merits redeemed each time are limited and require a large amount of materials to be consumed, this is still a way to obtain military merits.

And if you accumulate little, you can accumulate it slowly. If you redeem it more times, you can also accumulate a lot of military merit.

It’s just that the Taiyi Sect is currently not rich in financial resources, and the transportation to the mainland of the Dali Dynasty is inconvenient, so Meng Zhangcai has no intention of exchanging it.

Meng Zhang was rewarded, but Sihai Trading Company was severely punished by the Governor-General’s Office.

Sihai Trading Company was accused of harboring demon cultivators and was forcibly disbanded.

All his properties were confiscated by the government.

Soon, many properties were sold to large foreign merchants such as Datong Merchant Alliance at extremely low prices.

Meng Zhang knew that Governor Zhang Weineng suppressed them once, but he also wanted to offer some benefits to appease these big foreign businessmen with strong backgrounds.

This is not just a matter of giving a sweet date, but it shows that Governor Zhang Weineng is not willing to antagonize the powerful people behind them.

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