Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 810: Empty City Strategy

Barbarian King Shaliying temporarily lost his combat effectiveness, so naturally he did not want to stay and fight to the death with the army of human monks.

The Barbarian King Thule Bear couldn’t bear this tone.

In his opinion, his previous active retreat was a non-war crime, and it was all caused by Sha Liying, a useless person.

Now facing the army of human monks, if they continue to retreat and give in step by step, it will only make the army of human monks look down on the army of barbarians, and then push forward every step of the way.

Not only did the Barbarian King Thule Bear not agree to retreat, but he took the opportunity to angrily scold the Barbarian King Shaliying.

Seeing the differences of opinion between the two barbarian kings, Cangshan Zhenjun, as an outsider, honestly pretended to be mute. He looked at her with eyes and nose, and showed concern, without making any unnecessary movements or saying a word.

Under the instruction of the Dali Dynasty, True Lord Cangshan betrayed the Jiuqu Alliance and defected to the barbarians outside the territory.

When he was on the Yuantu Prairie, he not only took the initiative to let go of the defense line and introduced the long-prepared elites of the foreign barbarians into his own camp, but he also counterattacked and helped the foreign barbarians attack the Jiuqu Alliance monks.

The Baizhanmen garrison was breached and Baizhan Zhenjun died in the battle. His contribution was his, and it was also the certificate of surrender he handed over to the barbarians outside the territory.

The barbarians outside the territory were alone and had to rely on the power of True Lord Cangshan. But deep down in their hearts, they have never trusted Cangshan Zhenjun.

True Lord Cangshan is also having a hard time.

It would be better if he defected to the Dali Dynasty openly and openly, as there might not be so many people in the sect who would oppose it.

But it would be too much of a loss to surrender to the barbarians outside the territory, and the opposition voices in the sect never stopped.

Surveying refuge to barbarians outside the territory is similar to colluding with demonic cultivators, and is a taboo in the world of cultivation.

Cangshan Zhenjun spent a lot of effort and relied on his prestige accumulated over the years to temporarily suppress the opposition.

The barbarians outside the territory are still there. We must not only make use of True Lord Cangshan, but also guard against others.

True Lord Cangshan and his disciples were separated.

Cangshan True Monarch himself accompanied the barbarian army led by the Barbarian King Thule Bear to enhance the top combat effectiveness in this area.

The other monks of the Cangshan Sect accompanied another barbarian army to fight against the Jade Sword Sect monks led by Zhenjun Fei Guo.

Cangshan Zhenjun was separated from his disciples to ensure that they would not join forces to cause trouble and that they could make full use of their fighting power.

True Lord Cangshan had accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, but he kept suppressing it in his heart.

The current war between the barbarian army and the Taiyi Sect is none of his business. The disciples of the Cangshan Sect are not here, and no matter how many barbarians die outside the territory, it has nothing to do with him.

Barbarian King Thule Bear and Barbarian King Shaliying argued for a long time, but neither could convince the other. The two of them turned their attention to the outsider, True Lord Cangshan, almost at the same time.

They must ask True Lord Cangshan to talk about the next countermeasures. True Lord Cangshan was forced to fail, and he only talked a lot of nonsense, but there was no accurate word.

The Barbarian King Thule Bear has a bit of a rough temper, but he is not a fool. Seeing this, one knew that True Lord Cangshan had no fighting spirit.

Although he doesn’t think much of True Lord Cangshan, he has to admit that now that the Barbarian King Sha Liying has lost his combat effectiveness, True Lord Cangshan’s combat effectiveness has become very important, which can be said to be of decisive importance.

If True Lord Cangshan is not willing to take action with all his strength, relying on his own strength alone, no matter how hard he fights, it will be useless.

In desperation, he had no choice but to order the barbarian army to take action again and evacuate to the rear to avoid the army of monks from Taiyi Sect.

As soon as the barbarian army moved, Taiyimen quickly received the news.

The enemy did not dare to fight and took the initiative to retreat. This boosted the morale of our own monks and also gave Meng Zhang more confidence.

The Taiyi Sect army accelerated its advance majestically, as if vowing to keep the barbarian army behind.

Of course, this is the forward speed that Meng Zhang carefully calculated.

As a result, we can closely follow the barbarian army outside the territory and continue to put pressure on them.

Secondly, keep both sides at a distance so that they won’t really catch up and start fighting.

In this way, the army of barbarians from outside the territory retreated step by step. The army of Taiyi Sect monks pressed behind step by step, but they could never catch up with each other.

Meng Zhang and Zhenjun Shushan flew to the front of the army and flew to a place not far from the barbarian army. They kept staring at the movement of the barbarian army, looking eagerly.

Barbarian King Tule Xiong and True Lord Cangshan also flew into the air, facing each other from afar against the enemy’s two True Lords of the Soul.

The Barbarian King Thule Bear’s face was livid, staring at the two enemies with an angry gaze that seemed capable of killing people.

The strength of the two enemies in front of him alone was not inferior to that of him and True Lord Cangshan.

Although the other three enemies who did not show up are not level 4 experts, they still have the power to withstand the level 4 experts.

The various strange and secret techniques of human cultivators are really scary.

Yang Xueyi and the others did not show up, which made the Barbarian King Thule Bear a little confused.

I don’t know what the enemy’s hidden plot is. Are those three nasty enemies hiding in the dark, trying to take the opportunity to make a sneak attack?

The Barbarian King Tule Bear considers himself an excellent Barbarian King and will never be defeated by the same move a second time.

He looked around suspiciously, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com wants to find out the enemy hidden in the dark.

Zhenjun Cangshan, who is also a cultivator, has some guesses about the secret techniques used by the enemy.

Those three enemies are clearly Jindan Zhenren, but they are able to exert combat power far beyond their actual cultivation level.

Power cannot be generated out of thin air, and there are no miracles in the world of cultivation that allow people to reach the sky in one step.

The three of them must have paid a lot of price to gain combat power that far exceeded their own cultivation. When they take part in the battle, they should also have various restrictions.

Zhenjun Cangshan guessed that it was inconvenient for those three enemies to take action now, or they could not take action easily.

He did not tell the Barbarian King Tule Bear his guess.

Even if there were not those three enemies, he and the Barbarian King Thule Bear might not be able to defeat the other two True Lords of the Soul.

After a great battle, apart from wasting your energy, what else will you gain?

True Lord Cangshan does not care about the lives of Taiyi Sect monks and barbarians outside the territory, but is unwilling to continue fighting life and death with True Lord Yuanshen.

Meng Zhang, the head of the Taiyi Sect, used endless tricks, which made him very scrupulous.

If Yang Xueyi and the others suddenly appeared and attacked him while he was fighting Meng Zhang, he might suffer a big loss.

Both Barbarian King Tule Xiong and True Lord Cangshan overestimated their enemies, and True Lord Cangshan even more deliberately conserved their strength.

Neither of them had any intention of fighting the enemy, so they had no choice but to order the barbarian army to continue retreating.

Although many barbarian generals were unconvinced, they could not disobey the order from the barbarian king Thule Bear.

They could only order their barbarian army not to stay, and then quickly retreat in a direction away from the Taiyi Sect monk army.

In this way, Meng Zhang relied on the empty city strategy to scare the barbarian king and scare away the barbarian army outside the territory.

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