Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 808: Repulse

Meng Zhang knew very well that although his side had taken advantage of the information asymmetry and some small strategies, it had temporarily gained the upper hand.

But in terms of real strength, there is still a certain gap.

Yang Xueyi and the others relied on external forces to temporarily increase their combat effectiveness, and were able to fight against enemies at the level of Yuan Shen. But after all, they are not the real Yuanshen Lord. They are far from cultivating to that level. They cannot really have an advantage when facing the Barbarian King.

As for Meng Zhang himself, he only temporarily forced Cangshan True Lord back through deception.

After all, True Lord Cangshan is a master in the middle stage of Yuanshen. As long as he waits for him to regain his breath, suppressing Meng Zhang won’t be a big problem.

Only for Shushan Zhenjun, he was truly stronger than the Barbarian King Thule Bear.

The strength of Yang Xueyi and the others cannot be maintained for too long, and the battle must be ended as soon as possible before the strength of the three of them is exhausted.

The opportunity you finally created in front of you is only once, if you miss it, you will never get it again.

Meng Zhang also became ruthless, squeezing out every ounce of strength in his body, vowing to inflict heavy damage on Barbarian King Shaliying as soon as possible.

The great magical powers such as the Liangyi Heavenly Sword, the Divine Light of the Sun and the Moon, were thrown at Barbarian King Shaliying as if they were free of charge.

Yang Xueyi and the others also knew that the external force on themselves could not last forever, so they also started to fight desperately regardless of themselves.

Yang Xueyi was originally a monk in the late Jindan period. After receiving the divine blessing from the ghosts and gods Shou Zheng, strange and cold powers kept wandering around the Barbarian King Shaliying.

Sisters An Xiaoran and An Moran used the joint technique taught by Meng Zhang to directly release the yin and yang energy, constantly wearing down the vitality of Barbarian King Sha Liying.

True Lord Cangshan did not retreat too far. He temporarily avoided Meng Zhang’s attack in order to gain time to adjust his condition.

He has a clear view of the battle situation and knows where the key points are. Meng Zhang and the three guys hiding on the side must not be allowed to take the opportunity to severely injure or even kill Barbarian King Shaliying.

However, Cangshan Zhenjun and the barbarians outside the territory are not the same people, but only have a temporary cooperative relationship.

When cooperating, you must first take care of yourself. Only when he has spare strength will he help these barbarians.

He seized the time to circulate the true energy in his body and tried his best to calm down the surging Qi and blood in his body.

It took him a while to get the injury under control.

The injury has been suppressed and will not worsen. If you want to fully recover, you need to slowly nurse back to health after the war.

He did not rush up to help, but took the Cangshan Seal into his hand and examined it carefully.

The Cangshan Sect’s most important inherited treasure, the fourth-level magical weapon Cangshan Seal, is certainly more valuable than the life of the Barbarian King.

Looking at the deep scars left by the explosion on the Cangshan Seal, True Lord Cangshan could not hide the distressed look on his face.

He stretched out his right hand and kept sketching runes on the Cangshan Seal.

After a while, he was able to temporarily control the damage suffered by the Cangshan Seal.

As for the complete repair of this valuable treasure, we still need to figure out a way later.

Throughout the whole process, although he had been busy with his own affairs, he did not ignore the battle situation.

Looking at the Barbarian King Shari Ying who was under the fierce attack of the enemy, although it was very hard to support, at least he could hold on for the time being.

After taking care of his own affairs, Cangshan Zhenjun was ready to fly over to help Barbarian King Shaliying fight the enemy.

At this moment, something beyond True Lord Cangshan’s expectation happened.

Zhenjun Shushan, who had been suppressing the Barbarian King Tulexiong, actually still had some strength left at this time and was able to allocate his strength to deal with Zhenjun Cangshan.

I saw him waving his hand high in the sky, and volumes of books fell from the sky, blocking the path forward of True Lord Cangshan.

The strength of True Lord Cangshan in the middle stage of Yuanshen is still higher than that of True Lord Shushan in the early stage of Yuanshen.

Even if Shushan Zhenjun devoted himself to dealing with him alone, he would be unable to do so, let alone being distracted from dealing with him while suppressing the Barbarian King Thule Bear.

True Lord Cangshan only spent a little strength and delayed a little time to break through the obstruction of True Lord Shushan. But it was within this time that the situation of the war changed again.

Barbarian King Shaliying is good at sneak attacks and assassinations, but frontal combat is not what he is good at.

If he were to face an opponent of the same level face to face, the combat effectiveness he could display would still be below the average level of a Yuan Shen level powerhouse.

Meng Zhang has not been promoted to the True Lord of Yuanshen for a long time, but he is definitely considered a strong one among the early Yuanshen monks. Moreover, he has a superb inheritance, has experienced many soul battles, and has rich combat experience.

Yang Xueyi and the others desperately attacked regardless of the cost, and finally created a valuable opportunity for Meng Zhang.

The black and white qi mixed together, spinning at high speed like a millstone, and slammed into the Barbarian King Shari Ying.

This Taoist magical power that Meng Zhang has mastered at the bottom of the box is truly terrifying. Easily breaking through all the defenses on Shaliying’s body, directly damaging his physical body.

The cultivation of extraterrestrial barbarians is fundamentally different from that of cultivators.

Cultivators put the most emphasis on the soul, while the barbarians from outside the area put the most emphasis on the physical body.

Most of their abilities and lifetime efforts are spent on the physical body.

Sali Ying can be regarded as an outlier among the Barbarian Kings. In other words, the assassin-type Barbarian King and the warrior-type Barbarian King are very different in themselves.

His physical training was not as strong as that of his companion Barbarian King Thule Bear. After being hit by the yin and yang millstone, he was immediately severely injured. His body was thrown away so heavily that he completely lost his fighting power.

Meng Zhang secretly screamed regret.

If a cultivator were to receive such a blow, the entire body might be ground into flesh and blood.

But the physical bodies of the barbarians outside the territory are too strong, and Sha Liying, the barbarian king, was only injured this time but did not die.

No matter how regretful Meng Zhang was, there was nothing he could do.

He knew in his heart that he had lost the chance to completely kill Barbarian King Shari Ying.

When Meng Zhang knocked away Barbarian King Shaliying, True Lord Cangshan had already broken through True Lord Shushan’s interception and rushed not far away from Meng Zhang.

In desperation, Meng Zhang had no choice but to turn around and deal with the great enemy, True Lord Cangshan.

Yang Xueyi and the others are determined to eradicate the problem and want to pursue and kill the Barbarian King Shaliying.

However, Cangshan Zhenjun, who was fighting against Meng Zhang, still had some energy left to spare, and used the power of the Confinement Avenue to imprison the space around them, making it difficult for the three of them to move.

Yang Xueyi used the power of ghosts and gods, and the An family brothers used the yin and yang energy to bombard the surrounding space desperately, trying to break the power of confinement.

It’s a pity that the three of them working together are equivalent to a weakened version of the early Yuanshen monk at most.

And True Lord Cangshan is a genuine mid-stage Yuanshen monk.

If they want to break the confinement and escape, they cannot do it in a short while.

The Barbarian King Saliying was knocked out by Meng Zhang. His body was thrown in the air for a long time before he finally stabilized.

He forcibly stabilized his body, trying to control the injuries on his body.

The power of Yin Yang Avenue has penetrated deeply into his body, rushing through his body and causing wanton destruction.

Without external help, he simply could not control the injury by himself.

Barbarian King Shariying is as proud as all the barbarians outside the territory, but he is not as stubborn as Barbarian King Thule Bear.

Extraterritorial barbarians like Barbarian King Tule Xiong look down on human cultivators.

But the Barbarian King Shaliying knew that he should pay enough respect to the strong ones among the human cultivators, such as Cangshan Zhenjun.

He and True Lord Cangshan got along well along the way.

Faced with a serious injury that could endanger his own life, he did not sacrifice face and suffer, but decisively asked Cangshan Zhenjun for help.

Cangshan Zhenjun, who was fighting with Meng Zhang, heard the message from Barbarian King Sha Liying, but could not ignore it.

This is not just because of his unreliable relationship with Barbarian King Shaliying. But as an outsider who is not trusted, he has an awkward position among the barbarians outside the territory, and it is difficult to survive.

Originally, the Barbarian King Shaliying was severely injured by Meng Zhang just now, which was the reason why he did not rescue him in time.

If the Barbarian King Shaliying is ignored at this time, it will be even more difficult for him to gain a foothold among the barbarians outside the territory in the future.

The True Lord of Cangshan sighed secretly, forced Meng Zhang back, and flew towards Barbarian King Shaliying.

After he flew over, he took a look and knew that the other party was injured by the power of the avenue and would be difficult to recover in a short time.

Ignoring that the enemy was still on the side, he exerted the power of the Confinement Avenue, temporarily restraining the power of the Yin-Yang Avenue that was running rampant in the body of Barbarian King Shariying.

After True Lord Cangshan left the battle, Meng Zhang did not chase after him immediately, but flew not far in front of Yang Xueyi and the others.

The power of Yin Yang Avenue was activated, shaking the confined space loose.

After Yang Xueyi and the others regained their freedom, they, under the leadership of Meng Zhang, killed the Cangshan True Monarch.

The four of them fought together and each showed their magical powers, which put a lot of pressure on True Monarch Cangshan.

Barbarian King Shari Ying was seriously injured and was unable to take action for the time being. True Lord Cangshan had to devote a lot of energy to taking care of this wounded person.

Especially after Meng Zhang saw the advantage, he actually did not attack True Lord Cangshan directly, and instead used various deadly killing moves to go straight to Barbarian King Sha Liying.

Cangshan Zhenjun felt that his hands were tied and he could not perform at all.

The four men from Meng Zhang joined forces to attack, which put a lot of pressure on him.

True Lord Cangshan didn’t know the source of Yang Xueyi’s strength, let alone that they couldn’t hold on for long.

He made a rough estimate of the strength of both sides in his mind.

It was our own side that should have had the advantage, because Barbarian King Shariying was severely damaged and the enemy had a hidden master joining the battle.

Our own strength is actually weaker.

It doesn’t make much sense to continue this kind of battle.

If the battle drags on for a long time and something happens to Barbarian King Shari Ying due to my own negligence, the barbarians outside the territory will definitely not be able to spare me.

From the beginning to the end, True Lord Cangshan regarded this battle as a battle between the barbarians from outside the territory. He only passively participated in the war and had to stand on the side of the barbarians from outside the territory.

Now that the situation is like this, he has no intention of fighting for a long time and has even more reason to retreat.

True Lord Cangshan was still very sophisticated and did not retreat directly. Instead, he first sought the opinion of Barbarian King Sha Liying.

The Barbarian King Shari Ying, who was seriously injured and had lost his combat effectiveness, was not as tough as expected.

As soon as True Lord Cangshan mentioned the topic of retreat, he immediately agreed without hesitation.

The True Lord of Cangshan sent another message to the Barbarian King Thule Bear, deliberately exaggerating his difficult situation.

The Barbarian King Thule Bear originally had a high fighting spirit and high morale.

But being suppressed by Lord Shushan made him feel powerless and very uncomfortable.

The situation with True Monarch Cangshan is not good now, and he can no longer hold on.

Although he has always disliked the Barbarian King Shali Ying, he even disliked the True Lord Cangshan.

But he still knows that the overall situation is the most important, and he cannot allow his top combat power to be wasted here.

The Barbarian King Tule Xiong agreed to retreat and worked hard to break free from the suppression of Zhenjun Shushan.

Although Zhenjun Shushan has the upper hand, he also knows that it is not an easy task to completely keep an enemy of the level of Barbarian King Thule Bear behind.

It is not yet clear whether he is willing to fight to the death with enemies of the same level for Taiyi Sect and Meng Zhang. Even if he wanted to do this, the other party would not give him a chance.

Seeing that Barbarian King Thule Bear wanted to retreat, he knew that this might be the best outcome, and Meng Zhang should be willing to accept it.

Zhenjun Shushan relaxed his suppression of the Barbarian King Thule Bear and allowed him to retreat on his own initiative.

The True Monarch of Cangshan escorted the Barbarian King Shaliying and flew over. After meeting up with the Barbarian King Tule Bear, he fought and retreated downwards.

Although Meng Zhang and others put on a posture of pursuing victory. But they all knew in their hearts that this was just a show. With the strength our own side possesses, it is impossible to keep the enemy behind.

The two groups of people chased and fled, and soon appeared not far above the battlefield where the armies of both sides were fighting.

After this period of fierce fighting, the army of extraterrestrial barbarians actually gained a slight advantage. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Judging from the scene, the barbarian army is obviously more proactive.

Of course, the casualties on both sides were equally heavy.

There is still a long way to go for the extraterritorial barbarian army to turn this slight advantage into a final victory.

The Barbarian King Thule Bear is a very straightforward person. Since their top-level combat forces have to retreat and leave this army here, even if they win a complete victory, it will not make much sense.

The most important thing is that without the cover of top-level combat power, the army below may face a massacre when facing the enemy’s True Lord Yuanshen.

This time the barbarians from outside the territory launched an invasion, and the higher-ups have learned the lesson.

They are not willing to go head-to-head with the Jade Sword Sect, but they just want to work hard to avoid too much loss and preserve their own strength.

Now the Taiyi Sect monk army has proven its combat effectiveness. The enemy Yuanshen monks were still chasing after him.

The barbarian king Tule Xiong directly used the barbarian secret method to give orders to the barbarian generals who commanded the barbarian army, asking them to command their armies to retreat on their own initiative.

In order to cover the retreat of the barbarian army below, the Barbarian King Thule Bear stopped retreating. Stopping above the barbarian army, together with True Lord Cangshan, they faced Meng Zhang and others who were chasing after them.

Seeing that the enemy was preparing to retreat, Meng Zhang lost his mind about fighting.

The Taiyi Sect monk army below suffered such heavy losses, which made him extremely distressed.

Under his order, the army of monks below didn’t even bother to make a pretense of pursuit. They just started to heal the wounded and restore their strength on the spot.

Meng Zhang and the others were facing each other from a distance from the Barbarian King Tule Xiong. They did not rush to fight, but watched as the other party slowly retreated.

Looking at the barbarian army below slowly disappearing into the distance, Meng Zhang knew that this battle was finally won.

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