Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 80: The formation of spiritual veins

After the body of God General Houtu was completely stable, Meng Zhang called a gathering of everyone in the sect.

In the sect hall, Meng Zhang not only explained the sect affairs, but also introduced Houtu to everyone.

Meng Zhang concealed the true identity of General Houtu and only said that he was the new protector of Taiyi Sect. From then on, Dharma Protector Houtu became a part of Taiyi Sect.

For the position of Dharma Protector, the status and treatment within the sect are the same as those of elders.

As for the specific division of labor in thick soil, it is to move it wherever it is needed.

According to Houtu Divine General, even Jindan Zhenren, without special magical powers, would have difficulty seeing through the nature of his Dharma Protector Divine General.

In the eyes of most cultivators, he is just an ordinary cultivator.

Having been the leader of Taiyi Sect for some time, Meng Zhang has slowly established the majesty of the leader within the sect.

Since he didn’t tell the origin of General Houtu, naturally no one asked. Everyone in the sect just regarded Hou Tu as an ordinary monk who had perfected his Qi refining.

No matter what, it is a great joy to have a monk with perfect Qi refining ability in the sect.

During the discussion, Tian Zhen, who was in charge of the general affairs of the sect, reported on the new changes in the Sweet Water Oasis and the consumption of low-grade spiritual stones in order to maintain the magic circle.

After everyone dispersed, General Houtu came to Meng Zhang alone.

It turns out that Houtu God General is not only naturally proficient in various earth spells, but also has the ability to be an earth master.

Although his cultivation is far from restored, most of these skills are still there.

The so-called Earth Master is a profession that is proficient in various skills such as Kanyu, Formation, and Qi among the various arts of cultivation, and can use the power of the earth to transform the earth.

The earth master is a relatively high-end comprehensive profession in the world of cultivation. It is very difficult to cultivate, but it is indispensable.

The earth master can prospect for minerals, survey mineral veins, and estimate reserves. He can also use the techniques of Kanyu and Qi to find spiritual veins and search for the location of earth’s Qi.

High-end earth masters also have the ability to sort out earth veins, regulate spiritual veins, maintain spiritual veins and even cultivate new spiritual veins…

Earth masters are relatively rare in the world of cultivation. Only big forces have the ability and resources to cultivate earth masters.

In the surrounding area, only Feihong Sect has several low-level earth masters. These low-level earth masters are still treated as treasures by the Feihong Sect.

As far as Meng Zhang knew, the vassal forces that were closely related to the Feihong Sect would have to pay a high price if they wanted to borrow these earth masters to prospect for minerals.

Now that General Houtu said that he had the ability of an earth master, Meng Zhang was really overjoyed. Compared with his perfect cultivation of Qi, the sub-professional career of Earth Master is obviously more valuable.

The God of Houtu volunteered to ask Meng Zhang for permission to go to the Sweet Water Oasis and help cultivate the spiritual vein that was taking shape.

If General Houtu wants to restore his cultivation to his heyday, he needs to accumulate slowly, and there is no need to spend all his time on cultivation. It only takes a certain amount of time every day to absorb the power of spiritual energy and magnetism. The rest of the time can be used freely.

Since Houtu volunteered, Meng Zhang naturally had no reason to disagree.

So, from then on, Houtu spent at least half of every day in the Sweet Water Oasis, carefully cultivating the spiritual vein.

Meng Zhang also put aside his chores and focused all his attention on practicing the “Sun and Moon Cycle Sutra”.

To practice the “Sun and Moon Cycle Sutra”, you first need to practice the Sun Qi and Taiyin Qi, two types of Qi with completely opposite properties.

Having the foundation of cultivating Shaoyang Qi, Meng Zhang practiced Taiyang Qi very smoothly.

The practice of Shaoyang Zhenqi is to absorb the ray of Yang Qi that is born when the sun rises every day and integrate it into one’s own Zhenqi.

To cultivate the true energy of the sun, you need to absorb the most violent and hot solar energy at noon every day when the sun is most poisonous, and incorporate it into the body to temper your own true energy.

Unlike the soft and docile Chaoyang Qi, the fierce Yang Qi is difficult to tame and can cause great harm to the human body.

This feeling is not pleasant. As soon as the blazing sun energy enters the body, the whole body feels hot, as if it is about to burn. And the violent breath stimulated the meridians all over his body to be extremely painful.

With great perseverance, Meng Zhang endured all kinds of pain and within a short period of time, he began to adapt to the power of the blazing sun.

At night, Meng Zhang began to absorb the lunar energy falling from the sky.

The energy of Taiyin is bone-chilling, extremely cold. When the first ray of taiyin true energy entered his body, Meng Zhang felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his hands and feet were so cold that he almost froze to death.

Meng Zhang circulated the sun energy in his body in time, and then he felt that his whole body began to feel warm, and the cold breath slowly disappeared.

The tamed Taiyin Qi tempered the Qi in Meng Zhang’s body and slowly transformed part of the Qi in his body into Taiyin Qi.

As time passed, the true energy in Meng Zhang’s body began to change.

The true energy of the sun and the true energy of the taiyin are both incompatible with each other and complementary to each other.

Meng Zhang controlled the two extreme forces of the sun and the lunar yin, allowing them to coexist in his body and live in peace with each other.

It took Meng Zhang a full year to complete this training. He went to Shuyuan to transform all the Shaoyang Qi in his body into Sun Qi and Taiyin Qi.

Since then, Meng Zhang’s practice in the “Sun and Moon Cycle Sutra” can be regarded as a real introduction.

Before that, under the careful care of God General Houtu, the spiritual veins of Sweet Water Oasis were completely formed.

According to Meng Zhang’s original estimate, it would take at least three to five years for this spiritual vein to take shape.

As soon as Houtu God General took action, the time was greatly shortened.

This shows the role of an earth master.

After the spiritual veins are formed, it will take a long time to warm up before the spiritual veins can be completely stabilized.

The capable and hard-working general naturally took over all the tasks related to the new spiritual veins.

This new spiritual vein is a first-level mid-grade spiritual vein.

Once the spiritual veins are formed, not only the spiritual energy of the oasis begins to become thicker, but the area of ​​the oasis also begins to greatly expand to the surrounding areas.

Soon after, the spiritual veins stabilized slightly, and God General Houtu re-arranged the first-order magic array and the civil formation so that it could rely on this spiritual vein and no longer consume low-grade spiritual stones.

Finally, Taiyimen got rid of a big man who wanted to eat spiritual stones.

The spiritual energy of the spiritual veins is bound within a certain area, exclusively for Taiyi Sect disciples to absorb. Excess spiritual energy is accumulated in specific areas.

When the spiritual energy continues to accumulate and the spiritual energy concentration reaches the standard, Houtu God will come to Meng Zhang and say that he can start to open up spiritual fields in the oasis.

It is certainly a good thing to open up spiritual fields, but it requires a lot of resources, which is a heavy burden for Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang thought for a long time, and finally remembered that General Houtu said that he was proficient in the art of earth escape, and then he came up with an idea.

Meng Zhang secretly left Taiyimen with Houtu and came to the area where the red copper vein was located.

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