Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 795: Mutation

Although True Lord Jade Sword is not sure of victory, he still has to put all his efforts into it.

Rather than slowly waiting for his side to fail, he would rather fight vigorously and have no regrets even if he dies.

In the current situation, it is not easy to concentrate our own forces and launch an active attack on the enemy.

Even if True Lord Jade Sword pushes it hard, he still has to face many difficulties.

However, he first communicated with Xiao Jiansheng.

It is in the interests of the Purple Sun Sect to proactively launch an attack on the Dali Dynasty’s sweeping north army, and Xiao Jiansheng certainly supports it fully.

Then, Xiao Jiansheng put pressure on Zhenjun Bai Zhengyu of Bairi Valley, asking him to rectify his men.

Now that we have sent troops to support, we must start and finish and don’t give up halfway.

While the Jiuqu League was busy preparing to launch an attack, Generalissimo Zhang Weineng of the Dali Dynasty made adjustments first.

The Dali Dynasty’s Northern Sweeping Army put on a posture of preparing to attack, and continuously sent small teams of elite troops to conduct reconnaissance and testing near the Jiuqu League’s defense line.

Suddenly, fierce small-scale battles began to break out near the defense line that had been calm for a long time.

The monks from all walks of life who were originally a little lax have stepped up their defenses.

At this time, a Beast King Mountain disciple came near Taiyi Sect’s defense line and said that Elder Beast Fury wanted to meet Meng Zhang and asked him to come over.

Although Elder Beast Fury, who had always had a death wish, was seriously injured again in the battle some time ago, he still survived.

Because he had been in seclusion to heal his wounds, he had previously used a communication talisman to communicate with Meng Zhang.

Now that I have sent someone to invite him over, there must be something important to discuss.

Meng Zhang did not delay and flew with the Beast King Mountain disciple to the place where the Beast King Mountain monks were stationed.

The defense line responsible for the defense of Beast King Mountain is part of the long mountain range of Huanglian Sacred Mountain.

Even though the war has passed for so long, the monks from Beast King Mountain have worked hard to clean up the battlefield. But the various traces left by the brutal battle are still very clear.

On the mountainside of a mountain with only half of it left, Meng Zhang met the long-lost Elder Beast Fury.

There, in addition to Elder Beast Fury, there was also True Lord You Hongzhi from Sihai Trading Company.

True Lord You Hongzhi has a very good relationship with Elder Beast Fury. He arrived here first, and it seems that he really has something important to do.

The first time he saw Elder Beast Fury, Meng Zhang could hardly conceal his inner fluctuations.

Elder Beast Wrath looked rosy, radiant and energetic. But Meng Zhang was so sharp that he could tell at a glance that Elder Beast Wrath had returned to his former glory and acted as a strong man.

Although Elder Beast Fury was seriously injured, he was still a little angry. In this lifeless state, he is already close to death.

It seems that this fierce battle with the Dali Dynasty army caused him fatal injuries.

Seeing Meng Zhang coming, Elder Beast Fury was very happy.

The two of them have not known each other for a long time, but they fought against the enemy together and can barely be said to be comrades who have shared hardships together.

After that, both of them intended to make good friends with each other. Elder Beast Fury also helped Meng Zhang a lot.

In front of Meng Zhang, Elder Beast Wrath did not hide it and could not hide it.

He had a wry smile on his face and was shocked as soon as he opened his mouth.

“Old man, I didn’t have a few days to live. But I never thought that before I died, I would be labeled a traitor.”

Meng Zhang frowned, where did the traitor theory come from?

Beast King Mountain is the most resolute in resisting the army of the Dali Dynasty this time. Not to mention the casualties of the Beast King Mountain disciples, Elder Beast Fury even lost his life.

“It’s not that, it’s not that, I will try my best to explain it to you…” True Lord You Hongzhi kept comforting from the side.

Seeing Meng Zhang’s confused look, Elder Beast Fury did not give in and explained it to him in detail.

It turns out that just a few days ago, a sudden change occurred on the Yuantu Prairie that had been peaceful until everyone expected it.

On the Yuantu Prairie, it was originally occupied by barbarians from outside the territory.

The Jade Sword Sect originally commanded many cultivation forces to defeat the barbarians from outside the territory, wiped out their main force, and compressed the few remnants into a small area.

Later, due to the Dali Dynasty’s capture of the Hengjue Mountains, the alliance of the three factions was destroyed.

The remnants of the three sects, Cangshan Sect, Beast King Mountain and Baizhan Sect, retreated into the territory of Jiuqu Alliance.

The pursuing army of the Dali Dynasty pursued them all the way to the border of the Jiuqu League, and fell into a confrontation with the monks of the Jiuqu League.

Facing the threat of the Dali Dynasty, the Jade Sword Sect had to stop its operation to completely eliminate the barbarians outside the territory, and transferred the main force of the monk army to the border of the Jiuqu League to guard against the attack of the Dali Dynasty.

Due to the influence of the Qingyuan Sect, the Jade Sword Sect has never gone into full-scale war with the Dali Dynasty.

The Jade Sword Sect, which had lost the opportunity to completely annihilate the barbarians outside the territory, did not relax its vigilance against them, and had always deployed enough force to keep them under control.

Later, due to the calculations of the top leaders of the Jiuqu Alliance, the remnants of the two major sects, the Cangshan Sect and the Baizhan Sect, were moved to the Yuantu Prairie to directly face the barbarians from outside the territory.

The Jade Sword Sect, which has fought many battles with barbarians from outside the territory, is well aware of its horror and seeks Shuyuanwww. has never relaxed its vigilance.

In the face of the great changes in the Qingyuan Sect and the fall of the entire southern Jiuqu League, the Yuantu Prairie is still relatively calm, and there is no abnormal movement from the barbarians outside the territory.

Despite this, the Jade Sword Sect still retains enough power there to keep the barbarians from outside the territory at bay.

In addition to the Cangshan Sect and the Baizhan Sect, there are also many other monks from the Jiuqu League who monitor the movements of the barbarians outside the territory.

Even if the Jade Sword Sect and the army of the Dali Dynasty were fighting to the death, the senior officials of the Jade Sword Sect had not even thought about deploying a single soldier from the Yuantu Prairie.

It’s a pity that such a strict arrangement still has flaws.

The Cangshan faction suddenly switched sides and attracted an army of barbarians from outside the territory to break through their own defense line.

Baizhan Zhenjun of Baizhanmen was killed on the spot. The monks of Baizhanmen suffered heavy losses and almost the whole army was wiped out.

Now, the power that the Jade Sword Sect had placed on the Yuantu Prairie has been wiped out.

Some Jade Sword Sect monks risked their lives to spread the news, requesting reinforcements from the sect as soon as possible.

Just now, Fei Guozhen from the Jade Sword Sect has led an advance team to set off.

On the Yuantu Prairie now, there is no force that can stop the barbarians from outside the territory.

If you don’t block it in time, let it move freely.

Countless barbarians from outside the territory will fight out from the Yuantu Prairie and will directly attack the hinterland of the Jiuqu Alliance. Thinking about that situation is terrifying.

As a member of the Jiuqu Alliance, Meng Zhang was also shocked when he heard the news from Elder Beast Fury, and his expression changed drastically.

With the help of reinforcements, the Jade Sword Sect finally managed to hold off the army of the Dali Dynasty, and it was already very difficult to resist.

Now that the barbarians from outside the territory suddenly come out from the Yuantu Prairie, they are really being attacked from both sides.

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