Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 788: Plan

Marshal Wang, who was killed by Meng Zhang, had average cultivation, but was extremely senior and was a veteran of the Dali Dynasty’s army.

This man has served in the Dali Dynasty for many years and has a rich net worth and a lot of savings.

In addition to the daily salary, there are also trophies from overseas battles, rewards from the royal family, and various items that can be exchanged for military exploits at home…

The royal secret treasury of the Dali Dynasty far exceeds the treasury of all the sects in the Jiuqu League. It is rich in items, including countless rare treasures and various cultivation resources.

Meng Zhang found fifty rays of jade spiritual objects and several heaven and earth spiritual objects in Marshal Wang’s storage artifacts, including six fourth-level heaven and earth spiritual objects.

Especially the three bottles of fourth-level elixirs gave Meng Zhang an unexpected surprise.

There are currently only third-level alchemists in Taiyi Sect, so naturally they can only refine third-level elixirs.

In the entire Jiuqu Alliance, there is no major sect famous for alchemy. There is a lack of fourth-level alchemy masters, and fourth-level elixirs are very rare.

For True Lord Yuanshen, taking third-level elixirs is better than nothing.

It has been so long since Meng Zhang became the True Lord of Yuanshen, but he has yet to harvest a fourth-level elixir.

Among these three bottles of fourth-level elixirs, one is an intermittent life-protecting elixir.

After taking it, as long as the physical body is not completely necrotic, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be healed slowly. Even the missing limbs will slowly grow back.

One bottle is Shenyuan Dan, which is the elixir used by True Lord Yuanshen to strengthen Yuanshen. Taking such elixirs can save a lot of time in practice.

The last bottle is the most precious and rarest. It is the legendary Daoyun Pill.

After taking it, the True Lord Yuanshen can gain special inspiration and achieve greater gains when he comprehends the great ways of heaven and earth.

For these three bottles of elixir alone, Meng Zhang’s hard work was completely worth it. Not to mention, there are other gains.

He opened his palm, and a flying sword jumped around in it, trying to escape.

This is the fourth-level flying sword of Marshal Wang.

When his body was destroyed, he still wanted to escape with his soul sword.

Meng Zhang called on the power of the great avenue in time to suppress the flying sword.

The fourth-level magic weapon has a spirit. It takes a lot of effort to conquer a fourth-level magic weapon that was forcibly snatched from its original owner.

Until now, Meng Zhang has achieved Yuan Shen, but he doesn’t even have a fourth-level magic weapon.

This flying sword may not be considered very outstanding among the fourth-level magic weapons. But it is better than nothing and can be used by Meng Zhang.

At this time, Meng Zhang felt more and more imbalances in the world of cultivation.

The Jiuqu League is lacking in resources, the development level of cultivation and various arts is not high, and it lacks sufficient production capacity.

The supply of the third-level items needed by Jindan Zhenren can barely be guaranteed, but at the level of Yuanshen Zhenjun, all kinds of expenses are very scarce.

Even the fourth-level magic weapon cannot be guaranteed to be available to every Yuanshen True Lord.

As for fourth-level elixirs and fourth-level talismans, many people have never seen them.

The Dali Dynasty can at least guarantee a minimum supply for True Lord Yuanshen.

This is the gap. This gap is comprehensive.

This is only the Dali Dynasty. If we compare it with the Middle-earth continent, the gap is even greater.

The Taiyi Sect came here from the Middle Earth Continent.

Not to mention whether we will return to Middle-earth in the future, those grievances from Middle-earth will always be faced one day.

For a moment, Meng Zhang fell into thinking.

The Taiyi Sect side is calm, but the main battlefield on the Huanglian Sect General Altar side has reached the most critical moment.

As the Dali Dynasty’s originally dispersed troops quickly began to concentrate. Even when facing powerful sects like Yujian Sect and Bairi Valley at the same time, the Dali Dynasty slowly gained the upper hand.

The army of the Dali Dynasty is too powerful. It is simply born for war. It is a pure war machine.

The fleet of flying boats in the sky, the mechanical creations running on the ground, the armor on the soldiers and the weapons in their hands are all carefully crafted and accumulated over many years.

Well-trained and battle-experienced soldiers, listed in military formations and equipped with various war tools, are simply invincible.

For cultivators, magical weapons, magical powers and spells are all means of protecting the Tao, and their own cultivation is the foundation.

The ultimate goal of most monks’ practice is not to fight on the battlefield.

Some large sects also have personnel dedicated to fighting such as Dharma protectors, and they even refine Taoist weapons.

But regardless of the quality, the quantity is always limited.

Faced with the endless army of Dali Dynasty, they simply cannot sustain the consumption for too long.

If nothing else happens, this war will end with the victory of the Dali Dynasty.

But don’t forget, in the world of cultivation, the meaning of the existence of the top powerhouse is to defeat a thousand with one horse and reverse the entire situation with the power of one person.

The world-walking Xiao Jiansheng of Ziyang Holy Sect is a strong man with such strength.

Xia Houfeng relied on the blessing of the military formation behind him to fight Xiao Jiansheng to a close.

As the prince of the Dali Dynasty and the general marshal in charge of the army, he can be regarded as rich and accumulated.

But Xiao Jiansheng made him see how wealthy and arrogant the Holy Land sect from Middle-earth was.

If Xia Houfeng is a rich man from the countryside, then Xiao Jiansheng is a real rich man.

When Xiao Jiansheng became angry, he went to Shuyuan and began to release the fourth-level talismans for free.

With rich combat experience, he did not release the talisman randomly, but always chose the critical moment and hit Xia Houfeng’s vital points every time.

Xia Houfeng also has fourth-level talismans on his body, but the number is less than a fraction of Xiao Jiansheng’s, and the power is even worse.

Special talents like fourth-level Talisman Makers were rare in the Dali Dynasty. Even if the Dali Dynasty could provide enough talisman-making materials, the number of talismans produced would be limited.

In addition to a large number of fourth-level talismans, Xiao Jiansheng also has powerful disposable magic weapons on his body.

It is not easy to refine the God-Slaying Nail. The materials used to make one God-Slaying Nail are enough to refine one or two other fourth-level magic weapons.

However, the God-killing Nail is a disposable item and can only be used once.

The power of the great road exerted by Xiao Jiansheng and Xia Houfeng was entangled with each other, and neither could overpower the other.

He first used a large number of fourth-level talismans to disperse the military aura that had been blessed on Xia Houfeng.

Then he saw the opportunity and gave him a hard blow with the God-killing Nail.

Although Xia Houfeng’s life-saving magic weapon blocked most of the power of the God-killing Nail, his own soul was still severely damaged by this sinister magic weapon that was designed to damage the soul.

Although he was seriously injured, the experienced Xia Houfeng did not panic.

While notifying other Yuanshen monks on his side to assist him, he secretly ordered the army to act in accordance with the plan.

As a qualified commander, of course you must think carefully before starting a war.

Thinking about defeat before thinking about victory is the minimum ability.

Although he had full confidence in victory, Xia Houfeng still habitually made plans before the war began in order to deal with the situation of his own defeat in the event of an accident.

Now, the plan he arranged comes in handy.

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