Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 739: Flying Cat

Jade Rabbit Zhenjun let out a sweet smile and said, “Master Meng, you and I are all of the same kind, so there is no need for such courtesy.”

“You and your seniors all call me old. If you really think highly of me, then call me good sister.”

Meng Zhang did not answer and pretended to be mute.

“That’s enough, you coquettish guy, you get excited every time you see a young man. With your look like this, you are not afraid of scaring the distinguished guests.”

True Lord Red Pig yelled and cursed a few words, half-seriously.

“Master Meng, you don’t need to pay attention to this coquettish girl. That’s how she is. No one pays attention to her, and she will stop after a while.”

“By the way, others will come over later. If you don’t want to reveal your identity in front of them, then give yourself a code name first.”

The Dark Alliance was very thoughtful and prepared special magic weapons to hide their true appearance in advance. It seems that they also hope that the helpers they invite will not reveal their identity easily.

Meng Zhang has difficulty in naming and has never been able to come up with a good name. After holding it in for a long time, he finally said: “You two, just call me Flying Cat.”

The reason Meng Zhang came up with this codename was because his spiritual pet Liuli was a kitten.

When Meng Zhang accepted the two spiritual pets, he just followed his own wishes and never expected them to play a big role.

As Meng Zhang’s cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, not to mention the spiritual beasts whose cultivation has always been slow, even the famous geniuses in the world of cultivation are far behind the pace of his cultivation progress.

Now Meng Zhang is the True Lord of Yuanshen. The two spiritual pets he received back then are still working hard to attack the third-order spiritual beasts.

Whether it is combat or assistance, they have long been unable to help Meng Zhang.

When Meng Zhang goes out on weekdays, he doesn’t bother to take the two little guys with him. Instead, he leaves them outside the door and lets them grow up freely in the door.

While Meng Zhang was practicing, he occasionally watched the two little guys acting cute to relax his mood.

Hearing that Meng Zhang had taken the code name of Flying Cat, Lord Red Pig did not speak, but Lord Jade Rabbit chuckled again.

“Sister, I have a good sister who also has the word cat in her name. When the time comes, bring you, a male cat, to her so that you can get to know her well.”

Meng Zhang just smiled and did not reply.

If it were normal times, he wouldn’t mind chatting, laughing, and playing around with beautiful women.

But the other party was from the Dark Alliance, so he was a little wary in his heart, so he didn’t let it go very easily.

There are many heretics among the Dark Alliance, and there are even some demonic monks. If you see someone’s beautiful face and try to patch it up like a licking dog, chances are it will be sucked until even the marrow is left.

When True Lord Jade Rabbit met Meng Zhang, he seemed to have discovered a fun toy. He kept teasing and teasing.

Meng Zhang pretended to be a fool, looked ignorant, and basically didn’t respond.

When True Lord Jade Rabbit made too much noise, Lord Red Pig would inevitably say a few words to her, but she didn’t take it seriously.

This scene did not last long and ended with the arrival of new visitors.

First, a monk dressed in the same costume as Meng Zhang walked into the cave in a swaggering manner.

The monk was not polite to the people present and fell to the ground, “Sister Jade Rabbit, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Do you miss me, Lao Dao?”

“Lao Dao, I have been thinking about you day and night, and I have never forgotten you. Ever since I had the Jade Rabbit girl in my heart, Lao Dao can no longer hold anyone else in my heart.”

Jade Rabbit Zhenjun spat, “You idiot, who is your sister? There is really no ivory coming out of a dog’s mouth.”

Zhenzhu Zhenjun ignored the two people’s scolding and introduced them directly.

“Lao Dao, there is a new person joining this time, just call him Feitianmao.”

“Feitianmao, this is Lao Dao, and we have been friends for many years. We have cooperated many times and have always enjoyed cooperation.”

As a newcomer, Meng Zhang kept his posture very low and took the initiative to nod to Lao Dao.

Lao Dao ignored Meng Zhang and snorted disdainfully.

“I don’t know if it’s useful or not. I don’t want to be another silver-like pewter gun head that I’m not sure is useful.”

“In the past few years, Lao Dao, I have seen many Yuanshen-stage monks, but none of them can fight.”

Of course Meng Zhang didn’t like Lao Dao’s attitude, but there was no point in arguing with him.

He has long passed the age of being brave and aggressive, and he will not fight others just because of their few words.

Seeing that Meng Zhang remained silent, Lord Red Pig thought he was unhappy.

“Feitianmao, you don’t need to care about Lao Dao’s attitude. After getting along with him for a long time, you will find that Lao Dao is not a bad person and is a rare and honest person.”

After appeasing Meng Zhang, Lord Red Pig began to tell Lao Dao about this mission.

After listening to the words of True Lord Red Pig, Lao Dao looked unconcerned.

“You guys, you are really doing something and standing up. It is obviously an internal strife in the organization. You want to strike first and take advantage, but you have to act upright and awe-inspiring, as if to show how righteous you are.”

“If you ask me, where does all this nonsense come from? We can’t live with it anymore, so we just get started.”

“It’s a matter of life and death. If you don’t accept it, do it. Find This is the true nature of our monks.”

Red Pig True Lord has known Lao Dao for many years and knows his temperament, so he doesn’t care about his foul mouth.

After everyone waited for a while, the last helper arrived.

“Mu Mu, why are you always the last one to come? You really don’t think you are a big shot and you have to be the last one to appear.”

That Lord Yuanshen, nicknamed Lao Dao, is really a bastard, with a foul mouth that is not forgiving at all.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Mu Mu has cooperated with everyone, and he knows Lao Dao’s virtue. Moreover, he was also a taciturn person and did not respond to Lao Dao.

This monk nicknamed Mu Mu is also a True Lord of Yuanshen, and his personality seems to be very different from Lao Dao.

After Mu Mu arrived, Lord Red Pig took the trouble to clearly explain what everyone needed to do for this mission.

Only Meng Zhang is considered a newcomer here, while Lao Dao and Mu Mu have cooperated with Red Pig True Lord and the others more than once.

Both wood and old knives are very familiar with various processes. The four True Lords of Yuanshen have also initially established a relationship of mutual trust.

When hired by the Dark Alliance, they often do some shady and dark jobs such as assassinations. Of course, they have to hide their identity well.

Once some things are exposed, it may be difficult to find a place in the Jiuqu Alliance.

Although this time it was an internal fight among the dark alliance, Lao Dao, Mu Mu and Meng Zhang still hid their identities as usual.

If the target of the siege knows his true identity, there will undoubtedly be a big enemy.

If this siege fails and the opponent escapes, there will be endless troubles. A monk with a family and career like Meng Zhang would bring a formidable enemy to the sect and cause countless troubles.

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