Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 733: Confidence

Meng Zhang achieved his goal of getting to know True Lord You Hongzhi and was about to leave. At this time, Elder Beast Fury, an old friend of True Lord You Hongzhi and a comrade who had fought alongside Meng Zhang, also came to the manor.

Elder Beast Fury and You Hongzhi have known each other for many years and have a deep friendship. They came to this courtyard without any notification from their servants.

Seeing Meng Zhang here, Elder Beast Fury came over happily and took Meng Zhang to chat.

At this moment, Meng Zhang couldn’t say goodbye and left, so he continued chatting here with the two seniors.

Elder Beast Fury told some interesting stories and experiences he had with True Lord You Hongzhi when they were young. The two of them joked with each other, their tone was relaxed, and they had no airs about the True Monarch of Yuanshen.

Although Elder Beast Fury concealed himself very well, Meng Zhang was still keenly aware that he was already showing a bit of old age and his physical condition was not very good.

Elder Beast Fury, who had been seriously injured but had not yet recovered, took action together with Meng Zhang last time to kill two True Lords of the Soul. Later, he suppressed his injuries and tried his best to promote the merger of the two sects. After all this hard work, Elder Beast Fury’s physical condition will only get worse.

The True Lord Yuanshen is generally not easily injured, but once he is severely injured, it is very difficult to heal.

With the connections and abilities of Elder Beast Fury, he must have tried every means to treat his injuries.

Even this can’t cure the serious injuries on his body, he can only barely survive. It seems that Elder Beast Fury really can’t fully recover.

Beast King Mountain has just experienced some twists and turns, and it is still not stable internally. If something unexpected happens to Elder Beast Fury at this time, I am afraid that the entire sect may fall apart.

Elder Beast Wrath is really big-hearted. He doesn’t cultivate himself well in the mountain gate, but keeps running around.

Now there is huge pressure from the outside world, and there are constant disputes within the Jiuqu League. Even Meng Zhang, who was in the prime of his life, often had headaches.

But looking at Elder Beast Fury’s appearance, he, like True Lord You Hongzhi, is not worried about the current situation at all.

Seeing the two True Lords of Yuanshen talking happily, Meng Zhang couldn’t help but talk a few more words, talking about the current situation of internal and external troubles in the Jiuqu Alliance.

Especially the powerful Dali Dynasty may launch a full-scale attack on the Jiuqu Alliance at any time.

Under the overthrow of the nest, there are no eggs left intact. It is estimated that all the cultivation forces of the Jiuqu Alliance will not be able to escape this disaster.

The two True Lords of Yuanshen dismissed Meng Zhang’s statement, as if they didn’t take the Dali Dynasty seriously.

Not to mention True Monarch You Hongzhi, Elder Beast Fury personally experienced the power of the Dali Dynasty, and he suffered a lot before escaping to the Jiuqu League. But judging from his words and deeds, he seemed very confident in defeating the Dali Dynasty.

The two True Lords of Yuanshen are not blindly optimistic people, nor are they ignorant. Their attitude must have something to rely on.

Both of them are extremely senior Yuanshen Lords, and they may know some things that they don’t know.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhang couldn’t help but test it out.

However, True Lord You Hongzhi and Elder Beast Fury were very tight-lipped and did not reveal any useful information at all.

They just comforted Meng Zhang casually, saying that the Dali Dynasty was not worth mentioning, and the Jiuqu Alliance would naturally have ways to deal with this hateful intruder.

After chatting with the two for a long time, Meng Zhang didn’t get any accurate words.

Seeing that the time was almost up, and True Lord Yuanshen began to arrive here one after another, Meng Zhang had to say goodbye and leave, so as not to delay True Lord You Hongzhi.

Back in the courtyard where he lived, Meng Zhang calmed down and thought about it. Regarding the issue of fighting against the Dali Dynasty, it was only natural that the Jade Sword Sect did not trust Meng Zhang and the Taiyi Sect enough.

It is very possible that Elder Beast Fury, who has a deep hatred for the Dali Dynasty, gains the trust of the Jade Sword Sect and has some of his own trump cards.

Thinking about this, Meng Zhang felt a little excited.

The reason why he was half-hearted was that he was not optimistic about the strength comparison between the two sides. If the Jade Sword Sect has any trump cards against the Dali Dynasty, it will definitely be a good thing for Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang stayed in his courtyard for a while and then came outside.

At this time, many people from the True Lord Yuanshen who participated in this gathering had already arrived at the manor.

Meng Zhang’s main purpose of attending this gathering is to expand his family’s network, and of course he will not miss this great opportunity for networking.

Generally speaking, monks from the two giant sects, the Jade Sword Sect and the Qing Yuan Sect, would not be actively invited to participate in similar gatherings held by Sihai Commercial Bank.

Without the monks from these two sects present, everyone was more relaxed. The monks from those two sects may not look down upon such a gathering.

The gathering held by True Lord You Hongzhi mainly invited the Yuanshen monks from the north of the Jiuqu League.

Seeing the True Lord Yuanshen arriving at the manor one after another, Meng Zhang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

The Jiuqu Alliance has far more Yuanshen True Lords than he thought. There are so many Yuanshen monks in the north alone.

I was not qualified to contact this circle before, and many things were not clear enough. Once you truly step into this circle, your horizons will naturally improve.

Elder Beast Wrath and True Lord You Hongzhi had already ended their private conversation and were looking for Shuyuanwww. zhaoshuyuan. At this time, com was chatting with various Yuanshen True Lords.

As the host, True Lord You Hongzhi entertained guests from all over the world very warmly.

Although Elder Beast Fury is a newcomer to the Jiuqu League, he has made many friends in the Jiuqu League since his early years.

Most of these so-called friends are unreliable at critical moments, but it is not difficult to maintain a certain amount of contact and maintain superficial friendship.

Seeing Meng Zhang coming out, Elder Beast Fury enthusiastically called Meng Zhang to his side and introduced these familiar Yuanshen True Lords to him.

Meng Zhang became a Yuanshen not long ago and is the most junior person in this circle. However, he is not without status.

The fact that Meng Zhang teamed up with Elder Beast Fury to kill the two True Lords of the New Beast King Mountain could not be hidden from the real discerning people. Although I didn’t see what happened in detail, anyone who is a little smarter will make some guesses.

As for Meng Zhang’s subsequent defeat of True Lord He Luo, although neither of them made any publicity, the fact that True Lord He Luo returned without success and the owner of Da Feng City changed hands is enough to explain what Meng Zhang did.

Having just achieved Yuan Shen, he was able to participate in the battle with the True Lord Yuan Shen and gain the upper hand. This shows that Meng Zhang is absolutely extraordinary.

Zhenjun He Luo is not a weakling among the True Lords of the Soul. Among the True Lords of the Soul present, there are really not many people who dare to say that they can definitely defeat him.

Meng Zhang will naturally win the respect of many people if he can make Lord He Luo return home in defeat.

For this gathering, True Lord Baizhan of the Baizhan Sect and True Lord Cangshan of the Cangshan Sect, who were originally moved to the Yuantu Prairie, came all the way to attend the gathering.

Elder Beast Fury introduced the two of them to Meng Zhang.

Obviously, even after escaping to the territory of the Jiuqu Alliance, the three factions of the alliance did not lose contact and were still communicating with each other from a distance.

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