Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 723: Proposal

But when it comes to life and death, when there is no other choice, many cultivation sects will bow their heads in order to survive.

Compared to being slaughtered outright, it is not an unacceptable choice to seek refuge in the Dali Dynasty and endure dormancy for the time being.

The Dali Dynasty attacked and destroyed the alliance of the three factions, and the army was at its peak. As for the Jiuqu League, an internal split happened at this time. In contrast, not to mention the strength of both sides, in this state alone, the Jiuqu Alliance has a low chance of winning.

If possible, Meng Zhangdu would like to secretly connect with the Dali Dynasty, leaving an escape route for the Taiyi Sect.

Of course, he has always kept this idea deep in his heart and has not revealed it to anyone.

Now Taiyi Sect is still under the wings of Jade Sword Sect. If we act rashly, it will only bring disaster to Taiyi Sect.

The main point that Luo Ye Zhenren wants to talk about is not that some cultivation forces within the Jiuqu League secretly communicate with the Dali Dynasty, but about the future of the dark alliance branch within the Jiuqu League.

After the Dali Dynasty took control of the Dark Alliance branches within its own territory, it used its resources and power to expand to other Dark Alliance branches in the surrounding areas.

The Dark Alliance branch in the Hengjue Mountains took the initiative to join the Dali Dynasty. He played a big role in the war between the Dali Dynasty and the three factions alliance.

Now, the Dali Dynasty continues to expand, taking the Jiuqu League as its next target to conquer. The Dark Alliance branch of the Jiuqu Alliance is about to face a choice.

The Dali Dynasty has long sent envoys to propose good cooperation conditions to the top leaders of the Dark Alliance branch here.

If the Dark Alliance branch of the Jiuqu League takes the initiative to defect to the Dali Dynasty and cooperate with its campaign to conquer the Jiuqu League, then there will definitely be a lot of benefits in the future by rewarding them based on their merits.

The Dark Alliance branch of the Jiuqu League has many internal factions and different opinions, and no one can convince anyone. It’s hard to make a decision in a short amount of time.

The Dark Alliance branch of the Jiuqu Alliance is very powerful. I can’t say it is a decisive force, but at least it has the ability to influence the situation. It’s just that there are different opinions internally, making it difficult to act together.

The faction that Luo Ye Zhenren belongs to has a close relationship with the Dark Alliance headquarters and has always obeyed the headquarters’ orders.

However, regarding the matter of the Great Li Dynasty, the headquarters did not give clear instructions, but only asked them to act according to the situation and strive to preserve themselves first.

The attitude of the headquarters left them at a loss as to what choice to make.

On the other side, the faction that wants to join the Dali Dynasty as the leading party and the faction that firmly maintains its independent status and is unwilling to bow to the Dali Dynasty are fighting fiercely.

There is discord within the Dark Alliance, and internal fighting continues, giving both master Luo Ye and his disciples a headache.

Master Luo Ye still has a hidden worry in his heart. The Dark Alliance has been unable to make a decision for a long time, and the news of its dealings with the Dali Dynasty is likely to be leaked.

When the time comes, sects like the Jade Sword Sect may take a preemptive strike and attack the Dark Alliance branch first to eradicate internal troubles.

Master Luo Ye’s views were agreed by Meng Zhang.

Many rules in the world of cultivation only apply in peacetime and do not apply to such tense situations as now.

No matter what choice the Dark Alliance branch makes and which side it leans towards, it would be better than the current seemingly neutral situation with constant internal disputes.

After knowing Master Luo Ye for so many years, Meng Zhang has also come into contact with many monks from the Dark Alliance branch.

Meng Zhang still has some understanding of the strength of the Dark Alliance branch of the Jiuqu Alliance.

Such a force, if it takes action first, can accomplish many things. Whether you succeed or fail, there are many ways to preserve yourself. But if you don’t make any choice and procrastinate like this, you will only miss the opportunity.

Master Luoye came to see Meng Zhang this time just to listen to Meng Zhang’s opinions. At the same time, he serves as a bridge between his own faction and the Taiyi Sect.

In today’s changing situation, Taiyi Sect is in need of friends, and they really hit it off with Master Luo Ye, who is in urgent need of foreign aid.

Master Luo Ye made a slight hint, and Meng Zhang agreed. He also hopes that the two sides will form an alliance as soon as possible and then advance and retreat together.

Meng Zhang also knew in his heart that if he had not achieved Yuan Shen in time, no matter how good his relationship with Master Luo Ye was, he might not be able to get into the eyes of the people behind her on such a major matter of alliance.

As for Master Luoye seeking Meng Zhang’s opinion, Meng Zhang thought about it carefully.

Although Taiyi Sect is now in the Yujian Sect camp, it is considered an enemy of the Dali Dynasty.

But he did not have any bias because of Taiyi Sect’s position.

He suggested that the senior leaders of Luo Ye Zhenren’s faction should have more contact with the Dali Dynasty, understand the strength of the Dali Dynasty, see the credibility of the Dali Dynasty, test the bottom line of the Dali Dynasty, and strive for more favorable conditions.

In Meng Zhang’s mind, in the struggle between the Dali Dynasty and the Jiuqu League, if the Jiuqu League had no other trump cards, the Dali Dynasty would have a better chance of winning.

Taiyi Sect now belongs to the Jade Sword Sect, if Luo Ye Zhenren’s faction joins the Dali Dynasty. The two families can communicate with each other and take care of each other.

Although they belong to different camps, the two companies can complement each other’s advantages and become each other’s retreat.

If you can form your own faction in the Dark Alliance branch, there must be smart people among them.

Meng Zhang never expected that he could hide his little tricks from others.

Being secretive not only makes you look petty, but also makes it difficult to win people’s trust.

So, Meng Zhang told all his thoughts to Master Luo Ye.

Meng Zhang also made it clear that although his proposal had some selfish motives, it was beneficial to everyone and did not harm the interests of Luo Ye’s faction.

Zhenren Luoye talked with Meng Zhang for a long time in Taiyi Sect, and after agreeing on many things, he said goodbye and left, taking what Meng Zhang said back to the senior leaders of his faction.

After Master Luo Ye left, Meng Zhang, who was originally planning to contact the Gu Yue family, hesitated at this time.

What is the relationship between the various branches of the Gu Yue family? Meng Zhang urgently needs to know whether the Gu Yue family branch in Dafeng City has turned to the Dali Dynasty.

Since Master Luo Ye could not provide too detailed information, Meng Zhang could only pin his hopes on An Moran, hoping that he could obtain useful information from the Jade Sword Sect.

An Moran did not disappoint Meng Zhang and was very successful in contacting the Jade Sword Sect.

The Taiyi Sect did not hide their intentions, and clearly told the Jade Sword Sect that they wanted to contact the Gu Yue family, subvert the rule of the Lu family, and completely control Da Feng City.

The north of the Jiuqu League is the back garden of the Jade Sword Sect, so it is natural to try to clean up the forces belonging to the Qingyuan Sect.

It is certainly a good thing that Meng Zhang is willing to take the initiative and serve the Jade Sword Sect.

An Moran’s request also received a positive response from the Jade Sword Sect.

The Jade Sword Sect is indeed a great Yuanshen sect with a long history, with profound foundation and outstanding intelligence capabilities.

In the eyes of the Jade Sword Sect, as long as the Jiuqu League is not completely defeated, the Gu Yue family will not take the initiative to betray the Jiuqu League.

The Gu Yue family has many branches, and there is basically a competitive relationship between each branch.

This kind of competition is not only fierce, but sometimes cruel.

If they had not been forced to the brink of annihilation, the Gu Yue family branch in the Jiuqu League would not have taken the initiative to join the Gu Yue family branch elsewhere.

Between the two leaders of the Jiuqu League, the Qingyuan Sect and the Jade Sword Sect, the Gu Yue family has no obvious preference.

Although the Gu Yue family is just a Jindan family, they have an extraordinary background and a profound foundation. Even the Jade Sword Sect is trying to win over them.

If Meng Zhang can bring the Gu Yue family into the Jade Sword Sect’s camp, it will naturally be a great thing.

The Jade Sword Sect not only agreed with Meng Zhang to win over the Gu Yue family, but was also willing to provide all kinds of help.

The news An Moran brought back made Meng Zhang relieved. Since the Gu Yue family is reliable, they are naturally good friends of the Taiyi Sect.

Among the information An Moran brought back, there was a lot of information about the Gu Yue family. Some of these secrets had never been heard by Meng Zhang before. Now that I see it, it opens my eyes.

Meng Zhang shared this information with the top management of the sect and listened to some of their opinions.

Instigating the Gu Yue family to overthrow the Lu family and completely control Da Feng City is a big event, and it is best for everyone to be mentally prepared in advance. Find the bookstore

Some people among the top leaders of Taiyi Sect are worried that if the Gu Yue family succeeds, the failed Lu family will definitely seek help from the master behind it, Qinglan Zhenjun. At that time, it is very likely that the conflict will escalate, or even trigger a civil war in the Jiuqu League in advance.

Of course Meng Zhang also had this worry, but in the end, he chose to believe in the Jade Sword Sect.

No matter what considerations the Jade Sword Sect has, they will not let their recent defectors face the anger of the Qingyuan Sect.

The bellicose sword cultivators inside the Jade Sword Sect are probably eager to start a war.

Although Meng Zhang doesn’t really hope that the Jiuqu Alliance will be in civil war now, he won’t let these concerns affect his work.

After some discussions, Meng Zhang went to personally contact the monks of the Gu Yue family.

Meng Zhang chose Gu Yue Huaidie, an old friend of the Gu Yue family, as the first person he would meet next.

As the mastermind of the Gu Yue family, Gu Yue Huaidie has a very high status in the family and has a great say in many matters. As long as you convince her, the next thing will be easy.

Meng Zhang also knew the secret of Gu Yue Huaidie as a Tianji master.

Meng Zhang would not threaten Gu Yue Huaidie with this secret, but there was something in it that could be exploited.

The Taiyi Sect and the Gu Yue family have always had close ties and have many business contacts.

The Taiyi Sect disciples easily contacted the Gu Yue family and agreed on a time and place for the two parties to meet.

Not long after, Meng Zhang secretly came to the Gu Yue family’s villa outside Dafeng City and secretly met Gu Yue holding a butterfly.

Before Meng Zhang achieved Yuan Shen, he could visit the senior officials of the Gu Yue family with great arrogance. Now that he has become the True Lord of Yuanshen, he has to act secretly and sneakily. This is really a great irony.

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