Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 685: Get it

Now that Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying have reached an agreement, the fate of Master Xiaolian has naturally been determined.

A few days later, Master Xiaolian just left a busy market and flew to a secluded place. Xu Mengying, who had been following him for a long time, appeared and stopped him.

A moment later, Meng Zhang led two Taiyimen Jindan masters to chase him from behind and surrounded him.

Master Xiaolian had stepped up his vigilance after Master Yueyuan and the others disappeared. But there was no other way. In order to find the whereabouts of Zhen Yue Yuan and others, he had to risk searching along the direction where they disappeared, and finally fell into an ambush by Meng Zhang and others.

Master Xiaolian is also a late-stage Jindan cultivator after all. If other Jindan masters surround him, even if he is defeated, he still has a chance to escape.

But let’s not talk about the two golden elixir masters Meng Zhang and Taiyimen. Xu Mengying, as a saint of the Huanglian Sect, has shown a lot of real skills this time. The methods she used actually have a certain influence on Xiaolian masters. The effect of subtle restraint.

After a hard fight, Master Xiaolian was unfortunately defeated and was captured by mistake.

In accordance with the previous agreement, Meng Zhang handed over the real Xiaolian to Xu Mengying.

The reward promised by Xu Mengying can only be given to Meng Zhang after returning to Huanglian Sect.

Meng Zhang is not afraid of Xu Mengying defaulting on her debt. She has made a vow to the inner demon before. If she violates the vow, she will never be easy off.

Meng Zhang set up a sub-tray of the mother-child teleportation tray in Maple Leaf Mountain City, but the place where the sub-tray was arranged was kept strictly confidential and tightly guarded.

Not to mention the monks from Maple Leaf Mountain City who have recently taken refuge, even the monks from the Jiang family and the head Zhao Yude cannot come even close.

The Taiyi Sect was able to mobilize a large group of monks from the mountain gate so quickly for reinforcements. Xu Mengying could probably guess whether the Taiyi Sect had space teleportation magic weapons in its hands, or whether it had a way to quickly deploy long-distance space teleportation arrays. .

Of course, Meng Zhang did not take the initiative to bring it up, obviously because he did not trust Xu Mengying. Xu Mengying was naturally very knowledgeable and would not take the initiative to bring it up.

Since Xu Mengying took away the captured Xiaolian Master, she left Maple Leaf Mountain City quietly.

Meng Zhang was too lazy to care about her and had no reason to interfere with her whereabouts.

After he recovered from his injuries, he left Maple Leaf Mountain City and went to the area near the Demonized Zone to inquire about information in person.

The team of monks sent by the major forces in the Daheng cultivation world have already left. The small number of monks who remain do not pay much attention to their own work. They do not strictly control the entry and exit of various monks, and the monitoring is only Just a formality.

The trouble caused by the demonized monks last time was quickly forgotten by everyone.

The surrounding cities and towns have returned to prosperity, and cultivators who are not afraid of death have begun to go to the demonized area to dig for treasures.

Meng Zhang also entered the demonized area and conducted a careful investigation.

Although I didn’t go too deep, I still walked around a few times near the reconstructed Taiyi Gate.

Monsters are not all stupid idiots. High-level monsters are more or less intelligent.

Zhenjun Yuanshen led the team around, and these monsters were also greatly shocked. They became much more depressed and no longer so arrogant.

There are fewer monsters wandering around, and most of them are dormant. This brings a lot of convenience for Meng Zhang to enter and exit this area.

If it was still a bit of speculation before, Meng Zhang is now almost certain that the major cultivation forces in the Daheng cultivation world deliberately retained this area where monsters are entrenched without clearing it out.

Although it is claimed that there are too many monsters, too strong, and the environment is not suitable to completely eliminate them, these are all excuses.

If a few True Lords of Yuanshen take action, I am afraid this place will be completely leveled long ago, and all monsters will be wiped out.

The major cultivation forces seem to be conflicted on this matter, but in fact their internal attitudes are consistent.

What intentions and calculations does Daheng Cultivation Realm have in this matter? Meng Zhang is unwilling to ask, let alone unable to interfere.

I just hope they don’t create a big trap that will end up causing harm to all parties and will be unable to deal with it.

Of course, the practice of retaining the demonized areas by the major forces in the Daheng cultivation world now seems to have brought a lot of inconvenience to Meng Zhang and increased the difficulty for him to enter the reconstructed Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

But think about it on the other hand, if the rebuilt Taiyimen Mountain Gate was not occupied by monsters and outsiders could not easily enter, that place would have been turned upside down by cultivators from all walks of life.

No matter how hidden the Taiyi Sect treasure is, there is no guarantee that accidents will not happen.

After Meng Zhang investigated the surrounding situation, he quickly returned to Maple Leaf Mountain City.

At this time, those Jindan Masters from Taiyi Sect who were injured in the battle to ambush Master Yue Yuan and others, after this period of cultivation, their injuries were basically healed and their combat effectiveness was fully restored.

Without further delay, Meng Zhang once again ordered the Jindan Zhenren in the sect to assemble.

This time, almost all the Jindan masters from Taiyi Sect came out in full force, and they were all transmitted to Maple Leaf Mountain City through the mother-and-son transmission disk.

With such frequent use of the mother-child teleportation disk, the Kongming Stone in the Taiyi Sect’s warehouse is consumed very quickly.

If this situation of only entering but not exiting is not changed, the use of the mother-and-child transfer disk will have to be greatly restricted in the future.

Without the Kongming Stone, this set of powerful mother-and-son teleporters would be just a decoration.

The collection of Kongming Stones from Taiyi Sect has almost never stopped, look for Shuyuan www. only gained very little.

Meng Zhang put aside these troubles for the time being and led all the Jindan masters from the teleported sect to rush to the area where the monsters were entrenched.

Before, Meng Zhang was preparing for today’s action.

The Taiyimen side had already prepared a third-order flying boat and teleported directly to Maple Leaf Mountain City.

This third-level flying boat is a specially-made flying boat that has been carefully collected by the sect and is known for its speed.

After all the Jindan Masters from Taiyi Sect got on this flying boat, they greatly saved their time on the road.

The original trip of more than ten days took only seven or eight days for everyone to complete.

This time Meng Zhang made a desperate move and went all out. All the Jindan masters in the sect came out. The success or failure of this time depended on this.

If he fails to successfully enter the reconstructed Taiyimen Mountain Gate this time and retrieve the treasure hidden in the gate, then I am afraid that Meng Zhang will have to find another way to get a chance to break through the Yuanshen stage.

Zhenren Jindan in the Gate cannot leave the mountain gate for too long. Whether it is Baicao Slope, Hongyan Valley, or the newly acquired Maple Leaf Mountain City, they cannot do without Jindan Zhenren.

A move like this that brings together almost all the Jindan masters in the sect is actually very risky. After this time, Meng Zhang will never make such a big move again.

Anyway, Meng Zhang has made up his mind. If he fails this time, he will not think about this place again until he becomes the true king of Yuanshen.

Although the treasures hidden in the Taiyi Gate after reconstruction are tempting, you cannot miss the important events in the gate because of this.

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