Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 677: Sneak attack

On Jueying’s side, she asked her brother Qian Kaizhou and got similar results to Meng Zhang’s side.

However, for the sake of caution, they still exchanged inquiries and repeatedly asked the two brothers, and both got similar results.

At this time, it was basically concluded that the two brothers were telling the truth.

The two brothers most likely suffered the fate they did just now because they were struck by some kind of mind-attacking spell during the battle.

If they hadn’t met Meng Zhang and his friends by chance and were treated by Meng Zhang, most of their brothers would not have been able to leave the sandy sea of ​​death alive.

After some treatment and examination, Meng Zhang was generally sure that the two brothers were fine.

Now the restrictions on the two brothers have not been lifted, and they are still unable to move. Now is not the time to restore their freedom.

Meng Zhang, Jueying and the others started discussing.

Meng Zhang’s purpose of entering the Death Sand Sea this time was also for the spiritual essence.

Now that they heard the news about the spirit essence, the three of them naturally couldn’t let it go easily.

No matter whose hands the spiritual essence falls into, Meng Zhang will take it.

At this time, when it comes to his own alchemy path, Meng Zhang will not care about his identity as a righteous monk.

He will never hesitate at all about taking things by force, killing people and seizing treasures.

I don’t know if Wang Qiqun and Ning Bo have a winner at this time.

However, whoever wins in the end will not stay here for long, but will leave the Death Sand Sea as quickly as possible.

Without further delay, Meng Zhang led the two girls on the road without further delay.

With one move with one hand, two invisible strands of Qi entangled the Qian brothers and lifted them behind him.

Following the direction mentioned by the Qian brothers just now, Meng Zhang and the others flew directly over.

They didn’t fly very far when they saw the tunnel that the Qian brothers had mentioned.

On the flat land, dozens of tunnels crisscrossed each other and extended far away.

These huge tunnels, which are hundreds of feet deep, are like ugly scars, deeply carved into the earth.

There are large piles of special ashes inside and outside the tunnel, which should be the remains left after the sand monster was eliminated.

Meng Zhang used his Dharma Eyes to look carefully. Except for many traces of battles, no battle was taking place around him.

Is it possible that the battle is over and the victor has left?

With this guess in mind, Meng Zhang and his two daughters flew to the place where the Qian brothers mentioned.

They took the Qian brothers and flew into a tunnel in the middle.

When I landed at the bottom of the tunnel, I found that the surrounding area was filled with densely packed potholes of varying depths, as well as traces left behind by various battles.

On the ground in front, there were two corpses lying on the ground. They looked like they were Wang Qifan and Ning Bo.

Could they have died together?

Although Meng Zhang didn’t believe the result, he was still secretly happy.

If they really died together, it would save me a lot of trouble, but I just don’t know where the spiritual essence is now?

Meng Zhang was thinking about the spiritual essence in his mind, his eyes extended in all directions, and a crystal clear ball the size of a baby’s head fell into his eyes.

Meng Zhang felt ecstatic, and then suddenly felt something was wrong.

The ball emitted bursts of alluring light, almost catching the eyes of Meng Zhang and the others, making them unable to move away.

The ball seemed to exude a mysterious power, quietly attracting the minds of the three people.

Meng Zhang, who is gifted with psychic powers, is very sensitive to spiritual power. He was keenly aware that there was a strange force that was silently invading his mind.

Meng Zhang himself has had the experience of using his telepathic ability to invade and read other people’s minds many times. Moreover, the acquired inheritance also contains some spiritual confrontation content.

Meng Zhang reacted in time and immediately resisted this attack.

At this time, the two girls, Jin Qiaoer and Jueying, had begun to waver.

Meng Zhang shouted, “Be careful.”

The loud shout that struck straight to the soul pulled the two women back from their thoughts.

Jueying, who was extremely familiar with all kinds of sneaky tricks, reacted immediately. There was a rare look of anger on her face, and then her face was filled with unconcealed murderous intent.

Obviously, this attempt to control her mind has completely angered her.

Jin Qiaoer also reacted quickly and was also very angry.

For cultivators, this kind of behavior that attempts to control one’s own mind is extremely abhorrent and absolutely intolerable.

At this moment, the ball on the ground shone brightly, and waves of vague murmuring sounds rang in the ears of the three of them.

The three of them felt their minds trembling for a while, and then immediately launched an effective defense.

Meng Zhang kept shouting, and the sound of shouting weakened the power of his whispering voice.

Jueying’s neck lit up with a burst of light, and she activated the protective magical weapon Ning Shen Jade Pendant.

Jin Qiaoer also has a magical weapon on her body to protect her mind from the enemy’s attacks, blocking out the murmuring sounds.

While the three of them were fighting against the enemy’s mind-invading methods, the Qian brothers who had been restrained by Meng Zhang had a struggle and confusion on their faces, and then roared like beasts in their mouths. After struggling hard, they not only got rid of The restraints Meng Zhang placed on them also broke free from the restraints of Meng Zhang’s true energy.

As soon as they regained their freedom, the two brothers were like wild beasts and pounced on Meng Zhang and the others crazily.

Wang Qiqi and Ning Bo, who were originally lying on the ground and looked almost the same as dead people, jumped up from the ground and rushed over with the same madness.

Suffering enemies from both sides, as well as psychological attacks from secret enemies, Meng Zhang and the others were suddenly at a disadvantage.

However, they did not panic at all, but responded calmly.

As long as you have enough precautions, psychic attacks from enemies hiding in the dark will not have much effect. At most, they can harass three people and distract them a little.

Although the four Wang Quanquan seem crazy and fearless of death, their strength is not as good as before, and they are obviously not conscious. They are basically puppets controlled by others.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Quanquan, a group of casual cultivators, could indeed pose a great threat to Meng Zhang and the others. But under this situation, they seem to be extremely ferocious, but in fact their strength is greatly reduced, far less than their normal state.

Meng Zhang took out the Golden Crow lamp and released the True Fire of the Sun, blocking the strongest Wang Qiqun and Ning Bo.

Jin Qiaoer and Jueying teamed up to confront the Qian brothers.

When they controlled the Qian brothers before, Meng Zhang and Jueying had repeatedly checked and found nothing abnormal in their bodies. But a sudden change occurred between the two of them, which really surprised Meng Zhang and the others.

In addition to being caught off guard at first, once they reacted, Meng and Zhang successfully withstood the enemy’s attack and began to slowly reverse the situation.

The soul-attacking spell cast by the enemy hiding in the dark gave Meng Zhang a familiar feeling.

The Immortal Road to the Master

Zhangmen Xianlu https://

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