Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 676: Jiang family

The backbone of a Jindan sect is Jindan Zhenren, but the real backbone of the sect, the people who really do things in the sect, are the foundation-building monks.

The Jiang family has a special status in Maple Leaf Mountain City by virtue of its ability to continuously produce a large number of foundation-building monks, and is also highly regarded by several Jindan masters.

After the Jiang family noticed the trend of independence in Maple Leaf Mountain City, they were unable to stop it. In order to protect themselves, they could only pretend to actively join it.

But secretly, the Jiang family sent their most trusted clan members to secretly leave Maple Leaf Mountain City. They went through a lot of hardships and experienced thousands of mountains and rivers before finally reaching the Jiuqu League and contacting the Yellow Lotus Sect.

Because the Jiang family was originally a chess piece laid out by the saints of the Yellow Lotus Sect and belonged to the subordinates of the saints of the past generations, Xu Mengying, as a contemporary saint, was the first to get the news and shouldered the responsibilities she should bear without hesitation.

Facing the approaching True Lord Yue Feng, Xu Mengying could not protect herself. How could she still have the strength to deal with the distant Maple Leaf Mountain City?

However, Xu Mengying is a far-sighted person and knows that Maple Leaf Mountain City is a very important chess piece of the Yellow Lotus Sect and cannot just abandon it.

So, she sent Xu Jiao, her most trusted subordinate, to Daheng Cultivation World.

Although there is a long distance between Daheng Cultivation Realm and Jiuqu League, transportation is inconvenient. But from time to time, there are still some caravans traveling between the two places.

A top commercial organization like Sihai Trading Company has a fourth-level Yunzhou that regularly travels between the two places.

In addition, organizations like the black market can also ensure connections between various places.

Xu Jiao and the Jiang family member came to Maple Leaf Mountain City.

Xu Jiao pretended to be a wandering monk and wandered nearby.

With the secret cooperation of the Jiang family, Xu Jiao found an opportunity and got in touch with Jin Dan, the master of Maple Leaf Mountain City.

Although Maple Leaf Mountain City is a sect composed of several major cultivation families, it is usually closed and conservative, and very exclusive of outsiders.

But he is still very active in absorbing monks of Jindan Zhenren’s level.

After some attempts to refuse, Xu Jiao accepted the invitation and became a guest elder in Maple Leaf Mountain City.

From then on, Xu Jiao settled down in Maple Leaf Mountain City, serving as Xu Mengying’s secret child, waiting for the day she was awakened.

Now, Xu Mengying came nearby and summoned Xu Jiao over.

In addition to being happy to see her old owner Xu Mengying again, Xu Jiao also had an indescribable excitement.

Xu Mengying came here with her men. Could it be that she wanted to bring order to the chaos and attack those traitors.

The facts did not disappoint Xu Jiao. After Xu Mengying asked Xu Jiao to introduce the situation of Maple Leaf Mountain City, she would discuss with Meng Zhang and the others how to proceed.

In Maple Leaf Mountain City, apart from Xu Jiao, the guest elder, there are three Jindan masters.

These three Jindan masters are all from the leading families of Maple Leaf Mountain City, and they are also the leaders in promoting the betrayal of Maple Leaf Mountain City.

At the level of foundation-building monks, there are hundreds of foundation-building monks in Maple Leaf Mountain City, and the Jiang family accounts for about 15%.

It seems that if we want to eradicate the original high-level officials of Maple Leaf Mountain City and completely control the sect, we will need the full cooperation of the Jiang family.

The loyalty of the Jiang family has been proven long ago. There is no need to hide this from the Jiang family this time, and we must rely on the strength of the Jiang family.

With the help of Xu Jiao, the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Xiaozhong, and two clan elders secretly met Xu Mengying.

After seeing Xu Mengying, the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Xiaozhong, and the two elders were so excited that they immediately paid homage to her.

The way they looked was like pugs meeting their master.

Meng Zhang couldn’t help but secretly use his psychic power to read the minds of the three Jiang family members.

It turns out that the bloodline restrictions on the Jiang family members will gradually weaken as time goes by.

This weakening means that the benefits brought by the bloodline restriction are weakening, but the saint’s control over it will not weaken.

Over the years, the Jiang family has fully enjoyed the benefits of bloodline restriction.

Although bloodline restrictions have many constraints, they also have many wonderful uses.

This ensures that the Jiang family can continuously have a steady stream of foundation-building monks, and also ensures the Jiang family’s minimum status.

Of course it would be better to be able to become the True Lord of Jindan and True Lord of Yuanshen, but in the world of cultivation, how many people can reach that level. Rather than aiming too high, it’s better to seize the moment.

The real power in the Jiang family is the foundation-building monks in the family.

After building the foundation, this group of people realized that they had no way forward, so they gave up their efforts in cultivation and put their minds on other aspects.

Some are fighting for power within their sects, trying to gain greater power. Some are lustful, greedy for pleasure, and have countless wives and concubines…

This situation has lasted for too long, and it has changed the nature of the Jiang family monks from the inside.

They are very satisfied with their current lives and are not willing to make the slightest change.

But to ensure such a comfortable life, there is a prerequisite, which is to ensure that the power of the Jiang family’s bloodline will not weaken, and that the family can continuously produce enough foundation-building monks. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer version: https://

In the past, every one or two hundred years, when the bloodline restrictions on the Jiang family began to weaken, the Saintess of the Huanglian Sect would take the time to visit Daheng Cultivation World and secretly cast spells to strengthen the bloodline restrictions.

Because it is just to strengthen the bloodline restriction, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com is not imposed out of thin air. Therefore, even if the recent generations of saints of the Huanglian Sect are only Golden Core monks, they can barely do it.

Therefore, the Huanglian sect’s lineage of saints has always maintained relatively close contact with the Jiang family.

After Xu Mengying took over the position of saintess of the Huanglian Sect, the task of strengthening the bloodline restriction for the Jiang family naturally fell on her head.

The last time the Jiang family received bloodline enhancement was more than a hundred years ago, when the previous saint of the Huanglian Sect was in power.

Not long after, the Jiang family’s bloodline power will begin to weaken, and it will be time to accept the help of the saint’s spell.

Xu Mengying came to Daheng Cultivation World this time and appeared in front of everyone in the Jiang family, which was a reassurance to everyone in the Jiang family.

Xu Mengying had never mentioned this information to Meng Zhang before.

She had concealed so much important information. Meng Zhang had some guesses as to what she had in mind.

It seems that although Xu Mengying talks nice, she is still unwilling to hand over the foundation of Maple Leaf Mountain City to Meng Zhang.

Although he had no choice but to use this piece of property to bribe Meng Zhang, he still prepared some secret tricks secretly.

With her methods, there should be a way to prevent Meng Zhang from taking any advantage without violating the ghost oath.

Thinking about it, Meng Zhang felt from his contacts over the past few days that Xu Mengying was a person who paid more attention to the interests of the Huanglian Sect and took the overall situation of the Huanglian Sect into consideration. First release

She will definitely not be willing to give away the foundation created by her ancestors in vain, and she will definitely leave behind some secret hands.

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