Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 659: Arrival

Seeing the hill fall, the True Lord Yuanshen on the Yunzhou was already prepared, and the True Lord Qinglang shouted softly: “Well done.”

Before he finished speaking, a big hand transformed from vitality reached out from the cloud boat, grabbed the hill, and then squeezed it hard, crushing it to pieces.

Countless pieces of earth and stone were turned into powder. A small mountain that was originally a threat has completely disappeared.

Almost at the same time, a huge ape jumped into the air from a distance and crashed directly into the two cloud boats.

“Angry Ape King, it is indeed you.”

Zhenjun Qinglang laughed, formed a big hand of vitality again, and slapped it hard.

The three human souls joined forces and cooperated with each other. In addition, the two fourth-order cloud boats themselves had very good defense and attack power.

The two fourth-level monsters that suddenly attacked tried their best to keep the human Yun Zhou behind. But after a fight, he still didn’t succeed.

Not only were the three True Lords of the human race able to get rid of the two fourth-level monsters, they could even severely injure them as long as they were willing to spend a little more time.

But this is the edge of the Black Jade Forest after all, and it is the territory of monsters. If we delay for too long and attract new enemies, it will not be as simple as two fourth-level monsters.

The three True Lords of Yuanshen blocked the two fourth-order monster beasts, covered the acceleration of the two cloud boats, and quickly escaped from here, leaving the two fourth-order monster beasts far behind.

With Meng Zhang’s cultivation level, as long as he is prepared, he will not be hurt by the aftermath of the battle.

In fact, except for the first time when the fourth-level monsters took action, the human race was not well prepared. Some low-level monks were carelessly injured in the aftermath of the battle. Neither Yunzhou nor most of the monks were seriously injured. Impact.

Although they had been away from the battlefield for a long time, many monks were still recalling the battle just now, and they talked and discussed happily one by one.

The so-called laymen watch the excitement, while the insiders watch the door. Meng Zhang is not far away from reaching the Yuan Shen stage, and he is very smart both in terms of cultivation and vision.

The battle just now was seen as very lively in the eyes of others. True Monarch Yuanshen was very powerful, and the fourth-level monsters were extremely ferocious. But in his eyes, there are scenes that can be savored carefully and even gained.

After experiencing the harassment of the fourth-order monsters, the two cloud boats involuntarily accelerated their forward speed.

The Black Jade Forest covers a large area, and the surrounding area is even more vast. The number of fourth-level monsters is limited and it is impossible to encounter them often.

After the initial encounter, the rest of the journey became very smooth.

No more blind monsters came to attack Yunzhou, and no other accidents occurred.

Seeing that the destination was getting closer and closer, Meng Zhang and Ji Sword God General secretly began to make preparations in order to cooperate with Xu Mengying.

On the other side, the group of monks who were staring at Xu Mengying were staring more and more closely, almost to the point of blatantly. They no longer concealed their presence, but followed Xu Mengying openly, not letting her have any chance to escape from sight.

If it had not been discussed in advance, it would have been extremely difficult for Meng Zhang to have a secret meeting with Xu Mengying under this situation.

Fortunately, the two of them already had a certain tacit understanding, and they could understand each other’s intentions with just a casual glance from a long distance away.

The so-called Daheng cultivation world is an area with the Daheng Mountains as its core and includes the vast surrounding areas.

Here, there are many cultivation sects and cultivation families, and there are many cultivators.

If we talk about the overall strength of the cultivation world, the Daheng cultivation world far exceeds the Jiuqu League and the three-sect alliance of the Hengjue Mountains.

However, it is precisely because there are too many powerful cultivation forces in the Daheng cultivation world that everyone is fighting with each other and there are constant disputes. If something big didn’t happen, it would be impossible for these cultivation forces to unite.

The last time the Daheng cultivation world united, a demonic disaster broke out in an area of ​​the Daheng Mountains hundreds of years ago, and many nearby sects and families were wiped out.

In order to prevent the further spread of the demon disaster, several of the most powerful forces in the Daheng cultivation world joined forces to launch a large-scale siege against the demons.

After paying countless heavy prices, the demon disaster was brought under control, and most of the demons were eliminated by cultivators.

Because serious differences broke out among the major cultivation forces after the demonic disaster eased. Therefore, the demon disaster has not been completely quelled, and there are still many demons still active near the Daheng Mountains.

The major cultivation forces were probably unwilling to continue the clearing operation because of the heavy casualties. They just used part of their strength to jointly set up a blockade, sealing off the remaining few monsters in a small area.

The target of Meng Zhang and Ji Sword God General this time, the reconstructed Taiyimen Mountain Gate, is within that area.

Two cloud boats have entered the Daheng cultivation world, and people have begun to appear on the ground. From time to time, some curious cultivators flew not far away, curiously observing Yun Zhou and talking loudly to each other.

The two cloud boats continued to move forward without any influence, but the speed slowed down slightly.

The first target of the mission this time is Hushan City, a large commercial city in the Daheng cultivation world. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Hushan City is located at the junction of several major sects. In addition to a large number of casual cultivators, there are also representatives from major sects and families in the city’s upper echelons.

This is a neutral place and will not favor any particular force. And because it is a thoroughfare, commerce and trade are developed, and all major forces attach great importance to this place.

Sihai Trading Company has a branch in Hushan City and has considerable influence. The caravan it sent, including the fourth-order Yunzhou, had been to this place many times.

Sihai Trading Company not only has a rich network of contacts here and is familiar with various situations, but it also has a high status.

The Jiuqu League’s mission chose Hushan City as its first stop after a lot of consideration.

In addition to relying on the power of Sihai Commercial Bank, it is also because this is a neutral place and will not be too biased towards any force, which will help the mission personnel to act.

Yunzhou from Sihai Trading Company took the lead, leading another Yunzhou from the front and approaching quickly.

Hushan City is located on a huge mountain range. Because the mountains are undulating, they look like a man-eating tiger from a distance, so the mountain is named Hushan and the city is called Hushan City.

Because they were almost reaching their destination, almost everyone couldn’t sit still. The deck outside was crowded with people looking around.

Looking at the majestic mountains from a distance, everyone felt relaxed. There really are no such mountains in the Jiuqu League.

Not long after approaching Hushan City, groups of patrolling monks appeared and approached from all directions.

However, after seeing the style of Yunzhou and the logo of Sihai Trading Company on it, these patrol teams dispersed spontaneously.

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