Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 658: Agree

Among the areas that need to be passed from Jiuqu League to Daheng Cultivation Realm are the areas near the upper reaches of Jiuqu League and the Black Jade Forest.

Even if you go in a big circle, it is difficult to completely avoid these two places.

Whether it is the Aqua Tribe or the monsters in the Black Jade Forest, they all regard the surrounding area as their own territory, and often arrange multiple patrol teams within a wide area.

As soon as these patrol teams encounter each other, they will fight fiercely. For outsiders, they launched a relentless pursuit.

The biggest difficulty for the caravan from the Jiuqu League to Daheng Cultivation World is to find a way to avoid the water tribe and monsters.

In addition, during this long journey, because it was far away from the scope of the human world of cultivation, many guys who could not find a place in human society gathered in this area.

Fugitives who have committed serious crimes, desperadoes who are being hunted, ghost monks and even demonic monks… they are almost all included.

If it were an ordinary team of cultivators, they would encounter many difficulties and obstacles along the way, and encounter many life and death crises.

Two hill-like fourth-level cloud boats flew past high in the sky. They were extremely oppressive and made people afraid to offend them easily.

It takes at least a fourth-level expert to pose a threat to Yun Zhou.

For many years, Sihai Trading Company has relied on carefully built fourth-level cloud boats to conduct business between Jiuqu League and Daheng Cultivation World, making a lot of profits.

Because this mission is so powerful, even if the head of the mission is unwilling to do anything, there is no need to give in too much.

So the route taken by the two cloud boats is very different from the route taken by ordinary caravans. I didn’t deliberately avoid those dangerous places. Most of the time I went straight forward and drove straight into it.

On this road, there used to be many gangs of robbers who robbed homes, many of them were headed by Jin Dan Zhenren, and they were really quite powerful.

When Yun Zhou was flying by, there was really a group of desperate guys hanging behind and peeping in secret.

Any of the three True Lords of Yuanshen who are stationed in Yunzhou reveals a little bit of the aura of a fourth-level powerhouse. These sneaky guys were like a mouse seeing a cat. They were startled and scared, and they hurried away from them.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was on an envoy mission, I’m afraid the True Lord Yuanshen couldn’t bear it anymore and would have used these rats to exercise their hands and feet.

As Yun Zhou walked along, the road was quiet, and he was not disturbed by people who did not know life or death.

However, everyone needs to cheer up for the next part of the trip.

Not far ahead is the junction of Jiuqu River and Black Jade Forest. The spheres of influence of the water tribe and monster beasts are intertwined and intricately intertwined.

So many days are enough for Meng Zhang to think slowly.

One night, Xu Mengying secretly came to the door again. After receiving Meng Zhang’s reserved reply, she was visibly relieved.

Xu Mengying promised Meng Zhang that after returning to the Jiuqu League, she would give all the promised essence of the Nine Heavens.

Worried that Meng Zhang would not trust her promise, Xu Mengying also made a special oath of inner demons.

For monks like Xu Mengying [Ling Ling Kanshu 00ks], there are probably ways to avoid the oath of inner demons, but breaking the oath is ultimately a troublesome matter, and there may be some serious sequelae.

Xu Mengying took the initiative to make the inner demon oath, and Meng Zhang couldn’t sit still.

He also made an oath of inner demons, promising to try his best to help Xu Mengying get out of trouble without threatening his own safety.

Because of this agreement, the two became temporary allies.

The two discussed it and agreed on some ways to communicate secretly.

As they got closer to their destination, Master Xiaolian and his gang stared at Xu Mengying more and more closely.

If things continue like this, it will be very difficult for Xu Mengying to have a private meeting with Meng Zhang again.

In order to avoid alerting Master Xiaolian and others, Xu Mengying will remain within their sight in the coming time.

The initial time of action that she and Meng Zhang agreed upon was when Yunzhou arrived at Daheng Cultivation World and everyone began to disembark.

After Xu Mengying left, Meng Zhangye and Jijian Shenjiang began to prepare for the upcoming action.

Soon after, two cloud boats began to approach the upper reaches of the Jiuqu River.

In this area, the widest part of the Jiuqu River is over a thousand miles long, and the shortest part is hundreds of miles long. Moreover, the river has a huge water volume, many tributaries, and a dense water network.

Looking down from a high altitude, there are groups of guys with fish heads and human bodies patrolling back and forth on the river from time to time.

Probably out of curiosity, many monks on the two cloud boats stepped onto each deck to look down at the situation below.

Yunzhou is protected by a defensive array, and they are not worried about any danger.

Although the guards on Yunzhou specially reminded everyone to be careful, few people took it seriously.

There are also sharp-eyed people among the water tribe patrol team below, who have discovered Yunzhou’s existence long ago.

But they all felt powerless against Yunzhou flying at high speed from high altitude. Moreover, Yunzhou is not an easy target to deal with just based on his appearance. Smarter guys will not be nosy and look for trouble.

The two cloud boats continued to move forward and were about to enter the sphere of influence of the Black Jade Forest.

The Black Jade Forest is a vast and vast forest, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles in radius.

Forests cover both sides of the Jiuqu River, and even many sections of the Jiuqu River are surrounded by forests.

The monsters in the Black Jade Forest are extremely fierce and powerful, full of a special kind of wildness.

The monsters that Meng Zhang faced in Yaofeng Gobi were simply harmless house pets in the black jade forest.

There are several fourth-level monsters in the Black Jade Forest, terrifying existences that can be called monster kings. The remaining third-level monsters and below are simply as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River.

These ferocious and violent guys are extremely hostile to other living beings. Even different groups of monsters often engage in brutal fights.

The Shui tribe, which is just around the corner, is suffering from the devastation of these monster beasts.

The monsters don’t have any friendly relations with the water tribe, but regard them as enemies and food.

Because the powerful monsters in the Black Jade Forest have contained most of the power of the Shui Tribe, the Shui Tribe can no longer care about the Jiuqu Alliance, the human enemy.

Meng Zhang remembered that he had vaguely heard some rumors before, saying that the Shui tribe had changed its hostile attitude towards the human race in recent years and secretly showed goodwill to the human race cultivators.

The reason is that the monsters in the Black Jade Forest are too powerful for the Aqua Tribe to deal with. The Shui tribe had to lower their arrogant heads and try to get help from the human cultivators.

When he first heard these rumors, because what happened was too far away from his home, Meng Zhang did not spend any energy to find out whether they were true or false.

As of now, the two cloud boats did not slow down after entering the Shui Tribe’s territory, and no strong person from the Shui Tribe intervened.

The Black Jade Forest is so vast that if you want to enter the Great Heng Cultivation Realm, it will be difficult to completely bypass it.

After arriving within the sphere of influence of the Black Jade Forest, Meng Zhangdu could not restrain his curiosity and asked the Supreme Sword God General to come to the deck outside and look down.

For many creatures in the forest, the towering giant trees are like steep mountain peaks, and the tops of the giant trees are like pieces of sky, blocking the sky tightly.

Meng Zhang used his Deception Eye and easily saw the creatures jumping and running in the forest through the dense forest, including many various monsters.

Although they could not completely bypass the Black Jade Forest’s sphere of influence, the two cloud boats still took a long detour to avoid the core area of ​​the Black Jade Forest.

Even if there were three True Lords of Yuanshen sitting on top of Yunzhou, no one would be willing to forcefully collide with the demon kings.

Looking at the scenery below, Meng Zhang was enjoying it with great interest.

Above Yunzhou, there were many monks who had the same reaction as him.

Suddenly, Meng Zhang’s expression changed, he glanced around and began to look for a way out.

Before Meng Zhang had time to react, the change had already occurred.

A sudden toad cry sounded, causing the two huge cloud boats to tremble. A terrifying sound wave hit the cloud boats, and the cloud boats’ defensive formations were activated, lighting up curtains of light.

Despite the shielding of the defensive formation, the power of the sound still penetrated a lot, causing the unsuspecting monks on the deck to suffer a lot.

Meng Zhang saw the monks around him staggering due to the shock, and quickly stabilized his feet to resist the force of the sound.

“Be careful, everyone, this is the fourth-order monster, the Sky-Swallowing Toad.” The voice of the Four Seas Trading Company, You Hongzhi, came from the cloud boat next to it.

Immediately, a clear singing voice came from the cloud boat where Meng Zhang was sitting.

This sound sounded like chanting, but it was actually Lord Qinglang reciting the Tao Meng classics loudly.

As Lord Qinglang recited, the roar of the Sky-Swallowing Toad was slowly blocked outside, and it no longer had any impact on Yunzhou.

The power of this plan shocked many monks above Yunzhou.

The Black Jade Forest is too scary. Why are there so many fourth-order monsters attacking at every turn?

The fourth-level monster is a monster king. If you don’t stay in your own lair, why would you come to such a fringe place?

A huge toad, as big as a small mountain, jumped up from a distance and jumped down to a place not far from Yun Zhou.

The giant toad opened its mouth and swallowed and spit out, and a thick pillar of air slammed into the cloud boat of Sihai Trading Company.

The terrifying noise of the giant toad has finally come to an end, and the power of direct attack is even more terrifying.

A sudden hurricane circled Yunzhou and took the initiative to meet the air column.

After a violent collision, both cloud boats shook again.

“Brother Xuanfeng, you’ve got to work.” True Lord You Hongzhi said loudly.

“Brother You, please don’t blame me for being nosy.” Zhenjun Xuanfeng’s voice sounded.

The attitude of the True Monarch of Human Souls regarding it as nothing completely angered the Sky-Swallowing Toad. It roared angrily and continued its attack.

Almost at the same time, a hill-like boulder suddenly appeared above the two cloud boats, pressing down hard downwards.

(Thanks to book friend Zeeh for the tip and support.)

(Sorry, I’m feeling dizzy today, that’s all.)

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