Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 656: Transaction

“The little girl and Head Meng have known each other for such a long time. Maybe Head Meng still doesn’t know the little girl’s name.”

“The little girl’s surname is Xu and her name is Mengying.”

Except for a few fake Taoist sects in the world of cultivation, other cultivators are not that pedantic.

Why are men and women not close to each other? A woman’s maiden name cannot be freely known to outsiders…

Such stinky rules do not exist in this Taoist-dominated world.

Xu Mengying kept her posture very low in front of Meng Zhang, looking like a little girl.

The more she behaves like this, the more vigilant Meng Zhang becomes.

“It is indeed a bit rude for a young lady to come to the door rashly. But as the head of Meng Meng, there is no need to look like he is facing a formidable enemy.”

“Headmaster Meng should know that the little girl has no ill intentions. After all, we are still friends and we all have a common enemy.”

Seeing that Meng Zhang did not act like a weak woman, Xu Mengying also began to put aside the pretense and become more direct.

“Miss Xu, there is no deep friendship between you and me. Some of the so-called agreements in the past are all in the past.”

“Do you think that in your current situation, you are still valuable to the Taiyi Sect?”

The other party was direct, and Meng Zhang also had no intention of beating around the bush.

“Since Miss Xu has discovered the tail behind her a long time ago, she should be fully aware of the trouble she is in. If you come to the door at this time, I am afraid you are suspected of diverting misfortune.”

“The current Taiyi Sect and I have no intention of paying attention to the internal affairs of your Huanglian Sect. Any disputes or internal struggles you have have nothing to do with Taiyi Sect or me.”

Meng Zhang’s attitude is very clear and he is unwilling to get involved in Xu Mengying’s trouble.

Xu Mengying smiled softly. Even through a veil, Meng Zhang could feel the amazing charm, like a hundred flowers blooming, charming and beautiful.

Of course, Meng Zhang thought that the other party would not be so stupid as to use a honey trap or some other charming spell in front of him. I am not so shallow that I will be confused by the other party.

After smiling sweetly, Xu Mengying’s tone became tougher.

“The little girl can understand the desire of Mr. Meng to avoid trouble. But does Mr. Meng know that some troubles are not something you can escape just because you want to?”

“Yue Feng is currently busy unifying the Huanglian Sect and integrating all the forces of the Huanglian Sect. He really does not care about embarrassing the Taiyi Sect.”

“But with his ambition to retaliate, he will never forget his enemy Taiyi Sect.”

“If he really unifies the Yellow Lotus Sect and has more powerful power, then Taiyi Gate will face an unprecedentedly powerful enemy.”

Faced with Xu Mengying’s seemingly sincere persuasion, Meng Zhang replied lazily.

“We will talk about the future later. I only care about the present. Besides, no one can say clearly what will happen in the future.”

Seeing that Meng Zhang was not moved by her words, Xu Mengying finally started to come up with practical information.

“Headmaster Meng has already reached the late stage of Golden Elixir. With Headmaster Meng’s qualifications, he can expect to reach the soul stage. It may not be long before the little girl will call her Meng Zhenjun.”

“I don’t dare, I don’t dare. I’m sorry, girl. With my level of cultivation, I’m still a million miles away from the Yuan Shen stage.” Meng Zhang responded casually, lukewarmly.

“With Master Meng’s current cultivation level, do you need the Nine Heavens Essence?” Xu Mengying asked seemingly casually.

Meng Zhang rolled his eyelids, this **** really knows what other people’s urgent needs are.

If Meng Zhang wants to perfectly complete the cultivation of the late Golden elixir and lay a solid foundation for the attack on the Yuan Shen stage, he must absorb and refine enough Nine Heavens essence.

In the world of cultivation, various techniques for efficiently collecting the essence of the Nine Heavens are the secrets of various major sects. If Meng Zhang hadn’t been guided by the Supreme Sword God General, he would still be confused now.

It is not difficult to store Nine Heavens Essence for a short period of time, but if you want to store it for a long time, there are many restrictions.

First of all, as a monk in the late Golden Core stage, as long as he doesn’t completely give up on reaching the Yuanshen stage, he will definitely need enough Nine Heavens Essence.

Secondly, it is difficult to store the essence of the Nine Heavens for a long time, and it is difficult to preserve and transport it intact.

In the market, no matter how much spiritual stone you spend, it is difficult to buy the essence of the Nine Heavens.

Even if there is occasionally a small amount of Nine Heavens Essence for sale, it will be sold out quickly.

The current power of the Ether Yi Sect has initially established a business network that covers almost the entire Jiuqu League.

Many years ago, Meng Zhang ordered Taiyi Sect branches in various places to try their best to collect information and channels for selling the Nine Heavens Essence.

But so far, Taiyi Sect has spent a lot of effort and has never been able to purchase the essence of the Nine Heavens.

Meng Zhang himself had also thought that if he wanted to obtain a large amount of Nine Heavens Essence, he would have to take action from the True Lord Yuanshen.

But it is not easy for True Lord Yuanshen to take action once. No matter how much the Taiyi Sect costs, people may not be tempted.

More importantly, those True Lords of Yuanshen are not open-minded people. Basically, they don’t want to see monks who have nothing to do with them get the opportunity to reach the Yuan Shen stage.

The Taiyi Sect has such a close relationship with True Lord Jin Li. Apart from taking Meng Zhang to Nine Heavens, True Lord Jin Li also helped him. After this, there was little reluctance to help further.

The essence of the Nine Heavens is not only useful for monks in the late Golden Core stage, but is also useful for the True Lord of Yuanshen.

It is also not easy for True Lord Yuanshen to obtain enough Nine Heavens Essence.

Even if Meng Zhang took advantage of the favor and was willing to pay a sufficient price, even Jin Li Zhenjun from Shuyuan would not be willing to trade a large amount of Nine Heavens Essence to him.

Now that Xu Mengying mentions the essence of the Nine Heavens, she is probably not just talking in vain, but she can really get a certain amount of the essence of the Nine Heavens, which is why she has this attitude.

Meng Zhang does need a lot of Nine Heavens Essence, and he has no way to hide this. But he didn’t speak first to avoid being too eager and giving Xu Mengying a chance to speak.

Xu Mengying knew that Meng Zhang was already moved, so she ignored his reaction and continued talking on her own.

“Our Huanglian Sect is a sect that has been passed down for more than a thousand years. In almost every generation, a True Lord of the Soul is born. Sometimes, we have more than one True Lord of the Soul.”

“If each of these senior true monarchs raises their hands and contributes a little bit, they can help the sect accumulate a lot of Nine Heavens Essence. With the background of my Huanglian Sect, I also have enough means to preserve the Nine Heavens Essence for a long time.”

“Actually, the Nine Heavens Essence currently stored by our Yellow Lotus Sect is enough for two or three late-stage Jindan monks to use, which is more than enough.”

Hearing this, Meng Zhang knew that Xu Mengying was going to use the essence of the Nine Heavens to make a deal with him.

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, what do you want me to do before I am willing to provide the essence of the Nine Heavens.”

“I declare in advance that it is too dangerous for me to risk my life. I would like to express my gratitude.”

(Thanks to book friends 20180426174344522, book friend 20191218200001484, Sunny and Confident Me, EricWSC, Lonely Little Figure and other book friends for their rewards and support. EricWSC, Lonely Little Figure, they are all old faces on the fan list. )

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