Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 626: Plan

Hearing Zheng Chao talk about the great strength of the Hai Clan, Meng Zhang’s face turned gloomy.

According to Zheng Chao, the destruction of the monsters is inevitable. Then, it will be Taiyimen’s turn to face the Sea Clan.

No one can say whether the Sea Tribe will stop there after defeating the monster beasts and occupying the west side of the Demon Wind Desert.

Since the Hai Clan are not kind people, the Taiyi Sect must prepare for the worst.

If the Hai Clan continues to expand, the current territory of Taiyi Sect will be the next target of the Hai Clan.

Seeing that the leader Meng Zhang looked unhappy, Zheng Chao said some words to comfort him.

He has entered the sea in the past few years. Although he has achieved few results, he has not gained nothing.

Although the Sea Clan is powerful, they seem to have their own troubles. Zheng Chao didn’t know what the specific trouble the Hai Clan was facing. He only knew that it involved a large part of the Hai Clan’s strength, preventing the Hai Clan from fully investing in the invasion of land.

Otherwise, Yao Feng Gobi and these monster beasts would have been crushed into powder by the Sea Tribe long ago.

In addition to the strength that the Sea Clan has already used so far, it may be difficult to mobilize further reinforcements from the sea.

Of course, the current strength of the Hai Clan alone makes the Taiyi Sect somewhat unstoppable.

A long time ago, when Meng Zhang heard about the situation in the western part of Yaofeng Gobi from General Ruoshui, he had a rough idea.

Can Taiyi Sect provide assistance to the monsters to the west, enhance their strength, and help them resist the invasion of the Sea Clan?

The powerful Sea Clan is prone to expansion and will become the Taiyi Sect’s formidable enemy sooner or later. Enemies of enemies, even if they cannot become friends, should at least have something to work with. Facing the strong, the weak should have a certain tacit understanding.

As for the incompatibility between humans and monsters, and the blood feud between humans and monsters, Meng Zhang didn’t care. In the face of such a big right and wrong as the interests of the sect, the rest is just a cloud.

The weak water **** general also tried to contact those monsters, but was expelled and even besieged by the monsters.

The weak water **** general later reported to Meng Zhang that this group of monsters were the most rigid and violent guys. They were extremely hostile to humans and refused all normal interactions with the outside world.

Level 3 monsters have intelligence that is not inferior to that of humans. Logically speaking, they should be able to communicate, and they should also know the pros and cons.

But the weak water **** general came to the door with good intentions, but did not get the response he deserved.

Based on the behavior of these monsters, how can Taiyi Sect help them and provide them with assistance?

I am afraid that the team sent by Taiyi Sect to transport supplies will be attacked by the monsters as soon as they approach the territory of the monsters.

Since aiding the monsters was not feasible, Meng Zhang had no choice but to think of another way.

But the senior officials of Taiyi Sect could not think of any other way besides complaining about people who are not from my race and whose hearts must be different.

Among them, Meng Zhang has not never thought of taking the initiative. He thought carefully about whether he should send an army of monks to fight directly with the Hai Clan.

But after weighing it up, many factors made him give up this plan.

The Taiyi Sect is recovering from the losses of the last war. Taiyi Sect’s current main goal is to penetrate into the Jiuqu League and build a business network on the Jiuqu League’s side. If Taiyi Sect dispatches an army of monks, the army of monks will most likely be attacked indiscriminately by monsters…

As a result, Meng Zhang’s actions against the Hai Clan could only be put on hold for the time being, and monitoring could only be strengthened.

Now that Zheng Chao has brought back the news, Meng Zhang knows that this problem cannot be delayed any longer and a solution must be found as soon as possible.

The Taiyi Sect is now protected by True Lord Jin Li and is also a member of the Jiuqu Alliance. No matter how strong the Sea Clan is, they can never think of destroying the Taiyi Sect.

But with the addition of a powerful neighbor soon, Taiyimen will have countless troubles in the future. Even if a large-scale battle does not break out between the two sides, small-scale conflicts should be inevitable.

The Taiyi Sect’s development of Yaofeng Gobi is in full swing. At this time, the most taboo thing is interference from outside.

Meng Zhang also considered whether to ask for help from the top management of the Jiuqu League and use the power of the Jiuqu League to eliminate the threat of the Sea Clan in one fell swoop.

But after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

It is easy to invite gods but difficult to send away. It is not difficult to invite the masters of Jiuqu League, but Taiyi Sect has to pay a high price.

There is no free lunch in the world, and the top leaders of the Jiuqu Alliance are not completely trustworthy to the cultivation forces in the alliance.

A large number of members of the alliance, including the current Taiyi Sect, hope to obtain various benefits from the alliance, but do not want the senior leaders of the alliance to interfere in their internal affairs.

Although the current Taiyi Sect is nominally a member of the Jiuqu League, it is far away from the core of the Jiuqu League and is located in the remote Yaofeng Gobi, and it also has the face of Zhenjun Jinli. Within the Jiuqu League, Taiyi Sect has a strong independence and rarely receives attention and instructions from the top leaders of the league.

If he was not forced to do so, Meng Zhang would not want the senior officials of the Jiuqu League to focus on the Taiyi Sect, nor would he allow the power of the Jiuqu League to penetrate into Yaofeng Gobi, nor would he allow the senior officials of the Jiuqu League to infiltrate into Yaofeng Gobi. , there is reason to interfere in the internal affairs of Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang decided to rely on the power of Taiyi Sect as much as possible to deal with the threats posed by the Hai Clan. He would not ask for help from the Jiuqu Alliance until the last moment.

As for True Lord Jin Li, she will not easily get involved in this kind of fight, which is at the highest level of Jin Dan.

The Sea Clan can occupy the vast ocean, how could there be no existence at the level of the True Lord of Yuanshen behind them. Moreover, Zheng Chao also made it clear that for some unknown reason, it was difficult for the fourth-level sea clan to directly intervene in battles on land. Find Shuyuan www.zhhaoshuス

If True Lord Jin Li strikes first and bullies the small with the big, it might lead to the fourth-order sea tribe, which will instead expand the scale of the battle.

Faced with the current situation, Zheng Chao proposed a plan that he had thought about for a long time.

The Taiyi Sect should take advantage of the defeat of the monster beasts and take the initiative to send out an army of monks to occupy the monster beast’s territory before the Sea Clan, and establish a defense line there to keep the Sea Clan out.

In this way, Taiyi Sect can not only take the initiative, but also allow the battle to take place in the territory of the monsters as much as possible to prevent their own territory from being destroyed.

Meng Zhang has some doubts about Zheng Chao’s offensive plan. That is, if the Hai Clan is so powerful, is it appropriate for the Taiyi Sect to take the initiative?

Zheng Chao explained. According to his assumption, it was precisely because of the strength of the Hai Clan that the Taiyi Sect had to take the initiative and take the lead.

On the territory of the monster beasts, there are third-level spiritual veins.

If Taiyi Gate takes the first step, it can set up a defensive formation. With the help of the power of the large formation, Taiyi Sect was able to withstand the Hai Clan who had an advantage in strength, and also had a chance to defeat the strong with the weak.

Meng Zhang had actually been tempted by this plan for a long time. He asked a few more questions just to see if Zheng Chao had thought it through.

As the leader of a sect, Meng Zhang has become very mature through years of experience.

He did not easily express his position on such a major issue related to the future of the sect. Instead, he summoned the top management of the sect to discuss it together.

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