Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 625: Return

Niu Dawei’s elixir formation celebration ended in splendor. Guests from all walks of life left one after another, and there were disciples of the Taiyi Sect who were in charge outside. Although they were still unfinished, they also left the mountain gate one after another.

Yang Xueyi was about to leave, but Meng Zhang stayed behind.

In the “Secret Book of Secrets”, there is a lot of content about the production of some special talismans. And Yang Xueyi inherited the inheritance from the predecessors of the Zijin Sect. She has advanced cultivation and unique vision, and is a rare third-level talisman maker.

If she joins, the research and adaptation of “The Secret Book of Dark Thorns” will be greatly accelerated.

No major events have happened in the Jiuqu League these years. The disciples left by Yang Xueyi are enough to handle some daily affairs. She stayed at the door and was not in a hurry to go back.

Two years later, the Jindan monks of Taiyi Sect worked together and successively came up with something that could be used to train the Dark Hall monks in the sect.

According to Meng Zhang’s idea, Taiyi Sect will establish a brand new system for cultivating dark hall monks.

Especially assassins and spies with special missions should select good seeds from children and cultivate them from an early age. Only after undergoing cruel training can they play a special role.

This is a long-term project that costs a lot of money and takes a long time. It needs to be considered slowly and long-term. It is not possible to see results within a short period of time.

While Meng Zhang was busy strengthening the power of the secret hall, an elder who had left the sect for many years returned.

Zheng Chao, the original leader of the war hall, left the sect and went to the west of Yaofeng Gobi not long after forming the elixir.

Although he has long passed on the position of the leader of the war hall to his disciples, as the elder of Jindan and the old leader of the war hall, it is his major responsibility to guide the development of the war hall.

Fortunately, Taiyi Sect has not had any foreign wars in these years, and the new war hall leader is also relatively capable and can handle various daily affairs of the war hall. Even if Zheng Chao was away from the door for a long time, there would be no bad consequences.

Zheng Chao has been away from the sect for many years. In the first few years, he occasionally sent back one or two messenger talismans to report that he was safe. Later, there was almost no news.

If the soul lamp enshrined in the door had not been kept intact, the higher-ups in the door would have suspected whether he had an accident outside.

Zheng Chao, who had not returned for many years, brought very bad news to him as soon as he returned to the sect.

To the west of Yaofeng Gobi, a huge change is taking place that will completely change the situation in Yaofeng Gobi.

It turns out that Zheng Chao, who has always been warlike, went directly to the west of Yaofeng Gobi after leaving Taiyimen.

Back then, the weak water **** general traveled to the depths of Yaofeng Gobi and brought back all kinds of information there. Among them, there is the content that the sea tribe invaded on a large scale, and the monster beasts that occupied the Demonic Wind Gobi were retreating steadily and were about to be unable to support it.

Meng Zhang was worried that the incident on the west side of Yaofeng Gobi would affect the Taiyi Sect, so he ordered his disciples to strengthen monitoring of the west side.

However, because the west is the base camp of monsters, monsters are rampant, including many third-level monsters. Ordinary disciples can only monitor from a distance and cannot penetrate deeply.

After Zheng Chao formed the elixir, he took the initiative to go to the west of Yaofeng Gobi. Meng Zhang was quite happy to see the result.

He is outstanding both in terms of cultivation and combat experience. As long as he is not surrounded by an army of monsters, there should be no problem with his safety.

Zheng Chao lived up to Meng Zhang’s expectations. Not only did he successfully explore the west side of Yaofeng Gobi, but he also brought back very important information at a critical moment.

In front of Meng Zhang, Zheng Chao roughly recounted his experiences over the years.

It turns out that after Zheng Chao left Taiyimen, he went directly to the depths of Yaofeng Gobi. All the way to the west, we arrived at the western seaside.

At this time, due to the unfavorable battle situation on the front line, the monster beasts in Yaofeng Gobi were constantly defeated. Not only did they lose a large area of ​​territory along the coast, they were also pursued all the way by the Hai Clan, which drove the Hai Clan deep into the Demon Wind Gobi.

The western coast of Yaofeng Gobi has long been dominated by the Hai Clan.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Hai Clan was greatly reduced after landing ashore, the Hai Clan was still able to defeat the monsters with its strong combat effectiveness.

After Zheng Chao arrived there, he soon had a conflict with the Hai tribe stationed there.

Zheng Chao has never been the kind of timid person. Instead, he is aggressive and often takes the initiative.

What started as a small conflict soon turned into a series of continuous battles.

Zheng Chao fought all the way under the siege of the Hai Clan, becoming more and more courageous as he fought. It made a large circle along the western coast and caused huge damage to the Hai Clan.

Later, Zheng Chao even took the initiative to fight into the sea, fight on the run, and destroy everywhere.

The senior officials of the Hai clan were furious and mobilized a strong force to surround and kill Zheng Chao.

Zheng Chao brought the essence of guerrilla warfare to the extreme, retreating when strong and killing when weak.

Not only did he not die in the pursuit of the sea tribe, but he killed a large number of pursuers, and also had a strange encounter in the sea.

After hearing what Zheng Chao said, Meng Zhang was a little envious of Zheng Chao.

Who is the time-traveler? Everything he encounters should be the treatment that only time-travelers have.

What Zheng Chao did along the way caused great damage to the Sea Clan and attracted a lot of troops from the Sea Clan, which helped alleviate a certain burden on the monster side.

It is a pity that Zheng Chao is alone and his abilities are limited, so he cannot have much impact on the battle situation.

As the Sea Clan has gained an overwhelming advantage over the monsters, more power can be mobilized and used to hunt down Zheng Chao.

Zheng Chao has experienced many battles and has an extremely sensitive sense of smell. When he saw something was wrong, he immediately turned around and fled far away from the sea towards the Yaofeng Gobi.

After escaping back to the land, he did not stay at the seaside for long, but fled directly to the east.

What he saw and heard along the way was that the Sea Clan was making great progress and the monsters were defeated.

According to his judgment, the complete destruction of the monster side is just around the corner.

The Sea Clan has destroyed its old rivals for many years and occupies a large territory in the western part of Yaofeng Gobi, which will directly border the Taiyi Sect.

The Sea Tribe is ferocious and extremely aggressive, making it even harder to deal with than monsters.

If Taiyi Sect cannot make targeted arrangements in time, it will inevitably fall into a passive situation when facing this new neighbor.

After listening to Zheng Chao’s story, Meng Zhang asked him many questions. Among them, the main thing is to ask about the specific strength of the Sea Clan.

The Sea Tribe comes from the sea. Although Zheng Chao has entered the sea before, he did not go too deep.

He did not know the strength of the Sea Clan in the depths of the sea. He only roughly knew the forces deployed by the Sea Clan near the sea and on land.

On the way back, he also explored carefully.

The strength of the Hai Clan that he knew was even better than the current Taiyi Sect.

Especially for the huge Hai Clan army, even if all the elites of the Taiyi Sect were to form an army of monks, it would be difficult to compete with them head-on.

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