Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 603: Multiple conveyor tray

The Jing Lei God General’s joy of restoring his cultivation to the Golden Core stage did not last long before he was made sad by a series of weapon refining tasks arranged by the leader Meng Zhang.

Although the Thunder God General has always been arrogant and occasionally puts on the airs of an old-timer, he is still able to unconditionally obey the orders given by his master.

As the Taiyi Sect grew stronger, the number of Jindan monks in the sect began to increase. Meng Zhang did not deliberately keep the origins of several Dharma Protector Generals secret.

Many high-level officials in the sect know something about it. They are also full of respect for these seniors in the sect who have experienced the history of Taiyi Sect.

The weak water **** general is too aloof and arrogant, and there are few people in the sect that she can like.

The Supreme Sword God General walks alone and his whereabouts are so secretive that even the leader, Meng Zhang, sometimes cannot find him.

In contrast, although Thunder God General is not as kind and kind as Houtu God General, he is not particularly difficult to get along with, and he has gradually gathered some fellow disciples who have the same temperament with him.

When he was in a good mood in the past, Thunder God General also refined or repaired magic weapons for his fellow disciples.

Now that more weapon refining tasks fall on his head, it is not too difficult for him.

After taking care of the Thunder God General, Meng Zhang asked people to recruit the Extreme Sword God General.

Meng Zhang was lucky this time, as the Supreme Sword God General had just returned from outside.

Since peace was restored around Taiyi Gate, Ji Sword God General has not stayed in the gate for a few days, and has spent most of his time wandering around outside.

When Meng Zhang asked, he said he was traveling abroad.

Although several guardian generals have the title of elder on their heads, not everyone has been assigned specific duties. For example, weak water **** generals and extreme sword **** generals are not willing to serve in the sect.

Anyway, Taiyi Sect now has sufficient manpower, and there is no shortage of the two of them. Meng Zhang followed their wishes and allowed them to wander outside.

Furthermore, because of the good merit system in the sect. If they want to have demand for the sect, they must also contribute to the sect.

In fact, the four guardian generals have all made great contributions to Taiyi Sect, and there is no shortage of good deeds.

Not to mention anything else, if the Ji Sword God General gives guidance to the monks in the sect from time to time, including the practice of the Golden Pill monks, he can exchange for a lot of good deeds.

After hearing the call from the leader Meng Zhang, the Supreme Sword God General quickly appeared in front of Meng Zhang.

Before Meng Zhang could speak, Ji Sword God General’s face was filled with unconcealable joy, and he took out three tattered plates as if to offer treasures.

There are three plates, one big and three small. The big one is as big as a basin, and the small one is only as big as a bucket.

From the shape point of view, the three plates should come from the same source.

The three plates were rusty and incomplete, with several large and small gaps on them.

Seeing Meng Zhang’s somewhat confused look, before he could ask, the Supreme Sword God General began to introduce him eloquently.

Don’t look at the appearance of these three plates, which look like junk, but their origins are very extraordinary. These three plates are a set, which are the legendary mother-and-son transmission plates in the world of cultivation.

Speaking of the mother-child teleportation disk, we must first talk about the long-distance teleportation array.

Although Meng Zhang had never seen such a thing as a long-distance teleportation array, he had heard its name for a long time.

Short-distance teleportation is not surprising in the world of cultivation, and there are many ways to achieve it. But long-distance transmission is a big problem.

In Middle-earth, where cultivation civilization is extremely developed, many powerful sects have long-distance teleportation arrays.

As the name suggests, the long-distance teleportation array is an array that can carry out spatial teleportation across long distances.

Even if the two places are thousands of miles apart, as long as they are connected by a teleportation circle, they can be there in an instant.

For example, Taiyi Sect currently has a vast territory, from the endless sand sea to the demon wind Gobi, with a radius of thousands of miles.

In order to control the vast territory, Taiyi Sect established many strongholds as a skeleton on the territory, and then used flying boats to connect these strongholds.

If the territory continues to expand, Taiyi Sect will need to pay more costs in order to maintain its rule.

For example, the Jiuqu Alliance is too vast and lacks control over the edge areas of its territory.

The extent of territory that a sect can effectively control mainly depends on communication and transportation.

The communication talismans and communication flying swords commonly used for communication in the cultivation world have distance and speed restrictions.

Commonly used means of transportation, such as flying boats and flying mounts, are even more restricted.

With the long-distance teleportation array, all these problems can be easily solved.

For a sect, the long-distance teleportation array has extremely important strategic significance, and can expand the controllable territory many times.

However, those sects in Middle-earth that can refine long-distance teleportation arrays have strict control over long-distance teleportation arrays and rarely allow them to leak out.

But if you want to refine it independently, there are many difficulties that are insurmountable.

First of all, the relevant knowledge required to refine the long-distance teleportation circle is strictly kept secret by those major cultivation sects and will never be passed on to the outside world.

Secondly, refining the long-distance teleportation circle requires many precious materials. Among them, the most important and irreplaceable material is the boundary-breaking dust.

Boundary-breaking dust can only be collected from a world when it comes to an end and is about to be destroyed.

The destruction of the world is a once-in-a-lifetime event. With the means and longevity of the monks in the Junchen Realm, it is probably very difficult to encounter such a thing.

The only option is to retreat and look for the small world that is about to be destroyed. A small world like the one left by the Zijin Sect is likely to produce boundary-breaking dust when it is about to be destroyed.

How precious is the small world? Which sect that owns a small world would not regard it as a treasure. It’s too late to protect, and it will be destroyed wherever possible.

Furthermore, it is difficult for ordinary Yuanshen True Monarchs to collect the boundary-breaking dust from the small world that is about to be destroyed. Find

The materials are too rare, so it is impossible to refine the long-distance teleportation circle on a large scale.

Finally, every time you use a long-distance teleportation array to teleport, in addition to consuming a large amount of high-grade spiritual stones, you will also consume varying amounts of void stones depending on the distance.

Kongming Stone is a core material necessary for refining space magic weapons.

Ordinary storage bags commonly used by cultivators are made from the fragments of Kongming Stone.

The Kongming Stone is also very precious. At least there is no large-scale production of Kongming Stone near the Jiuqu League.

It is precisely because of the lack of Kongming Stone that the space magic tools produced by Jiuqu League are expensive and of mediocre quality.

The Baicao Pavilion passed down by the Chongxuan Sect that Meng Zhang originally obtained, in the Jiuqu League, even several Yuan Shen forces may not be able to produce similar items.

It is precisely because of various difficulties that long-distance teleportation formations are rarely seen in the Jiuqu League, Yuantu Prairie, Hengjue Mountains and even the Dali Dynasty.

Occasionally, a few finished products of long-distance teleportation circles are spread from the Middle-earth continent, and they are regarded as treasures by major forces and are kept secret.

The mother-to-child teleportation disk that Ji Sword God will take out is a special formation disk with a long-distance teleportation array burned into it. div

Zhangmen Xianlu https://

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