Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 6: Place of Trial

As soon as Meng Zhang’s soul entered this portal, he immediately felt the world spinning and he couldn’t distinguish between up, down, left and right. The surrounding space was changing rapidly and began to rotate continuously.

Meng Zhang felt as if he was being thrown into the drying barrel of a washing machine, and his soul was spinning constantly.

I don’t know how long it took, but Meng Zhang’s soul was about to lose consciousness. This violent spatial transformation finally stopped.

Meng Zhang felt as if his soul was about to be shaken away, and even the light on the surface of his soul became much dimmer.

Fortunately, Meng Zhang entered here with his soul. If he were here physically, he would probably vomit bile after being tortured like this.

After the surrounding space became stable, Meng Zhang discovered that he had entered a world different from the human world.

The sky in this world is gray, and the thick lead clouds give people a great sense of oppression.

There seems to be no sun in this world, and naturally there is no sunshine. The whole world was covered with a layer of dim yellow light, which seemed strange and permeable.

When Meng Zhang’s soul entered this place, he felt a strange sense of intimacy, as if he was like a fish in water, feeling indescribably comfortable and carefree.

In the outside world, every time he left his body, he felt a strong sense of oppression, as if the whole world was rejecting him. Therefore, every time his soul left his body, he was cautious and trembling, not daring to stay outside for too long.

The feeling from the soul made Meng Zhang realize that he had arrived in the underworld.

The Yang world excludes souls, but the underworld is the final destination of all souls.

Meng Zhang looked around and saw that he was high in the sky, with nothing around him. Looking down, a huge ring of mountains forms a very regular and round circle.

In the middle of the ring mountain range is a huge basin. The terrain of the basin is mainly plains, mixed with some mountains, hills, lakes, rivers…

In the basin, there seemed to be several cities. There were many armies standing in the cities, with military flags fluttering.

Outside the ringed mountain range, it was shrouded in a thick layer of black fog, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

When the soul was in the Yang world, it had the ability to see at night. After arriving in the underworld, the five senses of the soul have been greatly improved. But Meng Zhang still knew nothing about the place shrouded in black mist below.

At this moment, a sudden and huge force came from nowhere and pressed **** Meng Zhang’s soul.

Meng Zhang’s soul had no resistance at all, and was just pressed towards the ground.

Meng Zhang’s soul quickly landed towards the ground, quickly penetrated the layer of black fog and entered it.

The soul is very light to begin with, and when it hits the ground, there is another layer of inexplicable buffering.

Meng Zhang’s soul did not fall to the ground very quickly, and the impact was not violent, and it did not cause any damage.

Meng Zhang’s soul got up from the ground, shook, and then looked around.

Under the black mist, there is a dark space.

Meng Zhang couldn’t see very far away, he only knew that there was a flat open space nearby. Looking a little further away, there is darkness, as thick as black ink.

Meng Zhang used the unique sense of the soul to carefully observe his surroundings.

The ground is all black sand, without any life. The surroundings were completely silent, not even a sound of wind could be heard.

Although the endless sea of ​​sand where Taiyi Sect is located is a notoriously desolate place in the Junchen world, it is not without any life.

Not to mention the oases that are sparsely distributed in the desert, even under the endless yellow sand, you can occasionally find some tenacious creatures struggling to survive.

When we arrived at this place, except for the strong aura of death, we could not feel the slightest breath of life.

According to the records in the leader’s notebook, the place of trial is located in the underworld. This should be the legendary trial place. I just don’t know what the trials I will face will be like.

Meng Zhang waited in place for a long time, and nothing changed around him.

Since this is a place of trial, the purpose of entering here is also to accept the trial. It’s not a problem to just wait there all the time.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhang randomly found a direction and began to move forward slowly.

Anyway, in this place, he couldn’t tell the difference between north, south, east, and west, let alone which direction to go.

As Meng Zhang moved forward, more and more scenery came into his sight.

As far as the eye can see, the surrounding scenery remains unchanged. There is nothing new on the ground except fine black sand.

The soul is not walking down-to-earth on the ground, but floating in the air very close to the ground, slowly drifting forward. Since there was no wind around him, Meng Zhang had nowhere to rely on, and the spirit’s floating speed could not be increased.

I don’t know how long it took, let alone how far forward, but the place where Meng Zhang originally landed has fallen into darkness and cannot be seen at all.

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly came from the darkness on the left.

Meng Zhang, who had been on alert since entering this place, looked over with vigilance.

After a while, a floating ghost appeared from the darkness.

This ghost maintains a human form, exuding a faint cold light all over its body, just like a human-shaped cold light lamp.

The ghost who was immersed in walking suddenly discovered Meng Zhang. He first let out a burst of piercing screams, and then rushed towards Meng Zhang without hesitation.

If Meng Zhang appeared here in a physical form, the mere ghost would not be worth mentioning at all and could be dismissed with just a few spells.

But Meng Zhang, who was in the spirit state, naturally lost the ability to cast spells because all his magic power remained in his body.

The ghost pounced very quickly. It only took a few breaths from the moment it discovered Meng Zhang to when it pounced on him.

Although he has no magic power, Meng Zhang will not sit still and wait for death.

Generally speaking, monks in the Qi refining stage in the world of cultivation often practice some martial arts.

On the one hand, it can strengthen the body and increase Qi and blood. On the other hand, monks in the Qi Refining Stage have limited mana, and they will be exhausted if they cannot cast a few spells in battle.

Without mana, do we have to wait to die in battle?

Of course not, without mana, martial arts can still defeat the enemy.

Meng Zhang also worked hard and practiced martial arts.

Although in the spirit state, 100% of martial arts cannot be used at 30%. But it should be more than enough to deal with the ghost in front of you.

Meng Zhang turned sideways and easily avoided the ghost’s attack. Then he floated behind the ghost, waved his fists and unleashed a burst of explosive hammers.

Meng Zhang, who has left his body, is essentially very close to ghosts and other ghosts. This sudden encounter was a real fight between ghosts and ghosts.

Following Meng Zhang’s blasting hammer, faint light spots fell off the ghost one by one.

In just a moment, the ghost, who had been punched so many times, had almost shrunk in half.

When Meng Zhang blasted the ghost, the sound of wind became fierce in the darkness on the left.

Two more ghosts rushed out of the darkness, and judging from the movement, there should be many more ghosts behind them.

The ghost has no vital points. Even if Meng Zhang has superb martial arts skills, it is difficult to kill him with one strike.

Seeing two more ghosts appear, Meng Zhang, who didn’t want to be surrounded, grabbed both sides of the ghost’s body in front of him with both hands, looked for, and then used all his strength to tear it apart.

The ghost’s body was torn in half alive, and then Meng Zhang’s hands shook, and the ghost’s body finally disappeared completely.

When the ghost body completely disappeared, Meng Zhang felt a burst of cool gas flow into his body. He, who was a little weak at first, felt refreshed and the energy he had expended was quickly restored.

In addition, Meng Zhang also felt that there was an additional message in his soul.

However, he is currently busy fighting and has no time to process this information.

Faced with the ghosts coming from both sides, Meng Zhang shouted loudly and took the initiative to meet them.

After a fierce fight, Meng Zhang was almost dead from exhaustion before he shot the two ghosts to death.

After killing two ghosts, two more cool breaths flowed into his body, allowing him to immediately resurrect with full blood. Similarly, there are two more messages in the soul.

Another ghost rushed out of the darkness.

These silly ghosts did not know how to take advantage of their numbers, but used the most stupid fueling tactics to give Meng Ming a chance to recover after every battle.

After several fierce battles, Meng Zhang eliminated eight ghosts in a row.

With high fighting spirit, he is preparing to pounce on the ghost in the darkness. An inexplicable force expelled him from this space.

The world was spinning again, and Meng Zhang, who had gone through a lot of troubles just like when he came, finally returned to the sect hall in Yangshi.

The soul has never been out of the body for so long. As soon as it regained consciousness, it pounced on its own body without hesitation.

The soul returned to his body, and Meng Zhang’s physical body also woke up.

All the visions on the altar have disappeared. Even the simple stone altar, when blown by the wind, turned into stone powder all over the sky and quickly dissipated.

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