Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 596: 9qucheng

Jiuqumeng is the largest river in the north of Junchen Realm, with a total length of more than 100,000 miles, and countless tributaries, flowing through many mortal countries.

The Jiuqu League, an alliance composed of many cultivation forces, firmly occupies the most elite area of ​​the Jiuqu River, and has built cities on both sides of the Jiuqu League.

More than a thousand years ago, Qingyuan Sect, Yujian Sect and other Yuanshen sects took the lead in establishing the Jiuqu Alliance. Many cultivation forces jointly built a large city on the high north bank of the Jiuqu River in the middle section of the Jiuqu River as the headquarters of the Jiuqu Alliance. This is the origin of Jiuqu City.

Although the ancestors who established Jiuqu City did not have any talent for naming, they had the magical power to move mountains and seas.

There is no fourth-order spiritual veins in Junchen Realm, and third-order spiritual veins are the highest level of spiritual veins. But there is also a distinction between third-level spiritual veins.

When Jiuqu City was established, there was originally a third-order spiritual vein here. Later, a skilled earth master was invited to work with True Lord Yuanshen to draw many spiritual veins from nearby to this place and merge them with the original third-level spiritual veins.

The third-level spiritual veins that Jiuqu City sits on are second to none in the entire north of Junchen Realm, and can accommodate multiple Jindan Daoist people to practice at the same time.

In fact, the number of resident cultivators in Jiuqu City exceeds 100,000.

With so many people living and cultivating here, this spiritual line can afford it.

The conditions of Jiuqu City, which was jointly established by multiple cultivation forces, even surpassed those of Qingyuan Sect and Jade Sword Sect in all aspects.

This is not only the headquarters of the Jiuqu League, but also a place that demonstrates the power of the Jiuqu League.

There are many buildings of various types in the city, with shops like clouds and monks coming and going like rain. It is really a very prosperous place.

Although he had heard of the famous name of Jiuqu City, Meng Zhang still felt a strong shock when he saw this majestic city in the sky.

Although Meng Zhang has come to Jiuqu League many times and visited many places in Jiuqu League, this is the first time he has come to Jiuqu City, the headquarters of Jiuqu League.

A few months ago, Meng Zhang and the others left the Death Sand Sea with True Lord Jin Li, and their first stop was to Gale City.

They stayed in Gale City for a while and had in-depth exchanges with the Lu family and the Gu Yue family.

Jiuqu League looks like a blooming flower, but there are also undercurrents inside. Especially in recent years, changes in the surrounding situation have made many knowledgeable people worried about internal and external troubles.

Although the Lu family and the Gu Yue family have their own backers, they still pay more and more attention to the Taiyi Sect as an ally, and they even deliberately make friends with Zhenjun Jinli.

When Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Huaidie communicated in private, Gu Yue Huaidie was very candid and told him many of the problems that the Jiuqu Alliance has faced in recent years.

The two most powerful sects in the Jiuqu League and the main controllers of the Jiuqu League, the Qingyuan Sect and the Jade Sword Sect, have become increasingly discordant over the years, with more and more conflicts and disputes.

In the past, the Huanglian Sect often played the role of a middleman between the two sects, coordinating the relationship between the Qingyuan Sect and the Jade Sword Sect to prevent major conflicts between the two, which would endanger the entire Jiuqu Alliance.

However, after the leader of the Yellow Lotus Sect disappeared hundreds of years ago, the Yellow Lotus Sect underwent internal changes, its strength plummeted, and its right to speak dropped sharply, making it difficult to continue to play its original role.

In addition to the Huanglian Sect, there is also the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce within the Jiuqu League, which is also very powerful and can make Qingyuan Sect and Jade Sword Sect take a high look.

But the top executives of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce are all businessmen, and they are inevitably prone to the habit of adapting to the changing circumstances. These guys lack responsibility and are not willing to offend the strong.

When they have nothing to do on weekdays, they can also act as lubricants within the alliance. Once a major conflict breaks out between the Qingyuan Sect and the Jade Sword Sect, they have no hope at all. They will only pretend to be deaf and dumb, only trying to protect themselves, and neither side will be offended.

In addition, the other forces in the Jiuqu Alliance are too far apart in terms of strength. As long as the matter does not involve themselves, they are not willing to get involved in the struggle among the top leaders of the alliance.

Due to the conflict between the two giants in the alliance, Qingyuan Sect and Jade Sword Sect, many forces in the alliance began to take sides.

Coupled with the fact that some people within the alliance have ulterior motives to sow discord, chaos has gradually emerged within the Jiuqu Alliance.

Although due to the restraint of the senior officials of Qingyuan Sect and Jade Sword Sect, peace can be maintained within the alliance. But no one knows how long this restraint can last.

Of course, although the Jiuqu Alliance has some internal problems, as a huge force that has lasted for more than a thousand years, it naturally has a mechanism that can temporarily suppress these problems.

What really troubles the top management of Jiuqu League are external problems.

On the northern edge of Middle-earth, the Great Li Dynasty is rising rapidly.

In the world of cultivation, there are basically only a few forms of cultivation forces, mainly families, sects or alliances.

There are not many that exist in the form of kingdoms, but not many.

The Dali Dynasty is definitely an anomaly.

It started as a mortal dynasty and slowly developed. After overthrowing the sect that controlled the mortal dynasty, he directly went to war against the surrounding cultivation forces.

According to the judgment of some True Lords of Yuanshen, the emperors of the Dali Dynasty may have practiced the Emperor’s Avenue, the Ruler’s Avenue, or the King’s Way among the three thousand avenues.

This emperor is invincible, defeating many true kings of the soul, and even killing countless powerful men.

His generals are all powerful monks, and their commanders are also various Taoist soldiers.

The army of the Dali Dynasty cut down mountains and destroyed temples, and captured many sects.

It is said that the emperor of the Dali Dynasty wants to establish the Immortal Dynasty, make all the cultivation forces surrender, and unify the entire cultivation world.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the Holy Land sects in Middle-earth, these rumors are just a joke. But the cultivation sects around the Dali Dynasty felt tremendous pressure.

The rulers of the Dali Dynasty were still somewhat self-aware and did not rashly expand towards the center of Middle-earth. Instead, they expanded toward the north away from Middle-earth and occupied these corner areas first.

In just over a thousand years since the establishment of the Dali Dynasty, it has already become a terrifying behemoth.

As pointed out by Bingfeng of the Dali Dynasty, all cultivation forces that stood in the way were either surrendered on their own initiative or completely destroyed.

Within the territory of the Dali Dynasty, the world of cultivation has a special set of rules.

The Dali Dynasty is the supreme ruler of the world of cultivation. All cultivation forces must submit to the Dali Dynasty, be loyal to the Dali Dynasty, and obey the orders of the government.

Such a cultivating force is the one recognized by the Dali Dynasty and can survive in the Dali Dynasty.

Any cultivation forces that dare to disobey the Dali Dynasty are all evil heretics, and everyone will punish them.

Between the Dali Dynasty and the Jiuqu League, there was originally the Hengjue Mountain Range.

The Hengjue Mountain Range and the Daheng Mountain Range to the west are the two giant mountain ranges in the north of Junchen Realm.

There are also many cultivation forces surrounding the Hengjue Mountain Range. The three most powerful sects formed a loose alliance called the Three Factions Alliance.

The relationship between the Three Factions Alliance and the Jiuqu Alliance has always been good, and they are very enthusiastic about various affairs in the world of cultivation.

After the barbarians from outside the territory invaded the Yuantu Prairie and defeated the local cultivator forces, the three-sect alliance also sent a team of cultivators to the Yuantu Prairie to assist the Jiuqu Alliance in fighting the barbarian army.

The Dali Dynasty continued to expand towards the north, and the Hengjue Mountains blocked the way of expansion. The alliance of the three factions naturally became the next target of the Dali Dynasty.

The alliance of the three sects is powerful, and each sect has the True Lord Yuanshen sitting in charge. Of course, they will not surrender to the Dali Dynasty.

Since about a hundred years ago, the three factions alliance has been involved in a battle with the Dali Dynasty.

Facing a powerful enemy, the alliance of the three factions needed to concentrate all their strength, so they naturally recalled the team of monks sent to the Yuantu Prairie to fight against the barbarians, leaving the Jiuqu Alliance and the local cultivation forces to fight against the barbarians.

Even if the alliance of the three factions went all out and used all their trump cards, they still could not withstand the attack of the Dali Dynasty.

After losing several key battles, the three faction alliance lost the initiative on the battlefield, retreated steadily, and was completely passive.

The top leaders of the three factions alliance know that without external intervention, the complete defeat of the three factions alliance will be a matter of time.

So, the alliance of the three factions sent envoys to the Jiuqu League.

Firstly, it is hoped that the Jiuqu Alliance can take advantage of the good friendship between the two parties for many years and take action to pull the three factions alliance.

Secondly, it was to state the interests and instil a sense of shame to the senior officials of the Jiuqu League, so that they could take the initiative to suppress the Dali Dynasty.

Facing the envoys from the three alliances, two completely different opinions quickly emerged within the Jiuqu Alliance.

One opinion is that after the Dali Dynasty defeated the three factions alliance, the next target must be the Jiuqu League.

The Jade Sword Sect, composed of sword cultivators, inherited the vigor and offensive spirit of sword cultivators and advocated a preemptive strike, launching an attack on the Dali Dynasty before the Dali Dynasty attacked the Jiuqu Alliance.

Another opinion is that the Dali Dynasty has not shown any hostility towards the Jiuqu League so far.

It would be too childish for the Jiuqu Alliance to take the initiative to provoke a behemoth like the Dali Dynasty just because of some unreliable speculations.

Taking a step back, even if the Dali Dynasty intends to continue to expand towards the north. However, the Dali Dynasty expanded too fast and had many problems. After defeating the three factions alliance, they must recuperate and slowly consolidate internally.

The Jiuqu Alliance still has enough time to slowly think about countermeasures, and it does not necessarily have to start a war with the Dali Dynasty now.

In addition, since the three faction alliances withdrew their monk teams, the Jiuqu Alliance had to face the formidable enemy of the barbarians from outside the region on the Yuantu Prairie.

Even if the Jiuqu Alliance really wants to go to war with the Dali Dynasty, it should give priority to dealing with the extraterritorial barbarians on the Yuantu Prairie and try to avoid a two-front war.

To fight against the outside world, one must first make peace with the inside. For the Jiuqu League, the Yuantu Prairie, which is so close to Chi Chi, is an imminent and intimate concern.

The one who supports the latter opinion is the Qingyuan Sect, the most powerful within the Jiuqu League.

The Qingyuan Sect and the Jade Sword Sect have always been at odds with each other, and they are the two leading figures within the Jiuqu Alliance.

This disagreement is the epitome of their hundreds of years of opposition and is also a battle of ideas.

Zhenjun Jinli was invited by Zhenjun Qinglan to join the Jiuqu League, and his head was naturally marked with the Qingyuan Sect.

As a sect under the protection of True Lord Jin Li, Taiyi Sect will sooner or later be involved in the disputes within the Jiuqu Alliance, whether they like it or not.

Every discerning person within the Jiuqu League has a premonition that great changes are imminent.

That’s why Da Feng City, who is powerful and has a profound background, took the initiative to hook up with True Lord Jin Li.

No matter what changes occur in the Jiuqu Alliance, there is nothing wrong with trying to enhance our own strength.

In fact, although the Qingyuan Sect is opposed to the current war with the Dali Dynasty, it is also trying every means to increase its strength.

The reason why Zhenjun Qinglan so enthusiastically invited Zhenjun Jinli to join the Jiuqu League is also related to this.

In the entire Jiuqu Alliance, there will be no more than twenty True Lords of the Soul. Having one more Yuanshen True Lord is indeed of great significance.

If Gu Yue Huaidie didn’t tell Meng Zhang about these inside information, he might still be in the dark.

Of course, after arriving at Jiuqu City, the headquarters of the Jiuqu League, and staying for a while, Meng Zhang will know the inside story sooner or later.

Gu Yue Huaidie told him in advance that in addition to showing kindness, she also meant to make him more vigilant.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Taiyimen and Dafeng City are now on the same side.

If Meng Zhang gets involved in any disputes or commits taboos because of his ignorance, Dafeng City will inevitably be implicated.

Meng Zhang did not expect that the situation within the Jiuqu League would be so complicated. I don’t know whether joining the Nine Songs Alliance with True Lord Jin Li this time is a disaster or a blessing.

Meng Zhang took the Taiyi Sect with everyone and stayed in Gale City with True Lord Jin Li for a long time.

Jin Qiaoer, who was taken by True Lord Jin Li this time, rarely came to a prosperous place like Gale City, so naturally she had to have a good time.

Speaking of which, many years ago, when Jin Qiaoer was still a young Qi Refining monk, he encountered very unpleasant things in Gale City.

Now, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Not to mention her master Jin Li Zhenjun, just because of her identity as Jin Dan, she dare not say that she is walking sideways in Gale City, at least there is no one who dares to provoke him without opening her eyes.

This time they went to Jiuqu City, the headquarters of the Jiuqu League, to attend the grand ceremony. Both the Lu family and the Gu Yue family attached great importance to it.

Each two families took out a giant cloud boat for travel.

The giant cloud boat looks like a hill from a distance, with a huge size and a wide space inside.

It is not easy to refine such a Yunzhou, and it is rarely sold on the market.

Among the Jiuqu League, there are not many sects capable of refining giant cloud boats. The materials are difficult to find, and the refining process takes a long time. Even if it takes hundreds of years, it may not be possible to successfully refine it.

These two giant cloud boats alone are enough to show the heritage of the two families.

In contrast, although the Taiyi Sect sent out this time was also a third-order flying boat, it was an inferior item among the third-order flying boats.

The flying boat of Taiyi Sect flew behind the two giant cloud boats, just like a small follower.

After leaving Gale City, everyone did not rush to Jiuqu City. Instead, they stopped and went, traveling around the mountains and rivers, which consumed a lot of time.

After knowing the latest situation on the Jiuqu League, neither Jin Li Zhenjun nor Meng Zhang were willing to arrive at Jiuqu City too early for fear of being involved in the internal disputes within the Jiuqu League.

Although True Lord Jin Li was invited by True Lord Qinglan to join the Jiuqu League, she may not necessarily hang herself on the tree of True Lord Qinglan.

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