Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 579: Sly Rabbit 3 Cave

The easternmost part of the Jiuqu League, more than a million miles away from the endless sand sea to the north. At this moment, Meng Zhang was flying over a majestic mountain range with his friend Jueying.

This is the junction of Jiuqu League and Yuantu Prairie, and it is also one of the heavily defended areas of Jiuqu League.

The Yuantu Prairie is vast and boundless, an area many times larger than the endless sand sea.

There were originally many cultivating forces on the Yuantu Prairie, and there were countless cultivators.

If these cultivation forces were not united and the internal fighting was too fierce, I am afraid that the Yuantu Prairie would become a thorn in the side of the Jiuqu Alliance.

It is precisely because these cultivation forces are unable to pose a threat to the Jiuqu League and have no conflict of interest with the Jiuqu League. Therefore, Jiuqu League has always been friendly with them. The two sides have close relations and have frequent business contacts.

About six hundred years ago, powerful barbarian tribes invaded from further east and launched an all-out invasion of the Yuantu Prairie.

The cultivation forces on the Yuantu Prairie, who focused entirely on internal fighting, were almost completely defeated when faced with the powerful barbarian invaders, losing their city and territory.

Many cultivating forces were wiped out, and countless cultivators died in battle. Most of the Yuantu Prairie fell into the hands of the barbarians.

Seeing that the Yuantu Prairie was about to fall completely, the Jiuqu Alliance finally sent troops to join the war.

At this time, the retreating cultivation forces, with the help of the Jiuqu Alliance, stabilized their position and temporarily blocked the barbarian invasion.

These originally scattered cultivator forces learned from their mistakes, abandoned their internal disputes, and united to form a loose alliance to fight against the invading barbarians.

Many cultivators find these sudden appearance of barbarians mysterious. There are many theories about their origins, and I don’t know which one is true.

Jueying was from a well-informed dark alliance and knew a little bit about the origins of these barbarians.

She told Meng Zhang that these barbarians were not natives of Junchen Realm, but invaders from other worlds.

It is said that in many worlds outside the void, barbarians are famous for their aggressive nature, roughness and cruelty.

After the barbarians occupied most of the Yuantu Prairie, in addition to the Jiuqu Alliance, some cultivation sects further south sent elite monks to the battlefield to fight against the barbarians.

As far as the current situation in Yuantu Prairie is concerned, the war situation is still relatively stable. The Jiuqu Alliance has stabilized its position and firmly defended its front.

In many local areas, the Jiuqu Alliance and the barbarians are constantly fighting, and small-scale **** battles often occur.

Meng Zhang watched Taiyi Sect thrive and develop in Yaofeng Gobi with his own eyes. While I felt relieved, I also took precautions because of the hidden worries in my heart.

In the world of cultivation, some families or sects that are a little older and have some strength will set up secret operations to prepare for future generations to make a comeback after being robbed.

As the leader of a large sect, you should have a long-term vision. We should not only see the beautiful scenery at present, but also see the danger behind it.

The Taiyi Sect, which has a strong enemy outside, should indeed arrange a retreat early. The cunning rabbit’s three caves are the way to survive in the world of cultivation.

Looking around, only those in the Jiuqu Alliance can lay down their backs.

Although due to True Monarch Xuanfeng and True Monarch Yue Feng, Taiyi Sect was unable to join the Jiuqu League and become a member of the Jiuqu League.

However, the Jiuqu Alliance has huge power, vast territory, complicated internal situations, and numerous mountains.

It is not too difficult for the Taiyi Sect to secretly hide a few secrets on the Jiuqu League’s territory in case of emergencies.

Before Jin Qiaoer formed the elixir, Meng Zhang received the news that Jueying had successfully broken through to the golden elixir stage.

Due to the trivial matters in the sect, after losing Master Fei Shi of the Feihong Sect, our strength plummeted. Facing the Huoyun Sect and the Hedong branch of the Huanglian Sect, we were obviously at a disadvantage. Therefore, Meng Zhang had no time to escape and had to sit in the door to prevent accidents.

For a long time, the Huoyun Sect and the Huanglian Sect’s Hedong branch were relatively honest.

The small groups of monks from the two sects often fight and fight with the Taiyi Sect monks at the border. But large-scale battles almost never happened.

The Taiyi Gate Secret Hall has been fully monitoring the movements of these two forces and has determined that there is no possibility of them launching a large-scale attack in a short period of time.

And with Jin Qiaoer forming the elixir, Houtu God will restore his cultivation to the golden elixir stage, Taiyi Sect’s defensive strength has greatly increased, and Meng Zhang can also free up his hands.

Meng Zhang secretly left Yaofeng Gobi, entered the realm of Jiuqu League, and saw Jueying, who had achieved the golden elixir.

The current Jueying should be called Jueying Zhenren.

After Jueying became Master Jindan, Master Luoye left the realm of Jiuqu Alliance and went out to perform tasks.

After Meng Zhang saw Jueying Zhenren, he took the initiative to ask for her help and generously asked for her help, saying that he wanted to lay some secrets on the Jiuqu League.

Both the master and the disciple are Master Jindan, and Master Jueying still has a very high status within the Dark Alliance. Although she never likes to deal with general affairs, she still has a lot of power.

Even without using the power of the dark alliance and the black market, her status alone can be of great help.

Jueying Zhenren was very generous in helping old friends, and he did not hesitate to invest a lot of personal resources. Many intelligence information within the Dark Alliance were used by her on this matter for personal gain.

In addition to helping Taiyi Sect establish a chamber of commerce in Gale City, she also helped Meng Zhang develop his power within the Jiuqu League.

She has now accompanied Meng Zhang all the way to the edge of the Jiuqu League just for this matter.

In a large-scale tug-of-war with the barbarians not long ago, the monks of the Jade Sword Sect, as an important pillar of the Jiuqu Alliance, achieved a brilliant victory on the battlefield and seized a large piece of territory.

The sword cultivators of Jade Sword Sect are good at fighting in battle formations and have little interest in business management. They can’t even manage the territory near their own sect, so how can they have the time to manage these marginal territories.

As a result, Jade Sword Sect divided this large area into pieces of territory and sold them to outsiders.

The monks who purchased these territories, in addition to paying a large sum of spiritual stones to the Jade Sword Sect at one time, also had to pay a certain amount of offerings every year.

Even with such harsh conditions, there is still an endless stream of monks seeking to purchase these territories.

Not only casual cultivators, but also many small families and sects also joined the rush.

Meng Zhang purchased a valley here through Jueying’s relationship.

There is a second-order spiritual vein located in the valley, and the surrounding territory is very spacious.

The environment here is good, the conditions are superior, and it can definitely host a foundation-building sect or family.

Meng Zhang did not come forward to buy this valley, and it seemed that he had nothing to do with Taiyi Sect.

Now, Meng Zhang and Jueying go to see the purchased valley in person.

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