Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 465: Soul search

Although the Golden Tiger Demon General also looks down on the Lion Demon General, he does not exclude the temporary cooperation with the Lion Demon General.

In the view of the Golden Tiger Demon General, relying solely on his current strength, he is more than capable of defending, but unable to counterattack. If he could join forces with the male lion demon general, he might be able to defeat the human cultivators and drive them out of the demon wind desert completely.

It’s just that the Dark Crow Demon General had that attitude and didn’t say much.

Anyway, the outcome of this war has little to do with him. Humanity wins, so what? Even if the worst happens, he is sure to escape unscathed.

The long-haired demon generals tried their best to convince the crow demon generals to change their minds.

In desperation, the long-haired demon general had no choice but to say goodbye and leave.

The Dark Crow Demon General’s attitude made the Long-haired Demon General know that most of his plan to unite various demon beast forces had failed.

However, with the idea of ​​​​making one last effort, it ran to visit the male lion demon general.

The lion demon general received the old man very warmly.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, the long-haired demon general took the opportunity to propose that the male lion demon general and the dark crow demon general join forces to fight against the invading human monks.

Although the Lion Demon General also hates the Crow Demon General and is almost at odds with it, the Lion Demon General is more pragmatic.

What’s more important is that when the male lion demon general, with the help of the fifth-level powerful man, was carrying out the third-level mid-level monster battle, he promised that powerful man to invade the endless sand sea with all his strength. of.

In these years, the Lion Demon General was unwilling to suffer too much loss because of his own interests, and he was not very concerned about the things he promised.

But it knows in its heart that what it promised will be completed sooner or later.

This is not because the lion demon general promised a huge sum of money, but because it knows the terror of the fifth-level power.

You can find excuses to delay things you promised, but you absolutely cannot not do them.

If there is a chance to severely damage the human monks now, it will definitely be of great benefit to the invasion of the endless sand sea.

After some persuasion from the long-haired demon general, the male lion demon general, who thought about it for a long time, reluctantly relented and agreed to the other party’s proposal.

Of course, joining forces to fight against human monks is a two-pronged matter. Relying on the male lion demon general alone will only be a burden. If the dark crow demon general is unwilling to join, then they will not be able to negotiate well here. use.

When the male lion demon general asked about the attitude of the dark crow demon general, the long-haired demon general hesitated a bit.

It’s useless to lie about this kind of thing. If the Dark Crow Demon General doesn’t change his mind for a day, the Lion Demon General won’t be able to join forces with it.

The Lion Demon General is not a clever person, but he is not a fool either. It at least has a higher intelligence level than ordinary humans.

The long-haired demon general’s attitude made him understand.

When it thought of the grudge between the Dark Crow Demon General and itself, and its contempt for itself, it felt so angry that it could hardly control itself.

The long-haired demon general also knew that the male lion demon general would be unhappy. It kept placating the male lion demon general, saying all kinds of good things, saying that he would be able to persuade the dark crow demon general to change his mind.

In addition, he also said that he could go to the depths of Yaofeng Gobi and persuade some third-level monsters there to help.

On the surface, the male lion demon general said nothing, but in his heart, he even hated the long-haired demon general.

Back when the male lion demon was about to unite with the various monster forces in Yaofeng Gobi, the old guy, the long-haired demon general, was naughty enough and did not want to offend the male lion demon general head-on.

On the surface, I promised well that I would consider joining the coalition. But in fact, they resorted to procrastination and kept making excuses, but failed to fulfill their promises.

At that time, the male lion demon general was very dissatisfied with this old thing. It’s just that due to various factors, I didn’t fall out with it.

Now, the long-haired demon general still wants to deceive himself. The male lion demon will have old and new grudges welling up in his heart, and he wants to slap him to death.

The male lion demon general endured and endured, and then he resisted the urge to take action immediately.

It tried hard to control its mood and continued chatting with the long-haired demon general before sending the old thing away.

The Lion Demon General knew in his heart that because of the Dark Crow Demon General’s attitude, it had become impossible to join forces with him. But the arrival of the long-haired demon general gave him other inspirations.

With his army of demon beasts behind his back, the lion demon general secretly began to take action.

After the long-haired demon general rushed away from the male lion demon general, he went to visit the dark crow demon general again.

On the side of the human monks, because several golden elixir masters could not reach a consensus, the all-out attack could only be postponed.

Both Gu Yue Huaidie and Luo Ye Zhenren did not participate in the discussions between them on the grounds that they were not cultivators of the Endless Sand Sea.

After a long stalemate, the Feihong Sect and the Jindan Master of the Mobei Qi Family both seemed to be really angry.

Meng Zhang suggested that everyone go back to calm down and think more before gathering again.

After Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen’s camp, his eldest disciple Niu Dawei brought a special prisoner.

During this period, although no large-scale battles broke out between human monks and monsters, small-scale conflicts continued.

The monks from the three factions formed a small team and hunted monsters in the surrounding area.

As for the Dark Crow tribe under the Dark Crow Demon General, because they are birds, they have a large range of activities.

In the past, the large number of Dark Crows were divided into teams and patrolled almost the entire Yaofeng Gobi. Wherever he passed, almost no one dared to provoke him, and all kinds of monsters retreated.

Although the battle with the Lion Demon General caused heavy losses to the Dark Crow tribe, after the battle, there were still many Dark Crow teams patrolling the nearby areas away from the Dark Crow Demon General’s lair. There are even some brave second-level dark crows who go deep into the vicinity of human monks to conduct reconnaissance.

As the head disciple, Niu Dawei will regularly patrol the area surrounding the Taiyi Sect army.

While patrolling, Niu Dawei accidentally encountered this second-level dark crow.

After the fight, the defeated Dark Crow wanted to escape.

Dark crows and other demonic birds fly extremely fast, making it difficult for ordinary monks in the foundation-building stage to catch up.

But Niu Dawei, who practiced “Wind and Thunder True Solution”, was proficient in the wind and thunder escape method and was faster. After catching up, he captured the second-level dark crow alive.

The Dark Crow Demon General is the number one enemy faced by the coalition of three forces. Niu Dawei attaches great importance to the captured Dark Crow.

He personally brought it back to the camp, just to ask Master Jindan to search for its soul.

Originally, a foundation-building monk like Niu Dawei could also search for the soul of this second-level dark crow. But just to be on the safe side, he decided to trouble Master Jin Dan.

Meng Zhang happened to come back and encountered this incident.

Niu Dawei’s caution greatly satisfied Meng Zhang. After searching the soul of this second-level dark crow, Meng Zhang indeed obtained very important information.

Dark Crows are originally very intelligent monsters, and the intelligence of the second-level Dark Crows is not much worse than that of ordinary humans.

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